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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Hi Maddison, our MC hosted rides by your MC in the past and we visited your sim a few times too although it has been a while. We moved earlier on this year and the notice about our move may have got lost in amongst all the other notices. Anyway we are now located adjoing Rockin Rollers MC. So you get two full sims of roads together with race tracks, residential areas, event spaces and other features from ground level to 2000M up across two sims. Iron Maidens MC Rockin Rollers MC Other places off the top of my head I would recommend going for rides are: Wild Girls Hell on Heels MC Moto Bazzi G&H Riding Sim StarRiders Crossing Sands Give my regards to Grizzly ! Ps Mystical Fantasies on Jeogeot is worth a visit too.
  2. I assume when looking for mainland you are using world map and clicking all the dollar signs to see what is available? It took me a while to realise you could do that and it is much more effective than relying on auctions. Another option is to look for land estates like Seductive Allure manage. They rent full sim sky platforms with a preloaded horizons rezzer which can change your home and outlook from a tropical beach paradise to a mountain valley at a few touches of a control panel. They have similar deals at ground level that are reasonably priced because the airspace above is rented.
  3. I like how you advanced the theorem. It's not just two, it's any number greater than one. I think the first clue that a discussion is going to go that way (other than the fact it's happening here) is when someone says something obviously speculative and the next person says, "Well if that was true then....". Three posts later and we're spinning so far off center we're practically leaving orbit. I do like the idea of forum chat powered spaceflight. With modern technology and satellite access to the forums powering a Hans Pfall type space ship with hot air should be a doddle.
  4. I wish they would seize the initiative and repossess land to make for more roads and features. I also wish they would take a considered view on ban lines and orbs and work out a way to balance land owners desires for privacy against the opening up routes for people to explore unhindered. The Sansara lakes and rivers would be a wonderful place to explore by boat if it weren't for getting stuck in banlines and having your vehicle returned without prior warning. If they did this more of mainland would be more desirable and give it a new lease of life. But it is quite a big undertaking and regretably something I doubt they will consider when their focus is on the new platform.
  5. In my experience those that wrap themselves in theit flag and condemn everyone else for being unamerican reject the very same values that attracts everyone else.
  6. For the last 8 hours the best I can manage is a half grey Ruth in a half rezzed skybox. Each time I restart a different part of me is grey. Kind of glad it is not just me. I hope they fix this soon.
  7. Things haven't been rezzing for me all weekend and now after numerous relogs, and avatar resets and removing everything, I am a half grey ruth in a half rezzed skybox.... Maybe it is my local connection and nothing to do with CDN. But I can't help but be suspicious.
  8. Curious. I went back to test and get some numbers. Doing the ping I get 26ms Looking at same scene of me seating with a friend in firestorm and the SL Viewer advances tools are reporting a considerable improvement in the sl viewer. In Firestorm it is reporting just over 10 frames per sec, and in SL Viewer over 40 frames per second. It is weird because camming around it doesn't look or feel improved to me. In fact the SL viewer seems to spike alot more than firestorm even if numbers are higher. But the numbers are what they are and on basis of the numbers i should be feeling an improvement. (I think those readings from firestorm must have been taken whilst it was in a background window to me typing on the forum, because they don't fit at all with any measurements I am taking now.) I will try some more but I wasn't actually experiencing the feel of the level of improvement the numbers would suggest when riding my motorbike around. Today riding my bike around the linden lab viewer is giving me frame rates of 30-40, whilst firestorm is giving me frame rates of 40-70. Frankly, I don't know what is going on, but I am not seeing the big improvements on the Second life viewer. THE CDN server thing seems to have made some improvement for both viewers, but until the linden lab viewer rezzes everything more reliably I think I will be sticking with firestorm.
  9. Nova, it must depend on your set up.The update today made some improvements for me. But my skybox is still half invisble to me, and whilst i get that in firestorm too sometimes, clicking it resolves it. I have just gone to Coldlogic and things are rezzing and then vanishing again. And its rezz times are no improvement on firestorms. There are still some bugs with the SL Viewer at the moment that make it unusable and no performance increases at all. I am europe too (UK)
  10. I can't see I am noticing any huge improvements on the new SL viewer. When I tried it this morning it took more than a minute for my avatar to appear and 5 minutes later the surroundings still hadn't rezzed. In fact some things that had rezzed had derezzed again. Firestorm in the same location my avi was rezzed in about 10 secs and the surroundings in the same time. As I was testing it riding around the SL Viewer prompted for another update (up to Life 3.7.20 (296094)) It identified my graphics card slightly differently to what it was before NVidea - GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2. That seems to have improved things alot and things are rezzing now and staying rezzed, but Firestorm remains faster for me. And SL Viewer has the horrizon flickering at me now.
  11. I remember back when I first joined I bought a kitchen and a sofa and combined they used up virtually all of my prim allowance. Instead of the bed I bought I had to sleep on the floor on a rug. Mesh has made it much easier on my back!
  12. Jeffrey, you are right to be angry about some of what goes off in world, but you are naive and a bad mixture of gullible and wrong headed to keep going on about hacking claims that are false. It makes everything else said to you that you are quoting hard to be sure is evidence of what you think it is and not people winding you up. Posting all this on the forum is only going to get you banned and the post deleted. All you can do is AR the conduct, raise it privately by email with the company, perhaps advise people to report it to the police. What you are doing here is helping no one... and underlining why you don't get considered credible. Give up on the crusade for your own good.
  13. 'politics is the art of looking for trouble everywhere, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies' Marx
  14. I googled and answered my own question 'skill game' is a USA legal definition and doesn't mean the same as it sounds. Dominos is a skill game, but Poker isn't... even though betonline offers Poker. It doesn't make any sense to me but, but where laws are concerned that happens.
  15. Poker etc seem much more obviously a matter of skill than the click and cross your fingers games they are designating 'skill games'. Does 'skill game' have a specific definition beyond the composite meaning different from what the two words together normally convey?
  16. I would have thought the incentive for the new gaming regions would have been to reintroduce casino games like poker, craps and blackjack. Is there a reason, they haven't?
  17. This is a long shot but I had some problems using some buttons on huds for a while. Eventually I found out I had accidentally blocked myself. So I would have a quick look at your block list to make sure you aren't there
  18. I have a few TVs, and like you was dissappointed that I had to fork out again to go from VEA2 to 3. I also have Deimos and Deadly Oliver TVs. The Deadly Oliver one has a very good list of current films and TV shows on it. Deimos is very good too. But if I was doing parcel rentals I would ask them directly what deals they can do on multiple TVs, from the reviews both makes have good customer service.
  19. On my old version of Sam on the first page at the bottom are two volume controls. The left of the two can be turned down to mute what Sam plays locally. The right one adjusts the volume of the stream sent to listeners.
  20. I used to run a motorcycling sim, but it got too expensive. I now collaborate on a couple of biker sims building roads, putting out buildings and furniture and as a side project I have an art gallery at a spaceport. I like shopping, building bikes and cars, djing, chatting with my friends, tinkering with my avatar, exploring preferably by vehicle, going to art galleries, tinkering with furniture menus (adding animations). Learning. Making people happy. But most of all I like spending time with my online wife.
  21. Is there reason to believe Linden Lab do investigate chatlogs before banning an avatar reported for ageplay? The one person, I have noticed, on this thread with personal experience said they got their ban lifted by using their contacts to get their case reviewed, there had been no investigation before their banning.
  22. One recurring premise in this thread seems to be the inability to create in world. For most people's purposes tools like mesh studio, sculpt maker and anypose do all that they need. Tools like avsitter have made adding animatiions so much easier than in the past. If arguments are that linden lab should be providing these then I am not going to strongly disagree but I would point out that doing that would be unfair on the creators of these tools. Maybe Linden Lab could negotiate a deal to providwe the tools free to all users but it is not like any of them cost a lot in real money ... at most the cost of couple of glasses of wine. For me sl is essier to build in and the things we can build better all the time. The only part of the new user ecperience more complicated than before and imo far more important when thinking about retaining new users is all the additiinal complexity involved in wearing mesh clothes and attachments and working with mesh avatars and appliers.
  23. I very rarely use security orbs. If I am not using my land I don't see any good reason to exclude others from it. I like to welcome visitors and have met some nice people that way. But I also appreciate privacy and that not everyone wants that in a skybox. What does irritate me is the snarling up of the rivers and seas with no object entry and other security devices. I made the wonderful trip from mare secondus to the Atoll continent the other day. I gave up on using my oceanic because it just got snarled up in peoples security before I saw anything. My Berdav commander being smaller made it easier going but over the course of two hours I must have had ten boats returned. More than I remember losing to be honest. The obsessive and so far as I can see pointless security some people employ covering parts of the riverways is just plain antisocial and makes one of the great pleasures in second life an endurance test.
  24. I assume you have tried Tellaq? they look alot better than Animations Rising. The only other option I have heard of is Signature, but aside from a facebook page and a profile, they seem to have vanished.
  25. Pussycat, As you say there is also Eve by Ginger Chevalier (you can also buy the two bodies from there seperately Also Perfect Body by Gamer Inc Some more in this picture and a list on this page http://meshphysique.wordpress.com/ most of them are very primitive or well freakish, but they might be a useful reference for completing the picture.
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