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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. A friend shared this with me earlier, they work at Disney Land Paris and excited by events they run:
  2. In SL, we (Rainbow Sails YC) sponsor : https://second-pride.com Always busy, and always a fun place to meet new people and old friends.
  3. It is a funny kind of privacy when your actions are likely to generate messages from people that have fallen foul of your security measures. Anyone really wanting privacy would do much better by being discrete and not drawing attention to themselves.
  4. 42 is the sum of the digits on a pair of dice. Einstein famously said "God does not play dice with the universe." But he later clarified that when in his correspondence he said "God tirelessly plays dice under laws which he has himself prescribed."
  5. I love what people are doing with their gardens. I just plonk a few trees bushes and stones and things around. I need to up my game.
  6. I am please with my location at the base of Sojisan: The inside is a work in progress, but enjoying trying for a relaxed feel
  7. Some other possibilities: 1) to avoid having to pay a setup fee. Buying direct from Linden Lab costs 349$ set up cost. 2) You can't get a grandfathered region from a new purchase from Linden Lab, but can from other residents.
  8. Is concierge support still a thing? I know one of our estate managers used concierge support (for our private estate) and had a few Lindens coming to our region to help with improving the performance of the region. They seemed to spend a fair amount of time there, even driving around the roads. I have to say simply moving the tree seems such a trivial thing to improve the connection and the sort of involvement in mainland that you would think should be routine to encourage and support investment in the platform and for community building. Best wishes and good luck with getting it moved\removed.
  9. The East River Community Train Service teleported up into the air, so teleporting isn't the problem. And for that matter Karyn makes a script and portal system I have used for moving bikes and riders around on a region. What I am unsure about is whether it can be done across unconnected regions. I think it can but not 100% sure.
  10. I have been having some weird dreams and thoughts recently and this train teleporter coincides with one. I think for region crossing handover purposes the two connected regions don't need to functionally be next to each other, it might require an experience to control it. I vaguely recall a bug where a region border connected with a different region but that might have been a dream. Of course it would look odd in general if crossings didn't go where you expected because your view of the next region is dictated by location on the map. But suppose like with the East River Community at the train station you get on your train, You go into a tunnel, you get teleported to a section of railroad to travel in the sky but from your view underground, then on the next underground crossing there is perhaps no need for that crossing to be into an adjacent region. An experience can may be handle it. You could use a system like that to connect Bellisseria with Bay City a Linden gaming area or even Kama City, any where you want just a few region crossings away. From the viewpoint of the traveller the journey would look exactly like it would if the regions were next to each other. This is wild speculation and quite possibly impossible, but since topic came up as I was having this flight of fancy thought I would share it.
  11. Did that happen? I can't find a reference for it. There were the Audit accounts that got banned for platform manipulation. But you are saying a different reason so I am not sure who you are referring to. One ban on Twitter last year was for Rebecca Jones the whistleblower from Florida, that was sacked for saying De Santis was manipulating the data from the Dashboard she created to downplay Covid figures for his political purposes. Again though that was for platform manipulation.
  12. A few on here have advocated free speech like twitter should not ban anyone. The main twitter bans are for Russian, Chinese, Turkish and Saudi bot farms. Domestically a lot of QAnon accounts that were spreading dangerous misinformation about public health. Cuban and Venezuelan politicians and news media. Some Far Right organisations for everything from Doxxing, organising terrorist attacks or other conduct falling under spreading hate. Ref Twitter has admitted to making mistakes like the OSINT bans at the start of the Ukraine conflict: https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/23/22947769/twitter-osint-russia-ukraine-invasion-suspended-error But I think we can all probably empathise with a desire to suppress information that might put civilians at risk in a war zone, over caution perhaps better than not regulating at all. Do Free speech advocates really think Twitter should have no rules, regardless of the consequences?
  13. Isn't that what this whole thread has been about. In particular, Elon Musk's lack of self control and abusive posting on twitter and the concerns from those groups he has targeted that he will be more tolerant to abusive posting if the deal goes through?
  14. I have a rental on a private region that has a megaprim space sphere at about 2500m, with a space station in the middle. The general idea is you can have a space station home at that height and go visit the neighbours or the community owned area. I wonder if this is something similar?
  15. And yet your Representatives have been moving to the right out of synch with the shift in views of society becoming more tolerant. This study is a few years old but shows the shift : https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/03/10/the-polarization-in-todays-congress-has-roots-that-go-back-decades/ You would not have had Republicans so openly repeating Russian propoganda, or taking their talking points off Daily Stormer in the past as they do now.
  16. They are more Bogeymen than examples of the real self identifying left in liberal democracies, the straw men examples the Right like to pull out a hat to justify themselves. They represent conservative values, authoritarianism and a planned economy. The only part of that truly left wing is planned economy part. And a planned, economy is not defining really either there are as many if not more left wing economists that would criticise that than agree. Amy Goodman, from Democracy Now is a much better example of a consistently left voice https://www.democracynow.org/2022/4/26/twitter_elon_musk_free_speech
  17. Twitter confuses me and I have no patience to try to work it out. I see it through third party reporting more than anything else, sometimes funny reactions to something daft that has been posted by a politician, that I suppose support the view that twitter is primarily about creating conflict spectacles. But especially recently I am see a lot of reports of news coverage on twitter through third party reporting, in particular with respect to information about what is going on, on the ground in Ukraine. I am curious to know how important Twitter is for the freedom of information internationally for getting reports out of conflict zones and from areas that might otherwise be unable to get their stories out? and is there a risk that this might be under any threat? I have learned not to trust those crying about being cancelled on social media, and their freedom of expression when they say nothing about the actual censorship going on in places like Florida where books are being banned from schools and public libraries because messages about being nice to one another are not in their view age appropriate.
  18. Do you realise the definition you are going by is on page 3 of the list and has almost twice as many down votes as it does positive ones? Urban dictionary is not really what I would have thought was a particularly reliable source in the first place, but picking the fifteenth definition to make your point seems like clutching at straws. You seem to be stretching credibility quite some way, do you really believe what you are arguing or are you just trolling?
  19. awoken? what does that mean? Have they been sleeping? I read the BBC article as saying Musks defence said in South Africa "pedo" is often used to refer to a "creepy old man". I can't speak to that as I don't know how it is used in South Africa. But it is hardly surprising the defence would try to diminish the meaning of what was said. In the UK once people have grown beyond the indiscriminate use of vulgarities as part of teenage growing up and trying to be adult, I have not heard or experienced it used indiscriminately, or without some evidence. It is probably the most offensive thing you can call someone because of the meaning. Not something I would expect from an adult, and certainly not someone in a position of authority.
  20. I didn't need to go digging any where further than my memory. It is only a few years ago and the utter crassness of his conduct on twitter memorable . I am surprised no one mentioned it before me. Perhaps it got more coverage in the UK, because of the target being British. Legal arguments his council presented that claims made on twitter, aren't expected to be factual and therefore protected regardless of how serious the slander I think likely to cause anyone pause for thought for people that use it and for twitters long term future.
  21. I am curious about your laugh reaction. Is there something funny about there being a difference in the way defamation is handled in the US from Europe? Or are you laughing because you think Musk baselessly calling some one that saved 12 boys lives a "pedo" funny in some way? Or something else entirely?
  22. I think many were astonished like me that a US court found Musk not guilty of defamation when he used Twitter to call the cave diver that put together the team that rescued the 12 Thai boys that got trapped a "pedo" because he had pointed out the autonomous vehicle system Musk was promoting wouldn't get around the corners. I very much doubt he would have won that case in Europe.
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