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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. We are only residents like you are and LindenLab will not look into this forumsection for technical help. Can you say what happens when you try to log in? Do you get a message?
  2. No, there is no other way, if you want only this land and not a similar one. He has paid for the land so it his land as long as he pays for it. But don't give up hope, a week is not a long time and there were holidays in most countrys all over the world, so he may had no time to logg in. Also keep in mind, that he might be in a different timezone that you are in. Best thing you can do is to write an notecard and send it to him, he will read it when he is back online. Also you should keep in mind, that the buildings on the land may not be on sell. Can be, that you only can get the land (if the owner want to sell it, so you better should mention it in your message to him).
  3. What keeps me away from changing clothes at the dancefloor is mostly that it is not helpfull for the new stuff to rezz. Standing naked, grey or with a couple grey balls around my body is not so fun :matte-motes-impatient: Other thing is, some people really can't resist to coment on changing outfits if they think I caugth a single spot of skin (or fur) which was not covered fast enough.
  4. I rarly have that issue sometimes. But it always helps to write to the merchant. I somehow have the feeling it helps to purchase only a few items at one time and not a full basket.
  5. I love to have a little house where I can always go to, when changing clothes, even more since I have a couple of different avatars which I prefer to change without wearing a whole outfit at the same time.
  6. Don't worry, people just want to express their feelings better. Plain words can mean so many, cause you can't actually see how the persons face would look when saying something. Always try to imagine what impression could be represented with it. But I wonder if you ever been to somekind of chatroom or forum before, because its quite common on the internet to use them.
  7. 3 steps of how to increase your chances of getting a useful answer: 1. Write whole sentences. I read your thread 3 times, but have still no exact idea of what you want to tell us. You sound like your in a hurry or like someone after a hundred meter sprint. 2. Tell us your problem with as much details as you can. There are so many reasons why you can't logg in (guess thats the problem, right?) Did you forget your password or did you get an error message? 3. Remember we are just residents like you, we can't check yourself what your problem is like LindenLab maybe can. Oh and last but not least: The last part sound like you want someone to contact some people for you....well, you didn't even say a word about what to tell them.
  8. If you don't get an answer, but wrote a polite notecard, then your only chance to get a clue of what you may did wrong is read their rules for the sim. If there is nothing usefull to find go ahead and discover new places to go.
  9. By the way: The basic of incest is that both persons have a close genetic relation to each other, but an avatar simply don't have any genetic code. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: So its an imagination in the mind and the TOS don't care about what goes on in peoples brains. Its like roleplay slavery, forbidden in RL but harmless fun for some people here. Only if there is a child avatar involved you can do something against it.
  10. The transactionhistory is not always helpful to be sure that an item is delivered inworld. I had it myself so many times, that I simply not got what I paid, but the transactionhistory said I did. Only way to be sure is asking the person kindly if they got your present. If not, send a note to the merchant with the part of your transactionhistory and he/she may resend it. Thats how I always solve my delivery problems.
  11. Es gibt sehr viele verschiedene Arten von Jobs in SL. Du kannst selbstständig Sachen erschaffen und sie verkaufen oder in einem der vielen Dienstleistungsbereiche arbeiten. Am besten du findest erstmal für dich selbst raus was du gerne machen wollen würdest und suchst dann nach entsprechenden Orten, die solche Jobs anbieten und bewirbst dich dort. Wenn du nicht weißt, wohin du gehen könntest: Es gibt einige Gruppen in SL die speziell dafür da sind, Stellenangebote publik zu machen. Vielleicht kannst du 2-3 davon beitreten?
  12. Ignore what Rose said, this is clearly a scary idea, keep that costume for eastern and halloween!
  13. Guess escorts are on place one when it comes to "spending money on a girl".
  14. The cat is the best thing you can get for your price range. Most other free avatars tend to look like not smooth and realistic enough. Other complete furry avatars, which will fit your ideas, start at a higher price.
  15. Good someone put the link to the marketplace here. I had an eye on this thread, cause I like those pants a lot
  16. I'm pretty sure they would rather be at home on holidays, but to be thankfull for their work needs a noble reason and not the simple reason that they are forced to do their job. If they would be totally free in their choice to work then we could talk about being thankful. You could also be thankful that some guys somewhere keep the power stations running, so you can use your computer and cook your christmas dinner or you could be thankful for the people providing you radio- and tv program. The list is endless, but they all don't do it cause they like the customers so much or their work....no, they don't want to get fired. Its simply their job.
  17. People just want to keep their job and I don't see the reason to thank someone for their work if its just in their own interest. And there are so many people who work on the holidays, more than you think.
  18. Not really. I like it too much to change my look and to make my avatar a little more perfect than reality. Also I sometimes have paws, fur and a tail
  19. Herzlich willkommen zum Drama in SL! Ich sehs mal realistisch: Wirklich etwas machen können wirst du wohl nicht können. Du musst halt versuchen nach Möglichkeit den Schaden zu begrenzen, da ich deine Situation nicht kenne, kann ich dir leider keine wirklich konkreten Ratschläge geben. Letztendlich zeigen solche Situationen aber immer sehr gut, wer die wirklichen Freunde sind. Versuch einfach diesen Unterstellungen zuvorzukommen.
  20. Actually nobody here can say why you were banned from that sim and you can't do anything about it, except asking the owner what the reason was. Roleplaying as a teenager is not forbidden itself.
  21. I had trouble with a coat hook today, does that count too?
  22. I never paid real money for my first "real" furry avatar. I hunted for everykind of contest in clubs and after a while I won some of them (was a humanavatar at that time and nearly all clothes were freebies). It was fun for me, cause I liked to go to clubs anyway. The good avatars start mostly around 500 Lindendollar, but you can end up with spending more than 3 times more for a single avatar. Make sure you look at different vendors, cause the are all far different from each other from price to features.
  23. There are a lot different furry avatars out there. Do you have a favorite animal you want to look like or do you know how much you want to spend on your avatar? That could help to name you some shops or creators And for places....you could use the search to find places which are furry themed. It would also help if you can say on what time your mostly online to find people who want to be friends with you or help you inworld. Here are people form all over the world. The only thing I didn't really understand was the part with "two types of furries" :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  24. Are we talking about the same USA? I mean the USA where naked skin is much more censored than any kind of violence, where a halfnaked breast causes more trouble than having a weapon at home? :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: So why did you want to laugh about the UK?
  25. Why do we talk about americans being forced to learn a language? Most of the damn grid is ruled by their native language. By the way....google can't translate whole sentences, so you have to know a part of the language to get something usefull out of it.
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