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Everything posted by Chronometria

  1. If you were ejected from the Titanic. they probably did you a favour. It's just not a safe ship, you know.
  2. Marcus certainly understands how I feel. As to the "resenting" of me as a customer, i`m referring to the blog comments of ex linden staff where it was apparently the case that we were all referred to as "wackadoodles" - basically troublesome idiots and not the people who second life was supposed to be for. I mean, look at this - We ask for second names back, we get told the lab is looking into making "community awarded titles", which nobody asked for. There is no dialogue here, its the lab doing things for its own agenda and not for us, much as the removal of second names was in the first place. ....and we didnt even get the "community awarded titles" anyway, let alone the things we asked for. How much of this planning and discussion went into trying to make that nonsense idea work? What if the whole thing was canned over an inability to decide how to implement the titles?
  3. I think its perfectly fair to be sickened by corporations and organisations that make profits but who appear to treat customers as an annoyance and not their priority. In the UK, when i pay my petrol, when i use my bank and now when i log on to relax, i know that someone out there is making money from me and somehow resenting me for it. Yes, that sickens me and it is made worse by the fact that it shouldnt happen.
  4. I am beyond furious at the moment. Sickened, perhaps, describes it best.
  5. Considering that there are still sites giving out last names i am pretty sickened by all of this (someone on tateru's blog confirmed this with a recently made surname AV). The system is there, it is working and can be simply turned back on. How can this in any way be good PR? All this hype, even grand sounding "watch this space" posts (several) and now "no, we wont do it". Two lindens are sacked, quarterly and annual reports are stopped, third party viewer issues are still simmering and now this. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.
  6. Clicking on the land beneath a linden home is actually quite tricky. With the japanese houses, you can click the earth around the tree on the patio, but with the others the house completely covers the land and prevents a mousclick. The modern ones leave a tiny sliver of land that you can click that is just under the house edge, but you basically have to keep trying to click it and hoping for the best. It takes a good few attempts to get this right. It's very frustrating if you are trying to monitor you prim count or change settings on the land like the media stream for music. It can be done, its just incredibly fiddly unless you have one of those oriental style ones. If you drop me a line in world i`ll happily come and try to assist with finding a suitable spot to click. *** As to radios, they do work and they too are a method of doing this, though you often need to click the land itself to turn the blasted things off. Seldom do they come with an off button.
  7. Is that a fish in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?
  8. What those above say is very true - There are still sites out there offering last names, so the system is not only something that can be restarted.....it was never actually turned off. I am premium, i pay my share to help keep second life running and i want a surname to make me like everyone else. I don't need or want a "title" or anything else. I would even accept never having a surname myself, so that new accounts can get one (i`d settle for having resident as an actual name, as opposed to a placeholder). Even the surname "resident" would have some sort of identity and history, but i dont even truly have that. I`d settle for it though as being better than what i have now.
  9. Out of curiosity i checked out what valars zindra land was. It's a 7168 underwater plot in inca, being sold for 45K. I`d suggest that if it still isnt selling, to chop it up or to lower the price, especially as its overlooked by three houses, of which two are ugly as heck and are blocking off all the water access.
  10. The only decent way to win lindens that i have found is to try trivia competitions. Groups like the trivia fiends offer reasonable reward for your time, genuine competition rather than just mindless clicking of coins and are, most importantly, a fun social activity where you can make friends.
  11. This is fantastic news and will go a long way to promote equal treatment for those who were unable to create an account with a real surname.
  12. when i first joined SL about 6 or so months back, i found the idea of marketplace very appealing, being a frequent user of amazon. I have since gotten a lot out of using it and its a fun past time to browse it. However, in the last month or so i have seen its reliability take a nosedive and i don't know what has changed. Delivery delays, if the items arrive at all, of an hour or more. Missing goods and other problems....something isnt right with the system, its like it isnt being maintained and is somehow breaking down. There is definitely a growing problem.
  13. I`ve been following a topic on SLU about this and they have noticed that land is not being picked up by landbots till you make it 0.2 or less. Someone only got a landbot to bite his 512 when he auctioned it for 49 lindens. We are now at the point where landbots have grabbed so much, that there just isnt anyone out there taking it off their controler's hands. They are now going to be destroyed by tier. I picked up some land adjacent to a protected railway recently, to build a nice retreat on. The entire sim (nolidae) is covered in for sale signs at silly prices. Part of the reason i bought is just to see what happens and whether they will all be abandoned (it was a medieval town and has been badly cut up into parcels that dont match tier bands, so even though its horribly costly, nobody could buy it anyway as it is all silly amounts like 520 and 1070. Its a whole sim so the tier must be insane and every month that passes means abandoning it would have *saved* the land baron money.
  14. I went back to 3.1 which makes a lot more sense and which seems better. Things like docking, the sensible bottom bar and so on make it appear "finished" as a product. 3.2 on the other hand is like some sort of clunky alpha, just try to move things to the sides and the whole screen gets a low rez grey border that doesnt matter as the buttons go the middle and not anywhere on that border as you might think they should. It's ugly and unfinished, taking several clear steps back and pandering to very old users who would never adopt it anyway. Those most confused are we who began our second life experience on viewer 2 and are quite happy with its approximate layout. I dont want my viewer looking like viewer one used to be as i`ve never used that and never will. We are getting to the stage where in trying to please the old timers, the newcomers like me will be forced away and the old timers wont use it anyhow. You cant please everyone, but i would prefer it if the product pleased *someone*, preferably those who are already learning to use it.
  15. As someone who went back to 3.1, i am liking the OP's suggestions. The chat bar messup was one of the most glaring things that blindsided me about the change. Speaking was actually hard and alien to do. Likewise, i soon got rid of the buttons and tried to set up my top left task bar only to find that nothing would dock and it all stuck to the middle left and not top left. Messages in the top right was likewise alien, as the minimise button points down, as if clicking it will send things downward, not up. Even the bottom bar of 3.1 looks damned elegant compared to the clumsy "building block" style of 3.2. It's like picasso suddenly getting into using crayons and trying to remake a famous painting.
  16. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Okay, think of things this way - the vast majority of people who use the UI of a computer program use it as a means to accomplish SOMETHING ELSE. The UI is a tool that should function transparently without their trying to think about it. Think of it as a "language". With the exception of linguists, most people use languages to do SOMETHING ELSE instead of thinking about the structure of the language itself. All of Earth's languages have strengths and weaknesses, and most people find it easy to use the language they learned from birth and more-or-less difficult to use any other one unless they've had time to learn and work with it, and they probably won't embrace new languages unless they have a compelling reason to do so. The whole problem started with Viewer 2. Imagine a country that speaks French. The leaders announce, "Studies show that it's easier for new people to learn Spanish than French, so from now on all new residents will be taught Spanish and new laws and regulations will be issued in that language. We encourage all of you to start speaking Spanish now. Have a nice day." And that worked just about as well as you'd expect. The French speakers felt no reason to learn Spanish, especially when they discovered that many of the new works were badly written because the writers themselves weren't completely fluent in Spanish yet. When new residents came to them speaking pidgin Spanish most of the older residents, many of them not terribly friendly to those who didn't even speak French well, encouraged the new people to speak French instead "because it's easier and better." For those who already spoke it, of course. However, there were other new residents who learned Spanish and found themselves fluent in it. They found many French speakers to be stubborn and annoying and French itself to be a clunky and difficult-to-use language compared to Spanish. So in essence, the country found itself a little Canada or Belgium, struggling with two different languages and having difficulty advancing with the language conflicts. So the leaders decided to try to address this. After an interesting experiment limiting new residents to the vocabulary of a Spanish translation of "Go Dog, Go," they decided to attempt to work out a compromise that would appeal to both camps. So, one Tuesday evening most of the Spanish speakers woke up to discover that they were suddenly expected to speak Catalan (the dialect of eastern Spain that's sort of halfway between French and Spanish but not instantly understandable to either.) There was dancing in the streets of Barcelona, but other than that there was understandably mass confusion. Some French speakers were pleased that the heathen Spanish speakers were now expected to speak a language that was "better" because it was closer to French, but most of them just kept on speaking French because they were used to it. Many Spanish speakers rebelled and declared they'd just keep speaking Spanish. AND the new Catalan works reached even FEWER people than the Spanish ones did. I'm not going to say anything about the relative merits of "French", "Spanish" or "Catalan" as languages. Because of how I was "born" into SL I prefer the Viewer 2 "Spanish" of my birth, but have learned "Catalan" and function well in it as I HAD ADVANCED NOTICE because I poked around and found out about the change and HAD A COMPELLING REASON TO because not-yet-released versions of the Viewer 3.2 model fix my crashing problems. However, the way the rollout of 3.2 was handled, with little advance notice and no training for 3.1 users and many bug fixes for the OpenGL libraries not yet included, was BREATHTAKINGLY IDIOTIC. Everyone who is upset has good reason to be upset and I have no idea how Linden Labs is going to win back people now. Personally, I think Linden Labs should change their logo to a hand with its palm over a face because that's what I do when I think about things like this. I agree with this 100 percent. I started with V2 and have used it since. With the current change, i found i simply couldnt use the new setup at all. Even with the ability to move things to the side of the screen, they dont go into the top left, they stick in the middle. When speech is minimised, it vanishes, instead of being built into the bottom where you can click to speak. I had to go back to v 3.1 in order to do anything and thats where i`ll be staying. Older users all left for phoenix and firestorm, or even v1. My viewer has now changed to the point where it doesnt please them and it doesnt please me either. It is alienating those who actually chose to stick with it. I know nobody else in my circle of friends who isnt firestorm and now i am going to have to stick with 3.1 as are many people who uninstalled this horrible update. It was crippling, disorienting and i know that when i am mentoring new users, my version is so different to theirs that i wont be able to help them at all.
  17. Well i have uninstalled and gone back to 3.1
  18. Thankyou for the link, six, will download the previous version of the viewer, just for my own sanity's sake. Am also looking into firestorm, though am sad to have to do so.
  19. I agree completely, i am deeply upset and feel crippled. I was one who used the minimised and tidy "top left buttons" rather than the right taskbar and even with the new ability to reposition the taskbars, i can only make something vaguely like it that is stuck in the middle left of the screen, it wont move to the top. The speech "enter text box" doesnt exist at all when minimised. Previously it let you click into it to talk and you could maximise the text log to see what people had said previously. Now its simply gone or its fully open. I have to press enter to start speech, i cant click in at all. With all my efforts, its still a confused mess. It is a horribly sudden and massively disorienting change. I happily used v2 and v3 even though my partner wanted me to move to firestorm. It worked ok and it helped when i was mentoring new users as i saw what they saw, more or less. I feel like such an idiot that after all this loyal support, i`m completely hamstring by this jarring change. It's sad, but if firestorm is anything like v3 previously was, but a little more elegant, then i`ll be using that. I dont recognise this new thing at all and if its more like v1 then thats no good to me as a newish user. I learned to interact with second life on v2 and this means that all i learned has been thrown away.
  20. I agree, the change is crippling and horribly disorienting. I used the top left tags instead of the icons and though i have managed to mimic that a little using the new toolbar feature, it sticks them all in the middle and not at the top left. The chatlog doesnt minimise to the bottom left and i am forced to use enter to open speech rather than clicking in and typing. I can put the expanded text log there but it goes invisible rather than minimising to the enter text area. It's clumsy and horrible. With the camera there were options to make it how it previously was, but with this its barely functional if you try to get it back to its old "tidy left bar" version. My partner has pestered me for the longest time to move to firestorm and this may well be what gets me to move. This is all deeply upsetting and i`ve stuck with v2 and now v3 even though others call me an idiot for it. Now i`m a crippled idiot....hmm and as i type this second life has just crashed in the background. I carried the flag for V2 and 3 and i was so, so stupid if this is what happens to me.
  21. A friend of mine got a VKC dog through a yard sale. I used to scout such sales hoping to have the same luck as i really want one of those but they are a bit costly. No luck as yet. It's the only way i`ll get one, seeing as the adoption area of the vkc only gives away unwanted dogs to people....who already have one.
  22. I must admit that the "vampire hunter" is a really neglected role in the grid. Ideally there should be a lot more opportunity for humans to strike back at these nocturnal predators. It's all too one sided. We need "stake requests".
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