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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Winamp has some plugins or there Mixx, which is probably better since winamp is stopping or something soon.
  2. I am not really understanding you, but I think you want to be looking for support here: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  3. I tend to check the forums from my mobile phone. I see the spam, report it then go view another forum. It just isn't a good use of my time to go searching through the pages of spam to find a new post. The lindens inability to manage the spam problems are pathetic. Not just the forums but now the profile private messaging system is useless for anyone other than friends. It really is astonishingly amateur they can' t deal with this better.
  4. Try r-clicking the cloud and selecting refresh textures. If others are seeing her as a cloud she could try reseting to default avatar.
  5. I was talking with someone using mesh studio in world to make mesh parts for her bikes. She showed me a highly detailed creation that she made that was 14li. She went on to tell me it was made out of over 1000 prims. With the tools and time alot can still be done in world.
  6. It is astonishingly inept they don't use filters to block this kind of spam.
  7. Unfortunately nothing about fixing whatever security exploit they are using to make the feed message box useable again as a contact method for people not on your friendslist. I have had to turn that off because I have been getting regular in world notifications. 10 messages in the last day
  8. Advice related to this here community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/An-Important-Reminder-About-Buying-and-Selling-L/ba-p/2334937 Sorry my phone doesn't seem to do links right
  9. I used to just change the shape sliders to fit the mesh outfit but it is much harder to do when using slink feet and hands because you make an adjustment to fit your legs to the skirt and then your feet don't fit or remove muscles from your shoulder so they don't stick through the straps and then your hands are too big. I wish a certain popular full perm clothes maker didn't have body fat and other settings so low on her "standard mesh" clothes.
  10. One reason I have encountered is being blanked by the creator when I asked them if there was anything they could do to remove the 500 scripts in the no mod no copy expensive outfit I bought. I just put it down to a bad buy and have never bought from that store again despite their good reviews on marketplace.
  11. At my home location I use a Novatech gridwide teleporter to get to other properties I own or favourite destinations, but you can use other teleport systems like this one (although I haven't tried it - I do have something similar).
  12. When I found my mainland home I found the easiest way to do it was to open up world map, put the land$ labels on and scan around mainland and explore.
  13. Kelli May wrote: I can only offer my purely subjective experience I had used the Emerald/Phoenix/Firestorm family of viewers for as long as they'd been around. Before that, I was a big fan of the (no longer available) Nicolaz viewer. However, I've found the recent Firestorm viewer prone to constant dips in frame rate when in busy areas. An apparently reasonable avergae fps of around 25 drops over and over into single figures, causing jittery camera movement and controls. For the first time in years, I shopped around. I tried Catznip first, but it gave me similar probems. Now I use Singularity. There are things about it I don't like, but generally the interface is fine, and the performance issues I used to see are minimal to non-existant. So for my purposes, on my PC, it's the best. If helps make a decision, I'm running on these specs: CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 560 Processor (3315.11 MHz) Memory: 4096 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.1422 OpenGL Version: 4.2.0 Viewing on a 1920x1080 monitor, with fairly high graphics settings (ie. detail sliders maxed, advanced lighting, shadows, reflections, anisotropic filtering, 4x AA). I had the same issue with firestorm dipping in performance and I tried other viewers and had the same problem, singularity seemed the most stable. But I have now popped some more RAM on my motherboard and now have 8Gb of ram. The lag in firestorm has gone but I am finding Singularity shuts down on me regularly, so I am back on my prefered firestorm.. (Prefered mainly because it is what I am used to).
  14. It would be interesting to know the average heights, but it is not really the issue. How you want to look relative to your friends and others is really down to you and the heights of those you interact with. Personally I try to keep just under 6ft tall and alot of my friends are similar sizes. However I have a few taller shapes so I can avoid the embarassment of having to decline a dance because my eye level would be about the same level as their crotch.
  15. Orca Flotta wrote: Life itself is a game! You enter it by birth and exit it by death. The goal is [Yes there is a Goal] to have, from your own point of view, the best life you can experience. You don't always get what you want but you do get to deal with all you experience as you are able to do. Can you please discuss that point with starving children in Africa, with crime victims, with laid off workers who can't pay their bills anymore, with flood and earthquake victims or civilians caught up in a war. Tell them they are losers and ask if they felt sufficiently entertained and if they care for another round. People lose their jobs, can't pay their rent and get broken hearts in SL too and well people leave SL for all those reasons (a bit like monopoly). For the first 20 years real life was undergoing regular development, but since then any improvements seem to be overshadowed by bugs. Whilst the graphics are exceptional and still are, the lack of windlight settings is a real shame the inworld filters you can get are mostly bug fixes. For those that like online sources, here Real Life is the oldest game, it is on the internet it must be true...
  16. 1. What do you buy in SL? Most of my money goes on tier and rent, but I also buy clothes, skins, attachments, building materials, textures, scripts, vehicles, houses, animations... pretty much everything. And this last couple of months quite a lot has gone to the relay for life charity. 2. Do you always buy products free of charge, have you purchased Linden Dollars (LD) or do you work and earn money in SL? I mostly buy linden dollars, but make some pocket money off djing, rentals, bike sales and sim donations. There are some good freebies around.I have some plausible body outfits in my shopping cart at the moment (although they are technically open price not freebies) and some freebie language translation huds to look at. 3. If you have purchased LD: How much money do you spend in SL for two months? Why do you spend money in a virtual world? In the last 2 months I will have spent over 1000 USD on linden dollars. I spend money to create an environments for others to enjoy and because I enjoy it as a past time. 4. If you buy products free for charge: Why don't you spend LD when you're shopping? Some freebies are better than bought items. And well I do already spend far too much on shopping. 5. What is your favourite company in SL? Why this company? Currently I am amazed by the quality and low prim counts of Dorian Meredith's houses and I got some great customer service off her. But really there are so many good companies\places to spend money... a few to mention...Novatech, Tama, Karyn's scripts, Meli Imako, Dutchie, Epia, Route 66, Neurolab, Graves, Cold logic, Ray Silent, Simbaz, TIS.. I could go on and on... They all have great products and those I have needed to talk with directly (Tama, Karyn, Dutchie, Neurolab, Ray Silent, Simbaz, TIS) have all given prompt good support and customer service. I nearly forgot Jessica Chung...she never seems to sleep and is always around promptly to help with sim problems.. If that avi is one person then the customer service she provides is extraordinary, 6. Do you own shares in a SL company? No. Although in the recent past the cost of the sim was met by me and one other, but their circumstances have changed so it is no longer the joint venture it once was (admittedly this is pushing the definition of a business beyond the normal sense, but I am thinking this might the sort of answer desired from the question).
  17. Improve sim crossings so we can actually use the roads without crashing all the time. Larger sims for dogfights and stuff Change the TOS so it doesn't read like you want to own us Improve the default avatar mesh to get rid of those ugly angles Improve customer communication
  18. I think some huds protect against this sort of thing by displacing the avi and camera from the avis actual location. The followers would therefore go to 50m away or however it has been setup. Rather like the way offsim swimmers and surfboards work.
  19. A&M do some good couple dances. The rock n roll one is a must - hehe
  20. The other options for couple dance ball servers are made by there in spirit, but they will cost about the same and you will need to buy dances for it anyway.
  21. Storm Clarence wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I cheat too. And you're so darned cute when you do. Yes, as a blonde, cross-draw, outlaw slayer, pedant she is kinda cute. Isn't she. The chip on your shoulder is so big, that whatever point you are trying to make is obscured. So get out of the gutter and try to stand tall. Even an ant would look like Yeti from where you are posting. lol - whatever
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I cheat too. And you're so darned cute when you do. Yes, as a blonde, cross-draw, outlaw slayer, pedant she is kinda cute. Isn't she. The chip on your shoulder is so big, that whatever point you are trying to make is obscured.
  23. Trolling is kinda like throwing a grenade into a thread. Reading through some of the posts on the thread I am reminded of the list of forum flame warrior personality types. People are often several types at once. Regardless of the types what is most important is whether a post or forum warrior is trying to promote ill will or good will.
  24. I have not had many encounters with child avis. When I have though I have nearly always felt a bit uncomfortable. Mostly the cutesy language and the fact they look more like they are modelled on horror films than reality. But each to their own if rping a family is what they want to do then there are far worse rps. Like for example the even fewer occassions you see child avis in paedophile groups. Regardless of any discussion some might want to make about this being a virtual environment, consenting adults etc the fact remains in many countries including my own depicting child sex is a serious criminal offence. Any sim owner in a country like my own would be reckless not to ban anyone involved in that sort of thing as soon as they are made aware.
  25. Phil Deakins wrote: It seems that you didn't understand what I meant by the clear line. The line is between the stuff that LL can use freely and stuff that they run risks by using freely. That's all. Nothing more. What was uploaded before the ToS change hasn't suddenly become non-usable, because it was uploaded under earlier versions of the ToS which didn't state that a person who uploads to SL must have the all the new-ToS-listed rights to pass on to LL. So all is well with the world . Now that I need full rights to upload an image the images uploaded before the ToS change that were and are sold for the purpose of modification externally and being uploaded again for use with restricted rights.... eg all the skin, clothes furniture, vehicle part texture maps and shadow maps etc are now unusable because the ToS explicitly requires me to have full rights when uploading. Meli Imako's business model, CFD's business model appears to have been destroyed and many many more. Retexturing bikes or vehicles sold full perm will only be possible when working with the simplest of the sculpts. No more overlying shadow maps, no more working with texture maps. Full perm rights is no longer enough under the ToS, your rights have to totally unrestricted. I don't have the skills to make textures from scratch to have full perm permissions on them. That is why I buy textures and adapt them externally layering them together, doing colour replacements, layering shadow maps on to a pattern... simple stuff like that. A large part of my inventory that cost a lot of money is now technically unusable for the purpose I purchased it without breaching the ToS. Lots if not all creation and building in SL is done this way.
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