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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. That explains why they all sound the same to me. 😁 Oh, that makes me feel a bit guilty towards my father. I requested to be read the book for the movie every evening for months.
  2. Today I like to share the small sewing room I set up in my Havana Stilt home.
  3. It is! And people tend to react very positiv to that avatar.
  4. I like to switch to my alt and run around as a deer, when exploring Belli.
  5. @Prokofy Neva You know, sometimes I feel like you want to dominate a discussion by writing the most long winded answer possible without actually adressing whatever you have quoted. You waffle on and on and I paitently read, hoping that somewhere in there is actually something that is a response to what I wrote... but nope. After a lot of irrelevant information comes your conclusion, that we are all offended because they dared to ask for ethnicity/race and that this is wrong, because its normal for Americans. Glory to the perfect by default american surveys! Hint: My criticism wasn't about the question existing at all.
  6. Nah, its not woke in the slightest. Not even, if this was directed at only the US territory. And since its for a product with an international userbase, it just falls flat on its face, by either leaving out entire ethnicities or oversimplyfying them. I hope LL didn't pay much for this half-assed survey.
  7. I'm not argueing that these questions are often part of surveys, but your post (and those of your two supporters) had the ring to it, as if it should generally go unquestioned and uncriticised. And I do have my fair share of survey experiance as well (also on the constructing side of it). I've only seen what people shared here and can't judge the survey in its entirety, but if the other demographic questions have the same quality... oh boy.
  8. @LilNosferatu Well, its still a terrible example of a ethnicity question in a survey. Its incomplete and given the topic insensitive, if you adress an international audience.
  9. Its worse. To me this looks like what you get, when you cross a purely US-centric worldview with the attempt of being progressive or "woke": You think its super important to differentiate between X groups of Native Americans and black Americans, while thinking the same differentiation doesn't matter for everyone who is neither of those two things. The result is a question that neither displays ethnic diversity, nor cultural/geographic diversity and has no good reason in being in this survey at all. Edit: It gets worse the longer I look at it. Asia is just one blob to them, Europe/Australia/Africa/South America/ + countries other than the US in North America do not exist, all white people are the same...
  10. We have already established, that he is a mole but also big enough to operate a fridge. Assuming its an average sized fridge with normal sized products inside, because of you being able to raid it and not be suprised until opening the fridge, we can make a safe guess that he must be a human sized mole. Thats either absolutly adoreable or terrifying, but would explain why a cat wouldn't eat him.
  11. Short story: My mom has one of those calendars that tells you a random fact every day. During Christmas, it was about the over 200 cats, that are employed in one of Mars pet food facilities in the Netherlands. We were curious and googled it and came across a video about the facility. Part of the video was an interview with a dude in a labcoat, who just squished some cat food with his hands, talking about the fine tuning to archieve the perfect texture... and then he just dipped his fingers into that mush and casually ate a bit as if it was the most normal thing to do.
  12. "Don't read it"? I could say the same thing: Just don't read the replies you don't like (or don't be and/or don't return (on an alt) to a forum you consider to be so bad). Why would getting "informed, generous, empathic advice" discourage someone from opening threads? Would be a first in history for that to happen. People usually just stop giving someone the benefit of a doubt after a series of weird questions and I think thats fair, because they either feel played, taken advantage of or start to feel like they are feeding into someones personal issues.
  13. He is getting that, because this is the... what? Third or fourth (?) thread about some bizarre worry. What you consider incredibly risk aware, others consider paranoid... or trolling.
  14. This has the same energy as people worrying someone "copies" their "unique" avatar style by checking what items they are wearing.
  15. Might be an issue with two things trying to use the same layer... I think it would be helpful to add what head/body you are using, so those who have the same can give more specific help.
  16. Looks like you may have turned off bakes on mesh (bom) in your bodies hud. Because whats poking out is not a second skin, its the standard avatar body that is always underneath your mesh bodies, but usually turned invisible by either bom or a normal alpha layer.
  17. I think you can wear any hair with that charming smile 😉 But I definitly like your new hairstyle.
  18. My current problem is finding good/new clubs... the new look search isn't helping so far.
  19. My bet is on 8... or its the perspective, that is making him look this big (You should still totally date him. Completely unbiased elf-avatar opinion here! *cough*). I just messured my male alt as a reference point and he his just above 7 feet (7.03 feet/2,14m) tall.
  20. Feels more like the "problems" of legal speak and therefore to some extend the problems of making rules or guidelines for anything. Too precise and there will be loopholes, too muddy and the whole weight on outlaying the "law" is on the "judge". They want people to be able to keep their thread "active", even if its not a normal discussion thread and all the responses will be by a small pool of people or a single person. But at the same time they want to limit that option, to prevent people abusing the forum (because people will be people and this is why we can't have nice things).
  21. Not "me"-me, but my male alt, after I spend my remaining Lindens on a shopping spree for him. I could watch those ears move around all day.
  22. Newbies (or people who never progress past that stage knowledge-wise) leaving low star ratings on the MP, because they do not understand how Second Life works or are seemingly incapeable of reading any instructions or information. I almost missed out on a nice store, because so many items had low star reviews. Turns out its just one stupid fork, who left multiple one star reviews across the stores inventory, because she can't be bothered to learn how to wear mesh clothes.
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