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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. With respect to parceling the sim up again I wouldn't bother. If you want to prevent access to certain areas you are better off using a security orb. The radio stream will be the same anywhere on the sim without needing to change it in each parcel, and it will make it easier to scan for litter doing a parcel object search. You might want to check with your estate manager if they have a free security system they can give you. I know jessica Chung was handing out Karyn's security system a while back and presumably still does (to tennants).
  2. Re: sim surrounds. I have and use Landscape unlimited ones and yes as others have said in some locations you can't sit on prims... but do you really need to? Yes sitting on prims is kinda handy for when you want to quickly edit the object change its altitude and rezz another structure, but everyone must have a chair with a sit target or some animations in that can be used for precisely the same purpose. I really wouldn't let the sitting on prims issue stop you from putting in a sim surround to put your sim in an attractive setting.
  3. one thing I noticed is with some of the more complex guns in sl with my old radeon graphics card parts of guns weren't hiding properly when you slung them. I now have a geforce card, so I think it was maybe is a problem with catalyst drivers for some radeons. Therefore if you have a Radeon graphics card before spending alot on something very pretty see if you can see other people using them and whether you get the graphics glitch with them. For griefers you are best just banning them, ARing them, walking away or sitting down and blocking them. Orbiters and push weapons can be fun with friends, but don't expect to be using your DZ Redemptions anywhere except a sandbox or your own sim..... they are about 150 scripts when worn, loads more than most combat sims or rp places will allow. I know some people look down on brutals but i love the hello kitty design and they are fine for shooting ranges, My Fairlight blaster completes scifi outfits nicely too - hehe
  4. I had this the other day and I couldn't work out how to fix it until I did a search anf found the advice to just move hover back to 50 and don't save just close the shape editor. That worked for me.
  5. Studio09 wrote: Did you come across any "smile" animations? Are there such things? I hung out with a male avi for a brief time that would smile every once in awhile in the middle of dancing or sitting or standing. (I wish I had asked him about the smile since I found it appealing.) It was probably this, but the occassion I noticed someone wearing it we were trying to have a serious conversation and their random gormless grinning made them look daft to my eyes.
  6. Good luck with your court case. But as suggested before I would check the coalesced objects first because the items may be in your inventory. I expect that is easier and will be cheaper than trying to pursue this through your courts. Infact, I doubt you will find any lawyers willing to take on a case of such complexity for such a small claim. But by all means try and let us know how you get on.
  7. I would recommend taking a look at the Oracul AOs not so much because any spring to mind as being precisely what you want but because they are high quality and cheap compared with other AOs. I think I use some of the walks from the maths teacher AO, and the basically girl anims for the stands and sits and stuff. But take a look at them all and think whether you need the whole AO or just some of the anims and work out which is cheaper way to buy them.
  8. Well I have only received mmook inworld instant messages from 2 people both blocked on the first receipt (so they could have sent more than one message but I wouldn't know). It could just be me they are sending them too, but from threads it would seem likely to maybe be somewhere in the region of 1% of people gettting them. It seems more on a level with just making a point, that they can do it and what grief that causes than anything more substantive. I suspect it is just one individual being and arse and getting some kicks out of irritating people.
  9. Just been spammed again which I have AR'ed and blocked like last time. What makes people think they aren't logging in world to send the spam? And how do I go about stopping it?
  10. I had a similar problem except it was only some buttons that wouldn't work. The cause turned out to be the fact I had accidentally added myself to my blocklist. It may not help you because your problem sounds more extensive but it is worth checking your blocklist for yourself.
  11. The Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS) has been doing this in a historic setting successfully and for 5 years maybe more. You may wish to look them up for tips and assistance.
  12. I reported them over an hour ago. Whoever normally deals with them seems to have dozed off.
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Maybe the guy himself is a pediophile and wants to blame the targets of his sickness for tempting him, much like a rapist will blame a woman was for being raped if they wear anything even slightly revealing. Alternatively the person with the strong views on banning child avis from secondlife might have been abused as a child and has some how come to terms with that by denying the child in themselves and can no longer imagine anyone gaining anything healthy from playing a child avi. They would still be wrong, but they could be intelligent and otherwise normal person holding their views (however wrongly) for their own personal reasons. As far as child avatars in general, while most of them are not involved with sex, there have been cases of pediophilia in SL that received a lot of publicity. I've even run into a few myself and immediately reported them. But it is more of a case of a few bad apples spoiling the basket. A lot of people that are disturbed by child avatars in adult oriented venues like bars and nightclubs, regardless of rating, even though they know the people behind the avi is an adult. That's because children are not allowed in these places in RL and some of the kid avi's insist on acting like kids and talking baby talk etc.and a lot of patrons of all species that do complain to the owner and staff. There is really is no reason the person can't change to an adult avatar if they wish to go to a bar or nightclub, even if the sim is not rated Adult and there is no sex involved. I wouldn't go to a child only venue as an adult or any other venue that caters to one particular type of avatar. I either don't go or change my avatar. Personally I find the baby talking toddler avis creepy regardless of the venue. Not in a sexual sense more in a Stewie Griffin, Childs Play, kind of way, the avis look like grotesques to me, better reserved for halloween parties than imagining their is anything cute about them, but each to their own.
  14. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: 3) Never allow your Music or Media to play automatically - [Duh! - Who does this ever?] Why? IP Address needed for players. Anyone following the advice of one of the inworld TV and video support people. I know that is the advice I was given. That said I now keep it turned off, but that is because of the way media is setup on my sim. Many if not most people probably have media on autoplay.
  15. Phil Deakins wrote: Anya's specific problem is the IMs going to email. That can be easily and quickly dealt with by creating a filter in the email client, to put everything that mentions the spam site into the Trash. That's the solution that was suggested to her in the previous thread but it seemed to be too much trouble for her, whereas taking lots of time to write all the posts about it wasn't too much trouble. There is no way that I know of to prevent yourself from seeing spam IMs when you are logged in or from seeing the ones that were sent to email when you next log in. Having said that, closing the IMs isn't difficult or time-consuming. It's not like they are being sent in such quantities that doubt is cast as to whether or not there will be a tomorrow. I gave up on worrying about spam in my email years ago. The problem of inworld spam that Anya raises however affects everyone. Hopefully, as you say, it won't develop beyond a trifling inconvenience. But I think, especially considering the Linden Lab's lack of success dealing with spam on profiles and the forum, brushing the issue aside with the hope it doesn't get worse is not so easy
  16. Lunar Core wrote: Anya Ristow wrote: It's also possible that one of those name-to-key datanases, or the alt-detection database that was all the rage a while ago, is available through back channels. It's possible that mmook was handed, or just asked for, or stole, their list. Of course those databases were aquired using bots. If you doubt it can be done, witness the completeness of the name-to-key databases, back when people actually went places in SL. Judging which alts have been spammed, though, I'm guessing the name-to-key databases aren't the source. Most likely, they're getting their list using bots. I'm getting spam to accounts that have been in-world in the time mmook has been operating. I have yet to get any sort of spam from them, ditto many of my friends, one of which is in SL regularly, DJs every Tuesday (at a fur club mind you) and has been known to explore on occasion. No spam there either. Either their bots are not too bright or there is something those who have been getting spammed are doing wrong. I remember reading the hypothesis the mmook spammers were going through the database of SL names alphabetically so maybe that is why those with names beginning with A are the ones complaining whilst those later in the alphabet are oblivious? I suspect the bots are none too bright. I can only speak for myself but my SL usage is nothing particularly unusual, shops, events, the blake sea and other places for vehicles like Simbaz, 2Raw etc.
  17. How do you stop ims from throwaway accounts like the ones mmook are now using? I blocked profile messages from non friends. But now I and others are getting ims in world from mmook. Whilst the previous solution allowed me to brush the problem under the carpet it has no effect on inworld ims. So far only one account has spammed me in world and blocking it has solved problem for now. But I hope this does not continue with new throwaway accounts like it did on profiles because I get enough junk messages from shops and groups I have opted into without getting spammed by stuff I haven't
  18. I think there is one at Caledon, on the university sim with some classic sci fi like Jules Verne books available, but my memory might be faulty.
  19. do they have the land group active ? ie do they have group title floating above their head? if not they won't be usinh the group permissions.
  20. You don't even have to be female to get pregnant from it. In my first few weeks in sl one got me pregnant, I thought everyone could see the spam it was making, Glad to know now that I didn't accept anything to get pregnant from it, I was doubting my sanity at the time. I had to get my bloodlines clan people to help me find an abortion clinic. If it wasn't for crap like this bloodlines clans might be the scourge on sl some make them out to be. Whilst in my experience they were the support network that helped me get out of things like On Duty pregnancies and lieing dominants rlv traps that really bothered me and many others when they first join.
  21. I am afraid having had my sim griefed by newly created throw away avatars, I too have put a system in that bans avatars less than 15 days old. It is maybe on reflection a blunt tool, but I have only had to add one person in a year to the exception list. I am used to groups visiting the sim to notify me in advance (it is usual practice with biker groups). Had you done so I would turn the age restriction off for the duration of the visit. Maybe prior warning the sim if more than 8 turn up at once would help in future.
  22. I found this tool to be useful, mostly because you can see where things should be and how long your arms should be, how long your legs and torso. Easier for me anyway than using boxes and trying to work out what should go where from written guides. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Model-Shape-Tool/3518033
  23. Whilst they are here it would be nice if they gave the Lindens some advice on anti-spam security measures. They could at least try to make themselves useful.
  24. Orca Flotta wrote: Oh people, now come on, orientation in SL is so foxing easy. It's just a question of habits to get a sense of place and always knowing where you are. I always open the wold map if I come to a place I wasn't before. Then I zoom out and see on which continent or on which estate that sim is. And since I know where my home is I have a fairly good idea of where I am in relation to my home. We only have a handful of mainland continents, which are easily recognizable by their outlines and general layout. Also there are some other hints that are dead giveaways. In no particular order: If you are on an adult sim you're almost certainly = Zindra if you're sourrounded by many rivers or you find yourself in a huuuge snowy area = Sansara when you see many well-kempt hedges and lots of billboards on the side of roads = Corsica many train tracks and a once beautiful lagoon turned into a fugly suburb = Heterocera small peanut shaped, completely circumnavigable continent = Gaeta V half-finished with lots of water on the west coast = Gaeta I a totally puzzled ragtag continent with lots of badly laid out waterways = Nautilus a huge fjord going almost thru the whole continent = Jeogeot a continent that looks like 2 jumping dolphins = Mãebaleia Also it must be mentioned there are also waterway corridors not only between Sansara and Heterocera but also 2 from Nautilus to Corsica and one from Corsica to Gaeta V. Nautilus and Mãebaleia are connected by the Bingo Strait and Nautilus City, so they form one big supercontinent. Gaeta was planned as a setup of 7 continents but they got stuck on 1.5 since 2009. Zindra is also only semifinished and will probably never get anywhere. As so often LL totally mucked up the world planning with hilariously expensive tier costs and wrong continental layout. Instead of incorporating the Linden Homes continents into the general setup of mainlands they placed them somwhere on the grid and by that created the most boring and undesirable places to call home ... ever. I call them n00b ghettos :smileysad: Concise and thorough round up of the Linden Continents. It did take me a while to realise Mãebaleia is a different name for Satori, though. I have not noticed it called that before. The wiki has an article on the continents and a map (including private ones), I am surprised no one else has mentioned.
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