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Everything posted by Chronometria

  1. I have seen these, i have also seen people putting "your disclaimer is worthless" in their profiles, basically firing pre-emptive shots at them. It's like some sort of wierd war going on in the profiles.
  2. I`m just musing on what to put on my newly aquired mainland area. It occurs to me that whoever has a good, sizeable mainland spot could make a lot of difference to the local area, but is it worth the bother? How many people have, for example, put up a big park, or a forest and felt that their effort was worth it? It's one thing to go to a private island that looks pretty, but is it a lost cause to try and make such a place on the mainland?
  3. Meeroos - No doubt by now you have run into these breedable pets one way or another. The other day, in fact, i was ambushed by these half-fox, half-kangaroo creatures when i was off trying to get a new haircut. I went to ChiChi of New York and found myself in the middle of an entire field of them. I managed to find where the store had moved to, but it was a big surprise. I remain on the fence when it comes to these. They are a lot prettier to look at than a factory sim covered in creepy lines of plastic amaretto horses (just go to Cody region to see one of those horrors). Also the friends i have who keep meeroos seem fairly sensible with it and actually have some emotional bond to the animals. They are well done, but still rely on the scheme of "pay for food" animal rent, not to mention a costly starter package. I`m interested to know how the march of the meeroo is affecting your second life, for good or ill. Also is there a new breedable on the horizon that is destined to one day replace them? What will the next big thing be?
  4. Hmm, does the job require a purple hat with a feather in and lots of gold jewellery? Would we have to get all "up in their grille" if clients were "dissin"? (Note my familiarity with street lingo there) *Chuckles* i agree with the posters above, what you need is a prestige club really, that attracts the clients and then to build a client portfolio of your own. Its a role that starts hard and which has stiff competition.
  5. We had better not be waiting long. This bug is sufficient to stop all building unless you use another viewer, which is crippling. It should be treated as a priority.
  6. Actually, i see the club as a positive point. I rather like the idea of being in an area that actually sees some visitors. Also, the club is on the ground and its pretty cool to look at. So many clubs these days are skyboxes, but this one i can walk into and visit. And hey, i live next to a cool club! - which is deeply awesome! It's like being in hollywood or something.
  7. I can confirm this COUNT bug. It was the first thing i noticed after the download and i hope it is fixed quickly.
  8. There are some good people on the forums. When somene posts a really helpful comment on one of my topics, i try to send anb IM in world to say thankyou. What i would love is if the avatar badges were part of the forums themselves and not requiring some bizarre workaround to operate.
  9. I am happy to pop by and see if i can help crack the problem.
  10. Well, Dee Linden came and tidied it up, took down the banlines and got rid of the block. Also turns out there was a marketplace magicbox active on the abandoned parcel. My friend pussycat catnip tells me that this is a known trick, placing the box down and then abandoning the land in order to get a rent free shop. Very pleased with the Linden response so far and Dee was very friendly. Now i just wait for the land case, but i feel much better now the flashing electric fence and the junk have gone.
  11. Great link Qwalyphi, thankyou for taking the time to link it, it seems to apply to my situation as you say. A small parcel bordered on at least 3 sides, thats fantastic. That link also helped me make a "land case" submission, which i didnt know about before. Top notch! Good thing really, as otherwise its like having a huge, flashing, electric fence in the middle of my house.....which would be bad.
  12. Thankyou for the tips and for posting. I took the risk as the land was a good price, even with the wierd shape and this curious island mini plot. This is the first mainland i have owned and i guess this gives it some "character". I put in an AR report, starting with the adboard that wasnt owned by the abandoned plotholder anyway and which encroaches. I mentioned my wish to purchase and absorb the mini plot and hopefully i will be able to do this, as my tier, thanks to leaving my linden home, can handle the extra. I havent ever talked to Linden Lab about these sorts of things, but i hope they will prove helpful. At least if the banlines were removed i could pave over it or something, but it would be so much better to take care of it as proper land.
  13. Dear all, I`m thinking of buying my first mainland and found a quirky plot that is nice but which contains a tiny 160 plot that was abandoned in 09 and which has banlines up and what looks like an ad board stuck in it, but not by the "owner". If i was to buy this land, would i be able to claim the abandoned plot somehow? (it is totally surrounded by the parcel i may purchase) Putting it to auction is a start but not a great thing seeing as someone could hold me to random with it, but if i couldnt use it, getting the banlines off would be good. What is everyone's advice on this? It clearly caused the owner some issues as the plot is a good price, but i dont want to walk into a problem that they are running from.
  14. Well, i am moving on from my Linden home at about the 65ish day of my existence in second life, so i thought i would look back at my experiences of owning one. Others are welcome to post here with their thoughts. Teething problems - The Two Storey Homes and prim counts. When i started second life, i didnt get a linden home right away. I was new to it all and was worrying about small things like opening boxes, where to get money and so on. I didnt upgrade to premium until i decided that second life was one worth "living". Even so, when i upgraded, i still didn't get one, as i was out exploring and meeting people. Only once i had settled a bit did i investigate the idea of getting some sort of land and, as i was entitled to one, i thought i would try it out. Linden homes are funny things. Back then i was lucky in that i had really worked hard to learn basic building, so i knew what a prim was and how some items have more prims than others. Since then i have helped a lot of friends and newbies to work out just why their 50 prim bed might be a problem in their 117 limited house. I didn't have that worry as i started late, but a lot of newcomers do and there is precious little explanation around as to how they should furnish their house, unless they dedicate some time to self education (there are some good blogs out there to read, but you must go find them). This raises a serious concern with many of the Linden Home designs. Some, especially the large modern glass ones, boast several spacious floors, which are, frankly, a nightmare for a newbie to furnish well. Even as a reasonable builder it can be costly and difficult to make such a home set up look good on the basic allowance. Commonly, when a newbie calls me out seeking help, i find myself sat in one of those problem homes. Seeking out the neighbours After a time i started to wonder who lived nearby, so i guess the second significant issue to raise it that of "community". Now, i`ve been to mainland and know that, quite often, it is fairly empty and disjointed. Linden homes, however, are in an even more desolate set up. Many stand empty, despite being owned and are not used at all. Some show the evidence of an attempt to furnish them that quickly went sour (see above) and just contain one or two overly primmy pieces of furniture. Others are creepy lovenests, with thrones and whipping posts in fact, walking around and peering into them can become quite a fascinating hobby, just to see what is in there. So i went out in search of green dots and the few people i did meet were friendly. Of course, being GMT timezone, i struggled even to meet the active ones. A feature for grouping people by their timezone would go a long way to building any sort of community with these homes. As i wondered about i found some random parks and strange little features that popped up every so often between the homes. There was nothing like that near mine, so i guess some linden homes are luckier in placement than others. Mainly, though, it was the same houses, with a few variations, for miles and miles. If you look at it too much, it's like something out of a horror film and it makes you crave company even more. I would say that these park type places need to be fewer in number and much more significant. As it was they were more by accident in their placement than by design. My overall thoughts. So, my linden home lasted me about about a month or so. It was a good place to practice furnishing and it was nice to have for a little while. As a "starter" i think it was ok, but really, a better system of just getting some mainland would probably be less resources and better for everyone. Maybe a "parcel ticket", a simple system where you can just go out and press a single button to get a 512 lot somewhere, maybe giving land owners some sort of one off bonus or perk instead of a normal auction payment. It seems a lot of fuss and effort for a disconnected, temporary system with limited appeal and functionality. It may even be better to put in a "furnishing tutorial" or some sort of offline sandbox house to practice in.
  15. Hmm, abandoned land, maybe there are squatters in the sky, using up all the prims!
  16. And there he is, his name is Shiki and Oscar lives in my house.
  17. Well for "a few hundred lindens" you can get quite a bit. It just needs you to be a careful shopper and to study marketplace for bargains. I recommend that you buy a shoulder pet. They can be a lot of fun and cost about that much for a decent one. My carnation pink quaker parrot is very pretty and makes lots of entertaining noises. He is also copyable, so i can pop other parrots down in my house. I can talk through him as if he is using the chat box and the list goes on. Here is a link to this fine animal. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Animinimals-Carnation-Quaker-Parrot/2213904
  18. I think marketplace does generate shop traffic, to decent shops. Often i see one outfit or item and that prompts me to go to the shop and have a browse about. Then, for shops i really like, i will often return to them or join their group. For small sellers, like myself, it means i dont have to waste land on items that will sell rarely, with long gaps between sales. I think its a good thing all round, really.
  19. I think the happiest people are those who see the avatar as the spirit inside an other person. When i form a relationship, i dont much care what that person is like in real life, looks wise, but i am interested in their personality. If i meet someone who is funny, friendly, a good listener and interesting to talk to, i dont much care if they are a man, woman or whatever in real life, with the only issue i would have being someone who is overly young (i refer only to adults here, young people need to be treated as young people). The internet lets you be who you want to be without issues like gender, disability and looks getting in the way. It is a very good thing in that regard.
  20. Well one of your groups has a swearword in the title, that cant help. The F-pigs one.
  21. It's exceptionally hard to get a single name accepted during account creation. My email has an underscore, but they werent allowed, nor were dots and all the usual things, which basically means you need an unique word name, or to stick on numbers, which looks horrid. The only way i got round it was to use an old gnomish name i had from an MMO, that was so complex and bizarre as to be unique. I came here from warcraft where we were all limited to single names. That however is an MMO computer game. I expected second life to be more like, you know, real life, in that having a surname was normal. I at least had a few such names to draw on, but normal people, who want normal names, don't.
  22. Marketplace search is very poor, but it is hampered by lazy sellers who clearly are not putting in the right keywords. I have often searched for items and seen that they come up only on a very specific keyword. Then again i see a good few sellers who can apparently make a great item, but who cant spell and cant be bothered to edit their product info, or even fill it in properly.
  23. I see a lot of marketplace reviews that are blank, just with the stars and no text. They usually make me very suspicious especially when "27" people apparently took the time to rate a product and said nothing, its obviously faked.
  24. I`m starting to feel that having the second name "Resident" is actually worth something. It's a poor cousin to a real second name but its all we have. So when i look up at my name on a competition board and see "Chronometria Resident", then at least i am vaguely like all the other folks with their flashy surnames.
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