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Everything posted by ObviousAltIsObvious

  1. Malluch Cleaver's legitimate Crux vendor mentioned by arthus Hyun is still there, at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zoe/135/77/22 any Crux avatars you find on the marketplace are ripped.
  2. serotica wrote: Thanks again Bobbie yes I have the hands and feet but now looking for the physique. Finding it hard to find the Slink body inworld...so many stores in the search, and all carry some form of Slink items, appliers etc. Should I just try to walk around the store to find it? the store with the Slink parts themselves is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slink/45/124/24 walk straight down the red carpet into the store, it's on the back wall near the center.
  3. if you have no trouble getting to adult places inworld, but marketplace or search.secondlife.com will not let you switch on adult content, you will need to use a support ticket to get it repaired. they may ask for ID, even though you already have the inworld access going, because those are the rules support have to go by.
  4. Votarn Torvalar wrote: In fact it seems quite clear that sploders as in general use now, will be illegal outside permitted areas without licence , whether considered chance or skill .. Do you agree? the pay-to-play sploders in use now are already breaking the old gambling policy from 2007. they only stay around because the poeple using them like them, so don't report them. when the gambling policy first came out, there were some "skill based" sploders that made the entrants do things like race to catch the prizes, but i haven't seen one like that in a very long time.
  5. that is interesting, just yesterday Google announced that they are doing the opposite, and dropped their requirement for a "real" name entirely;
  6. not guaranteed to always work, but if you push the rotation very far off, then enter the correct numbers, that is usually enough to kick the object to the correct appearance.
  7. the highlighting in your screen shots looks to me like you have more than one prim/mesh linked together, instead of one object with many faces. see how the names for "Texture name for:" vary? this also points to more than one prim lnked together. to test this, turn off the select face, and turn on edit linked parts. user Ctrl+. or Ctrl., to cycle thru the prims/meshes in the linkset, and watch what is highlighted.
  8. yes that is the same bug. it is about as old as Second Life! it is the kind of bug that really minor until you notice it, then you can't help but see it everywhere!
  9. that is a problem that Onlive will need to fix on their end, they need to make sure their custom viewer is compatible with their hardware.
  10. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1915 that should help some, has been released, will take some time before all viewers are using the same version of the math library.
  11. Pando Media Booster is a P2P download accelerator used by League of Legends and some other games, but Second Life does not use it.
  12. this falls apart once somebody wants to make a place that is actually fun to visit. it will work all right for bland expenses of game machines, more creative venues will want to separate the funds.
  13. ExoticBanker wrote: a few questions I can not find in the FAQ anywhere 1. it says a operator can not spend L$ other than to pay for the winnings recieve L from any where other than the person paying to play the game How is the operator suppose to use the money earned to pay for overhead to run the sim ( ex. tier, landscaping, staff , etc) ok so maybe they can send money to one of their 6 alias attached to their operator avy.. that covers the above issues but it does not solve ths one .. how is a operator suppose to buy games from game creators.. another avy cant buy most games and transfer them to the operator .. and the games have to be in the operators name in order for the money to come to and from them during game play. you can cash out from the operator account, then buy L$ from another account. this will be annoying and incur fees, but it makes sense from an audit point of view.
  14. Lacy Wilder wrote: So you are saying that SL will designate a sim as a Skill Gaming Region for someone whose application has not yet been approved but is "in process"... and they will continue to allow games which have not yet been approved to be played. Is that what you think? that is what LL has stated. as long as applications are in by 1 August, those places and games can continue. if those applications are denied, they will then need to cease. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ#I_already_create_games_of_skill_that_offer_Linden_Dollar_payouts._What_do_I_need_to_do_to_ensure_I_am_following_the_Terms_of_Service.3F http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ#I_already_operate_games_of_skill_that_offer_Linden_Dollar_payouts._What_do_I_need_to_do_to_ensure_I_am_following_the_Terms_of_Service.3F
  15. you can uninstall your viewer safely. the definitive copy of your inventory is stored on LL's servers, the only part on your side is a cached copy. chat logs are not permanently saved on the server, so save copies of those if you want to keep them.
  16. Delion Ivercourt wrote: So after alot of reading and speaking different people and at the suggestion of multiple posts of the same thing over and over by LL here is what I am thinking about Contest Boards in the form of "Best in" situations at clubs, these would not fall under skilled gaming as there is no chance involved nor skill in playing, the contestants at our club do not put Lindens in to the board and the winner is chosen by the crowd in the form of voting for the win, the club owner puts in the lindens themselves for the prize and it can not be raised by the people entering the contest etc. If I am wrong about this I would appreciate some input from others in regards to it, as by it's own definition the contest boards themselves, are not by chance or skill. I fully understand and agree with sploders being a totally different barrell of monkeys. Along with Raffles lotteries etc. I really am not worried about those it was just the contest boards that had me stumped for a bit. some contest boards have a pay to play mode. even if you don't use this option, it will be the safest to use a conest board that doesn't support this mode at all. a paid contest board is in an unsafe position winning the contest is all about chance, if the voting is not rigged.
  17. this blog tries to track the different body options out there: http://meshphysique.wordpress.com/ the supported list for those Omega scripts is handy too, it also lists the ones they know about that they aren't working with: http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.com/p/to-do-page.html
  18. AzureFire wrote: I can't find anything like that in preferences. Nothing is working. are you sure you are using Firestorm? that is very prominent in the general tab of the preferences, n a box on the right.
  19. check the Firestorm preferences, General, top right. set "Pressing letter keys" to "Affects movement". in older versions of Firestorm this setting had no effect in mouselook mode, wasd always worked. that was a bug.
  20. Phoebe Avro wrote: Pay out in tokens lust like L$ that have no value ^^ said tokens can be exchanged at our terminal ! edit to add your need to buy tokens first of course ^^ several places tried this a few years ago, to get around the earlier ban on chance games. LL didn't go for it.
  21. it will take a little time. the body is very new and redistributable appliers are not freely given, clothes makers have to apply and wait for approval. some textures will need retouches, the UV mapping is not a perfect match to the LL body and some areas like shoulders are problematic. some of the mesh clothes made to the LL avatar can be made to fit, you will definitely need to play with some shape modification if you have older mesh clothes. legwear and boots made for LL bodies can be tricky to fit well. if you have already made any of your own skin or clothing textures compatible with the SL avatar, you can use those with the personal applier that is in the Slink shop.
  22. check in your debug settings, FSBuildToolDecimalPrecision - it looks like yours may be set to 0. the default is 5.
  23. Samajimimamimi Xue wrote: I've seen things from Gmod before that were uploaded into SL, and I have a few of my own, and can't figure out HOW to transfre them in to SL. They don't open up properly in blender, and if they CAN be opened in blender, what am I doing wrong? https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Blender_SMD_Tools before you start, check the license terms for each of the models. some wil permit use in SL, some will permit as long as you don't sell, many won't permit this at all.
  24. the inworld concurrency did tickle 90000 once. once. it was brief enough that of three recorders checking every 15 minutes, only one registered it, the other two maxed a few hundred below that.
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