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Tex Monday

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Everything posted by Tex Monday

  1. First off.....EW!!!!!! Secondly..... Edited to find a shorter version....
  2. Firstly...congratulations! Nice to win a ton of lindens. Secondly..I thought there was no gambling allowed in SL due to this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life Thirdly...I do agree that you need to do something with the money that you enjoy. But.....What I would do, if I had unlimited funds would be to buy a sim and then construct apartment buildings for residents that have no housing. Would be nice if residents, especially new ones, had a place to call their own. I remember when I started in SL, I was homeless. I did find a few free places but it was first come, first serve and most times the owners would realize that it was a bottomless pit and get rid of it. You never realize how much you need a home until you have one and then lose it. or...you could just donate to "The Human Fund". All donations can be sent through me.... :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMkbmUSw3BU
  3. I'm curious about what the W9 limits are going to be. In order to fill out a 1099, LL states your need in excess of 200 transactions totalling $20,000 per year. (doing the math at the current exchange rate, that's $5,140,000L/year or $428,334L/month). The fly in the ointment is that they'll start looking if you do over 17 transactions per month. I don't actually cash out my lindens...nor do I spend them for that matter...but as I said, I do wonder what the W9 requirement will be. I also wonder if LL wouldn't be better just sending the request to everyone and having it all on file just in case. It's a lot of paperwork, but it would certainly protect someone who THINKS they could go over the limit in a years time. Just my two cents...thanks
  4. I'm actually kind of excited, although I am not a Whovian. Used to watch some of the old Tom Baker (4th Doctor) episodes on public television back in the 80's. Should be pretty cool and the trailers look great. I am disappointed that they're not bringing in any of the other doctors..especially the 9th Doctor, considering the plot of the episode. Oh well...will have to see if I can commandeer my television to watch the episode.
  5. Puregriefing wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Instead of griefing use your time to learn vocabulary and grammer or if English is not your native language, post in your own language. Some of what you wrote makes no sense in English. The rest is just bunk. The only real fact is number 1. Antisemitism is not the right way and shows how you judge other people. In addition you should change to vocabulary and grammer that is not so rude. A little bit more respect please. an·ti–Sem·i·tism noun \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\: hatred of Jewish people CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://media.easybib.com/citethis/easybib_logo.gif" border="0" alt="EasyBib" width="80" height="24" /> Full Definition of ANTI-SEMITISM : hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group Amethyst said nothing about you being Jewish...she talked about you being an idiot (which you very well may be...is that a bit more respectful??)
  6. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: We all love to pick apart the movies we watch, steal, pay $15 to see, walk into the theatre next door after the one we just saw finished, pay $2 to see & sleep through. So I offer CinemaSins dissection of Titanic, yes THAT movie I personally watched 4 times in the Theater. I think I'm cured... Do you really want to know everything that was wrong with the "Big, Long, Boring Boat Movie"? The fact that it was released in the first place. As you may have guessed..I HATED HATED this movie! Hated it! If it weren't for the flash forwards of the old lady, I would have fallen asleep. Here's my story with this film (if you're interested). I was dating this girl at the time who so wanted to see this film. I fought and fought..I really didn't want to go. We only went in after she said she would pay to see it. I sat down and it started out ok..you know, but as it went on, it became painfully boring. Then...HURRAY!! The ship hit the iceberg...surely, I'll be out of my misery soon. NOPE...took the F***ING boat another hour to sink. We walked out..she's crying and I just wanted some pizza. Needless to say, we broke up shortly after that....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  7. I'm full of dumb questions, but I think I have a dumb answer... Check to see if the folders were created when you took the items. They could be back in your inventory. Another suggestion is check your "received items" folder. When I've taken things in, sometimes that's where they wind up. Good luck and I expect an invitation to your next housewarming party....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: .... is the canned message that appears when you solicit a friendship, or when a friendship is requested of you provided the sender has not changed the verbiage, of course. Do you change that dull canned wording to something more personal? How do you request a friendship? I change the words. I actually IM or PM the person prior with a kind/humorous note explaining my request. I never accept random friend requests...that's just silly. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: If I friend someone, it's usually after a long conversation or if we're about to start some kind of RP relationship (for example, I've "aquired"..which I know isn't the right word, but just sounds funny...two daughters in the past few months). But if I do, I don't usually change the wording in the friend request...I don't think it's necessary. By this time, we had already had a long conversation so we both know what we're looking for.
  9. Madelaine McMasters wrote: A few minutes ago I went out on the patio to witness 11/12/13 14:15:16. Nothing happened. :-( Maybe the aliens are using English(UK) calendars and won't show up until December 11th?? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  10. Janelle Darkstone wrote: Feed stalkers are nobody's friends. *finds his best creepy voice.....* But regular inworld stalkers are EVERYBODY'S friend...... mwah ha ha....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  11. Snugs McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: The Fierce People (even though some among us would have you believe we are: laugh at them). You're just asking for incineration, Ms. Levenque. I think her incinerator is like Chinese food...you do it and an hour later you need to be incinerated again....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  12. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Tex Monday wrote: LilaJaneScarlet wrote: Anyone? I know that I have more access to my phone than my computer. What do you guys think should it be available that way I don't know if it's available to Android phones, but I sometimes use Pocket Metaverse. You can really only chat with it, but it could keep you in touch with friends inworld, if that's what you're looking for. Déjà vu
  13. Hey Jazen... Sorry to hear that you're disheartened inworld. I will admit that MANY of the jobs in SL require "adult" skils or building skills. And I understand your concerns about both of them. but...I would check the inworld employment section of the forum. There might be something there for you..like: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Brooklyn-Kennels-is-Hiring/m-p/2305789 Also, if you're a true ordained Minister, you might advertise on here and inworld to perform weddings or christenings of new babies and things like that. Get in touch with some of the churches in SL and see if you can advertise there or they could put you in touch with the right people. The most important thing in here, though, is to have fun. Remember, you can always get lindens...they're not that expensive..but you have to enjoy being here otherwise, it's not worth it. Good luck.
  14. LilaJaneScarlet wrote: Anyone? I know that I have more access to my phone than my computer. What do you guys think should it be available that way I don't know if it's available to Android phones, but I sometimes use Pocket Metaverse. You can really only chat with it, but it could keep you in touch with friends inworld, if that's what you're looking for.
  15. LilaJaneScarlet wrote: Anyone? I know that I have more access to my phone than my computer. What do you guys think should it be available that way I don't know if it's available to Android phones, but I sometimes use Pocket Metaverse. You can really only chat with it, but it could keep you in touch with friends inworld, if that's what you're looking for.
  16. rafaelmarie wrote: I am deleting my account after I write this comment. I am writing this comment as a suggestion for anyone thinking about getting an SL account, DON'T. From my brief experience with SL, it is just a giant satanic electronic snare for souls. Well first off..anyone who is going to read this post already has an SL account, so you're a bit late. Maybe you should stay in and try to save everyone's soul... Can't help you save my SL soul...I think Bloodlines already got it....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  17. Personally, I think an abundance of tattoos is kind of unappealing. I don't like the sleeves that people do and a person having their entire body covered doesn't do anything for me. But again, this is SL and I respect that people use their artwork to reflect their individuality. I have one small tattoo on my arm that a friend made for me. There are a lot of transgendered people in my SL family and I wanted a tattoo that would reflect the two worlds that they live in...thus the two small hearts surrounded by the larger heart. The artist in the picture is one of my ALTs and I just added a ton of tats for dramatic effect....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  18. Randall Ahren wrote: I think a better word, is kinky. You were always a very kinky girl. She's a SUPERFREAK....
  19. I can only reiterate what the others have said. Sometimes, it's tough to create the look you want with freebie items, but it can be done. You need to explore and use the resources that are available to you. Use the Fab Free in SL website (http://fabfree.wordpress.com/ ) especially the 30 day list. There, you can pick up a lot of very good items..including an AO, so you don't move around like a stiff... :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: And join their group. They offer lots of free items that can be very useful to a new resident. Remember also, that there is NO WRONG way to look. You can be whatever you want to be...male, female, transgendered, furry, neko...pretty, ugly, young, old....it doesn't matter. Explore...find what you like. Then when you've done that, go find something else. Change it up. That's the fun of being inworld. Good luck and enjoy this adventure called Second Life.
  20. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Talk about making a career from the early beginnings while harmonizing a Yiddish Song. I love that song. My wife and I were taking swing dancing lessons and one of our first dances at our wedding was to that song. Original Yiddish Version....
  21. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Some reading for you... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life Adding to that: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_Earn_Linden_Dollars_in_Second_Life
  22. BurkaDurka wrote: how do i turn ingame music of while i am in destinations, i can never hear the other people. Another method if you're using Firestorm (I'm sure the SL viewer has it too..and forgive me, as I'm not on at the moment) On the bottom of the screen should be an arrow that when you click it, will show various sound items (music, ambient ect). If you look all the way to the right of the slider, there should be a check box. If you uncheck it, it should stop the music. I apologize if my directions are not perfectly clear, as I said I'm not on at the moment. Good luck EDITED to correct fat fingered spelling mistakes....
  23. Sending a couple HUGS your way, Seph. Don't push it. He's out there...might just take a while till he decides to show up...
  24. Welcome to SL Since you haven't been here that long, I might suggest that you wander around SL for a while...learn how the world works, how to upgrade your avatar (there's lots of things for free for residents under 30-60 days old. You can find some of them here: http://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ That being said, here is something from the SL wiki page explaining what types of jobs are available in SL: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life Since you are only two weeks old, some of the places won't hire you..and as I said, I would recommend upgrading before attempting to find employment. SL is supposed to be fun..not another job to go to after you do your regular RL 9-5. Good luck
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