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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Hehe, I was actually thinking about just that: how I would use a 'nice' prim, LOL, when I just realized I wouldn't be able to a full 'planar' texturing for all the faces on that side of the boat (including my block-prim), as the boats are non-mod, of course. But you can be assured that I would manually fiddle with the texture (they *do* give us the textures) to such a degree, that it would wind up looking seamless from the outside. My OCD dictates no other possible outccome. ðŸĪŠ You bring up a good point about taste, too. Some ppl may actually have bad taste, or simply lack the proper building skills to make it look nice. Hence, I'm glad it's not my task to deal with compliance issues for other ppl. I just look at what *I* find acceptable for my own build. And, if anything, I'm meticulous.
  2. Why, blinds are, of course, simply a part of the boat itself. Closing those (basically just using the facility LL itself offers us) could never be wrong. That would be like saying using the house controller, to change the wall colors, would be against the Covenant. 😃 To me, it just boils down to what I think would look weird, and what doesn't. Blinds down look naturally, erm, natural. 😜 I could also slap like a white prim against the window, from the inside. But I think that would look weird from the outside. So, that's simply the situation I tried to avoid.
  3. Re hi. Just wanted to quickly revisit this, as I saw you use the same word 'material' as I did, when I wondered what would "materially impact the intended look of the houseboat." On the Windlass, for instance, I think the huge glass window side, with doors to the 'terrace', certainly qualifies. Covering that entire side with a prim, I really think that LL would object to that. 😋 Other additions/addons, extended porches, upper decks, etc, might constitute a far more significant change, but IMHO, don't really materially change what it is: a houseboat. I think it's safe to say Linden probably even encourages that kind of variety (after all, all of Bellisseris was pretty much predicated upon the notion of not doing things the 'Copy & Paste' way).
  4. That was an incredible video and initiative. âĪïļ I adore watching super-small spaces like that decorated. Like they have these mini IKEA homes in RL (the smallest of which is 5m x 5m, iirc). Those are generally extremely brilliantly decorated by true professionals. I don't think you're in need of much outside decorating help, though, LOL, as you did a superb job yourself. Really was in awe over what you did with that tiny place.
  5. Nor did I say one wall is equal to a "closed-off skybox". What I said, as, that, in my thinking, walling off all windows on a houseboat would be tantamount to making it like a completely closed off skybox. And that Linden probably doesn't like that. From that, I concluded -- purely for myself -- that walling off an entire window would likely materially impact the intended look of the houseboat in such a way, that I decided to 'cheat' a little, and actually make it so you're not seeing it from the outside in. A decision, in no small part, given in by my remembering the Covenant actually said we're not even supposed to change exterior. When I looked it up again, this morning, the Covenant's actual (new?) wording is much milder. Still wouldn't have affected my decision, btw: I simply looked at the outside wall, with the double bedroom (side-) windows in it, and figured it would really look awkward had I completely walled those off. That was my call to make. Some windows I probably wouldn't mind walling off. Like there's this small upper window, on the side where the door is. At first I didn't even notice it was there, LOL, so, in my mind, that window obviously means less. But the bedroom (side-) windows felt essential to me, so I chose to preserve their outer look.
  6. This whole convo with you, to be frank, has been rather weird. I was talking about how I walled off a window (on the inside), but how I set the outer face of the prim to 100% transparent, so it basically wouldn't look disturbing from the outside in. And then, out of the blue, you pull this huge strawman, as if I had claimed putting down one's blinds is against the Covenant. That was all in your own head. It's probably a language barrier thing, as in: you don't seem to understand the difference between a 'closed' window (like with blinds), and a 'closed off' window (like with a prim, making it totally disappear). The two are so far apart, it's not even funny any more. Also, I do not appreciate waking up one morning, seeing you go after me for something as ludicrously innocuous as me saying I tried to be considerate of the neighborhood, by making sure no one could see, from the outside in, that I actually removed a window from view on the inside.
  7. For someone who spent the last 2 weeks building her Windlass bedroom around a vanity set, I can relate to the topic. 😄 Seriously, though, for starters, I want to say @Scylla Rhiadra has clearly 'won' this thread, far as I'm concerned. Now, on a matter of vanity, this topic immediately reminded me of the movie Surrogates. SL is very much like that, if you think about it. In a Seinfeld episode, they once said that "95% of the population is totally undateable!" LOL. That might be a slight exaggeration; but, given the choice, why walk around in a crappy body when you actually had a choice?! We all want to stay attractive, not decaying (yikes), right? I wouldn't call that vanity per se. More like 'residual self-image', to use a Matrix term. And sometimes I just want to experiment a bit, and not necessarily look (close to) the way I do in RL. I have probably bought more skins, dresses, hair(-bases), shoes, slink stuff, etc, than I care to admit. But I don't see myself as particularly vain, really. I am happy, though, when I have an avi with clothes, nails, makeup, etc, that's just perfect for me. Doesn't have to be a Barbie doll per se. Not making her be ugly either, though, thus circling back to my initial point: given a choice (and we do have one in SL), why not go for something you can be proud of? An avi, in that sense, is much like a building project, that way, to put it a bit irreverently: a creation you put time and energy in (and sometimes a fair bit of coin *g*), and feel good about when it's done. And if not, you get to have a do-over. That's having one up over RL.
  8. **Starts humming** "You're so vain, you probably think this thread is about you!" 😜
  9. Is it open to visitors? âĪïļ
  10. This shall be my last post in this thread, as it's obviously taking a turn for the worse. Having said that, I see nothing wrong with me stating I wanted to err on the side of caution, for myself, Covenant-wise, not walling off exterior windows. Also, nowhere is it written changes can't be made, even exterior ones. The Covenant only says 'the exterior should always remain in theme out of consideration for your neighbors.' Which I feel pretty much allows for anything that's not grossly out of theme. But, then again, I wasn't talking about what others are doing, but how I interpreted the Covenant for myself.
  11. Thanks for this feedback! I was just a little confused, is all. But yeah, I did think Moles were somehow involved with upholding the Covenant too. So, thx for clarifying that. There was no proposal on my end, really. Just me basically doing little else than musing out-load, thinking Linden would probably not appreciate it if I started walling off windows from external view (with solid prims).
  12. ^^ That's a piece of art, right there! âĪïļ
  13. Huh?! Little confused here. 😕 @Quartz Mole seems to like your post, but who's talking about not being able to close the blinds on your windows? Certainly not me. I was talking about walling off a window from the outside. The Covenant says, "The exterior should always remain in theme out of consideration for your neighbors," to which I concluded, that walling off exterior windows (like essentially making your home look like a closed-off skybox from the outside, when done to the extreme), could probably be consider not having 'consideration for your neighbors.'
  14. I rent a homestead from one of the Anshe Chung subsidiaries. They're very decent to me. I asked them to 'bake' the land for me once, when I was done terraforming (and done so 2 more times since, I think). That way, when I press 'revert', it reverts to my own terraforming. Before that, I simply used a terraforming backup tool (the precision of those are not to a milimeter, btw). I love my little homestead. I answer to no one. No HOA to deal with, no griefing, and no lag. And most of my skybuilds come with huge 1024m3 surrounds. But... it's also pretty lonely at my Fortress of Solitude. If anything, Bellisseria has opened my eyes as to how lonely it has been, really. That's why I love so much to see what ppl did with their homes, beautiful gardens, flowers, bikes, cat-avis, etc. âĪïļ I don't really need 5,000 prim any more, in the strictest sense. Ever since I made my own rezzer system, I can do with much less. It comes with landing spots, and auto-rezzes the scene I'm TP-ing to, derezzing just as much as is needed from elsewhere: typically, what's farthest away first (usually skyboxes) for ground builds, and what's nearest for sky boxes. All done fully automagically. So, tl;dr, my true limit is 5,000 prim for a single build. No modern home, however, needs 5,000 LI any more. Largest I ever made was my 'City of Glass' skybox, but that was just because I super-sized a mesh statue to 1,700 prim, LOL, on a floating plateau in the sky. But only because I could, not because the build itself really needed it (it's pretty packed, really, and still less than 400 prim). So, they start offering smaller Homesteads, for Super-Duper Premium, I might actually trade my old homestead in for that, one day. Who knows.
  15. Oh, I forgot to say, I really love how you're totally getting into the spirit of things. I mean, that avi alone is so adorable. âĪïļ Keep 'em coming!
  16. P.S. Yes, that's how it normally works: if you have a prim, and set one face 100% transparent, it will be, from that side looking in, as if it wasn't even there. That is how I treated my Windlass bedroom window, btw. From the interior view, one window is walled off, but, from the outside, you can just look in regularly. This I did, btw, to stay compliant with the Covenant, which expressly forbids us to change the exterior look (a wall behind a window might be an edge-case, as it would technically belong to the interior, but I decided to play nice all the same).
  17. Actually, I just checked: the mesh interior shell doesn't even have outer faces. So, you can just position it, and that stairs window will stay open from the outside 'as is'.
  18. LOLOL. At first I didn't even see your bike in there. 😜 Great job on the worms too!
  19. Whatever you want it to look like. You can just select the outside face and set it to 100% transparent.
  20. I still have my homestead. And been having it for years even. Can't beat 5,000 prim. N.B. I think I actually advocated the idea of mini-Regions, like a month ago or so, that act like a Region in the same manner a homestead does (but obviously with less prim). The objection of ppl then was (not necessary against my idea per se), that Linden needs to be careful not to start to compete with their own homestead deals, Super-Duper Premium-wise. And I agreed. But it may very well be that land sales are down to a degree where actual homestead-like mini-Regions mat work out for the better, for them.
  21. Hehe, I believe it's hard. That's a lovely stone underpath there, btw. I hope they keep it. And so near your home, too! But, but... where is your bike!?! OMG! 😛
  22. On existing Regions this might be a problem, as they're probably already filled to capacity (taking into account everyone will use their full 350 prim). But on a new Bellisseria plot, I'll take it.
  23. Yeah. Like having wine glasses on a glass table. That's never ending well. 😄 You'd think your viewer knows the proper Z-index of all objects; and it does. But the underlying OpenGL driver (where those calculations are made) doesn't. So, there's no way to solve that, other than to just be aware of it, and avoid the alpha clash.
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