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Everything posted by ObviousAltIsObvious

  1. yes, the marketplace is strange like that, your default language (including for emails!) is changed if you ever click on a foreign language link. to change back to your preferred language, there is a menu with a world map at the top left of the page, inside the black banner.
  2. your best bet may be on the mainland, a parcel abutting Linden water or a road. check on the world map for areas that have lots of explorable space.
  3. SSL3? you should update to use TLS, SSL is deprecated.
  4. notecards you edit are written to cache when you save. this can help to recover a recent notecard that you accidentally deleted, but it usually is not much help for an unsaved notecard or script. if you feel lucky, you can try opening the file with a text editor like Notepad++ and try searching for any saved drafts that could be stuffed in there. the file will have a name like data.db2.x.1 and you will need the viewer shut down to get at it.
  5. May 2006 rez date is consistent with your last name. if you remember being here earlier, maybe you made more than one account? there used to be a bug where items received via llGiveinventoryList would have incorrect acquired dates.
  6. it is really just roleplay, but there are some viewer tweaks (RLV) that can make it harder to escape by yourself. (you just have to turn off RLV and log out to escape from those places.)
  7. on the most recent viewers, press the Cancel button next to the Save button. strangely, this does not close the dialog but instead lets you choose another way to save your snapshot.
  8. it looks as if a regular prim is linked to the mesh, this is not uncommon. these usually float around inside the body, but can pop out if you move the body part to a different ataachment point, or acidentally edit and move the attached part. you can edit it like any attachment, and push the ugly part back inside your body, or put the attachment back on the original point if you changed it. if the body is mod, you can also edit linked parts and make the plywood parts transparent.
  9. most themes do not have model homes, but you can stroll around each theme's hub and find a style that you like. if you right-click and show details on a house you like, its name will match the house styles you can pick on the ordering page. there are some sample homes near the Elderglen hubs with free toys in them. you don't get to pick your neighborhood in advance, the houses are given out randomly as available. if you do not like the house you got, you are not stuck with it. you can abandon your house up to 4 times in a day, and try for a new one. (if you abandon 5 times in one day, they make you wait 24 hours before trying again.) if you find a home you like but want a change later, you can abandon and seek a new one at any time.
  10. it marks their postiion on the map and draws a beacon to their location, just like when you find a friend on the map.
  11. first make sure you are wearing only one copy of the body. if you have two on it is possible for them to interfere like that. at this point it would help to relog, to eliminate the possiblity of a ghost attachment. next, if the problem is still there and you are sure there is only one copy of the body attached, edit the body and choose reset scripts from the build menu, then try the applier again.
  12. you know how brand new avatars get teleport offers to crappy malls and places like that? bots like those are how they get the new accounts' keys to spam.
  13. that is one of the temporary attachments, they are still a little unusual to find in the wild, but they are slowly becoming more common. if you ever find one that is really hard to remove, a relog will get rid of it.
  14. this is a bug being worked on, others are having the same problem. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-9699
  15. since you have moved to Windows 10, try the advice in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-9875
  16. Pixieplumb is correct, it would be infringement. the Sonic avatars are only still there because Sega haven't chosen to have them taken down. they can have them removed any time they wish.
  17. what is giving you trouble, the automatic updater? if that is the problem, download the newest version from http://get.secondlife.com/ and run the installer yourself.
  18. the trouble is not with Adobe, it is that viewers for SL are using a very old built-in browser. LL did finally allow somebody to take the time to replace it with a modern browser. the last time i played with it, it still needed a little work, but I know they are trying to get it finished and out for public testing.
  19. can you post the info (especially the stuff about graphics harware and driver version) from your viewer's Help>About? especially if you are using the Windows and AMD graphics combination, this can be cured by updating to the latest version of Catalyst. some recommend the old 14.4 release, but it is a slower driver than the current.
  20. the land for auction does not rule out a WARR replacement. the rights of way on either side of that auction land meet the road, so that "trolley" tracks could be used through Juanita.
  21. these problems do not reproduce for me under Windows 10. along with the operating system all your device drivers will have been refreshed too. check in the control panel for the mouse, and see if any unusual features have been added.
  22. if your friend recently upgraded Windows, the sound drivers may have been reset to a bitrate incompatible with SL, it can sound a bit like a voice changer is being used. see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-9875 for how to check and fix that possiblity.
  23. go to the Caisteal region, look off the landing platform and spot the vendors for the Galaxian avatars and clothes, and you will see a square sign below them. this will give the location for the PSDs on click. currently the address is https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fe75wleesy8ps3/BlueGalaxianFelinePSDs.rar?dl=0
  24. you will get an email something like this if somebody else has tried to reset your password. they could be trying to break in, or they didn't remember their own username correctly. when this happens, the language seems to be keyed on the IP address where the request was made. if you ignore the message, your password will stay the same. if this was one of the LL pasword reset requests, the IP address of the requester is probably in the message body.
  25. i would try the download again, especially to check that the Windows version is being downloaded. i did download and test the current version to make sure VMM was good to go, before posting here.
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