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Everything posted by iCade

  1. I've been doing a lot of rebuilding of my store today and got the "Cannot rez object" error an astonishing amount. 2 minutes after getting that error the item would actually rez even though it said it couldn't. Grid seems wonky today.
  2. Huh, I had no idea about the sale till I saw this thread, thanks for that, managed to snag quite a few hairstyles I wanted for such a low price, awesome!
  3. Sasha Blumenthal wrote: Remember the casino ban ? By god, get out the pitchforks for SL following the freaking LAW that you are NOT above.
  4. Snow. Certainly haven't seen that before.
  5. Old news, and this is why we have a search function that nobody believes they should use obv. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Beware-New-Review-MP-bug/td-p/1980379
  6. Posted about this a while back: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Beware-New-Review-MP-bug/td-p/1980379 You can only edit a review by deleting your old one, and making a new, more up to date review. However, it will not let you make that new review. I wouldn't be surprised if the review system has developed more bugs since my post.
  7. http://huntsl.wordpress.com/ If you scroll down pretty far, to the right you have "Accepting Applications" which lists the upcoming hunts that are still accepting merchants and it also gives the deadline before you click so you know if you can make it or not before you bother to read further.
  8. I prefer folders. Boxes only annoy me if you actually *have* to go to your own land to unpack. I don't mind boxes that you can wear and click to get the folder or if the store has an unpacking area. Also don't mind boxes during hunts as I'll open everything at once at my place once the hunt is done. But if I am shopping and have to go back to my own place to open a box to try on a demo or a new wearable...yeah I'll be mildly annoyed.
  9. I prefer this site: http://huntsl.wordpress.com/ Because if you scroll down pretty far, to the right you have "Accepting Applications" which lists the upcoming hunts that are still accepting merchants and it also gives the deadline before you click so you know if you can make it or not before you bother to read further.
  10. My favourite is .ploom. but I also like Magika and Wasabi Pills.
  11. Dwarfins are going strong as are KittyCats with Imaginables and Oceania Breedables currently in developement and looking promising. And did it really? Didn't think it would die faster than meeroo after how hyped they were. That doesn't bode well for future breedables as the trend will most likely continue. Perhaps the breedable creators SHOULD get involved in the secondary market for once, those who haven't? People constantly undercutting and crashing prieces already killed the flourishing meeroo market and now fennux. It's a shame. Dwarfins are loads of fun though as they interact with their furniture and generally are amazing. They're definitely the type of breedable people don't only buy for profit but simply because they're so dang innovative.
  12. You were on a FF sim and managed to overlook the others? They're all connected to each other and not strewn about the grid. Btw, today is the last day to do the first part of the FF hunt. 2nd part starts tomorrow and the gifts are rumored to be very plentiful!
  13. Very interested, too. But being european I am unsure if the meetings will even be at a time where I can participate D:
  14. Noticed this earlier, and am able to re-create it. As of today, possibly earlier? When you leave a review on a product, and then go back to delete that review to leave a more, up to date one, you will be greeted by this error: Your review for this item was flagged and has been removed. You may not leave another review for this item. Your review has not been flagged. The system thinks it was flagged and removed by higher ups when you deleted it yourself. So please, spread the word around that it's not possible to adjust reviews to a proper rating for the time being.
  15. Leonard Posthorn wrote: you can file a ticket and LL will open the sim long enough for you to get your stuff. it happend to me once. He/She wrote that he stuff was returned, and that somebody new already moved in. The sim is neither closed, nor down, so your above advice has unfortunately nothing to do with any of the thread.
  16. There is many, if not most rentals that rent mainland for 1L per prim. It's only private estates that cost more than 1L/prim.
  17. Took the survey. All throughout it feels like the OP is missing the point of Second Life alltogether and thinks Second Life is here to re-create your first life, including your avatar being as much of a carbon copy as yourself as possible. Hopefully the survey results will clear that up for him/her.
  18. Aluviel Nakamura wrote: ok so this person completly ripped you off and your worried about putting their name on here after all you went through to try to track them down? I personaly would like to know who they are so I can avoid them. Would it be too much to ask the name of the item? Naming and shaming on this forum is against the Forum Guidelines, might want to read those again.
  19. Don't think the Bestselling filter in ones store is any more screwed up than it was before this. Mine never sorted my products from bestelling to least selling to begin with =/ Always showed me my products in a random order with no rhyme and reason.
  20. 2484638 matching items found. 6286 items from the Original count Deja posted. Perhaps they're doing it in clusters?
  21. My vote is for Magika and .ploom. for hair. The latter I have only found a couple days ago and is by far my favourite. It has the best looking shades of blonde I have found thus far in SL. Outfits I'd go with Severed Garden, it's just too cute. It's the only store I am a repeat costumer off, the rest of the clothing I got is from various others, but none that stick in my mind when I am thinking about it. Well safe for maybe ColdLogic . Skin? Definitely Glam Affair & HS Desire. AO, definitely Oracul. Vast selection and dare I say stupidly cheap prices.
  22. Thanks a bunch everyone, was having the hardest time wrapping my head around this, kudos everyone for explaining it so thoroughly, I understand it a lot better now! :smileyhappy:
  23. It's not only darker, there's entire loss of light patches going on there =/ And I've played around with it, and now I am completely at a loss: Why on earth is it baking most of the donuts black? And I've seen baked meshes in world that are far brighter, without the use of full bright, so there must be a way to stop all that grey depressing coloring going on :3
  24. Finished an object and having this strange bake fail. This is how it is rendered in Blender: and this is how it comes out in SL: What happened there? How can I actually achieve the rendered result?
  25. Thank you all so very much with the overwhelming help to make it easier (as easy as it can get with blender!) to help me move along with learning the program more smoothly. It's really really appreciated!<3
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