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Jules Catlyn

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Everything posted by Jules Catlyn

  1. I opened this topic and lost interest at the point seeing Linden Lab referred to as Linden Labs. https://www.lindenlab.com/
  2. If it already is, i cannot find it. If it is not, i think it should be. Certain items are affected by changes made in Second Life and it would probably help people judge whether to make a purchase. If a creator updates the item, they can state this in their advert.
  3. It depends on the kind of club. I know a club that has been around since 2012 but most clubs dont make it past a year
  4. Watch the movie Surrogates https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0986263/
  5. He does! .........and he wants yours............
  6. That is an interesting video and i think he is right about a game/metaverse/virtual world needing a soul.
  7. From a quick glance at your profile, you have no payment info on file and used it. Which is stated as a condition https://gyazo.com/abcd9c669d38d3a9b62c8b221e9b5a0e
  8. What do you suggest is "a bit longer" ?
  9. I am moderately active. I try to take the stairs and have fitness once a week.
  10. I have several venues in SL and all seem to be watched by accounts named B[xxxx](number) resident? Is this a new army of bots being started or am i the only one? I would love to know!
  11. I do hope so! It would be nice to gift a Premium account to a friend or alt directly.
  12. I had a peek at the location out of professional interest. The army of "guests" in the sky was a nice touch.
  13. Did you perhaps change the camera to front view instead of back view?
  14. I love shopping around and looking at all kinds of websites. I often find that Amazon is not the cheapest. Not even if i take dodgy websites out of the equation. Maybe that is a thing in my country but there are often better deals elsewhere.
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