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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. No.....the titel itself says not very much and I'm even more confused about the only sentence you wrote to it. Ok....your looking for friendship with furrys. Friendship is always based on a bunch of common interests and sympathy. It could help to use the forum to tell people a little more about yourself. One furry can be very different compared to another furry. Did you try to search for groups? Did you visit places for furrys? And what the hell has "the old SL" to do with finding new friends? :matte-motes-agape:
  2. Again Ish just wants to look more intelligent than anybody else and try to point out that Europeans were the bad guys Don't think too much about it.
  3. What viewer you want to use is up to you and not really related to your system. A viewer is like a window that lets you see the world. Chosing one viewer is like chosing the colour and look of a window. Only the world itself has to do with your computer system itself, like how high you can set the graphic settings.
  4. If I want to chat with someone from SL, I tend to logg into SL. Why should I join a social network for that?
  5. Tell us what message you get, when you try to enter SL and maybe try the support side to see if LL itself have a solution for it.
  6. Guess their is no help out of it.....just point out in big letters why their are in that category (children) and that the clothes can't be worn by childavatars.
  7. I checked that first, but there was no email from them.
  8. They won't care, I guess. Cause I don't have a premium account (and they only care about those people). Only thing I can do so far is waiting until I am the only one online at the house to try to restart the router (hope it helps). I would be so much smarter from LL to only ban if they hear about someone having trouble with that resident and not banning people out of the blue. And I wonder how they think that mess would help getting people into paying for sl
  9. Hello, I read until now I read it a few times that people suddenly had the issue that they always get a message saying they can't logg into SL from this computer and the answer that this is the way LL tells you, that your banned. Now it happened to me. Yesterday everything was fine and out of a sudden it won't let me in today. (and I know that there is no reason for banning me, I was always friendly to the people I met.). And now it should be my turn do what ever the hell to get their messed up system right?! Why do they do that to people, who aren't involved in anything bad? Shouldn't they focus on the real problems and the real bad guys? :matte-motes-angry:
  10. I know myself someone who is over 50 but has an avatar that looks totaly different compared to his look in rl. A tall young man with brown hair and suntouched skin....he says thats how he feels and how he wants to be in sl I think many older people using sl are still feeling younger than they may look in rl and want to express it with their avatar. Not to forget about the furrys, who mostly look a little ageless!
  11. Ich denke hier findest du was du suchst: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Deutsche-Knowledge-Base/Alters%C3%BCberpr%C3%BCfung/ta-p/700201
  12. What do you mean with "mature avi"? Only adult looking avatars? (there are quite a lot!) Or some who look like grandparents? Only people over 18 years? (we are not your avatars ) Only people interested in adult topics? Only people of a certain age? If you could clear up what you mean with that, we could probably help you better and maybe it would be better if you focus your search on things that you are interested in, cause you interact with the person behind an avatar.
  13. Mute sie und gut ist....bei wiederholter Belästigung meldest du sie eben. Beleidigen lassen muss man sich schließlich von niemandem.
  14. I like the transperent red one the most.
  15. Wenn du Second Life installiert hast und einen Account besitzt musst du nur noch einloggen und kannst direkt loslegen. Alle User starten mit einer Basisversion, die nichts kostet. Bezahlen muss man lediglich, wenn man einen Premiumaccount möchte, der einem einige Privilegien bietet.
  16. Most use the option of displaynames when they get bored of their old name or aren't satisfied with it. Also a lot of good names are already taken, so people may get frustraded and type something silly in the namefield and create a "real" name as a displayname. Same thing for the people who want a lastname, but have a new account with only "resident" behind their name. Thats why many displaynames are far different from the originalname.
  17. Überleg erstmal wo deine Talente liegen und wozu du vielleicht Lust hättest. Wenn du z.B. in einem Geschäft oder einem Club arbeiten möchtest kannst du auch direkt vor Ort nachfragen, ob es freie Stellenangebote gibt.
  18. Das kann manchmal passieren, kontaktiere am besten die einzlenen Händler, bei denen du gekauft hast. Am besten mit einer Kopie des betreffenden Bestellverlaufs. Viele helfen dir dann gerne und senden dir deine gekauften Sachen noch einmal zu. ---------------------------- And to all people who can't even speak a single word German and use the googletranslator......stop it, it is absolutly worthless. You can't help, because nobody understands what you want to say and sometimes you don't even understand the topic correctly. If your on the hunt for some kudos.....this page is about help, not hunting.
  19. So lange es bei wiederholtem Versuchen nicht klappt wurde ich als Übergangslösung einfach empfehlen einfach im Profil schriftlich kenntlich zu machen, dass man vergeben ist. Alle, die einen dann noch angraben lesen sowie so nie Profile
  20. First: Not everyone on my friendlist here in SL is someone who I would call a friend, cause I use it often just as an option to stay in contact with some people I talked to. But I also have found some people I would call real friends, cause I talk with them like with my friends in the real world. And of course, it would hurt me, if they stop talking to me. I can't see them when I talk to them, but that doesn't make our relationships less real and its definitly not RP (as Ish would said). It would be roleplay, if I would talk from the view of a character I created. Instead of that I may tell how my day was and what I plan to do at the weekend and so on. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  21. I used to play an elf named Syorie in another game and there I just got called Syo from others in chat.
  22. Syo Emerald

    Dragon pet

    What? Hm, well.....for breedables you need to have a female and a male animal, like in real nature.
  23. As I read the first 2-3 pages of this thread I thought: What in the world let someone worry about it? I live in a little house on a small, but nice piece of land. I can close my windows or colour them dark, if I want. No one who is living near my house will look inside by mistake. And I don't know why anyone should be interested in looking inside (except to see my lovly decorated rooms :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:). Most of the time I'm not at home and even in the times I'm there, you won't see any special or exciting. I hang around, enjoying my place or change my outfit. Only 0,1% of my time there could you see me using some "cuddle and more" poseballs, I guess. Every stalker would just die because of boredom. :matte-motes-whistle: So thats why I don't think that there a many people trying to look permanently inside the houses of strangers. And if you have a real stalker....it isn't a house-only-problem and has nothing to do with the generel privacy of a house. Ok.....and know, where is the problem again?
  24. He said he is online around 5pm SL time.....thats 2am in Europe In the middle of the week not the best time to find easily friends.
  25. "Beibringen" wirst du deinem Avatar nichts können, aber wenn du in einem Club tanzen möchtest, dann halte Ausschau nach sogenannten Danceballs, die sich meistens an der Decke befinden. Klicke einen davon an und dir wird eine Anfrage gestellt, ob du deinen Avatar animiert haben möchtest. Beantworte sie mit ja und dein Avatar beginnt zu tanzen. Ebenso verbreitet sind anklickbare Tanzflächen, die genau so funktionieren wie die Bälle. Manchmal kannst du sogar zwischen einem ganzen Menü an Tänzen wählen. Eine andere, aber teilweise sehr kostspielige Alternative sind sogenannte Huds, die einem selbst und anderen ermöglichen überall und zu jeder Zeit zu tanzen. Diese jetzt aber komplett zu erklären sprengt den Platz dann aber hier Solltest du einmal in einem Club nichts entdecken können um zu tanzen, frag am besten im chat oder schreibe einen Angestellten des Clubs an, ob er dir erklären kann wie du dort tanzen kannst. Übrigens finde ich Antworten made by google translator wenig verständlich.
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