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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: One more time people. LL had to do what they did or face serious consequences. Don't believe that? Here is an article with links that gives more information on this from a RL virtual currency legal analyst that backs that up. If you follow the links to his blog he gives further links to the actual laws and regulations that you can read for yourself You will probably see any game or virtual world where people can exchange RL money for virtual currency or vice versa make similar moves if they do any business involving the currency going into the the US or out of the US. The regulations went into effect in March and business have 6 months before the treasury department starts prosecutions of those not in compliance so they would be well advised to have their legal ducks in a row well before then. LL probably is just he first company we've heard of to do this but others will have to follow suit. That still leaves the issue of why now and why do it like this? the guidance and articles you have referenced make clear there will be no consequences for not following the regulations until August. Closing the exghanges now is not forced by the US Treasury. It is a decision the lindens have taken to do this now and a decision they have taken either negligently unaware of or uncaring for all their customers who now have no means to buy linden dollars or convert them back in to their local currency.
  2. Cash Services still seems to be running too. If you haven't seen it this is an interesting article. http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2013/05/currency-venues-fight-for-survival/
  3. I don't know if this is useful or not to Europeans who can't currently buy linden dollars, but I thought it worth mentioning just incase it is: 10.05.2013 Despite the dark clouds over independent third party exchanges Podex Exchange continues its normal work selling and buying L$. The only change is stricter security policy which can cause delays with some transactions. We are sorry for it. We also want to assure our clients that not only their real money and linden dollars are save with us but also their personal data. Our policy of not requiring any registration to use Podex services have always guaranteed maximum security. We just have nothing to be stolen. To remain in total compliance with Linden Lab regulations and The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) guidance our legal office started preparing application process to become officially registered money services business (MSB). Jacek Shuftan http://www.podex.info/ Also I think it worth a post perhaps for discussion\interest that they believe they will be able to stay in business by registering as a MSB..
  4. Lolita029 Magic wrote: Hello, with horror yesterday I confirmed the new LL TOS. For me now, the question arises how can I buy Linden dollars. Linden Lab provides only accept Paypal and credit card and I need to verify a Paypal payment with my credit card my account. I live in Austria (Europe) and August 2008 VirWoX have are used as currency exchange. There I was able to make a direct transfer from my bank account, now I can not anymore. I'll have to give up my horses and dogs breeding, my home country and my country and my breeding SL premium account. It is a pity that Linden Lab does not think that too many Europeans are ingame and stimulate the SL economy. I hope this is understandable in about, I use the goggle translated, because my English is very bad, and obviously there is only an English SL forum. LG Loli That does seem to be the main issue not being understood. I have only rarely used third party exchanges, but I know others who depend on them because Lindex and PayPal have never accepted any method of payment they can use or have been unable to make them work.
  5. I have been getting bad lag on my sim at ground level. People suggested too many buildings, too much furniture, scripted vendors. But none of these are excessive and yet lag was horrible. I have now solved the problem by removing 8 grass sculpts from a japanese garden (felix) that was in the middle of the sim and now the lag problems have completely gone. I know I was not the only one with this problem and in the past people complained about some grass land I had lagging and even crashing them (mostly heart grass on that occassion). . Before starting this thread I did a search and yes there is an answer relating to this, but it just blames the persons graphics card or their settings being too high. Whilst my Radeon HD6700 is not top of the range it is no slouch either. 8 grass sculpts causing the amount of lag it was is a much bigger problem than script counts or complex textures, or something to be idly dismissed as a poor graphics card. I would hazard a guess that there is a problem dealing with rendering the number of alpha textures overlapping or something. But regardless of technical causes it is worth bearing in mind if your sim or land is suffering lag it might not be the horses your neighbour has or vendors or scripts but your grass.
  6. I second Oracul. I would suggest getting the intelligent man AO.... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ORACUL-Intelligent-AO/572771?page=1 and taking copies of the anims from the hud and adding to firestorms AO and then adding a few other anims that take your fancy from the other AOs they sell. The Oracul Ao itself supports superrjumping and stuff which is good for some things, but for everyday use Firestorm's AO is simplest (drag and drop no notecards) and has advantage of not using any scripts.
  7. Angel rock skins always make me go wow when I see them. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/76460
  8. If you are reluctant to use a facelight because they make you hideously bright and look kind of radioactive, like a lot do, try looking for one that is adjustable or subtle. I remember when I was new being aproached in a shop by someone wearing what looked like stadium lights on a backpack and being told wow... you look brighter than me... it turned out I was wearing several facelights at once from each outfit, skin set of eyes etc I was wearing 3 or more and was going around lit up like a lighthouse. But, now, I don't go anywhere without my Nlight FREE 2.0 Adjustable Beauty Light, it is just bright enough to hide the nasty face shadows without making you glow. I suspect there are others better, that is however the one I have and use.
  9. The venue and lineup is looking great, looking forward to it. You might like this, Hippie. To get you in the mood.
  10. I already have one, but thought i should give you a wave since I noticed your thread.
  11. The reason I increased the bonus modifier is the sim is group owned with shared full sim builds and i didn't want any of the contributors to loose out because group built stuff was disproportionately on their parcel and we can use the fll sim linden impact more usefully. The problem is I have no idea how to find out what the full sim wide land impact is, the limiter. There is no useful region information except lists of objects, the only collated information is in the parcel information. Which only allows me to guesstimate.
  12. How do I know what the total prim usage is on a sim with an object bonus of 1.5? If I go to the largest parcel... (half the sim). there is 4300 prims spare... assuming the cap on that is due to the sim limit I pressume I have about 3000 prims spare across the sim? Is there a way to get a definitive count rather than a guesstimate?
  13. Fixed problem... I had blocked myself on friends list and that was causing the problem. Would never have thought of that wlthout a friend's suggestion.
  14. For a while in both Firestorm and SL viewer I have been unable to open dialogues from Huds. I have always found alternative ways of doing things without impairing my enjoyment of Secondlife, but I am now finding I can't do things I need to. I can't manage my dances in my TIS dance hud and I can't make animations in anypose because they both work by dialogue pop-ups. I am using Windows 7 and this is affecting a brand new install of Viewer 3 just like it has when I use Firestorm. Any idea what the problem is? Do I need to look at the Jave I have installed? or something to do with security settings? or what could be causing this? I am at a total loss and any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
  15. Well I know that isn't true because I went Nyll Bergbahn wrote: Aethelwine wrote: I am double talking on some sims, but not others since the server udates yesterday. Sometimes it only seems to happen in local other times in Ims too when i am in that sim. I have been told others are having the same problem. Does anyone know of a solution before I put a suport ticket in? I had other issues last night but not that. Linden Lab's grid status page says all issues relating to the rolling restarts are now fixed so hopefully your problem is gone. Double talk and indeed sometimes double notifications of purchases etc usually relate to a network issue especially with wireless networks. Problem is still there on some sims and others I have visited are horrendously laggy.. Maybe it will be fixed when the owners restart their sims.
  16. Theresa Tennyson wrote: By "double talking" do you mean that what you say gets printed out twice in a row, or more sometimes? That's caused by packet loss making your viewer think it needs to send the message again. I had the same problem for a while several weeks ago but it went away on its own. Between that and your inability to cross sim borders, I think there's some sort of issue with your connection. Yes, when i say something on some sims i say everything twice, instantaneously there is no delay like you might expect if what i sent was being lost because of a bad connection. It may well have something to do with packet loss, but I doubt it can be at my end since I never had this before yesterdays updates and it is only occurring on a handful of sims. Fingers crossed it clears up on its own.
  17. I am double talking on some sims, but not others since the server udates yesterday. Sometimes it only seems to happen in local other times in Ims too when i am in that sim. I have been told others are having the same problem. Does anyone know of a solution before I put a suport ticket in?
  18. Tiffy Vella Reply to Aethelwine - view message 09-13-2012 12:14 AM It sounds like you're doing the right things...keeping the worn scripts down is the first thing. Try keeping the graphics settings down too. I recently found that using Phoenix's "recommended settings" in the graphics preferences has helped a lot. I wonder if inventory size matters? I've always kept mine just under 20,000 in the belief that it makes crossings easier, but maybe somebody a bit techier can confirm if this has anything to do with it. Sim crossings have been really smooth for me for the last few months, barring one patchy week about a fortnight ago, when many people seemed to be being hit harder than usual. Mine's a Trudeau NY50, and sails really well now I've had a little practise. (I really really really enjoy sailing...can't help mentioning that....grin) If your dock is riiight on a sim border, you may like to motor out rather than sail right away, just to get out and over that first icky crossing. ------------------------ Intersting thought it might have to do with inventory size. My inventory is 53,000 items... I keep pruning it, but I shop and i build... and well I have a lot of stuff i want to keep. I always motor out of the harbour, it has never occurred to me to try to sail out. My parcel is to East of blake sea and wind is always blowing from that direction, so I don't always put my sail up at all! I have just been a passenger on a friends boat on the blake sea. I alone got booted off the boat on one crossing. On another the boat went sailing off into the sky booting us all off the boat. We maybe made 2 crossings, and each of those was rough.
  19. /me Waves back to Dillon Well I am pleased if this server update is supposed to help this issue, but I am not noticing any improvement. Encouraged by responses to this thread I put my bikini and short on and rezzed my yacht again. First attempt to leave the harbour to open sea, I am unseated but not unseated unable to teleport stand up or navigate, eventually sl tells me I am disconnected. I restart and try again. Second time crossing the sim boundary to leave the harbour firestorm closes down and crashes on me. I log back in and yay I am just the other side of the boundary standing on my boat I have made the sim crossing. I sit back on my boat Open sea I make a couple of sim boundary crossing before just losing all control and plowing forward in a straight line on to land and through peoples houses until it finally tells me I have been logged out. I relog in I am back where I was before just outside my harbour but no boat. I go in to fly mode to retrace my steps. And without a boat since then I have done the flying in a straight line uncontrollably before being logged out at each sim boundary. This outfit has zero scripts. Just 3 items of clothing and some hair and I can't reliably cross a boundary with or without a boat.
  20. That is one of things I learnt first about sailing, that and not crossing corners. My script count today is just 4 and still having major problems. Since making my post I have crashed 4 times crossing sim borders without a boat. That is a 100% failure rate. Ironically the region is dire straits, seems apt lol I am using the MLCC yacht that is well thought of everywhere i have seen comments on it, so don't think the boat or my avatar can be the issue.
  21. I bought a boat and got myself a parcel with water access to the blake sea a couple of months ago. Not once have I managed to sail there. I made it three quarters of the way once before crashing. Today it took me nearly 5 mins to get out of the harbour across the sim boundary and then struggled over a couple of sim crossings before crashing. I have tried to fly back to where i started thinking it possible i might find my yacht to get back in or at least retrieve it so as not to be littering the place and in a no scripted outfit I have crashed twice trying to cross boundaries. The problem just seems to get worse and worse. I can't be the only one suffering these problems? Is this something to do with pathfinding and Magnum servers or something? When will Sim crossings get better?
  22. This thread has given me a great idea for an outfit to wear to house music clubs... :catmad:
  23. It sounds like a router problem that i eventually fixed by changing the Multiplexing Method from VC based to LLC based in the modems setup. Worth a try to change that setting and see if it fixes the problem.
  24. Well whilst the original post is wrong to say you need a full avatar pack, It is however good advice for creating a nice looking avatar, better than most you see on the grid and for not a lot of money. For an Alt I went to Secret Passions, got a avatar pack for about 300l$, the maths teacher AO from Daiz Papp 150l$. I then fiddle with the shape a bit... (legs seemed ridiculously long, or was too tall). Bought a Truth hair and an ADN outfit or two, HOC for some shoes, Devicious for the free outfit with nice boots and after a couple of days got a 400l$ skin from pink fuel. Full look not much more than 1000l$, hardly any time spent shopping and faffing about and.ended up with an avatar as good as if not better than most you see around the place and no scouring of laggy freebie places for relative gems you would soon ditch and not be seen dead in later anyway. Good enough for shopping in and not feeling embarassed in Coco, Icing, Graves or wherever you like to go shopping, anyway hehe
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