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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. @Caerolle Llewellyn; Belliwhatever, priceless! (need to post that response in the 'How do you remember how to spell Bellisseria thread') 🤣 Back to the OP; I found the forums by accident? Accidentally on purpose? It was via the dashboard while looking for something else, looking for land auctions I think (or just clicking buttons to see where it would lead, I do that sometimes too when I'm bored or curious, or curiously bored). I didn't participate or care for the forums much until I started typing in questions in Google looking for scripts or building help or something and the links kept leading me back to them. Then I started reading a few threads and got a little more acquainted with them. It wasn't until Bellisseria's release that I bothered speaking at all. Up until that point I felt like the forums were really just for long-standing residents or the well-established, so I felt like an outsider that didn't really warrant being here much less sharing an opinion. As you can see, that all changed. 🙄
  2. I'm not really a crotchety old antisocial dingbat... no... no wait... no okay, maybe I am. Okay, I retract that statement. As you were! 😂
  3. The thread that @Arquet posed is the official thread you should be keeping an eye on, but it's only for the major releases meaning when the team release several regions at once as they did with the initial release of homes. The next one should be taking place in the coming months with the release of the campers that were on display at SLB16. If you didn't catch those there are threads dedicated to those in these Linden Homes forums that you should be able to find without much effort. As for the weekly releases, Patch doesn't give warnings before the weekly regions are released; they are more a hit-and-miss affair. Initially they were unofficially scheduled to drop on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Linden/SLT work hours but they're not exactly routine. Some region releases have happened on other days (NOT weekends), at differing times; some as early as 7:30am and some as late as 2:00pm, and sometimes instead of just one region being released, two will be. Apparently Patch used to drop hints in some of the Bellisseria Community groups just before regions were released but that doesn't appear to happen anymore either. Other people have said to keep an eye on the map in-world and when you see a group of Moles or Lindens clustered on a region that means it could be close to release... that's not always the case either as they could simply be on the construction phase or ironing out bugs. We really don't know. So long story short; there's not much you can really do to improve your odds beyond stay informed with the SSP thread perhaps (since I think that's likely the most informative and least vitriolic). I wouldn't really suggest joining too many groups as they tend to be overly chatty with talk that isn't necessarily bad it's just usually so active and distracting that you won't get much information, more speculation than fact, and you'll lose it in the chatter anyway. But its always an option should you need.
  4. Oh I know! I'd love to think I'll actually be awake when one of the releases happen to grab one but... isn't holding her breath. But you know even if you don't keep my old house there's plenty of people who will!
  5. Do you mean which was the region released then? I asked in group and was told Penitent Beach. Sorry if that's not what you were asking.
  6. I have no idea, Leora. I logged out just before 4 a.m. my time AEST (which I think was around 10a.m. SLT or thereabouts?) and the region still hadn't been released by then.
  7. It might be worth considering that you just did? Why, when we just get abused in the process for trying? No good deed goes unpunished, apparently. At least you are trying to maintain optimism in an optimistic way and that's the difference. If only there were more people like you, the forums wouldn't feel half as combative as they do over recent months. Don't YOU go changing either. ❤️ TL;DR: People have a right to vent. People have a right to disagree. There's no excuse for abuse, period.
  8. I don't know what the stats are across the grid and I don't think there's any way to know... not that it really matters I suppose. An alt can become a main easily so trying to keep track would be something of a nightmare. The best we have is speculation, and since we're online you can guarantee that absolutely everyone is being honest 100% of the time. Not. But regarding numbers, my best friend has been around SL a lot longer than me and she's professed to having more accounts than she can remember. Having multiple accounts seems a common occurrence with most of my other friends (that I talk to on a regular basis anyway), and again I have to take their collective word for it since I can't prove otherwise (and don't care enough to want to anyway). I don't doubt some people don't need alts; it depends really on your purpose in SL. For me, Rae is my alt, who I think has become the main again? How do we discern which is main or alt? Are we talking which account was created first (and all else subsequently considered alternate accounts) or do you mean the one that logs in the most screen time? If its the latter then Rae is my main, but she wasn't my original account. Original account: Male. I joined SL from Invisionfree forums to RP. I didn't even know that being a female playing as a male avatar was such a divisive topic (or would eventually become one). He has since been retired and is collecting dust on a shelf in all his wonderful classic, flexi glory. Second account: The account that is currently typing this post. Third account: A female created at the request of my then partner at the time; basically he had an alt and wanted me to have an alt so we could be alts together? It made sense at the time I guess. He's long gone, along with his alt, but this account logs in now and then to get up to things that Rae wouldn't be seen doing. *cough* I have a few others; none of which really concern anyone as they're all gathering dust now they no longer serve a purpose. Four of these have payment info on file. Three are currently paying premium members. Only one of these has a Linden Home too, for the record.
  9. Sweetmarsh has been pretty active too; at least 6 avatars for the last few hours (as yet it's still protected land), so I'm betting on Sweetmarsh and the one next to it starting with P... I forget already, just logged out and its getting too close to 4 am (and -3 degrees in temperature) so I'm off to bed. That's one less person in the race for a home at least.
  10. That could be the culprit then. I didn't even think of that. Time to install a new browser maybe I think! Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. If this is the case something is playing up on my end. I waited a full 2 minutes between initially loading the page and starting Auto Refresh, and had timer set for 60 seconds; it still capped, as well as capped at 65 seconds too. 72 seconds seems to be as low as I can go before the warning kicks in. Maybe someone else has had better luck, or knows of a way to "reset" it, short of clearing cache/cookies?
  12. I caught an abandoned house maybe 15 minutes ago and tossed it back. To give you some indication how fast it went, I had barely TP'd out before someone mentioned grabbing it in group chat. Literally seconds, if that. I didn't even have time to type that I just abandoned before it was grabbed. But that wasn't from the latest batch, it was an abandoned home. Made someone's day at least. :)
  13. Discord for which group? If you mean for the forums I didn't think one existed, and if it does I'm not a member of it so couldn't help you. There are a few Bellisseria Community groups with Discord now, but you'll need to ask in the groups in-world, or check the relevant group notices, I'd think.
  14. Sometimes when a house is released it's gone so fast that none of us see it, or only a few of us. And they are being snatched up so fast that those few seconds make all the difference. Sometimes we don't all see the same houses or houseboats either. I've seen a few that others haven't (or at least I saw a lot more before the restrictions than I do now), and others have seen a few that I haven't. I don't know how to explain why that happens; whether it has to do with internet connections, or where we are in the world IRL, or that split-second click before someone else; a home might show for one of us but be taken that split second after so that the other person doesn't see it; it's gone. Or maybe the reason why you're not seeing them is something else completely. I can't explain it, but then there's no way of knowing exactly what someone else sees or when they see it either; we're relying on each other here to provide feedback.
  15. Fingers crossed! I'm thinking I may need to clear cache perhaps because even at 70 seconds I'm capping and I shouldn't be. I have no idea. 🤔
  16. If it's a glitch it's one I share too, and I've just been speaking to others in one of the community groups and none of them have reported being able to get close to 60 seconds either. I don't know why; maybe a second delay between counts or something. I'm no programmer, I wouldn't know. But you're not alone. As for a good time, I can't seem to get below 1:12/72 without capping.
  17. I've seen a house and a houseboat show up in the last couple of hours, but I was busy watching Call Me Kevin videos, so I missed them. At least I've seen something I guess? 🤔
  18. @Nika Talaj covered it pretty well and answered your question, but I'll just clarify one minor thing that might potentially confuse someone; You don't request one in the sense of applying for it. Due to the shortage of homes right now you won't see the option for Bellisseria, but when more homes become available you will see Bellisseria listed in the same drop down menu where you found the others/older styles. Selecting that, and following the process on the screen (by naming your home, selecting the Next button, and then checking the 'Agree to terms and conditions' check box) is how you get one of the new homes. Bear in mind that because they are so rare and so sought-after right now you are going to have to be vigilant in keeping an eye on that page to see when the option does become available, and be quick to click the buttons. As more are released and time goes on it should get easier, but right now they are harder to get than one of the older style homes. Anyway, sorry if you already knew that but was also thinking of those for whom English may not be their first language (and would perhaps read that differently). Good luck and I hope you find your Linden Home soon!
  19. I wasn't around at the start, so I don't have the nostalgic attachment that many others have for early SL. But along that same vein so many of my friends have told me over the years just how great SL used to be. I know there's a lot of things that a 'reboot' wouldn't include; the clubs or original atmosphere etc, so I guess in a way it might feel like an empty representation rather than anything else. But I would be curious enough to try. I can't say that I'd be tripping over myself to get it because I am a mesh-snob now and while I remember what it was like to have a non-mesh classic avatar, I enjoy the visuals too much compared to what was. And @Lindal Kidd; I'm not sure I'm game enough to accept the challenge! 🤣
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