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Jules Catlyn

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Everything posted by Jules Catlyn

  1. And here we are, three days into this thread. I already stated before that in a closed eco-system such as SL any compensation is not of interest to the tax office. So why should this be any different? If i make currency inworld and spend it inworld, why should it (under the current laws) be of any interest to the government? The Linden Dollar as it is inworld is not a recognized currency in any other place than Second Life. So why should the tax office even know how i spend them? I cannot use Linden Dollard to buy bread or pay my electric bill. As long as the whole thing takes place inworld, taxes should not play any role.
  2. It actually cannot. It will just refund the money when someone tries to purchase it again. This is because of the way the system communicates between inworld and the web. If you are a returning user of the system, please get a redelivery so you are using out latest 2.70 version. We have made many improvements. Btw, there is a difference between the rental system and our vendor system. One is Casperlet and the other is Caspervend.
  3. If i sell any service or goods, i am allowed to charge a compensation that i see fit. If these are monetary, real life transactions, the tax office will probable wants to know about it. But if both the service and the compensation take place in a closed eco-system ( like for instance the barter system) , i don't think the tax office will bother with it. Virtual game currencies are still something most tax laws in countries haven't caught up with yet. So yes, if you use rl funds with an rl currency, your local tax man will be interested. If it is all handled in this closed eco system, the whole deal had no rl monetary value and they probably cannot do anything about it. I am no tax expert but as far as i know, that's how it works.
  4. I have had it happen as well. It seems random and doesn't effect all items that use alpha modes. I just correct it as well and go on with my day.
  5. Maybe a slightly dumb question but what would be the reason to keep using Windows 7?
  6. Traffic outside. it is a nice day and i have my balconydoor open
  7. At Caspervend, we try to get creators to enable the function that prevents double purchases. Many creators already use it.
  8. We offer Discord and Slack as well. For some reason our groupchat seems rather reliable and is functioning well. We do not get complaints about missed questions. Not via our ticketsystem or on Discord or Slack. So my experiences differ from yours
  9. Our customers can reach us via our Support group inworld. That is the best way to contact us.
  10. We have also gone from a tablet, to parchment, to printed paper and then to a tablet again
  11. Again. LL did not state that there was no one there. They just limited live chat
  12. And that's what's wrong with todays society. Outside of essential services, all can be closed. And LL did not say that there was no one there. They just limited live chat. I am a creator inworld and i do customer support for a big company in SL. But if SL shuts down all together even for a few days, nothing would collapse for me.
  13. Linden Lab probably has a skeleton crew monitoring things. The only thing that was mentioned is that live chat support is limited.
  14. I am glad Linden Lab gives their staff the free time to spend with their families or do other activities they choose to do. For most of us Second Life is not a life's necessity. I don't see a problem with support being limited.
  15. Awe, i got a gift as well! Thank you so very much. And Happy Holidays to all!
  16. Phil is right. All Caspertech products work with your avatarkey/UUID. And that never changes. So it will work just fine
  17. As a creator i test regularly on the mainland. I don't do racing speeds there but at cruising speed i can do GTFO! runs just fine and take long drives. Even while using the ACS system. Which is what i use for my vehicles I get very few mishaps
  18. ACS being bad is basically an urban myth. It came to be because around 2014-2015 there were a lot of creators who started doing vehicles. Most of them just bought the KCP/ACS script set and put it in a car without properly setting it up. This lead to an abundance of poorly handling cars which in turn gave the ACS scriptset a bad reputation. Just like with everything, it is the care and attention given to a product that makes it good or bad. The scripts themselves are the basic tool, it is up to the creator to do the final work. See it as paint: One person slaps it on a fence sloppily and calls it a day. The other person uses it to make a beautiful mural. You can look at that fence and say the paint is bad when the way it was applied was the thing that made it bad.
  19. If you want some nice, independent, opinions from people who almost drive cars in SL daily, look at the "Drivers of SL" group inworld. They also do car related events such as navigation drives on the mainland. Almost weekly. https://gyazo.com/6d1735d1a8b6039ad19845f45f7f425f
  20. As a creator? Follow social media, improve your skills, both in your products as in your marketing. If you cannot acquire the skills, hire the right people. Don't be afraid to invest in the right tools and skills. But most of all, persist in your endeavors. Success is not something that comes over night.
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