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Doris Johnsky

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Everything posted by Doris Johnsky

  1. I had classmate in Middle School that would do that while pointing fake laser guns at us. In today's fragile world he would be expelled
  2. The British royal family is named after Windsor. Before WWI the family name was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Germanic). Not wanting to be associated with Germany, all things considered, Windsor was picked to be the family name.
  3. It's impossible to hum while holding your nose. Yes, I tried it.
  4. Beyonce is an 8th cousin, 4 times removed, from composer Gustav Mahler.
  5. Y'all watch some weird stuff. lol I got behind on Big Sky and have been catching up. Fun watch.
  6. I don't think that's what she asked. She clearly said "a SL conference".
  7. It's just the nature of SL. Been that way since I've been in. That's 11+ years. I figure at some point a developer will figure out a good way. Surprised no one's done it yet.
  8. Thanks Jordan. The semi grimace in my profile pic is a hud. Hence the grimace rather than a smile.
  9. I know with some mesh bodies you can't edit the body/shape to have a normalish smile. The best mine can do is a sort of Mona Lisa "wonder what she's thinking" uptick of the corners.
  10. Isn't one spelling Vampyres? I'm too literal to think that fast.
  11. I just finished "Into the Light: by David Weber. It's the sequel to "Out of the Dark". Someone mentioned vampires. These books incorporate the vampire lore with a twist. I also just finished "Ocean Prey" by John Sandford. If you haven't read the "Prey" (29 so for) books, they are great reads if you like police mysteries.
  12. In this context "care" means what you are isn't an issue with me. It doesn't matter to me what you are. Because It's not a factor wither I like you or dislike you. Of course I CARE about my wife and all my friends..
  13. I don't think you understand my rats ass comment. I simply do not care what anyone's race, sexual orientation, level of wealth, place of birth, or religion is. You are what you are and I accept that 1000%. Your interactions with me are what I judge. Nothing more. This is especially true in SL where, unless you have moved to a RL relationship with an ava, anyone can be anything.
  14. I think looking for people who share your interests are the best way to find friends. Clubs, groups, activities, There's your friend base.
  15. "illiberal" What the hell is that? Just to be clear I am a conservative, and I could give a rats ass if you're gay or not and many of my conservative friends are the same way. Some of my best friends in RL and SL are gay. Just don't care. People are people. That's all I care about.
  16. Yes just be yourself and people who are intelligent will see the inner beauty in you. I've always been human in SL but I recently married in SL a wonderful woman who is a "kitty". Human body and shape, with kitty ears and a tail. If you had told me that I would do this I would have called you a liar. Best things I've ever done in SL was meeting her. Some people are judgmental about EVERY damn thing. Why? Because their life is so miserable that they can't help but try to make people around them as miserable as they are. Ignore them and be what you want to be. Feel free to IM me in SL anytime
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