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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Happy to report that it was buried in one of the road supports. Abnor Mole has made it visible again for us to enjoy.
  2. Another element to this is Elon should not be surprised that Twitter wants to close the toxic deal. "In a rational world, Twitter's board would say, "Oh, thank God that we don't have to put our baby in the hands of this lunatic manchild! Dodged a bullet there." But we don't live in a rational world. We live in a world where Twitter's shareholders have every incentive to sue the board for walking away from a deal to buy the company for $54.20 a share, a very significant premium over its current trading price. And so the board more or less has to sue Musk to get specific performance, i.e. to force him to buy the company on the agreed upon terms, if only to avoid being sued themselves for failing to try." Ref
  3. When group selecting objects to move you might find that you don't get the option to move the cluster because you have in advertantly selected some of your neighbours prims or some landscaping. A tip to make it easier is to temporarily use the option to only select your own objects. The option is there in firestorm at least I presume in other viewers too.
  4. I suppose one of my neighbours that has security up and are hoping to sell their land for 150,000 L$ might also qualify, as selfish... But misguided probably better description, they just earn a wall around their parcel to obscure my view of the banline. They aren't going to get paid well over market value for what is now a blocked parcel.
  5. The only time I recall encountering that was exploring a water way in one of the color regions. Paying a toll to pass through their land not something I would characterise in that example as being selfish, misguided because I doubt many would consider it good value. I suppose if I relied on it to get to a protected waterway I might think it a bit selfish. I don't know if it is still there, it has been a while since I have gone exploring off the routes I know around there.
  6. Pretty sure there are camping chairs for Linden dollars still at Da Boom. I think you join a group sit on them and get a Linden dollar an hour or something. There always seem to be people using them so I presume they are still functioning
  7. This is some thing I learnt from experience. The first little parcel I bought advertised as protected access to the Blake Sea, just 150m2 parcel but enough for my loonetta, a few prims to replicate a Dock with a hut on it a chair and my coffee machine. A little dream come true, until I tried to actually navigate my way out the inlet to the open water. I think likely the parcel was not missold to me and there was a protected route, but without knowing the show parcel boundaries trick navigating the banlines and orbs a painful lesson in failure even after managing to make it out a few times, the when's to take a sharp right and when to go left, unclear from any visual clue. I ended up abandoning it, it seemed at the time it had been missold and I would rather lose the premium I paid than sell it on as a protected access parcel. I went on to a rental instead with a covenant preventing oppressive security. Whilst not technically mainland the sailors cove, Seychelles, second Norway, fairchang estates deliver what people want without the hassles.
  8. Indeed, although I think not in the way you imagine it. No one is immune from criticism, whether traveller or landowner or both. What I see objectionable in threads like this is the claimed entitlement to an immunity from criticism for landowners. Criticism should always be measured, considerate of both sides if it is to be constructive. But even when it is not and it is merely an expression of frustration it is still permitted speech.
  9. Not really sure what your example has to do with the circumstances of this thread. Coffee Pancake. There is no need for analogies. The situation relates to North Nautilus and the route created by about 12 different land Lords cooperating together. A renter blocked the passage for a few days at least one neighbour spoke to them and they made their change to allow passage again. Reopening a route with marinas along it enjoyed by those along the route for about 5 years. I know at least one land owner spoke to them because I did. We had a friendly discussion including an apology I had not asked for. Do I have a sense of entitlement. Perhaps to some extent, I have spent about a thousand dollars personally buying land to keep it open. But that sense of entitlement does include the understanding they can do what they want with the land. The balance that makes that investment worthwhile is the understanding the collective land value depends upon that cooperation and for the last five years has kept it open. Should I feel shamed for that measured sense of entitlement? No I don't think so it is this dynamic that enriches mainland for all. The ability to look beyond our own selfish interests enriches the community and ourselves along with it.
  10. I don't see that in this thread despite yours and Belinda's attempt to dismiss it as such.
  11. But neither can they complain if they find the access they depend upon being blocked reciprocally by their neighbours. People don't own land in isolation on mainland, actions have consequences.
  12. I don't see any of that and in fact the person that had blocked the route apologised when it was pointed out. No one needed to be cajoled or bullied. The only way to use the water there is through cooperation. That is how it is set up and why that dynamic exists.
  13. Hardly useful advice in the context of this thread which is about landowners opening their land up to travel. There is no protected route across the top of nautilus the route that is there for last few years and continues to be there is down to the collaboration of around 12 landowners. The dismissive advice to just stick to protected waterways comes across fairly insulting and patronising to those involved.
  14. There is a list here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Department_of_Public_Works#Lindens_in_the_LDPW and yes there is an Avogadro Mole listed
  15. I hope Abnor is not working the moles too hard, Hazel Mole seems to have turned to drink to cope.
  16. I don't think anyone has suggested paving over the Wagon road, there is however a Linden owned route that would connect it to route 8A, that has been clear and protected since 2013. Perhaps putting tarmac along that route would make the transition on to the wagon road a bit incongruous, but I do think some sort of indication it is there like a sign, or some dirt road markings, or even just transfering ownership from Governor Linden and maintenance to LDPWs would be worthwhile.
  17. Unless I am missing it the Memorial to Cooter Linden got removed along with the road repairs, the only indication remaining of what was once there a "bridge out" sign under the water, and a few bits of wreckage.
  18. I wouldn't have thought anything of it without this thread pointing it out. My initial reaction would be that would be nice outfit for a camping trip. fun loving John Goodman type father figure maybe. I imagine there will be people buying the outfit in ignorance and wondering why they are getting a mixture of hostile reactions and people talking to them about bizarre conspiracy theories. 'Had I bought it in ignorance and then found out the meaning I would feel pretty badly cheated that the shop hadn't made it clear I was going to be making a statement wearing it.
  19. A private landlord will have ultimate control over the land they are renting, but they should be able to delegate sufficient control to you either via access to an orb or through a role in the land group.
  20. Renting a skybox is likely to result in a skybox that is part of a stack of them rented above and below you every few hundred metres. They are high density rentals and likely to encourage people visitors and other renters to cam around and introduce themselves. Whilst going premium and buying some abandonned land is one option, an easier one would be to look for land rentals on a private region. It has been a long time since I looked into it for myself, but I would think for privacy it would be your best option. All I can really advise on that is that unless you are renting from a large reputable rental company don't pay too far in advance. It is rare but it can happen that the rental company goes out of business leaving you with out the land you paid for.
  21. It has Sheree Honeyflower quoted on the page, so it has to be good
  22. For a more complete listing of destinations and groups in SL, I know work was being done on this last year, because I was approached to add a Rainbow Sails YC entry. https://slpridedirectory.com The Search function doesn't seem too great but you can use the icon that looks like an upturned plunger in the search to find listings that have included specific keywords.
  23. It has been so long since I made an account I didn't recognise it as as that. It is unclear because it talks about joining and contributing to the community, so my initial thought was that the join button was to join the community for additional content and resources to allow you to contribute specifically for the community pages not SL in general.
  24. I am wondering if I join on that page I am joining the LGBTQ+ Community and gain access to more information or if I would just be creating another second life account I have no need of?
  25. I am a bit confused, either the page is broken in some way or we need to create a new login account specifically for the community pages?
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