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Doris Johnsky

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Everything posted by Doris Johnsky

  1. Take' in this context denotes time. Take a dump came first which makes more sense. Taking the time to dump poop in the bowl. Taking a **** came after that so it's less clear, but still correct. Here is the explanation from a linguistics professor: "I can tell you that the reason we say 'take a ****/dump' is for the same reason we 'take' a vacation...in this situation, the nouns poop/dump or ****are used to describe an activity occuring over a time, not the actual physical object itself. One is 'taking' the time to leave a **** in a bowl. Actually the use of the word dump really reflects how much we subconsciously understand this action, as one's *** is dumping the *** apples into the bowl. the word has simply been changed to a noun to denote the time spent during evacuation of the bowels." Simply put, though, would be one of the definitions of the word take: 17a: to undertake and make, do, or perform. Take a walk, take aim, take legal action, take a test, take a look. Leave a dump just sounds weird.
  2. you are correct. Now I got to research again.
  3. I'll grant you that you're correct. Bad choice of words. I should have simply said people who are "seemingly" unemotional.
  4. Possible. Hopefully early funny George, not later mean ole "Get off my lawn" George
  5. I actually had to look this up because I had no smart-alec answer/ I found this, which makes perfect sense. "Verb - deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way. What was your use of the word dump which is the opposite??
  6. I have asked this before. The only thing I could think was that it was a way for bread makers to sell more buns. The bastards. Blame it on capitalism.
  7. I actually played softball and ran track in high school. And as part of my job, I have to attend football (the American version) games. I understand the games better than some females. And I plan to
  8. Good choice, although I can't say I've ever watched a game. I'm not fond of (I know I risk the wrath of many) soccer. You play for 90 minuted, tie and have a kickoff to see who wins. Skip the 90 minutes and have the kick off. Unless you're a HUGE fan, golf is boring . Curling comes to mind.
  9. Orwar. "strippers knickers" was funny. It made me laugh. Additionally, I'll grant if you're eating boiled eggs for breakfast, soft boiled is the way to go. However, for dishes that require a boiled egg, softboiled doesn't really work. In fact my mom put hard boiled AND a raw eggs in her Thanksgiving dressing. Yums
  10. Parkway is generally the name of a street in a town. Parkway Drive or Dallas Parkway. People drive on them. A driveway is a part of a dwelling. When a car is stopped and taken out of a drive gear it is "parked". That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  11. Now y'all know the reason for this thread.
  12. Ask and ye shall receive. You rock, sir.
  13. I always loved the sound of hemidemisemiquaver I could never figure out how to work it into a conversation.
  14. I'll start: Why do boiled eggs smell like flatulence? i'm being gentle here.
  15. You know. Those things that make you go hmmmm.
  16. Donnomy Daddy Mydaddycanwhipur Daddy. Pimple Pop Tootsie Pop Yes Sire Secretariat's Sire Just to add to the ridiculousness. lol
  17. Did either of you even read the article? This isn't that last time this is going to happen. SMH.
  18. I would agree with this except the spiritual part. Man became "spiritual" when things occurred in their lives that they could not explain. Drought, floods, illness, too many things to name for early humans. Their solution? The God(s) did/caused/allowed it to happen. As to someone who argued that humans aren't always rational, emotional, or spiritual, I have this to say in answer. Rational means to "rationalize" whatever fits each person's belief system. While it might not seem rational to hate a group because they are different in some way, humans "rationalize" that thought to fit their own narrative. That is the definition of rational thought. Emotional means to react to various stimulus. Unless there is a specific condition (autism for example) everyone has emotions. Even a serial killer to might seem unemotional in the act of murder, is deriving some emotional response to the killing.. Spiritual, I've already addressed. Atheists often have spiritual feelings. Spirituality is a part of rationally and emotionally defining how we as humans perceive and react to life. But that's just me.
  19. This is going to sound terrible but here goes. I have no problem with Juneteenth and in fact marched in parades when I was in HS Band playing "We shall Overcome". BUT: I refuse to have some woke liberal tell me what holidays are acceptable and which are not. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/06/18/new-jersey-school-district-eliminates-holidays-names-to-be-inclusive/ INCLUDING MLK day. The whole thing is stupid.
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