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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Also having to do expressions makes for a very static face. I got a mesh project one for a partner. I didn't like to say but all the faces we demo'ed looked like varying degrees of grumpy. We picked the best of them but for the week after it seemed like the grumpiness from the face was infectious and had affected both of us. After a week we agreed to give up with it. The staticness of the face just makes it seem sulky hehe
  2. Freya Mokusei wrote: Just detach the object causing it - it's usually a freebie 'genital' attachment. No guilt, the whole pregnancy thing is essentially a scam to get you to pay for babycare accessories (on some brands, the baby too). There's more important things to learn about SL. There is no object to detach, and the onduty system doesn't ask permission. The freenis pregnancy works by proximity, it might perhaps require that two people are sharing furniture, but it can't tell what animation is being played when the male presses the **bleep** button. You could be sat talking innocently with someone on a swing or a couch chatting and not noticing them **bleep** until you get the message you are pregant. For all the drama about bloodlines. the Onduty system is much more intrusive and I would think could be distressing (if for example they had had a miscarriage). When it happened to me I was new too and had to ask (rather embarassingly) for help because I did not know what was going on. They took me to a clinic and I sat on the abortion machine to be rid of the spamming. I don't know if after 9 days it stops spamming you or if it starts telling you you are overdue. I never let it get that far.
  3. I am pretty sure the Oracul/Kuso/Diaz Papp - whatever you call them are all mocap.. maybe some of the older ones aren't but even those ones are very good quality. I have several Akeyo AOs and I have replaced pretty much all the anims in their huds with Oracul ones. They can seem over animated compared to Vista or Tuty's but it is easy to edit out the ones you don't like.. like the one that appears to have you checking your shoes for dog poo - hehe
  4. Almost anyone else telling this story I would laugh along with but doubt it was anything other than a flight of fancy. But it is so you I have no hesitation believing. Don't ever change.
  5. Motorcycle Club. The 1% makes them an Outlaw club, which would seem to conflict with "family oriented" ... but well this is SLanything is possible.. - hehe
  6. Use that extra second wisely on 30 June because these bonuses don't happen every year.
  7. Senobia Xenga wrote: On a side note, I've been in SL nearly six years and I really don't know where you hang out (besides landscaping stores) that 'most everyone you meet' has pics of their junk in their profiles because...I haven't met THOSE people. It is pretty common especially around gay groups. Anyone that has come here from Utherverse thinking secondlife is a more advanced version of their world will probably be wondering why profiles here are so tame. I don't think the rule on profiles needing to meet general standards is very clear anywhere in the sign up process and if they managed to set up their profile without referring to the wiki would never know until they get AR'ed and banned. I would have thought a sensible company would contact their customer, explain what was wrong and support them making the necessary changes rather than just banning them. And then being cryptic, superior and unhelpful on support channels when he is trying to find out what the problem is.
  8. I was thinking toilet brush... hehe
  9. If you have done everything already suggested above ie cleared cache and reinstalled the viewer, then all that is left to do really is raise a support ticket and see if the Linden Lab people can sort out your account.
  10. See if this recent thread helps: Rather than getting a mesh butt, you are better getting a mesh body there is no dodgy gap at the waist then, and they look better. Snow rabbit, the mesh project and slink and probably others are selling mesh heads now... but I can't say I am convinced the ones I have seen don't grab me and unlike fitted mesh you can't adjust them with your shape so you end up looking like a clone.
  11. I am not sure what you are asking. What is a Bazar style house? There aren't really any secrets to buying a home anyway. Just search the building or other structures section of marketplace with a few related search terms and sort through what comes up.
  12. Me too.. I need to change outfits to go somewhere and the one I am wearing I have tinkered with in more ways than I remember but is essentially the same outfit as before, then I just save it. I must have atleast ten outfits for each mesh body just called by the name of that mesh body and (new)(new)(new) etc at the end... hehe... When I have some time to not do anything else I will probably just delete them.
  13. That sounds like the first line of a joke... but I can't think of a punchline. The only way you could tell would be to ask it. You may have to also ask if they are considered a minor too. I don't know much about Furries and fantasy animals people might roleplay but in some instances certain races have much longer life spans and conceivably minors for longer. For example an elf that might have a lifespan of 200 years could conceivably be considered a minor at 30 years old?
  14. Except the policy refers only to sexual ageplay involving depictions of or real life minors. It doesn't include cougars and all the other varieties of sexual ageplay
  15. correcton if your answer to the first is yes and the second is no then it isn't serber side and script related. wish i could edit posts on my phone
  16. I thought they made changes a year or so ago such that scripts were much less likely to cause lag. That the script counting tools we have available are mostly useless for finding the sort of scripts that night cause lag anyway. In my experience lag issues are mostly client side graphics issues with too many textures, too conplex mesh or some alpha textured plants and grasses. The biggest lagger causing lag for alot of people was the grass in a felix japanese garden I had in the middle of the sim. I took that out and people reported frsme rates doubling. It was a sculptie not mesh so not entirely sure why it was a problem. I am no expert with lag. Alot of people have out of date info on the subject, it is something I have heard so many conflicting views on it is hard to know what to do. Before blaming the breedables see if the problem is sim wide, is your friend ok in a skybox on the sim and only peoblems at ground level? do you or others have same problems? if your answer to those is both no, then the issue isn't server side or scripts and therefore not the breedables.
  17. Just make your display name something people will want to use and write your profile to emphasise you being friendly and approachable. People tend to use the display names anyway, even when you change it to a title or something silly you thought would be funny
  18. I stopped using Glam affair skins when I couldn't get neck join to look good on the mesh project body. Since then I have used League skins on mesh bodies. The maker of League skins seems to pay much closer attention to getting the colour to match all the way around the neck. Try some demos of other skins and see if they fix the problem.
  19. Search for "Omega" too! because with the Omega relay any clothes with an Omega applier can be used on the Maitreya avatar.
  20. If the seller doesn't help or is involved in some sort of fraudulent activity you can report them through the flag item option on the marketplace page for the item. You can report for: item not as advertised, should be listed as moderate\adult, spam or disallowed listing practices, non-item listing, infringes my Intellectual Property rights. "not as advertised, or non-item listing" might be appropriate if you have been defrauded. I would raise a ticket too, just incase they can return your money for being defrauded if they decide to seize the sellers account, but I wouldn't bank on receiving anything.
  21. Sexual ageplay is then prohibited using Linden labs own very narrow and specific definition. But using the common english definition, Linden labs doesn't prohibit sexual ageplay where for example a couple are sexually roleplaying an older woman with a toy boy partner in his twenties or thirties.
  22. The TOS says: (viii) Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual "age play," i.e., using child-like avatars in a sexualized manner. Note: "i.e.," - an abbreviation of id est (“it is”). That is; in other words; that is to say. It is almost like the TOS is providing a specific definition of "age play", for the purposes of the TOS and Linden Lab official speak. Age Play in common english refers to a much wider group of legal activities, including Granny sex, middle aged men in diapers and non sexual roleplaying of different ages to yourself. The clarification on age play the TOS refers you to starts off: "This article addresses questions regarding Linden Lab's policy regarding sexual "ageplay" (depictions of, or engagement in, sexualized conduct with avatars that resemble children). This practice is disallowed by the Community Standards due to complaints from Residents and international laws, so it's important to understand the definitions." and concludes: "If you are in doubt as to whether an activity may be interpreted as ageplay, we request you err on the side of caution and desist." By my reading of that in particular the use of the words "so it's important to understand the definitions" I think it is clear Linden Labs are legally defining "Age play" to specifically mean the small subset of general understandings of the term just with that involving sexual encounters with minors. Maybe there is some need for this kind of definition in legal documents, but it doesn't help with language or communicating what is being meant when they have decided to use the compound word in a much more limited way than anyone else does. (They switch between "ageplay" and "age play" too - maybe there is some additional meaning in that complexity.. or maybe not. I have assumed not)
  23. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: I'm a huge fan of the HUDDLES EZ Animator Deluxe. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HUDDLES-EZ-Animator-Deluxe-version-130/97351? Henmations webpage and it's supporting database have been MIA for years now. I wish people would read the reviews before buying. The unchallenged [or corrected issues responses] negatives keep on piling up. It is more than 50 scripts though isn't it? Or did I just get carried away with mine adding dancer capacity to it?
  24. I know a friend loved the zooby cat avatar, but I haven't seen them online for about a year. A quick search on MP, comes up with these which get reviews from people who have tried the zooby cat avatar and say these are a lot better. I can't give you anything from personal experience, I haven't tried any animal avatars.
  25. helps if you spell Maitreya right ofc! (texting on my phone at the moment)
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