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Everything posted by Chronometria

  1. The sims will be filled with blinded avatars, stumbling about and a large race of carnivorous prim plants will inherit the grid.
  2. There is a bit more to it than just running. It's treasure hunting and trap avoidance. The most rewarding crystals are in dangerous or hard to reach places and some are guarded. In some ways, linden realms acts as a tutorial of sorts, so it does teach useful skills for navigating second life and perhaps for taking part in store hunts like steam and silk road.
  3. I think the OP is commenting on some quite existential issues. We should all look at our own, first lives and question whether we are playing that in the right way.
  4. I use the default viewer and can only do so with some effort to make it decent. A while ago I was reset to the "out of the box" version, with none of my adjustments and I found I couldn't walk or hold a conversation. Basically, the default viewer's standard layout is so alien that even people who use it regularly can only do so with a lot of adjustment. I don't understand how anyone can use it in its initial state at all.
  5. Syo Emerald wrote: RedKoopa wrote: Collecting crystals and being at an office are my skills. In which universe are this two things considering skills? I give you a hint: Not in this one. Collecting crystals...in which way is that usefull for anyone? I just assume you a referenig to the crystals from Linden Realms. Well...Linden Realms can be played by anybody and its just for fun: There comes nothing desireable from playing there. Also running over crystals is not a skill, thats something anybody can do. Being at an office...well thats not a skill. Besides the lacks of real offices in SL...do you ever heard about a person in RL who describes their job with just "being at an office for 8 hours" or answers to a question about talent with "My talent is being at an office." ? Yes, dancer/stripper is not the only job in SL, but none of your "skills" match something that could be called a job. Also a job in SL should always have fun as background motivation...not money. Actually, one does get paid for collecting linden realms crystals. It's a tiny amount, but technically it is a valid skill in second life and also would count as a job. There are a selection of collection type ways to earn money out on the grid, like that coin hunt thing, but as jobs go, they really are a pittance.
  6. I don't think you need to fear getting "flamed", as such. I think, mostly, second life folks are very accepting when it comes to avatars. I know several people who are furries, tinies, dragons, dolls and the list goes on. Even among, say, child avatars, they are all individuals, who take on that "look" to varying degrees and for varies reasons, all are valid, except those, of course, that breach the terms of service. My avatar is female and I`m a man, which in itself can generate some strange reactions. I think that as long as you treat others well, then people tend to accept who you "are", with the odd exception here and there. They key is to think ahead and to consider the risks or how someone may object to that look. I, for example, eventually decided to put in my profile "female avatar but male in real life". It avoids misunderstanding and made me feel a whole lot better, but when I first came to second life it never really occurred to me I should put that, as in MMO games, its a much more accepted phenomenon. Still, it often takes a few upsets before we learn these things.
  7. The New Babbage urchins are a great bunch and being able to build robots and fly airships is awesome. I personally recommend the tombstone rp sims, which have a thriving orphanage community that takes the matters of adoption and so on very seriously, as well as a school and church. On the matter of child avatars, its well worth talking to others and researching, to keep yourself safe. There are many sims out there, giggles beach being one of them, that decent child avatars should never ever go to. It alarms me greatly how vulnerable new , well meaning child avatars are on the grid. You did well to ask here. Take care and listen to the other child avatar users and learn how to keep safe on the grid.
  8. The creative insanity store has a lot of unusual AO's and its well worth walking round, testing them out.
  9. If you really want to pay, then 50 lindens a week may get you a furnished hotel room on some sims. I would say though that if you put in the effort, its not that hard to get considerably more per week by doing some fairly minimal stuff. Even doing some of those "go to a sim, open a vault" kind of traffic things will get you more than that after a day of hopping sims. A decent costume competition can win you a lot more, should you be prepared to draft in some friends to assist with voting. There is the option of squatting on some long forgotten, no return land, if you are prepared to do some quality exploration to locate a suitable spot that genuinely isn't being used (more than enough of this on mainland).
  10. I changed my display name to "Chronometria Resident", because as far as the world is concerned, thats my name and its better than having no surname at all. Every time i see an advert for a landbaron, or a store, it usually has some surname being showed off. We are second class citizens, paid less in stipend, without an identity and treated as untrustworthy noobs because of it. I hate that and i hate the fact that i was led to believe that it would be changed and then it wasnt, even as some accounts were being created that had functional surnames, proving that the system was still in place. I feel lied to.
  11. Reminds me of the original version of "Total Recall". Dont go out onto the martian surface!
  12. Trivia contests if you join the trivia fiends group.
  13. I`ve recently been getting into giant snail racing, run by the charismatic Racerx Gulwing as a weekly treet tv event. The name issue comes up constantly there and it reminded me that even in this time of "display names", our display names arent really worth a thing. On the race scoreboard, i show up as "Chronometria resident", not Chrono Cogshine. On the nametag that marks my snail racer shell, again i show up with my resident title and login name. To all the items the commentators use to identify us, our logins are the only thing they see and it confuses them. Racer asked me "what do we call you?" and "what name do you want on the league table?". I said chrono, which is what people call me as my login name is usually too complex for them to pronounce. This question, however, was a very painful reminder that I and other residents with a so called "single name" are still not fitting into second life. They actually had to ask me what they should call me, as they didnt know. That, in itself, is a failure of a name, if people cannot understand it, or recognise it. This message board, for example, doesnt show my display name either and the sad thing is that in snail racing, i am the lucky one. What of the people who are "j46g28" and so on as their login? They dont even have a login that makes sense as a name and they make the scoreboard look a mess and the announcers have no idea what to call them as they race. I`d take resident as a surname, but there is always someone who turns up saying "its not a surname, you have no surname". Well, i do and that surname is resident and i want it recognised.
  14. It's now so hard to choose a name that people are simply giving up during the process. This is also getting progressively harder with time as more and more name choices are taken. Even choices with numbers are starting to be rejected as having been taken. So if they are interested in making the sign up process easier, then second names should return. As it is, its putting people off and becomes worse each passing day.
  15. I saw a respected older avatar saying some pretty nasty things about people with the "resident" surname a few days back. He had clearly forgotten that i was in the same position, seeing as he had been chatting to me earlier and ran one of my groups. I wish i had a proper surname because that prejudice very clearly exists, even among people i wouldnt expect it of.
  16. I would love to meet up to give you some guidance on the building and so on, but for some reason i cant get your name to appear in an in world search. See if you can get in touch with me via my name and i`ll gladly lend a hand.
  17. That photocopy thing must be a joke surely. That would be completely impractical.
  18. Have to love a system where the big guys pay less than the little guys. Especially as one day, when the little guys are gone, how will the big guys make their money?
  19. I like no fly where it makes sense, ie rp sims, but when people just randomly use it, it sucks.
  20. I recently took part in the RFL charity giant snail race across bay city and the problems of sim crossings were crippling. Snails are not even vehicles, they are just avatars and despite their size they are actually quite simple. On the very first sim crossing, we lost two of those racing to a crash. Of the ten or so racers competing, around 5 pulled out from attempting to complete the course as their computers simply couldnt handle it. So in the task of "cross a portion of bay city on foot", half the computers participating failed, which is a pretty sad state of affairs.
  21. Am i the only person that thinks this when i hear the words "project shining"?
  22. I am still using my old 10 linden Rezzed Tv media browser. The only downside to it is that you cant resize it....and its pretty huge. Still, for ten lindens, it still gives amazing value. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rezzed-TV-Media-Browser/159463
  23. My avatar smiles and i hear a camera noise, so i imagine others can see/hear this also.
  24. It is possible to enjoy second life at no cost, but its hard. When building, you will need to spend money to achieve satisfying projects, for example. Thats all going to be nothing compared to land costs though, if you decide you want to set down a permanent presence.
  25. It looks bad at the junctions and there even seems to be texture clashing going on when you look at it.
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