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Everything posted by Xiija

  1. I got the new viewer a while ago, and now it has an Update! the update box pops up with NO way to close it. if you click update, it says cannot install, please close the viewer. the only thing i could do was quit the viewer , and when i do that, it still shows the unable to install message, even when the viewer is closed. i cant even get the version i am using because the menus won't work when the "update" popup is showing! lol i of course use Firestorm, and now have Singularity. if SL marketing reads these, maybe don't try and force updates, or mebbe debug a bit more before a release?
  2. mebbe post what you have or post the error if ya need help ?
  3. I've never tried it, but i wonder if one could use KFM with a list of one position, and just keep changing that list item, and then running KFM again....hmm
  4. @meady212 here is what the code looks like for the pic i posted ... http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (request_id == gHttpRequestId1) { list my_list = llParseString2List( llGetTimestamp(), [ "T", "."], [] ); string date = llList2String(my_list,0); string time = llList2String(my_list,1); string title = pad("Second Life Grid Status"); gBuildText += title; gBuildText += " "; // add a space under the title gBuildText += pad( "Updated: " + date + ", " + time ); if (status == 200 && llSubStringIndex(body, "<status>") != -1) { gBuildText += pad( "Grid: " + cutString(body, "status") ); gBuildText += pad( "Inworld: " + cutString(body, "inworld") ); gBuildText += pad( "Signups: " + cutString(body, "signups") ); gBuildText += ""; // add a space under the signups // gBuildText += pad( "Logged in past 60 days: " + cutString(body, "logged_in_last_60") ); } gHttpRequestId2 = llHTTPRequest("http://status.secondlifegrid.net/history.rss", [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 4096], ""); } else if (request_id == gHttpRequestId2) { if (status == 200 && llSubStringIndex(body, "<item>") != -1) { string commitData = cutString(body, "item"); gBuildText += pad( cutString(commitData, "title") ); gBuildText += pad( cutString(commitData, "pubDate") ); } display(); } } // end http
  5. if you are using the pad function i showed, you can pad each line by ... using it? gBuildText += pad( "Grid: " + cutString(body, "status") ); gBuildText += pad( "Inworld: " + cutString(body, "inworld") ); to move something up, just change the order it is added to the list... so from gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "title"); gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "link"); gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "pubDate"); change to gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "title"); gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "pubDate"); // this was moved up gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "link"); to remove something, just don't add it in... delete the ... gBuildText += ... line you don't want. hope this helps
  6. not sure how to mark a spoiler, but here is the centering bit for adding spaces... then you could just do ... string title = pad("Second Life Grid Status"); to center that text?
  7. your board prolly has 6 .... 8-faced prims per line (96 chars of text per line) you could check each line length, subtract that from 96 and divide that in half to get how many spaces to pad each line with. .. or just add padding spaces manually in your text. for your http & time stuff, it would prolly be something close to this? http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (request_id == gHttpRequestId1) { list my_list = llParseString2List( llGetTimestamp(), [ "T", "."], [] ); string date = llList2String(my_list,0); string time = llList2String(my_list,1); gBuildText += "Second Life Grid Status"; gBuildText += " "; gBuildText += "Updated: " + date + ", " + time; if (status == 200 && llSubStringIndex(body, "<status>") != -1) { gBuildText += "Grid: " + cutString(body, "status"); gBuildText += "Inworld: " + cutString(body, "inworld"); gBuildText += "Signups: " + cutString(body, "signups"); gBuildText += "Logged in past 60 days: " + cutString(body, "logged_in_last_60"); } gHttpRequestId2 = llHTTPRequest("http://status.secondlifegrid.net/history.rss", [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 4096], ""); } else if (request_id == gHttpRequestId2) { if (status == 200 && llSubStringIndex(body, "<item>") != -1) { string commitData = cutString(body, "item"); gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "title"); gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "link"); gBuildText += cutString(commitData, "pubDate"); } display(); } } // end http in this example, gBuildText is a list, not a string, ( list gBuildText = []; ) and the display function i used is something like this... display() { integer x = 0; do { llMessageLinked(-1,DISPLAY_STRING, llList2String( gBuildText ,x),(string)x ); x = x + 1; } while (x < 10); }
  8. here is a very simplified example, with a few events, of the logic flow? state_entry() { if(llGetAttached() ) { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS ); } } attach( key k ) { if ( k != NULL_KEY ) { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS ); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if( perm & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS ) { llTakeControls( CONTROL_DOWN|CONTROL_UP|CONTROL_FWD|CONTROL_BACK|CONTROL_LEFT|CONTROL_RIGHT |CONTROL_ROT_LEFT|CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT, TRUE, TRUE); } if ( perm & PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS ) { // replace normal anims with your car anims .... i.e. ... car_going_fast, car_idle, car_normal_speed llSetAnimationOverride( "Running", car_going_fast); llSetAnimationOverride( "Standing", car_idle); llSetAnimationOverride( "Walking", car_normal_speed); } } control( key _id, integer _level, integer _edge ) { float speed = 5.0; if( _level & CONTROL_FWD) { if( llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner() ) & AGENT_ALWAYS_RUN ) { llApplyImpulse(< speed,0,0>,TRUE); } } }
  9. Something to test with ... integer numberOfColumns = 3; integer numberOfRows = 3; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer num_detected) { key id = llDetectedKey(0); key owner = llGetOwner(); integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); vector touchST = llDetectedTouchST(0); integer currentCellNumber = llFloor( touchST.x * numberOfColumns ) + ( numberOfRows - llCeil( touchST.y * numberOfRows ) ) * numberOfColumns + 1; llOwnerSay("cell number: " + (string)currentCellNumber ); } }
  10. you can display text with an Xyzzy text board.. they are 1 $L .... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mesh-Xyzzytext-Display-Board-960-Char-96-x-10/4244711
  11. If it is for the Grid status, you can also look at RSS feeds or mebbe use the twitter api? https://twitter.com/SLGridStatus
  12. kewl for anyone else wanting to play with google app scripts, there is a nice little vid here ... GoogleAppScript
  13. If you are in an experience, you can use key-value scripts for persistence , if not, you can use google forms + sheets, make your own google app, or ...use or run a server with some db code. I'm having luck with using Repl.it to store urls, but it is mostly for small instances, not something with a ton of customers etc, and you would need something like Uptime Robot to ping your server there to keep it alive.
  14. arg! i have something like this in inv somewhere... 60k inv, cant find it! it's like, an rp speech converter, from like zorgon to something lol ... mebbe its on Ferd's or the script library...
  15. There is a newer npm library for google sheets here ... https://theoephraim.github.io/node-google-spreadsheet/#/ incase you can use js in your own server etc...
  16. I've tested a repl.it with NeDB and it seems to work ok... prolly not for a large deploy tho?
  17. @Kacie Zapedzki this seems to work for me... float amt = 180; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [ PRIM_ROTATION,llGetLocalRot() * llEuler2Rot( <0, 0, (amt*=-1)> * DEG_TO_RAD) ]); } }
  18. @Lucent FreimanGoogle has changed their api, and will discontinue the v3 in a few months.. will have to check the new stuff
  19. @animats .. so kewl! @Rolig Loon trutru, we used the experience on the ranger's sim & the 6 Burn2 sims so all 7 would get the walkie messages and alerts
  20. We use experience keys in Burning Man for Grid-Wide radios. One of our rangers has an experience, so he sets it up on his land, and the burn2 sims, and we use the keys to hold the URLs that our base stations request, and make request / response calls with the message as the body. Without experiences, you have to store the base station's URLs offworld somewhere.. ( I used to use google forms / sheets. ) if the base stations get new URLs, they are stored in the value of the object's key Persistent storage rocks! ( if you can afford a premium account )
  21. Apologies if you didn't want to be spoonfed, but when i started, the best way i learned was to see the code, not spend an hour googling in your listening script, something like ... integer listenHandle; default { state_entry() { listenHandle = llListen(0, "", "", ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(message) { llRegionSay(159, message ); } } } in your receiving script, something like ... integer listenHandle; default { state_entry() { listenHandle = llListen(159, "", "", ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(message) { llOwnerSay("Got:\n" + message ); } } } the regionSay will send to any object in the region, ( like a worn attachment) or you can use any other comms method. if you have an Experience key, you can send messages anywhere in secondlife
  22. i figured it out.. was over thinking it... instead of adding rotations, i just reset them each time
  23. so, i was thinking of trying to make one, and am wondering what the correct rotation code would be. i will prolly make a mesh of the rotor case, and just make the blades seperate, or a texture. I think i need x & y rotations, and i will change them based on a vehicle movement code.. kind of like how tires turn right when a vehicle turns right etc? here is an anim of the idea... any thoughts? Scorpion Helo mebbe i should just forget about adding rotations and affect each one individually? here is what i have for testing... float rollAmt = 20; float pitchAmt = 30; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(1,[PRIM_ROTATION,llGetLocalRot() * llEuler2Rot(<0,rollAmt,0>*DEG_TO_RAD)]); // roll llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(1,[PRIM_ROTATION,llGetLocalRot() * llEuler2Rot(<pitchAmt,0,0>*DEG_TO_RAD)]); // pitch } } Thanx for any help
  24. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetTextureAnim instead of ALL_SIDES, just use a face number? llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | LOOP , ALL_SIDES, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
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