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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. To bring this in calmer, non-controversial waters: Supermarkets that stock a good product -once- and then its never seen again on their shelves. I wanted to keep buying that passion fruit flavored soda...
  2. Well, personally I would love if (on the internet) people would resume to sticking to definitions of words, because not doing so muddies the water and makes words pointless, because now they can have any meaning you want them to have. But thats another issue in itself... While I get the disgust about certain trends, I really don't get what the end goal is here. I get wanting to vent and rant a bit, because thats what this thread is for, but this part of the discussion does not seem to be just that (or maybe I'm just reading too much into that).
  3. In b4 hunting down every female avatar that doesn't look like an old woman. I KNOW none of you suggests that, but judgeing by how SLs nature is like and knowing that people have already put up such ridiculus witch hunts and rules on their land... this is just what it will result in. Edit: Since I do get quite a few of the confused reactions, let me all remind you of how paranoid SL is and always was about the *****. It hasn't been that long, that any female avatar, that wasn't a 2,50m tall amazon ran the risk of getting kicked out of places, because people were so up in arms about hunting the evil age players and their child avatars. And also a few months ago we had a post exactly about what I'm talking about and half the forum made a field trip out of testing what qualities as an "adult female avatar". Don't tell me you all forgot. Because this is how SL is: A good idea spirales into something above and behond.
  4. Yellow is absolutly fine. An underestimated colour.
  5. Where would one pick up a such a mail box?
  6. How is SL different in that aspect? The only source for L$ comes from outside SL: People who buy L$ with RL currency. There are no L$ generated within SL. Those Lindens are then exchanged between residents for goods and services. At that stage its not different from RL. You can't get L$ out of thin air and nobody would just donate it in large amounts to you, because there is value attached to it. So you have two options: Buy it yourself or offer something that convinces people to give it to you.
  7. Well, shouldn't that be exactly what you would want? Less chances for the evil stepford wives of Belliseria to seduce the innocent, helpless residents of the mainland.
  8. It could be worse. I distantly remember, when Second Life seemed to be associated with "becoming a virtual milionaire" and newbies would join asking how to get rich here.
  9. - decided its not worth it to fight the language police - Have a nice day. I bet that this still finds a lock somehow.
  10. I like the one on the left. She looks the friendliest. My least favorite is the one on the right, she has that "celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong" vibe.
  11. Why do things never go smooth, when you try to update an avatar? Wanted to switch the male alt to bom. Great, body and head have updates for that and the skin is on a texture layer anyway. All could be so perfect... but no, for some reason the hair decided to not work with this updated head. It makes part of the face invisible. 🙄
  12. How so? Last time I checked everyone here has had full freedom of choice. And if someones does decide to move from mainland to Belli that is their personal decision and not anyone eleses "expense". You know whos activity is really "at the expense" of other residents? Belliseria haters, who purposefully come to this subforum to stirr the pot and complain, even though they aren't in Belli anyway.
  13. Are you wearing the shape meant to go with the head or have you adjusted your own shape to it? Are those eyes belonging to the head or intended to be worn with this head? If not, you need to adjust them manually.
  14. Older residents (if they haven't had a long break) had the advantage of learning one thing at a time. Like for example: Sometimes BOM and appliers do the same thing, but work very differently and then appliers are also often brand specific and omega doesn't work right out of the box... at least the oldie would now how to open the boxes all of it comes in (while the newbie is confused why some things are opened by scripts and others need to be opened manually... or why the box is suddenly stuck to their hand). 😁
  15. I never had trouble as a newbie. The only difficult thing now is, that we are looking at the progression of years of content creation, all layered confusingly above one another and working differently. The same thing can or needs to be done in so many different ways. Aside from that SL just isn't for everyone. People who have no patiance or need to be spoon feed what to do or what to even want have no chance.
  16. I recently went to a beach club. All was normal, until suddenly a woman announced how rude it is for person X to block and accuse her of being an alt. What a petty drama. I looked at the profile of X, the person, who apparantly had nothing better to do than to start drama. Guess what her profile said? "Not here for drama". Hmm...
  17. The blessing of not being a native English speaker is, that I won't notice any of those things most of the time.
  18. Prepare to feel like you are completely new to SL. Its a lot to catch up to. Most stuff surrounding avatars now relies on "mesh". Mesh has been introduced to SL quite a long time ago and you can think of it as basically replacing what sculpties did before, but better. Mesh are 3D objects and made a lot of things possible or allowed for a more realistic looking result, by not having large seams like some prim objects had (my favorite example are boots that go above the knee). The biggest impact mesh had is with avatar parts. Custom mesh bodies and heads are smoother than the SL standard avatar. No sharp edges anymore. This requires clothes that fit this custom mesh and the market has adapted to support a range of different brands. With the recent technology of "bento" included you are also able to use texture layers again (like tattoos) without the need of a HUD that paints it onto the mesh (although that is also still used, both have up and downsides). Oh and remember invisiprims? Those don't exist anymore. Some viewer update broke them a long time ago, but we now have alpha layers that are worn and basically do the same thing but better.
  19. I just returned to Belli this evening, as I treated myself to premium membership for the cold and rainy months to come. To stay in theme, I went for a Log Home. Not expecting much, I tossed my hat into the ring and got this beauty in Kiura! A wide "driveway" up to my parcel, a small pond on the other side of the road and a little river in my backyard.
  20. As someone who is used to have the world of fashion handed to her on a silver platter (Maitreya user), it was a whole new obstacle to deal with Jake on my male alt.
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