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Everything posted by ObviousAltIsObvious

  1. if you have several avatars all sitting on the same object, the script can silently switch between avatars, because the permission prompt does not appear in that case. for situations like a dance machine, or the older furniture pose ball systems, there will be a bunch of helper scripts inside, each holding permissions for one of the avatars. you can usually guess which these will be, because they have to prompt you for animate permission.
  2. you may find a slightly worse frame rate on some scenes when object-object occlusion is switched off, but unless the build is really awful, you probably won't notice a difference.
  3. Data wrote: Also, I'm getting graphics artifacts. Distant objects, and whole regions, flash, as if there's a huge transparency sort order glitch going on. this one affects many, many people. Ctrl+Alt+Q to reveal the Develop menu, then turn off Develop>Rendering>Object-Object Occlusion. And, I don't know if it's intentional griefing, slow loading, or a graphics glitch, but every now and then an avatar turns into what looks to be megaprim sculpty barf. for some people who have this problem, it can work to toggle Advanced Lighting off, then on again.
  4. this was a bug fix, nested folders were not supposed to work under My Outfits in the first place, but the check for this was incomplete. in some cases, like if the subfolders became empty, it could result in a viewer crash. you can still use nested folders in other inventory categories, like Clothing or Body Parts, and use Replace Current outfit from inventory to wear them. once you wear the folder, you can still use the outfits panel to save a flattened version under My Outfits.
  5. Ladanya wrote: That is bull. If that is the case then why are there other Robin Williams' based items listed on the sl marketplace from other merchants hmm??? Try it, put his name in the marketplace search engine. And why you are at it, put names of other dead RL celebrities like say "Whitney Houston" or "Kurt Cobain" in the search engine and see what SL products pop up. these complaints usually come from companies set up to search the web for these kinds of violations, in return for payments from people and companies who own the rights. they won't necessarily spend much time combing a specific site like the SL marketplace itself, they already find plenty of work with a scattershot approach on the whole web. you got "lucky" and matched one of their image or keyword searches this time.
  6. it will appear to work from the pelvis most of the time, only because many animations do not try to change it. it is not completely reliable. run a spinning, flying, laying animation and you will see the problem. the avatar root point is the only one that wil not be affected by animations at all.
  7. sorry, you can't really do this in LSL, the simulator does not have the necessary information about joint rotations. that is all done on the viewer side. for more details see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetRot#Caveats and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Rotation#Single_or_Root_Prims_vs_Linked_Prims_vs_Attachments
  8. there have been intermittent problems on some regions where chat to viewers can be delayed by a long time. add (string)llGetTime() to your llOwnerSay text, so you can see if the script is really having this delay, or if it is a communication issue out to your viewer.
  9. well that's no fun. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-1708 covers the same DPI issues and workarounds. ugh, that one is hidden too. All right, well, right-click the viewer shortcut, and go into the compatibility settings, find "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings." or the equivalent on that Windows version, and save. the newer versions of Windows allow higher DPI scales than 96, and this does not always get along well with games and similar.
  10. if you are running on Windows, check the comments in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4051 for some possible workarounds. on Mac there is a different bug with similar results, not yet fully understood, also possible workarounds there, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-2041
  11. there is an unfixed problem right now, BUG-5586, where if a group had any members who closed their accounts or were banned from Second Life, the group will not expire. if you need to free up the group slot now, there is a wacky dance you can use: make an alt, give it ownership of the group, leave the group on your main account, then cancel the alt account if you no longer need it.
  12. Xanthum Dastardly wrote: Thanks for the replies. Let me ask another question? How does one become owner/overseer of an infohub? It's a fair amount of land and if they are no longer in use, why do they still exist? Just curious. all the official hubs belong to Governor Linden, including the ones that were rebuilt by residents about 2005. they would just revert to protected land if the hub fixtures were not there. they are still needed as fallbacks when regions are down, and as home destinations for avatars that have not set one. a couple of the older hubs, at Murray and Hanson, were redeveloped into recreation areas. a few others were left as is but had their infohub status removed.
  13. ReadyBoost can work well because flash has generally good read performance. Write performance is not so good, but it does not matter since SuperFetch is not in a hurry to make the file copies. the main copies of those fies are still available in their normal locations. network apps like Second Life need faster write speeds than many flash drives can handle, because there are not those extra copies already on your disk like in the ReadyBoost situation.
  14. maps are definitly on the CDN now, and wow. they haven't loaded that smoothly since maybe 1.16 or around there.
  15. HarleyRainn wrote: Now that there are new guildlines to gaming, the usual gaming sims we normally visit have new restrictions so now that sim can't be visited anymore, this hurts the gaming sims, they cough up a good 100 dollars to keep it going, we verified once already to visit 'adult' sims, what are your thoughts the gaming operators who signed up are doing all right, there has been more business for them because there is less competition. the access changes give them a stronger pool of players, more likely to have real money to spend on the games. in the wider SL economy, other exploitable resources will turn up sooner or later for free riders, they always do.
  16. Sammi Boa wrote: Oh gosh thank you Ren. I note what you have been kind enough to put in but to be a pain in bum can you tell me where I can find that particular Abuse Report Category in SL. MANY thanks for your help in this mater and I've saved all the gory text so will take it forward. Regards with thanks from Samantha, "Harassment > verbal abuse" is an obsolete abuse report category. some TPVs still list it. the closest category in the current set is "Harassment > Targeted behavior intended to disrupt".
  17. play on the beta grid or a local copy of opensim and use lots of trial and error. SL user animations on the eyes are extremely rare so there are no guidelines for making them look good.
  18. this requires animations made directly in the llkeyframemotion (.anim) format. the BVH conversion built into viewers does not support the eye bones. Avastar and Zwagoth's AnimMaker can create these files. animation on these bones is not supported because the viewer side eye motions can collide with them. animations at the wrong time can freeze eye blinks in place, they will be released when the custom eye animation stops.
  19. bug fix, the doors were probably opening on collision or proximity all along, but not being displayed correctly before. there are still more similar bugs to be fixed in all viewers.
  20. it is possible but only in a very limited way. this will only work with V3 based viewers, not in V1 viewers like Singularity. in the "Replace with:" field at the top of the gesture editor, you can use /shout Hello sailor! this /shout prefix will not work down in the "Steps" section, you only get the one spot.
  21. Niric Moger wrote: I have also updated the script to include the if (change & CHANGED_LINK). They might want to change the example for RegionSitTeleport which is where I found the basic example for this script to also include a if (change & CHANGED_LINK). This will save some future scripters some confusion. you can change that if you like, it is a regular wiki page and not in anyone's user space, so it is fair game to edit.
  22. if you get one of the better rez error messages that report a location, see if the location matches where you tried to rez. if there is a mismatch the problem may be https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-2019
  23. Dana Kosrae wrote: I have a shape that I made. It lists me as the creator. I would like to export it so I can use it on other grids. Is there any way to do that? this feature exists in Firestorm. (there is a similar feature in Singularity but it is currently broken.) to save the shape use Develop>Avatar>Character Tests>Appearance to XML if you are missing the Develop menu, use Ctrl+Alt+Q to reveal it. on the new grid, create a new shape in inventory, wear it, then edit. use the Import button at the bottom to load the parameters you saved earlier.
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