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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. ps. just add here i actual have quite a lot of respect for Britney Spears. she went through a really rough patch in her life and came through it and bounce back and answer her media critics through her music. so big ups to her for that
  2. i find that the best way to end up with interesting people is to chat in open. like just say hi to people you met and say something about their avatar outfit or whatever is happening. like you say clothes and outfits is always a good one to get a convo with strangers going the thing i find is that there are lots of people in crowded places who actual arent in IM with anyone. they come to not be alone. so when appropriate i will start chatting in open chat. about whatever i can see on my screen including them. most times people will join in and other people will just listen. after a time even the quiet will say something as well am quite chatty me most times so that helps + i also do stuff as well like i was at this place and was this person standing off to the side all by himself. after a time i walk over and stand beside him facing in same direction. i not say anything just stand there. after a bit he said; umm! can i help you? and i said: what we looking at ??? he said lol and another person came over and stand by us also and said: yeah! i was wondering as well and it all went from there
  3. Maryanne Solo wrote: *spits coffee.. Britney Spears o.0? Upskirt 0.o? Piercing eeeewwwww! I don't even watch television let alone know about Britneys new piercing lol. O.M.G. !!! is a group in SL you can join to fix things in your head like properly.. the Britney fan club. the title you get over your head is: Leave Britney Alone i join and wear it for a while. h8terz all of you. like all all. not just some all. all all. is truueee. nobody loves Britney except me in all of SL and the like 8 people in the group. even the founder seems to have run away. denial is not good you know !!! am actual in denial myself now bc i end up leave the group bc of all the h8t3. e ver ree wheeere !!1!! i talk to my SL pyscho about it. he is pretty good and very reliable bc he is a free paid-up member of the Fake Doctors Association of SL. like he has a Dr over his head and everything. he listen to me and he express all kinds of really fake concerns about that. he is really good. like awesome even (: jejejjeje (:
  4. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I like drama.........always have. I don't like drama that leads to personal attacks but otherwise I do sort of "thrive" on drama. I don't start drama threads but I admit to seeking threads out started by others.....it's entertainment. Sometimes better than reallity shows on TV same lol all ur dramaz blongs tu meh (: i read somewhere that Eleanor Roosevelt said it best. like: if you got nothing good to say about anyone then come and sit by me something like that (: ps. Jerry Springer is the most evil man on TV evah ever. and then Dr Phil
  5. mikka Luik wrote: Differing tier for commercial land brings up the whole zoning debate again too, always interesting to watch And yes gaming - ok I grab the tiniest possible to park vendors on at the commercial rate and next door I have my full not for sale displays all set to just that...policing that would be a full time job. is kinda interesting to talk about zoning. it also works pretty much like at Linden Homes. is the odd new person who doesnt realise they cant set up shop in their Home but they get it after being told can see where commercial being cheaper works as well. like the mainland double prim areas. while is no covenant they tend to end up commercial mostly + differential pricing and packaging tends to stimulate financial interest and activity. well seems like to me anyways while is not all about the money for all us, it is for the merchant class and for linden as well i am not a merchant or builder. like i dont make anything for sale. but i do think that the builder merchants are the financial lifeblood of SL. so i think that's where any effort to sustain SL longterm should go people come to SL for all kinds of reasons but i think that the #1 reason out of all the reasons that people came piling into SL in 2006/07 and tiered up was. to make some dollars for themselves if they could anyway they could. for the less creative of us landflipping almost became a national sport for a while. well a sideline maybe (: but it also did bring a whole bunch of people who learned how to make stuff to sell
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: I doubt very much that it changed his attitude. I think it's a pretty good assumption that LL talked with him but I don't know anywhere that this fact is verifiable. The only thing that changed was the HUD no longer allowed the Vamps to spam newbs. yes probably true that the 2 week rule wasnt done voluntarily
  7. i think linden could be more creative with Premium account offerings like can get Premium and 1024m tier if buy an annual for $100. 4096m for annual $250. or something like that other thing is smaller tier steps like Phil said another big one i think is to allow groups to own private islands and pay for them with tier. that way Prem accounts can contribute tier as payments. linden would have to change the way tier worked tho. like we would have to pay our tier upfront. so before buying a mainland parcel then have to buy the tier first and then buy the land + if they did this all this then with your idea is maybe possible to go the other way and make commercial land cheaper than residential. the idea being that shops would move to the cheaper land and we end up with towns/cities, leaving the countryside for residents. dunno if that will work in every individual case but i think it would in most cases some people will be quite happy to live in town/cities for the cheaper tier but i think as many if not more probably be even more happy to live in the country/beach areas away from the shops
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Melita Magic wrote: No, I wasn't kidding. "Who" specifically stated Bloodlines was designed to be a bane? I haven't heard what you are referring to. I don't know who "he" is. I don't follow Bloodlines news that closely, though. I really didn't want to resurrect the thread but to be fair and honest I dug it out. "The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life." Lyle Maeterlink that was true when Bloodlines first came out after getting all the zillions of Abuse Reports am pretty sure that linden had a chat to Lyle and things changed after that + i tell bl vampires that i am a blood virgin when they ask me if i got their bite request. sometimes they silly enough to ask me what is a blood virgin. jejejejjjee (: i tell them that is a new level in their game and that when they bite at me then i score points off them. if they say that they never heard of that then i say you must be newbie level then. is only for like level 16 and up. some people still dont get it and want to know if blood virgin is some kinda new blood doll in the game. oh! well (:
  9. is kinda doable but probably never happen. but anyways if linden did then would have to serverside enable/disable debit perms in scripts depending on where the script is running. would maybe also have to disable direct l$ transfers between accounts on non-commercial land as well to stop grey market activity
  10. Suki Hirano wrote: My skin's from Jomo. Already contacted the owner a month ago and just got a reply back yesterday. Absolutely terrible attitude, not only did it take him a month to reply, but the only thing he said was "you're a weirdo for wanting lighter color eyebrows". What, the, f... That's the last thing I buy from that store. wow! that really sux. I wouldnt buy anything off him ever again either + just on personal note. when I buy skins now then i only buy if is tattoo packs as well so i can mix and match depending on what else i am wearing. if the skinmaker doesnt make that way then i dont buy off them anymore
  11. the main reason that linden dont allow us to swap/trade linden homes or pick our own directly is bc all the oldbies would have grabbed all the good ones by the water and parkland edges already. leaving newbies with only the homes in the middles
  12. Deja Letov wrote: ... Total sausage fest ... if you want sausage then Utherverse. they even got NPCs on there that give sausage. lots of sausage I got stuck in a room on there and had to log out really fast. is what happens when you have no idea what you doing and random click on stuff jejejjejejeje (:
  13. Jo Yardley wrote: . ... my sim has 13 groups, if not more. If groups were created as I suggested in my earlier post, we would just need one group. But till then, 13 it is. would be good to be able to make a main group that can own other groups. can kinda do this with group roles but the main killer with this is the totals you get with big groups and all the lag that comes with it when you need to edit them if could let people join the main group then would be able to move them to one or more sub groups depending on their needs. that be quite good for all kinds of things. roleplay, rentals, club and shop memberships and stuff like that would be way less laggy I think
  14. can find out which other sims are sharing the same CPU as you on Tyche Shepard website: http://gridsurvey.com/
  15. if it wont play in any other device like a browser or player then can only assume there is either a spelling mistake or the stream itself is offline
  16. the session/connection between you/viewer and the sim/server is timing out is a interwebz thing mostly. packets get routed any number of ways between your modem and the server modem. if is delays in the packets arriving then the server will timeout and drop your connection all servers do this. webservers, poker servers and most other kinds of game servers on most poker sites when you get dropped then the client program will autotry to re-establish the connection. SL viewer doesnt do that. you have to manual restart the viewer + if you want to see what happens can get a freebie packet tracer. is quite interesting that sometimes. can see where your stuff goes on its way to linden servers
  17. the SL viewer error message is caused when the program cant find the OpenGL driver for your video card you need to get the Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator Driver for your card seems like. it enables the OpenGL that SL requires. have a look at here at Intel site so can get a better idea of what you need to get: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-030506.htm
  18. has come up quite a lot over the years. is lots of discussion on the oldbie blogs like Tateru, Prokofy, Hamlet, Gwyneth, Inara etc. same on the old forums as well + one thing I always agree with is something that Prokofy and them always talk about off and on ever since the early days. like make different Premium packages. like Prem Starter with Tier, Starter No Tier but L$ Pack, Prem Builder with bulk uploads pack, Prem Shopkeeper with Classifieds Pack. Prem Landlord with Tier Pack. and combinations of all.
  19. Theresa Tennyson wrote: One thing that's important to remember about the viewer is that Linden Lab doesn't make a nickel on it and doesn't really care what viewer you use as long as you're able to access the current technology they're using on the servers ^^ that linden are happy and us as well I think that people login. this the only thing that matters really. maybe is some linden devs would like if official viewer was #1 in the lists from a gunslinger pov in a bar. but even they probably not much care about that really I dont think. so long as people keep logging in to SL
  20. one of the things that sometimes get asked for is more groups as a benefit of Premium membership. is some merit to that I think
  21. looks like you going to have to try and clean it if you do then best get a can of compressed air to blow it out I actual read about not to use the vacuum cleaner before I done mine. that is best to blow the dust out. so I use my hair dryer and a makeup brush. the lappy went from kinda working to not working at all after that. then it jumped off the table all by itself and threw itself on the floor and broke like completely. stupid thing (:
  22. I have one that I wear all the time. it does the whole random goofy face thing. like all of them. smile, grin, frown, surprise, wink, laugh and on and on. I used to have a HUD that let me pick them but I couldnt be bothered. so now is just do it random + same my AO stands and my dance chim. I just leave on random. like end up dance raging out to a ballad on the stream sometimes. is a bit funny weirdo when that happens but oh! well. jejejejjeje (: + I got a cell phone as well that do all the anims also. is like when I chat in open it plays a txting anim. and when I go Away then it goes by my ear and it plays tiny particles and my head nod up and down. is way cool. can also play a I got a IM thingy and it rings. is so cool when it does (:
  23. ps. just add here I know quite a few oldbies downsizing their lands. when chat to them is mostly bc they not making as many sales now as they used t in their shops. when chat more to them they mostly say is bc of competition. that is way more people making and selling stuff than when they first started and prices for quality stuff is dropping + just say something else as well. not sure if is typical but maybe means something. is a couple of people who about 6 months old now. I meet them when they was brand new. anyways they hit it off and get a Linden Home. they since move out and are renting a island homestead together. they don't make anything. just buy what they want also is a guy who start about 9 months ago now. he get a Linden Home back at that time as well and I help him set up his parcel controls in it. last week he get a whole sim. like the other couple he is just live on it. some of his friends are moving in and they divvying up the sim between them. none of them make stuff either. just live and play on SL. just buy whatever they need and mount it on their sim
  24. Tamara Artis wrote: Well because of the hard times, I am renting my land for 1L$/prim, it wasn't that cheap before... Was it? ^^that can also get mainland for less than 1L per metre now + back in 2007 I paid 5000L for a 512m in the middle of nowhere. no beach or water or anything. some new guy moved into the sim and he paid 20L and more to buy up most of it. I done a land swap with him bc I was in the middle of his lands. I went over by the side of his land. so that was ok. when I was in the middle I get offered 10,000L and then 15,000L for my parcel from some landcutters. I said nah! bc I kinda knew that they would cut it up to extort the new guy. so I swap with the guy about 6 months later on I sell to him bc he start making his city bigger by expand into the next sim and I was in the way again. I just say he can have for what I paid for it and I set to him for that. he buy and then give me 1000L more. I try give back to him but he say nah! is ok. so I say thanks and I went and found a place by a river on other sim. so that was cool he is actual still in SL that guy. i go by there sometimes
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