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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Do they ever come any other way? 😋
  2. Oh, I love kitchens! ❤️ And bedrooms, and living rooms, LOL. I generally skip on adding toilets, though: I usually figure I will just have to hold it in, while being in SL. 😛
  3. Wouldn't it be nice if they set up some sort of trading-spot system?! Where both person A and B could go to a page, both click 'Accept' on seeing each other's homes, and then the homes would be swapped. Would probably be too difficult to implement, though.
  4. I love Killjoys. Great series! No, wait, I got confused here. 😋
  5. @Quartz Mole While we're at it, someone mentioned having a 2.1 version of their houseboat. Mine is still at 2.0, I believe. Is there a difference?
  6. Yep, that makes sense. If you bake another mesh model, with extra faces, LI will go up. How much LI just 1 extra face would cost is questionable, though; but if the regions were already 100% filled to capacity (counting ppl potentially all using their full prim allowance), then even 1 or 2 LI would push it over the edge. This is, at least, not something a Mole could fix, I reckon: the mesh creators at LL would have to do the boats on that level.
  7. Cool, thx. You're the first one to explain it to me in a way I actually understood.
  8. Obviously it won't affect the speed at which your inventory is loading. But, almost equally obviously it seems, why wouldn't it affect texture download speed?! I usually have mine set at 3,000.
  9. Now that I finally have a Windlass myself, only now do I appreciate what an incredible build she made there! Elora is such a creative genius! ❤️
  10. If okay, I may wish to list my houseboat here too, one day. I'm in the closing stages of finalizing it.
  11. Hehe, that audio alert wasn't working for me either, at first... until I realized you need to actually enable the feature first. Doh on me. 🤪 As for retaining the name, fill it in once, and then press 'Next'. Then just press the Back button, and from there on in, the name will survive a refresh even.
  12. You said it precisely right! I really love how this thread is inspiring people. ❤️ Certainly me, that's for sure. I always strive for excellence, but was heretofore nonetheless missing a major factor: comparison. Like this houseboat with the curved roof (forgot its name). I looked at it, at first, and immediately thought "I can do nothing with this. It's an inherently impossible space." LOL. Then I saw Blushes awesome addon for it, and suddenly I'm looking at a multi-level platform, with room for a bed, the cutest little stairs, and a bathroom even! And I instantly realized the error of my ways, and thought, in shame, "Next time, Kira, look deeper!" Like a fave Captain of mine** once told Zoe, about his own boat, "Try and look past what she is, and onto what she can be!" The possibilties are always there, whether you see them or not. If anything, Bellisseria has taught me, so far, not to give up so easily. Prim constraint is also a matter I'm having to contend with. Even though I always try and keep LI kinda in check, 5000 prim is a lot more to work with than 351. And I'm learning tons there too. I figure, if others can do it, then so can I. And I'm not just talking about complex linking techniques even. Like today I removed two small marmelade jars, and won an immediate 12 prim! That's a bit of a trap I tend to fall into: using older stuff, because I know it, and it looks cute, but isn't necessarily prim-friendly. And mesh looks, overall, endlessly better, and often comes with an almost impossible low LI. So, this has been a journey on prim-management too. A joy-ride, really, as I love the challenge! And then I visit other ppl's homes, and think again "Okay, Kira, next time, dig even deeper!" 😜 **Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds
  13. I wouldn't dare of dreaming even of comparing my work to hers. either. Haha! Fortunately, I don't have to, as we're all just having fun, right?! On that note, I wasn't totally satisfied with the backside of my walk-in closet today. Slapping a hanger on that 'wall' is cute and all, but I wanted to make that area a wee bit more functional (like you would in a real home), using both 'sides' of the walk-in well. Tl;dr: I added a very chique, but nontheless adorable. vanity set there, and made the wall match the theme of my bed. Besides, purple and gold really go together very well, IMHO:
  14. I'm inclined to think threads like this, where certain ppl profess to know/police the will of LL, are always doomed from the get-go. Patch has spoken, and that's really the only thing that ever truly counts. N.B. I get that your intentions were to just start a discussion; but, as these things go, speculation breeds resentment, and generally serves little purpose, especially when none of us have a real say in the matter anyway.
  15. Yeah. As I said elsewhere already, to me, mainland is like the armpit of SL. Not sure mainland qualifies as 'suburbia' per se, though (it's generally too rude there). Personally, I would have loved Horizons, but I get that Sci-Fi isn't necessarily for everyone. But a similar deal, with double the prim allowance (like in Horizons), that I might actually buy.
  16. That's my reading of it as well. I think Patches addendum today was, foremost, a comment on the use of 'show homes' at Bellisseria (a topic which came up earlier). I think she was pretty clear on it: yes, those are allowed, but no actual selling of goods at Bellisseria, or redirecting ppl off the sim, to a store somewhere.
  17. Thank you for sharing that view of your kitchen! That wallpaper, and those plates on the wall, soooo cute! ❤️ And I love all that foods stuff in that cabinet. And those adorable pink flowers outside your window. As for the rest, haha, I hear ya! I tend to feel the exact same way, when I see ppl post their gorgeous, cosy stuff here. Like when I see Blush post her awewsome homes, I definitely feel intimidated a bit. 😳 And I've often thought of not even posting any of my pictures here at all, cuz I feel I will look inferior to so many others. LOL. So, I definitely hear ya. Of course, I decided to post my stuff, after all. Like you. And I'm glad you did. Everyone brings beauty to this thread. I'm, at heart, pretty insecure, so I keeping thinking "No way I can make something like that!!" I just use that feeling to absorb, and enjoy what I see others do. It's often astounding; and the ideas ppl are coming up with, it's often so simple, yet brilliant nonetheless. And humbling, really. Not so much so, though, so as not to post my own stuff, as it would be monumentally sad if ppl that, as I really hope ppl keep sharing!
  18. Is that even possible? It used to be that you could only return it, when the root was on your parcel. But I vague recall them changing that.
  19. Ever since I started working on my Windlass, I wanted a walk-in closet. Then I ran out of prim, and the dream was over. Until I discovered a way to save about 40 LI (without removing anything. Yep, that's me: the Pro.. err, Prim Queen 😀). So, as of today I have now a walk-in closet too! I added a drawer to the heightened area too, btw (let's just pretend houseboat space is meant to be used economically). Okay, here's a better angle of the walk-in closet: And where that chicken wanted to go to when she crossed the road: the other side. And just a gratuitous view outside: N.B. I found these super-low LI closets at Blushes home, btw. They're only 1-3 LI each.
  20. Yeah, I really love how you shortened your living room a bit, to create another area. And your kitchen is die for, so cute. Don't you just love wallovers? ❤️
  21. Thanks for the heads-up! And a mite weird, really. House(boat)s should appear in the same place, when re-rezzed. What happens if you rerezz it again? Could be a Mole once manually moved your house a bit, when working on it, but that it still always comes out the same from the rezzer. P.S. Love what you did with the place!
  22. Awww, I just fell in love with your place. ❤️
  23. And while we're at it, maybe, for the housboats, an option to make the blinds invisible? I would like to put in my own drapes/curtains/blinds.
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