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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. Yes, sadly I am on european timezone. I'm going to miss out on everything happening past 2pm SLT more or less.
  2. If Dragonlady is the threshold, we are in for a long ride. She was extreme even before that death wish.
  3. I usually get positive comments, from both men and women on Syo and my male alt. Today I went to a beach club and got nice IMs telling me I looked stunning and sexy. I know from the past, that people can react very differently based on avatar apperance. During my furry days, the interactions in non-furry spaces were less frequent, but when they happened, they were overall positive and I got called cute a lot. When I spend some time years ago in a full-demon avatar, nobody talked to me, unless they were men looking for a mistress. This was my avatars apperance today, for reference:
  4. Isn't that almost everyone who posts here regularly?
  5. Pointless review. I need to replace some sleep wear and I feel the need to slap all those women left and right, who leave reviews like "Looks cute, haven't worn it yet" or inform me, that they actually don't know if it holds up after washing it. Even better are the ones who have washed it once and think that says something to praise. THATS THE BARE MINIMUM, LISA!!! 🤬
  6. I don't think people gather based on avatar quality, because that is usually not considered a shared interest. Unlike for example the furry community, which connects over a shared love for a certain category of avatars (and fandom). My gut feeling is also that places that do focus on avatar type in that way are a bit... snobbish and "picked fence of realism", meaning they don't want any deviation from standard human.
  7. I'm not a newbie. I do go to shopping events, although the qualities of displayed products is... not consitent and -very- attached to fads. Not a good way to search for something specific. This is how it works for me. I have rarely problems. For worn items I just get the demo (I like trying it directly at home, instead of grabing the demo in the store, going home, trying and then returning) and for other stuff I put up with going to the inworld stores, which is often an unpleasant experiance.
  8. That would be terrible, as it would require people to already know a stores name, instead of being able to just search something like "white table" and getting shown all kinds of tables or clicking into the tattoo category and discover stores that specialize in tattoos. Honestly, if stuff wouldn't be on the MP, my house would be empty
  9. Aww, this is so pure 😊 I hope you are having fun. You don't need to accept group invites you don't want to.
  10. Can you stop doing stuff when I'm asleep? What did I miss?
  11. What I wrote is not "your point". Let me reword it: *Sukubia asking the creator for other products in a vendor add* Creator: "Sorry, I can't answer that. I had these photos made by so-and-so." <- Thats an answer! Dead silence or thinking too highly of oneself to give credit (when the knowledge is there) is not an answer. Then they shouldn't use other creators items to boost their own sales and instead present their own work bare as it is or with only their own creations, that people are actually able to find and purchase. Or of course be an a-hole.
  12. But that answer would be an answer and not what Sukubia is venting about: Getting ignored. And I'm with her on that. How often do I see totally bloated vendor pictures for products, where the product is only presented in a good light, because it just happens to work so well with all the 3rd party products, that aren't from that creator? Its just decency to give credit to the work of others (if you can of course).
  13. Oh, wow! You make me wish I had planned to use this addon for my Havanna (now I'm alread almost out of prims...)
  14. I talked about the person infront of the keyboard. And... I didn't even mention sex? I'm confused what that has to do with my comment.
  15. Ah yes... the sinful interest in... hmm... TVs, shoes, skin appliers, hair, short pants, aquariums and animation overriders! Can nobody think of the CHILDREN?!
  16. I never stood in the way of this marriage, Sukubia is just shy to put words into action! 😶
  17. I was just thinking about you, when I saw that title... 😁
  18. But we are still... people, not aliens. Why should new residents not want to customize their avatars and upgrade their visual apperance to their desire? That would be a first time in SLs history. The other issue is, that an eco-system will only form, if there is money to be made and that is only the case, if established residents would drop their current bodies and heads in favor of whatever LL puts out... and I'm not seeing that happening. LL is not without talent, but I simply don't see them out-compeating the existing brands. What do you mean by that (people will see similarities)? What people? The metaverse people? My question is, if the type of person who likes stuff like Zuckerbergs metaverse video will have a positive impact, if they come to SL. The whole metaverse is currently a trend/hype. I don't see how its not. You are contradicting yourself again. Now you are saying LL made a mistake by compeating with the resident made avatars, but just a bit above you claimed that this is the way. Only in part. I can obviously not exclude that some people will like super simplistic avatars, but if they are currently driven away by avatar complexity, they still will be (even with those avatars), because the world outside of their simplistic-starter-avatar-bubble does not conform to what they have experianced so far. That is still not where the sex controversy comes from. Nobody thinks about the avatars in those conversations and articles. They look at Second Life as a world and its content. Wii Sports avatars won't change that.
  19. No starter avatar ever has competed with resident created avatars. We do not need simplistic starter avatars to archieve, what is already reality. So this isn't an argument for new starter avatars, its a highlight why it might be wasted ressources to create them. Also what makes you think there will be an "eco-system" for these avatars? And... thats positiv how? Yeah, they will differentiate themself by looking like newbies. Who actually wants that label? Having your own expression by an individually created avatar is not "a trend" to join. Its simply what humans want. Hard no on the built-in desire to be "Girl-next-door No. 29865" forever. I have also yet to witness people identify themself as part of a generation or group based on what starter avatars they picked when creating their account. Or am I they only one, who never had a defining conversation about starting as that blond haired chick with the pleated skirt? You just claimed it would be positive for SL to look like every other metaverse project out there, by presenting oversimplified avatars. Pick one. Please, please show me a "sexy" starter avatar! 🤣 The controvery around sex and SL never stemmed from the starter avatars, but from the resident created content inworld and the simple fact that LL made the choice to allow sexual content instead of trying to be "advertiser friendly". So new starter avatars would change absolutly nothing.
  20. To the guy that currently dates Bree or dates her in the future: I hope you are great at making and hiding alts, because if you don't you won't be allowed to do anything or be anywhere in peace anymore.
  21. Lots of the hype comes from people, who are religiously obsessed with crypto, NFT and metaverse and companies who want the hype to squeeze money out of the hyped people. Not actually sucessful by definition. All I have seen so far, who talk about metaverse in combination with blockchain technology have been scams, ponzi schemes or at least very much in favor of "dressing up reality". NFTs are not an artists friend and they do not solve copyright issues at all. The problem was never identifing who had the copyright, but to actually enforce it. Especially with entities in foreign countries and if it just happens a lot. NFTs do not grant a magical button to delete your stolen picture from... lets say a chinese aliexpress shop printing it on t-shirts. The hype around NFTs has actually increased art theft, because people are taking artists works without their consent to use as NFTs. Other NFTs are usually artifically created images, that don't have any artistic value to them and are simply tokens to gamble on the hope that a "bigger idiot" will come and buy it from you for even more than what you paid. Also owning an NFT does not give you any rights in the realm of copyright law. You are still not allowed to use the image in the way its true owner could.
  22. One other reason: Half of the metaverse hype is crypto-bros hyping up whatever get-rich-quick ponzi scheme they recently came across. They aren't interested in creative, community driven things. They want to become rich. If more people would understand that Second Life, roblox and VR chat are our current "metaverses" and that we do not have the technology currently to make anything thats turning out to be different than some variation of that... then we wouldn't even have that senseless buzz around the metaverse.
  23. Its not even true in RL. Prices contain much more than pure effort of work and ressources. Paying more for brand products is a thing. Paying more, because something is supposed to be a luxury version item. Paying more, because a company has additional cost factors or just wants a larger profit... its everywhere from food in the supermarket to obscure hobby items.
  24. Then don't do it. Whats your issue? I got a damn cool collage of pictures today for 0 L$. And by the way: Judgeing a product by its price alone is for stupid people.
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