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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. awoken? what does that mean? Have they been sleeping? I read the BBC article as saying Musks defence said in South Africa "pedo" is often used to refer to a "creepy old man". I can't speak to that as I don't know how it is used in South Africa. But it is hardly surprising the defence would try to diminish the meaning of what was said. In the UK once people have grown beyond the indiscriminate use of vulgarities as part of teenage growing up and trying to be adult, I have not heard or experienced it used indiscriminately, or without some evidence. It is probably the most offensive thing you can call someone because of the meaning. Not something I would expect from an adult, and certainly not someone in a position of authority.
  2. I didn't need to go digging any where further than my memory. It is only a few years ago and the utter crassness of his conduct on twitter memorable . I am surprised no one mentioned it before me. Perhaps it got more coverage in the UK, because of the target being British. Legal arguments his council presented that claims made on twitter, aren't expected to be factual and therefore protected regardless of how serious the slander I think likely to cause anyone pause for thought for people that use it and for twitters long term future.
  3. I am curious about your laugh reaction. Is there something funny about there being a difference in the way defamation is handled in the US from Europe? Or are you laughing because you think Musk baselessly calling some one that saved 12 boys lives a "pedo" funny in some way? Or something else entirely?
  4. I think many were astonished like me that a US court found Musk not guilty of defamation when he used Twitter to call the cave diver that put together the team that rescued the 12 Thai boys that got trapped a "pedo" because he had pointed out the autonomous vehicle system Musk was promoting wouldn't get around the corners. I very much doubt he would have won that case in Europe.
  5. I thought the Newbrookes had been well received and popular? I would expect the area they will ultimately fill should be much more than your map is indicating..
  6. Rather than using area search to find sounds, it can be better in Firestom at least to go to the World Menu and Select Sound explorer. You see a list of sounds that have been played recently. You can check to see ones from objects or avatars, sort by owner, or by time played, you can replay the sound and look at it. You have a blacklist option there too.
  7. It does and I ran a cruise not so long ago that ran that stretch of waterway. I think there was a banline along it not there now that claimed about 10% of those sailing it (4-6 boats). Abnor might be trying to manage expectations, I just fear that if we only talk about Stromberg that is what we will get rather than potentially the better connection at Atanua that looks more like a continental connection point. There is significant interest in that waterway. Fairchang only just added 20 or so regions to their estate just North of there. If money is an issue for paying for the waterways I expect the people behind Fairchang would be happy to talk a deal on it.
  8. Making the corner in Chuginadak is treacherous even at low speed if trying to keep to the protected waterway, it is a very narrow passage. If one of the land owners with parcels in the corner of Chuginadak or Chloris decides to put up banlines or a zero second orb, a slow handover heading north and it will be be game over try again... and a lot of tears from people trying to escape Belliserian waters to get to the Northern Satori waterway that leads on to the Blake Sea and Corsica. There is a similar problem in Lamashtu and Gwen. For a connection of this importance between continents, I don't think they should be relying on the good will of landowners. Other Connections between continents are clear open water. Atanua is not much further North and has the advantage of being clear open water.
  9. Whilst speculating about a Satori connection I think Atanua would be a much better connection than Stromberg. The corner crossings from Stromberg northwards depend upon adjacent landowners security settings. Whilst Atanua is open water with a rezz zone, only a few regions higher and much more welcoming for fliers, novice and experienced sailors.
  10. Or because we know our taxes go on important infrastructure like hospitals, police etc. And that has to be funded somehow. Maybe our income tax is lower. It is what it is and not really an SL issue
  11. I didn't mean to lecture you but I did get sidetracked in my point. For someone that accepts the tax legitimate, why would they complain about it. For those that don't then my point makes sense complaining here on in world to friends might help let off steam or elicit some sympathy, but if they really want change then it is with those behind the tax regime affecting them that they should be addressing.
  12. In my case I have been paying VAT for some time. I suppose my main surprise is that it has taken time for this to be introduced more widely.
  13. I would have thought any complaints were better raised with your State rather than Linden Lab. It does seem to me that Sale's Taxes and VAT on digital goods is possibly an overly complex burden on businesses and administration costs for complying might be excessive, but that is just off the top of my head. A Tax expert would probably be better placed to inform that than my idle speculation. The fact however is alot of States and Countries demand these payments to support their infrastructure costs that their Tax regimes fund. Whilst even just a handful of countries tax digital goods that burden would have to be met by any e-business. I don't think complaining to Linden Lab for complying with Tax law is really going to be effective, better to talk with your local State legislature representative to see if the Tax revenue could be better obtained in a different way and they could drop taxes on digital goods.
  14. I have in the past off-roaded underwater on the sea floor. Plenty of space, minimal obstructions, in Nautilus\Blake area interesting terraforming.
  15. I tend to like small homes, this is my latest: it has a fully enclosed Kitchen with everything I need and can roll out a mattress on the floor for sleeping when there is inclement weather. An outside toilet and outside dining. 61 prims in total used, leaving plenty remaining for any passing traffic. I am always meeting friends and new nice people there.
  16. I wouldn't say waterways are out of the way, they are fairly high traffic areas. Run a few boats through there and it is not long before the homestead is at capacity and boats are queuing up to pass through.
  17. What we can see though is that demand for Bellisserian homes with water access be they Houseboat or Stilts, still outstrips their availability. It is another indicator besides land prices of the value of open waterways. Maybe the Lindens will eventually realise that not just providing links through Bellisseria will add value but looking back and making links elsewhere on mainland like between Alston and Tuvan would add more value than the cost. Maybe they will even go back to Zindra and complete the link between the North and South!
  18. They are connected via Pooley aren't they? or do you mean filling in the voids West of Pooley? A link from there to Henshaw or Tuvan would be good. The route along the West edge of Furness, has always been difficult on the corners.
  19. I don't think it is treated as a high priority, but I have lived next to a parcel like that and it did get tidied up and the owner remains as absent as ever. I presume governance in an idle moment tidied it up
  20. Normally 40 avatars I think or 44 including premium. Some of the linked private estates allow for 100. I know I have had to consider and start work on party barges we can use to accommodate people at after cruise parties on adjoining regions.
  21. Well I certainly wouldn't advocate for Linden Lab to adopt an aesthetics police on mainland, but I see no harm with them tidying up chairs and stray prims and beds floating around over peoples parcels that are clearly oversights or neglect. In rare cases where that might be some sort of intended Dadaist statement.... then well I think the chances of that being the case slim enough to not be too concerned. I am pretty sure they occasionally do this anyway. Where the person paying rent is absent they wouldn't know anyway to complain, so not sure why that is an objection. I suppose it would be polite for the Governance to leave the parcel owner a message. For example if they were to get involved with banlines they might conceivably send a message like "Hello xxxx, as you have not been in world for 6 months and we have received reports of the banlines on your parcel causing grief to neighbours and travellers we have taken the liberty of turning them off for you. " But I don't really feel that message would be essential in circumstances like that.
  22. You might find it annoying and think it won't achieve anything, but on threads like this there are queues of people wanting to express their frustration with the current system. They have every right to express themselves, they aren't breaking any rules, they no doubt feel better for getting it off their chests and getting sympathy and and empathy from others feeling the same way. That in itself is good enough reason to let people express themselves. As to whether it will achieve anything, maybe you are right and it won't but it is not impossible. Bellisseria originally released without restrictions, but similar feedback caused Linden Lab to change their minds and change the covenant. Going back further once upon a time micro parcel ad farms were allowed, it was through people expressing their feelings and frustrations that they changed the rules. You and others treat the TOS as some sort of inviolable right, it isn't it is clear all the way through it that it is subject to change depending upon what Linden Lab wants..
  23. I can't get those links to work, but I think i got this map from there:
  24. The word offender has a dual but related meaning. It can mean rule breaker or it can mean someone that causes offence or problems. Calling someone that is causing problems an offender is a correct use of the word. You can't deny someone the right to express their feelings of being offended by saying the person that is offending them will be offended.
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