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Doris Johnsky

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Everything posted by Doris Johnsky

  1. I can see 2FA for money exchanging, but to the viewer? What possible reason would there be to complicate things more than they are? Yes I've heard people have been hacked, although I've never met anyone who WAS hacked in 11 years.
  2. If you own your land/ parcel streaming is the way to go. If you can find an empty box, Streamhood streams are 25L a week. At that point all you need to do is find streams you like. Sometimes when I go roaming I'll hear a really good radio stream and write it down in a NC I have for that purpose.
  3. As I understand Sansa was intended to be a 3D game for SL. With the long game plan to move away from the traditional SL to Sansa Had they done that I think they wold have lost a significant percentage of the SL population. I'm guessing in the 50 to 75% range. That's a losing proposition for LL At this point I think the plan is to make SL better for everyone. And didn't SL start the build for Sansa and sell it off?
  4. I've been by there. It's a great place to meet your friends and have a good time with great conversation. Something that people don't do in SL anymore..
  5. Mixxx is free and while it has a learning curve does the job wll.
  6. You're not even the neighborhood of "nearly every club". I've been to many clubs that don't have voice DJs. I have been to clubs with voice DJs who have poor vocal quality, or fall in love with their voice and talk far too much. To your next point, a good text DJ makes up with the lack of voice by making themselves a big part of the local chat. Welcoming, announcing songs or dedications. I stand by my point. A new club does not need to limit themselves to voice DJs if they want to grow. If they start gaining traffic, they can always change to voice DJs as text DJs move on to other gigs. You know as well as I do that there's a glut of new clubs in SL. There's only so many DJs to cover the jobs. AND any great voice DJ has all the gigs they want without having to work in a new club with no traffic. Just my opinion.
  7. Yes, you're right. Landscaper is a better term. I read too many SciFi books, so "terraform" came to mind
  8. What you need is a "terraformer" not necessarily a "builder". They are two different things.
  9. Why? Since a DJs job is to present music that people will like, why cut off a DJ who doesn't voice when you're a new club looking for DJs and presumably the people they might bring with them? Just curious
  10. I would be interested. I take photos in SL and retouch them. I have lots of photos but would most likely stick to landscapes. Here are some samples
  11. Looking at the last one, it almost has an abstract or late romantic feel but it is a photo of a sim. Couer d'Azure
  12. Think of the bartender being like the hostess in a club. Meet, greet and give out items they may ask for. NEVER give an item without asking or being asked. When I was a bartender, I would ask if anyone wants a drink. Some do, most don't.
  13. This what I posted in another thread: DJing in SL is all about the way you present yourself. You can't just play music. Anyone can find a radio stream to do that. So you have to present yourself as a real DJ. I do it without voice and I love doing it. People seem to like my style. Now the process: 1. You need something to broadcast to SL. Winamp is the easiest to use but many clubs require SAM, Virtual DJ, or Mixxx. SAM and VDJ are pro models you have to purchase. Winamp and Mixxx are free. I use Mixxx now. Once you get the software I would practice setting up a playlist and presenting it. You can do that in RL without broadcasting to SL. Many DJs use voice, so you need a way to broadcast voice too. You can use voice in SL, but I think broadcasting through the software would be better. I don't voice, so I'm not an expert on that. Before you can broadcast to SL you have to setup the URL and password in your software. More on that in the next item. Most are fairly simple, some are not. Mixxx was hard for me to find. 2. Go to SL and rent a stream. I use Streamhood because its 25L a week, works well and well, I'm cheap. It says it's compatible to 128 but my music is all 192 and works fine. You can enter the stream as a url and again practice broadcasting. Make sure you keep a record of the information to input in your software 3. Collect an assload of music. However you want to do it, but you'll need a lot. A LOT. I have close to 70GB of music and I know some who have well over 100GB. 4. After you've kinda go used to handling the software, you'll need to secure a gig. There are many clubs looking for DJs. Unfortunately there are too many clubs for the amount of DJs available. Most new clubs don't have the traffic to make a lot of money. But they are places to practice your craft and pad a resume. 5. Voice. This is a choice of your own. I don't for various reasons, but that's me. Many bigger , more established clubs REQUIRE voice. I think that's a mistake because there are some REALLY good DJs who do not voice. There are a LOT of Djs who voice to the point they are a distraction. I go to clubs to listen to music, not hear someone drone on and on. Having a good speaking voice helps. 6. Tidbits. Do not DJ for less than 100% of tips. You're buying music and maybe software. Many clubs think you'll bring a crew of friends that will come to their club. Maybe they will but probably they won't People tend to go to clubs they like or where there are friends. They don't tend to go to a new club just because you're there. Finding a good host or hostess can be a great help. Most good clubs will pair you with one. Some clubs want you to be part of the "family". Meaning they want you to devote all your time to the club. Sorry that's not my thing. I'm hired to do a job. DJ. That's it. If they want family, marry someone. Be yourself. Clubs may want you do things a certain way (sending notices, for example). If you have a style that works, calmly present your reasons. If YOUR way brings in people to the club that's the best reason. Hope this helps. They may be some that disagree with what I've said, but I think this a decent blueprint to get you started. It based on reality, not some youtube video. Oh, and there are people who claim to be able to teach you to DJ. Don't waste the money. You would be better off talking to someone who actually DJs in SL. That's what I did. If you have questions, most Djs are willing to give you answers. If I'm online feel free to IM me. I'm sure I missed something, but I think I covered a lot. PS Do you listen to the music in RL or through SL media stream? Personally I listen in RL so I can cue songs as I need to. (although with Mixxx i don't have to do this) I know people who do both. It's a choice you'll need to make based on how you like doing it. I did have an older DJ tell me that he always listened in RL. I turn the SL music down, so it doesn't get weird. There's often a lag (latency-Rl and SL don't normally match up. SL will be behind RL by as much as a minute or more) between RL and SL sound. I check each song when it starts in SL to make sure there's not a runaway song. A runaway is music that comes out garbled. I've asked forever and no one can explain what causes it. I usually call it squirrels having sex.
  14. I used Winamp in Win 10 for a couple years before I recently swapped to Mixxx. And I use my own music in my parcel, too, sometimes.
  15. This is one of the first landscapes I took ( if not the first).
  16. Thank you. I displayed in several shows. Either my photos aren't as good as people tell me (my wife and friends,) or they don't get the traffic they expect.
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