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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. Why not making your own shape? I don't get it why there is a need for buying one, we all have the same sliders to make one.
  2. Maybe I got influenced by a group conversation some time ago, where someone linked a picture with this avatar and was raged as nobody in the group agreed with him that this is the new way furry avatars should be made or that it is "awsome cute". Well and I don't like animes which go to much into this big eye direction. After all there are more normal furry avatars which look cute (and you can still say what animal it is made of).
  3. Ha! Found that anime-cat thing: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blue-Galaxian-Female-Feline-Ghost/3171581 Next time I see some of them I should ask if they doesn't worry about the fact that their eyes are close to be bigger than their breasts. Or if I can dry some clothes on their frozen tail.
  4. It could also be someone not knowing how to do it right. You should keep in mind how someone could see this, like "oh this is just a tiny forum about SL and I have just a harmless couple of questions". They might not think about others worrying about such sort of things. @glitter To the survey itself: I would suggest to improve some of the questions. When you ask how many hours someone spends in SL on a day, its difficult to answer, cause not everyone is online on each day. Also the job-question is a little....well let me say its easy to see that you wasn't much into SL. Just take a look on some jobs being common here: DJ, Dancer, Host, Model, Shopowner, Escort........ and what many jobs from the real world are missing here, cause nobody needs them.
  5. I'm only speaking about Mesh-things I saw inworld so far. And the only good thing was a tiny.....but to speak of furry avatars, I saw some ugly thing which I guessed was suposed to look good but looked more like some cartoonanimalthing drawn by some japanese artist on drugs. A head like a balloon, eyes big as a hand and a tail that couldn't even move. This was anything but not cute or pretty. If mesh furries are going to look that way, I'm staying with the normal ones forever. As I see your picture now....hm...its pretty dark...but it could be one of this things.
  6. I don't like mesh much and I won't use it. I saw clothes, but there style was boring and they changed the shape in a way I don't want it to. Also the only mesh furryavatar I saw so far was ugly as hell, I wouldn't even use it if it was for free.
  7. This makes me wonder what happend to your old friends :matte-motes-little-laugh:
  8. As far as I know...no you can't turn it off to see others. And I wonder why anybody would like to do that. If you want to be alone go somewhere where nobody else is. If you don't like to see other people, then don't join a virtual world whichs biggest part is to get in contact with others. I don't really get the point of it....maybe you can explain the reason why you don't want to see other and we can find a better solution?
  9. I have different avatars. My furryavatar is usually not very tall compared to most human avatars, ranging around the average size for women in RL. My humanavatars are mostly taller, because most shoes tend to increase the high pretty much.
  10. Well, we all use the same "internet" as there is just one existing. Are you talking about your browser? If so, can you please tell us more about your problem?
  11. On this other blog, it sounds more like the writer suspects a person he knows....all in all looks like drama created in personal environment in that case.
  12. You may really try to go to the police. I know its just a little chance for hope and I don't know how your country deals with stalking and bullying on the internet. As he is speaking german sometimes, I suspect him to live in Germany and I guess your laws could deal with such kind of crime. Only problem can be to find him.... And you don't have any idea why he picked you?
  13. Wow thats pretty bad. I have no idea how someone can have that much energy to bully someone totaly unknown. Not to mention it is such a stupid brainless way he does (suspect your stalker to be young and male). Only thing I can think of is continuing with filing ARs, ask others to do so as well. Maybe that will put more presure on LL to ban this guy and all his accounts. Like you described you log in write his message and log off...you won't have a chance catching him to turn the tables :matte-motes-bored: Since staying away from your main account is not an option you can only wait until he gets bored of writing the same stuff again and again.
  14. Sorry you had learn it the hard way: A question gets the answers it deserves. But good you decided to leave, maybe you find another place to advertise and troll around.
  15. Simply don't write something in your profile that you feel the need to hide from others. Its easy. And where is the difference between some stranger reading your profile inworld or on the web?
  16. Its your fault talking about two different things at the same time. Speaking of drama in the context of acting in a movie, story or anykind of theather is something different from "SL drama". Your opening post mixes both things together. SL can't be all drama, cause SL is not all about roleplaying in a fantasy story. Now stop trolling and continue thinking your great on your own.
  17. I think its silly to take something you see as a great motivator for rp to be great for everyone. Most of the time I'm online, I'm just me. Not a charakter I created for a roleplay setting and I want people to respect that. The only time I mentioned the word "drama" in some way in my profile is a statement to all those stupid disclaimers which mostly want to tell me, that I did agree to some dumb selfcreated rule by IM them. But thats another topic. Finaly, as a roleplayer myself, I think the desire for drama and dramaqueens especially is the worst thing you can do to your roleplay environment. A catching roleplay, which people want to join, is created by a good storyline, interesting charakters with feelings, realistic actions and a good background. Dramaqueens doesn't care for a storyline and they won't stop the drama at the border of the roleplay. And if you have luck, and they don't do that.....there drama is pretty poor and breaks logic and setting within a moment. But I guess its worthless to tell those things to someone who barly mistakes the desire for a friendly and peacefull stay in SL as an addiction to SL.
  18. If that is a sidehit on my avatar and my profile, just saying I still have a G rated profile
  19. I wonder what exactly make a profile G,M or A rated. Where is the line? :matte-motes-agape:
  20. You better take a look into the forumpart "inworld employment", this here is the roleplay forum. And it can be helpful for others, if you specializes what kind of jobs you do want to do, cause honestly, the most jobs in SL are only worth your time if you enjoy them.
  21. Na dann weißt du ja schon ungefähr wonach du suchen könntest. Wenn du zwischendurch ne Frage hast, kannst du mir ne IM inworld schicken, ich werd antworten so bald ich kann.
  22. Your animalhead is a primbased head. Its attched to your body like any other item and you can't edit it with the normal sliders, cause they are only for the shape, also I would say you shouldn't touch any of those headoptions if you have a primhead. If you want to edit a primhead you have to do that like with any other item, clicking on it and then chosing the editoption.
  23. Wo bist du denn meistens unterwegs? Hast du schon mal die Suchen-Option probiert? Damit lassen sich Orte finden, die irgendwie mit deinem Suchbegriff zusammenhängen. Orte, die gerade gut besucht sind werden extra gekennzeichnet mit so orangen Symbolen. Außerdem kannst du die Kartenoption nutzen, jeder grüne Punkt auf der Karte markiert einen anderen Avatar in diesem Gebiet. Es lohnt sich auch nach Gruppen Ausschau zu halten, die deinen Interessen entsprechen oder extra als Anlaufstelle für Neulinge dienen, auch einige deutschsprachige Gruppen gibt es. Auch hier hilft die Suchoption. Was interessiert dich denn so, also was würdest du gerne tun oder welche Orte könnten dich interessieren?
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