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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. Offensichtlich hast du ja bereits die Option gefunden deine Form (in SL oft shape genannt) zu verändern. Das Abspeichern deiner Einstellungen ist aber kein Hindernis den Prozess noch einmal zu machen. Dafür machst du einfach einen Rechtsklick auf deinen Avatar und wählst Form bearbeiten (oder eine ähnlich klingende Option, abhängig davon welchen Viewer du benutzt). Dann hast du wieder Zugriff auf die Schieberegler und kannst dein Äußeres ändern. Wenn du zufrieden bist speicherst du wieder ab. Das kannst du so oft tun wie du möchtest und wenn du Angst machst du einfach eine Kopie. Sollte das gar nicht mehr hinhauen, dass es dir gefällt.....woher hattest du denn deine Form? Wenn du sie gekauft hast, dann kannst du vielleicht über den Verkäufer erfahren was für Einstellungen verwendet werden. Wenn du ihm deine Situation erklärst hilft er oder sie dir vielleicht. PS: Ein Skin ist so etwas wie deine Haut und Shape ist sozusagen die Körpermasse über die die Haut gezogen ist, ein wenig wie im richtigen Leben also
  2. Es gibt keine Standarteinstellungen. Du hast verschiedene Startavatare in der Bibliothek deines Inventars, der neuste offizielle und einige andere Viewer haben inzwischen ein Menu im Interface, um bequem zu einem dieser Avatare zu wechseln. Nun frage ich mich jedoch, warum du das machen möchtest. Die Qualität der Startavatare wurde zwar über die Jahre etwas verbessert, aber mit einem individuellen Avatar sind sie dennoch nicht ganz zu vergleichen. Gab es ein Problem mit deinem jetzigen Avatar? Wenn, dann gibt es dafür sicher eine bessere Lösung.
  3. Ok, Cobralee. By "gift" do you mean you selected the option to send it as a gift? Then it won't show up in your inventory, cause you selected a residents name as person the gift is sended to. Or is it a transferable item that you brought and want to hand to someone yourself (it has to be transferable, if you want to give it away). If you are talking about the last option, you may need to wait a little, sometimes the marketplace is kinda slow. If you won't recieve it after 24 but the order history at the marketplace say you got it (check that first), contact the person who sold it and ask kindly if they can send it to you again.
  4. Its your opinion, not a generel fact. I was happy with the offical viewer for a year, and now I am happy with firestorm. Eat that! :matte-motes-silly:
  5. I think the amount of tips someone can get depends on 3 things: Luck, Talent and People. 1. Luck: Yes, luck is a part of the whole thing. Sometimes everything runs fine and other days everything seems to go really really slow. Luck is definitly a part. Same goes with many other things. 2. Well, some people actually can see if someone is good in what he or she does and some will honor it. 3. The final part are the people you have in the club. Sometimes it seems you only got the poors, which can't even afford some nice things for themselves or well....its just enough for that, but not more. And then you can have a huge crowd where everyone gives a small amount, but the number of all those small tips make it. And one day in 1000 years you get someone who throws the money out like he will die tomorrow.
  6. Well, if everybody would update their viewer, there wouldn't be any V2 V1 questions. Also no newbie will have a viewer which nobody else is using, there will be always someone using the same viewer who can be asked about it. Firestorm or Phoenix are very popular third paty viewers and there are many people using the offical viewer too. Only if they use one of the not so popular viewers it could be a little more difficult to find someone who can help, but a search for help groups is worth the try. All in all it hasn't got much harder for a newbie to learn about using the viewer.
  7. I wonder what they would think of a microavatar......I know at least two guys who have avatars as small as one of my paws.
  8. Titles will suck.....more drama about, requiring to have title XY to this and to get that....oh and some roleplayers will think they can rule now more than their own little self, when there is some leader-title :matte-motes-bored:
  9. Für jedes Seminar, dass etwas gezielt mit dem Aussehen von Avataren zu tun hat würde ich darauf achten das der jeweilige Aspekt beim Tutor, wenn vorhanden, von guter Qualität ist. Zum Beispiel, dass er oder sie sich hochwertig kleidet, wenn ich ein Seminar über die Herstellung von Kleidung besuche. Bei einem Seminar über die Erstellung von z.B. Furry Avataren wäre es mir dann auch lieb, wenn der Tutor einen selbstgefertigten oder modifizierten Avatar hat, der in diese Kategorie fällt. Bei anderen nicht optischen Seminaren wäre es mir weniger wichtig wie der Avatar aussieht, auch wenn mich da ein sprechender Baumstamm schon verwundern würde. Beispiele wäre zum Beispiel Scripten oder Kurse für DJs, Hosts und andere Dienstleister in Clubs. Generel sollte ein Tutor immer schon das präsentieren können was man von ihm erwartet. Also auch optisch schon danach aussehen als könnte er einem viele Tips geben. Beim Rest dürfte so ein durchschnittliche aussehender Avatar völlig ausreichend sein.
  10. For everykind of movementchanges an AO is normaly used. Do you only got a walkanimation or do you own an AO? If you have the last one, there must be a notecard in the same folder, telling you how to replace animations.
  11. Its LindenLabs own fault, that it is so easy for kids to lie about their age. As I joined, it was necessary to prove your age with a part of the passport, driving licence or anything equal to that to get age verified. Now you simply say yes and set some birthdate. This shows that LindenLab doesn't really care about it at all. I don't care about children either. Its there own problem, if they want to acess SL. I'm not their nanny or mother. Oh and I also don't agree with the point knowing the TOS might stop griefers, everybody with a working brain knows that anger others is not nice. Its what they call fun and they won't stop untill they get banned.
  12. I had that problem too (so its not an specific account issue). But it seems to work now again. I suspect it was just that what the message said, a technical problem with the marketplace, which is solved now.
  13. I guess they sell not only avatars on that sim.
  14. Copied: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/How-to-meet-someone-from-your-city/m-p/1043797/highlight/true#M20130
  15. Mara Larimore wrote: Je moderner der Avatar aussieht, desto kompetenter ist er? Meinst du das in der Richtung? Wobei ein moderner oder "Highclass" Avatar nicht unbedingt seriös aussehen muss. Ja, in vielen Fällen sogar besonders dann. Zum einen ist gerade bei gestalterischen Tätigkeiten der Avatar ein Aushängeschild. Wenn ich z.B. jemanden suche, der mir etwas über Kleidung, Texturen und ähnliches beibringe, dann wäre ich schon skeptisch, wenn der Tutor selbst aussieht als wäre er anno 2005 in den erstbesten Freebieladen gelaufen.
  16. Make an online survey, if you want to do this seriously.
  17. Search on the marketplace for the mama alpha huds, the describtion is really clear and explains what the hud can do. But as others said before the whole pregnancy-thing is just roleplay. Second Life is NOT The Sims and all content you see is just usercreated and not an offical part of the world itself.
  18. I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. You are only allowed to go to G rated sims, but you say there are avatars which are not wearing clothes? Hmm...and pictures, do you mean profilepictures or images that are on the land itself? For nude avatars, you have the option to 1. contact the person and explain kindly why they should wear more clothes, 2. contact the landowner or 3. fill a report and sent it to LL, if there are people violation official rules, same goes for images that are not allowed on G rated land (But keep in mind: We talk about images on the land. Profiles are not tied to landspecific rules. If there is adult or mature content in a profile, it gets a rating to not show it, when you just can visit G rated land). That are your only options, there is no searchoption to sort out other residents behavior. From my own experiance I'm quite suprised to hear that about G rated land. I'm curious, what do you saw and where do you was?
  19. I would be happy if they just would make it easier to make the first steps in building. The goal should be to get everyone able to build at least simple things or their own simple house. Most guides which exist deal with old viewers, show things which are poorly explained or just don't deal with beginner issues. There should be one source for FAQs in different sections, more step by step guides...oh and more pictures where to find what tool. I know what I'm talking about, I got the idea in my head to build my own house....after two hours I got frustrated :matte-motes-dont-cry:
  20. I haven't found a furry sim which was not "friendly", but in some situations you have to jump over your shadow and talk with others, before they notice you
  21. Not long ago, I updated my viewer. Since I did that my viewer closes itself without any warning every view hours. It takes me 3 times hitting the loginbutton to finally get inworld, cause first it tells me the region I want to log in has started to went down, second it tells me I can't logg in cause the process of logging me out is not complete. Only hitting the button a third time lets me back inworld. I never had problems with LindenLabs viewer before, but im sick and tired now of these shutdowns. I'm joining contest, I'm talking with my friends...not to talk about any nice moment gets destroyed. Is there any help? Will the new update solve it? Or am I forced to use a third party viewer (if so, can i open firestorm twice? I'm sometimes online with 2 accounts at the same time).
  22. How should that work? It doesn't work perfectly in RL, how should it work in a virtual world, where people came to enjoy freedom and being who they want to be? Not to mention that the anonymity always tend to create drama, cause its easier to show your dark sides with a virtual identity. It reminds me somehow of the movie animal farm, where in the beginning the goal was to life in freedom and peace without the farmer (in our case without griefers and other harassment), but in the end some of the group made themselves to leaders, thinking they are better than others. What would stop such a judge for finally letting out his dislike for gorean roleplay, vampires, furries or childavatars? Second Life would not be the same place again and it would be its dead in the end. Better we live with the many little problems, than dealing with one very big problem.
  23. On what times are you usualy online? Not that you end up with friends who are at work or sleeping when you are online :matte-motes-smitten:
  24. Are you addicted or do you just fear you could get it? There is nothing wrong with having fun here or love to logg in....I bet people with other hobbies feel the same, the difference is just that other activities are quite more accepted than SL. So ask yourself: Do you feel bad because you think you do something wrong cause its the way others see it or do you really have the feeling your missing something cause of SL?
  25. Have you tried to log out and then restart the viewer? If you where online while you did the verification, this could easily slove the problem.
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