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Everything posted by iCade

  1. Stucki wrote: schau mal ob du das atellier mit der gruppe auch geteilt hast. normalerweise muesste er es dann auch nutzen koennen Man kann die Gegenstaende anderer Leute weder verschieben noch sonst wie veraendern egal welchen Rang man in einer Gruppe hat. Mann muss diese Rechte der Person in der Freundesliste einraeumen. Das wird so schon mitunter ausgenutzt, wenn jetweder Gruppenmitglieder das dann auch noch koennen gaebe es nur rumgeheule das leute was kaputt gemacht haben..
  2. This is exactly the programm (and only one thus far) that will do exactly what you want! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LandMap-Change-your-ground-texture-without-land-powers/236734?id=236734&slug=LandMap-Change-your-ground-texture-without-land-powers This way you can terraform to your hearts content and lay over your own ground texture without it having to be a flat prim.
  3. Gegensaende sind etwas komplett anderes als Land. Um deinen Freund zu erlauben das er das Attelier veraendert, musst du ihm in deiner Freundes Liste die rechte dazu geben. Neben jedem namen sind mehrere boxen, eine davon erlaubt es ihm ALLE deine Gegenstaende die du gerezzt hast zu veraendern/zu loeschen/zu verschieben usw. Also denk gut darueber nach, er kann wenn er will dein ganzes Attelier zerstoeren wenn ihr mal streitet. Einen anderen weg gibt es nicht.
  4. VenusIllegitima wrote: So i just mesh and put my items to full perm and i earn for each sale i do str8 from my catalog Fair enough for furnitures specially those with not much animations on it.Cuz i saw that all the grand master furnitures are no full perm.Anyway i dont mind for the furnitures.My big issue goes to a home.Cuz i so find really stupid a creator to loose even 1 month to create a sl house and after that someone to come and by buying the house at full perm to can sell it to even lower price from the original mesh.SO i guess the best way to avoid that is to no have full perm my houses. thanks Most creators put up their own full perm TOS (that are in compliance with the SL TOS) that the full perm creations are not to be sold as is. And you can of course forbid them to sell your full perm item as full perm themselves. Say, you make a full perm bed, without poses. Whoever buys it cannot resell it as is, but will add poses and their own textures. If you make a house full perm, they can not sell it as is, but must add furniture and re-build it, perhaps add a nother room, or a garden to it. Search the catalog for full perm item by ticking the Copy, Mod and Transfer boxes, most creators have their TOS on the product page. Earlier I bought a mesh book case. I have no itention to sell it as is, it's against the creators TOS, and it's absolutely uncreative to do that. So I added decoration, changed textures, and added two poses. Here's the two items back to back, the original (books were not included), and the finished version: This is what creators do with full perm objects, of course there's bad sheeps but if they break your own item TOS, you can file a DMCA.
  5. This isn't IMVU. Once you place your full perm object up for sale, other creators can buy it and that's it as far as profit from them to you goes. They are not obliged to pay you anything extra, and you would be the first merchant (as far as I know) to do this, so it's safe to say no one would be purchasing from you as they can get so many full perm meshes/sculpts/textures from other creators with only that one time fee costing them Linden.
  6. SL is just like real life in that respect, if you don't have any skills nobody will hire you. Learn your way around the grid, and see about what interests you and work with that to hone your skills, wether it be graphic making, creating, hosting, or dancing.
  7. You should have products or services in place before even bothering to get land or you'll have a store and nothing at all inside it. Also, for my own store I am currently renting 8192sqm for 2.5k, your parcel rent sounds pretty steep.
  8. Issues with prepaid and gift cards A common cause of payment method failure is the use of unsupported card types. At this time, the majority of prepaid cards are not compatible with our system, even if they bear the VISA/AMEX/Mastercard logo. This includes cards purchased at retail stores, rechargeable credit cards, and bank-issued check cards.
  9. Gadget Portal wrote: I've decided that, on my very short list of "Annoying things in SL", notecards are in the top... three. They're useful for writing instructions with products. They're useful for sending out in notices to put additional info that won't fit in the notice itself. Aside from that, I personally think they should never be used for sending people information. Ever. You know what I hate most about them? When I get two rapid fire emails, one that says "hi" and the next that says so and so has offered me inventory, a goddamned notecard. This is particularly annoying when every avenue of contacting me says to use IMs. WTF, I can't do anything with a notecard until 8 hours from now when I log in, then you're going to **bleep** that it took me too long to answer you. Especially when it's something retarded like a yes or no question. You know what's even worse than that? When I IM someone, and they claim they didn't get it because their IMs cap, use notecards. That's probably one of the dumber things people say in SL... Particularly merchants. Turn on IM to email, and your IMs will never cap. Ever. You'll be able to read every single one. If you don't do this simple thing, you're probably a terrible merchant and should close your store, delete SL off your computer, then set your computer on fire and never go near the Internet again. ... Okay, I feel better now. Got that out of my system. Have you looked into a career as a cracked com writer? You'd fit right in there, good read, made me nod my head, facepalm and chuckle all at once.
  10. FezVrasta wrote: If the warm welcome for a new designer is to kill him because he uses a word that (in fact) is the correct word for describe the software you use, I can't just imagine how the people are inside SL. You sure are a grade A drama queen aren't you? Or is there a good reason why you keep bringing this up in every single one of your posts since I posted? You're exactly the type of creator who will make it very far here /sarcasm. Also, your childish and immature presumptions about my life style are hilarious. Really, they are, but whatever floats your boat. Good luck, you will need it. Edit: English isn't my first language but your double negatives about not offending anyone actually make it a positive leading you to admit that you offended someone.
  11. This isn't a game, you've been told that before, yet insist on calling it such. You lack fundamental understanding of what SL even is. I suggest you do not invest yourself in it as a creator. You will not be able to give even the most basic costumer service, which will break your neck. Go make money in an actual game, SL is not one.
  12. Transfer fees are USD$100 per region, charged to the seller.
  13. Strange I phoned the german toll free number and had no troubles. File a support ticket telling them politely about your problem and ask for a solution?
  14. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: I have to chuckle at some of the tings found in fetish stores... A grenade belt, for when you really really have to blow up your sub. Oh my god that is so funny and wrong and hilarious..I can't even! LOL!
  15. I'm sorry, I don't know a fix, but I would like to voice that I too experience this, so it's not an isolated case. It's also with a mesh hair and a mesh top. Sometimes it shows up fine, usually when I tp somewhere it starts to glitch like shown above, then goes back to normal only to glitch again. Edit:My troubles did not start today, but I believe around saturday or sunday and they're persistent even after a manual cache clear and clean re-install.
  16. iCade

    Viss Skin Mod

    Right, because it's crazy wanting $2 for several hours of work for a good mod. I advise the modder flip burgers at their local fast food joint, they'll make a lot more there, which is sad. In short, either actually PAY people for the work they put in FOR YOU, or learn to mod yourself and realise how much work it is so in the future you won't try to be a cheapskate.
  17. That is a whole lot of requirements and a massive work load for the astounding wage of $1.11 per week. Would you work for that?
  18. It's the price to become the new owner of the land, paid once. You are however still subject to monthly tier fees: Cost Sq. Meters Amount of Land USD 195.00/ month 65,536 Entire Region USD 125.00/ month 32,768 1/2 Region USD 75.00/ month 16,384 1/4 Region USD 40.00/ month 8,192 1/8 Region USD 25.00/ month 4,096 1/16 Region USD 15.00/ month 2,048 1/32 Region USD 8.00/ month 1,024 1/64 Region USD 5.00/ month 512 1/128 Region USD 0.00/ month 0 0/128 Region http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate_%28Second_Life%29 No matter if you own, buy, rent, win an auction for land, you will *always* have to pay the tier fee (monthly if renting directly from LL, or weekly when renting from a private estate agency)
  19. Sorry but both hairs in that picture are painted on by the photographer. Or at least incredibly enhanced to make it seem fuller and such. The chance that the hair as you see it there exists in SL is miniscule. A lot of photographers enhance skin, eyes, and most often hair, half the time completely re-drawing it as well as adding piercings and glasses and the likes to spice it all up. If you look closely at the big pic you listed you will see the brush strokes on both hairs. From what I can see both hairs are hand painted. I'm 99.9% sure. Sorry /=
  20. In addition to Freya's response, your avatar's memory is insanely high My own avatars fully decked out with clothing, jewelry, glasses, piercings, and the likes are usually under 1.5MB, most often under 1MB, your massive avatar is not only causing you, both those around you lag. A rule of thumb is, 2MB is where you should draw the line, everything above is a no no.
  21. How do people even find these threads @.@
  22. I'd be interested both as a partner and as a merchant participating, though I haven't heard of a Private Room Event so I'd like more explanation on the entire process. Also, having seen many of the discounted sales (sixty linden weekends ant the likes) they're usually hosted by merchants themselves to ensure the entire process is known and understood by all involved. Do you have equal knowledge of being a creator? Your profile was pretty blank, leaving no hint as to that. Where do the split proceeds go to? To cover land cost? Where else? Either way, IM me in world to discuss
  23. What exactly do you have troubles with? At which point are you getting an error? And what error is it? Click on options and then on Edit to add more information to your post. Also make sure you meet ALL the upload requirements: Upload an image Image requirements: Minimum dimensions: At least 512 x 512 pixels. Recommended dimensions: 700 x 525 pixels (W x H). Larger images will be resized to fit within these dimensions. Aspect Ratio: The aspect ratio of the above dimensions are 1:1 and 4:3, respectively. File type: PNG, JPEG or GIF.
  24. What do you mean with the e-mail is offline? Alternatively you can file a support ticket here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  25. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: yes, you can sell them. at some conditions : -- you need to have transfert perms on them -- list them in the "used item" category in the mp -- use a magic box for them (the merchant outbox wont work for limited items) -- set the quantity to limited and tell how many you want to sell. For anything else, read here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 Weren't magic boxes phased out completely so they no longer work?
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