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Everything posted by ObviousAltIsObvious

  1. if your system can handle it, switch on ambient occlusion (SSAO) in your viewer's graphics settings. the default SL body has some sharp angles in a few areas, and in some lighting it can be really hard to ignore. SSAO won't make it perfect, but it softens the edges dramatically. some people like to use custom environment (aka WindLight) settings to hide the lines, but most of the settings that can do this have the side effect of washing out everything else. beyond those, you would have to look into a replacement head.
  2. Maradyne Andel wrote: Ripped or not, I still want one. Though to be honest, the ones that were clearly based on an existing fantasty creature (Boco, Cait Sith) didn't look much like them. the appearances of those creatures varies from game to game. the cait sith and boco models were directly from ffxi.
  3. well something is eating your texture memory and making that happen. try the same with any other HUDs, there is an epidenic of really bad ones lately. the other common causes are high graphics settings on toasters. or merely hanging out in places that have been built badly. what does your hardware summary look like in the viewer's Help>About ?
  4. If you are still using the ToddleeDoo body, take off the HUD when you are not using it. it is exceedingly texture heavy and causes this kind of problem for many users.
  5. transparent system hair has a strange glitch when advanced lighting is on, it will interfere with attachment textures like that. the fix is easy, wear system hair with a solid texture, push the hair mass into the head if any peeks through your mesh hair. alpha wearables have a hair section, you can use that to hide it as well.
  6. on Singularity that is Advanced>Rendering>Wireframe, or Ctrl+Shift+R for short.
  7. nothing will happen for now, the deadline was extended to Septermber. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/New-Deadline-for-Skill-Gaming-September-1/ba-p/2788558 also, anyone who has an application in with LL can continue running and selling games even after the deadline. if their applications are rejected, only then will they have to stop. if their applications are accepted, they keep going.
  8. Faythe LeShelle wrote: I would like to try this, however can't seem to TP into The Cornfield. Anyone know why? I can see there are people in there are people in the sim. Thanks the game region is set up to funnel people through a portal to grant the experience permissions first. go to the LR Portal Park, walk down the path for the cornfield game, and accept the permissions near the barn at the end of the path. there is also a tea room at the portal park, because tea.
  9. serotica wrote: I run the Singularity Viewer and wondered how I can stop, or turn off this function? Or stop people from seeing where I'm looking? I can see no crosshairs on my screen in any case. for Singularity open preferences, "System" tab, "Security & Privacy" section. check "Do not look at objects and/or avatars" to turn off the crosshairs that others see. just below that you can turn on "Show others' LookAt beacons" if you want to see how they appear.
  10. wear the "4 - Body Controller HUD (ToddleeDoo)" and press the "Clothes" button. on that panel, bottom middle, touch the "Take Off" button. from the dialog that pops up, press "Skinny" then "Shirt".
  11. that is telling you that the item you have now is named "Lolas :::Tango ::: Wet Look Intensity 3 Updated" - it is not an update notification.
  12. Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Look in your speaker list and turn the volume all the way down by sliding the slider to the extreme left. where do fuind this i use singularity viewer View>Active Speakers. Find that person's name in the list of speaker,s, click on it, then click on the speaker icon at the bottom of the floater to block their voice. the green dot next to their name will turn into a red circled bar.
  13. add the hammer to the FUI toolbar to see when you have rezzing rights active.
  14. well that's nice, there is even a special region set aside to document these, but no central reference, only the tips inside the viewer. You can left click on these icons to see what they mean. a dialog will pops up with an explanation. most of them always have the same meaning, but the "no scripts" icon meaning can vary (parcel no-scripts is only a limited block and easy to override, while region or estate no-scripts means nothing at all will run.)
  15. Chic Aeon wrote: I doubt seriously that the neighbor could return the skybox. They certainly could send in an AR. A skybox by its nature is often ONE object and the root of that object would be (if built correctly) the "floor" which would be settled in the middle (or near) of the owned plot. I certainly couldn't return items "mostly" on another piece of land but hanging over into my plot. I have tried. that information is out of date. object return is now possible for objects that encroach, no matter where the root prim is centered. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Parcel_encroachment
  16. it is best to keep your objects inside your parcel boundaries unless you ask permission from your neighbors first. if your neighbors decide that they don't like your oversized skybox, they are free (and able) to return any pieces that overhang their land. that could be the whole skybox. if you try to rez any furniture outside your parcel boundaries, it probably won't work unless your neighbors allow you to rez on their land and use their prim allocation.
  17. that is an old bug VWR-7510, avatars can be unblocked if they are using certain clients and participate in a group chat that you are in.
  18. you can try this, but results are not guaranteed. i'm not certain if their uploader will try to recompress JPEG images, and their settings could still be different from what 0u choose. for this case I think that a change in text color or maybe a little text outline will solve it. the contrast is low there, and the uploader is punishing that.
  19. Marketplace images are converted to JPEG on upload. everything except your red lettering is really surviving the conversion all right, so concentrate on that lettering. if you want to keep the same general look, make that red text a little bolder, and maybe alter the color slightly, so the JPEG compressor doesn't consume it as "unimportant".
  20. if you are using older parts, then the digi legs probably are using invisiprims. on modern viewers these these only hide body parts on low graphics settings. to make these legs work now, you will need an alpha wearable that hides your legs using the newer method. if you don't already have a collection of alpha wearables, this free kit could be useful. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Free-Alpha-Layer-Textures-kit/2589923
  21. that comes from scripted objects, usually a vehicle or sometimes an AO or the like. scripts don't always check that the avatar is properly loaded to the sim and that permissions are still valid before trying things, and that message is the result. for Firestorm you can make those messages less annoying, send them to chat instead of a popup, or even turn off error notifications if you don't care about them. Preferences, Notifications tab, look for "when I have script errors" and choose if and how you want to see them. for the standard viewer, the same options are under the Advanced preferences tab.
  22. Pluto Shelman wrote: Hello, Linden Lab. I need a clarification to file EchoSign for Skill Gaming Policy ( as an operator). https://secure.echosign.com/public/hostedForm?formid=9EX6XU7I3J32XJ 2 SKILL GAMING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (ii) A sworn affidavit or declaration from the applicant that... Do you require a sworn affidavit or a declaration? Do I need an attorney for this or not? In the SKILL GAMING POLICY THREAD, pag 29, this is what You replied to Gaia Gabe: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/td-p/2771090/highlight/false/page/29 "The reasoned legal opinion has to be from a credible attorney in good standing and licensed to practlce law in the U.S. The sworn affidavit comes from the applicant." Does this mean that I do not need an attorney for this sworn affidavit? an affidavit and a declaration are really the same thing. a declaration is an alternative form for people who have, for example, religious objections to making oaths. these are usually signed off by a notary, and your lawyer can do this as part of the job. they can help you with the wording too, they assemble documents like this all day.
  23. some AO or shadow maps are easier to work with than others. how to get them to work best will depend on how they are made, they can be created in a few ways and suppliers usually forget to tell you how they made them. a popular way to use them - make the shadow map your topmost layer, then experiment with blending modes until it achieves the effect you want. "multiply", "add", "soft light" are some common starting points that work well. depending on the map texture, you also may need to reduce the opacity.
  24. it's really, really large. large things have a high land impact.
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