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Lexia Moonstone

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Everything posted by Lexia Moonstone

  1. Ardvinna wrote: The Satire and the humour is older then any religion in the world. It is what makes us human - to laugh and to smile. so I looked up the oldest known recorded jokes: "The world's oldest recorded joke has been traced back to 1900 BC and suggests toilet humor was as popular with the ancients as it is today." http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/07/31/us-joke-odd-idUSKUA14785120080731
  2. LlazarusLlong wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: RonR wrote: What everyone shouting about free speech never mentions is that with the RIGHT of free speech comes the CONSEQUENCES of your words. This was the direct consequence of what 3 extremists thought was an attack on their beliefs. Do I think the illustrators deserved what happened? No. Do I think they might have anticipated this kind of reaction in this day and age, and in light of the fact that the paper was firebombed in the past? Of course they should have, and taken proper measures to insure the staff's safety in light of the inflamatory pieces they publish. As it has been reported here in the UK, the terrorists gained entry to the building by ambushing one of the magazine's employees as she arrived at work with her young child and threatening to murder her child if she didn't let them into the building using her security code. Could you maybe outline some of the "proper measures" you say the magazine should have taken but neglected to take to protect its staff? How about advising employees not to bring their kids to work with them? Other then keeping the child out of harms way, what good would that have done preventing them from getting in? If some one hadn't been forced to open the door, they could have blow the lock with their AK47s, if that didn't work the attackers were spotted with rocket-propelled grenade launchers.
  3. JessiSweeney wrote: I was about to make myself a little clearer with Karens response, but you nailed it. The name tag was hidden too. My earlier reference to a "tag" was a little off. But hiding it underground sounds reasonable. "full body transparent alpha layer",..an interesting concept, to say the least. Noting usually about full body alpha layers, commonly used for mesh avatars, tiny, or any other type of avatar that need to hide the base avatar.
  4. Hiding your avatars body is easy, just make a full body transparent alpha layer. You can't make a name tag invisible, but you can hide where it is. To find some one doing so it try looking under ground or under the floor. Griefers frequently like to hide things under ground because few people look there. To be able to see under ground, you need to disable camera restraints from the advance menu (ctrl + alt +d)
  5. If I had survived that, I think I would have a problem flying on airplanes that dont have parachutes on board.
  6. mirbaz wrote: Shame on those who mock others religious figures through these drawings. Shame on those who mock their own religion by using it as an excuse for violence.
  7. Cole Naire wrote: An interesting thought! But is there really such a thing as a "good pun"? Thank you for your comment, however! I love a good pun, to me you can tell a good pun when everyone that can hear it chases the person telling the pun out of the room, for a really good pun the audience becomes a Lynch mob. Classes like your are likely much rarer then back in 2007, so it's more likely for some one to mistake a class of new accounts as an army of alts. Best advice I can think of is to contact land/club owners before taking your class to a sim as a group. When I started in 2007 people seemed more open minded, back then to many of us SL was new at the same time and because of that more open to talking to strangers. Now I think people are more set in their ways and more protective of personal space. Sadly noobs all ways get a bad rap because of all the griefers and bots on new accounts. I'm not sure about hostility towards students, but if you want an ear full try posting a survey in the general forums here. Not sure why that is, but I find it irrational, if you don't want to take a survey just don't take it, but many people feel compelled to speak out aginst them all most any time one is posted. SL has changed a lot it use to be a place where any thing could happen, IBM had 50 sim, there where many collages teaching classes here. Now it's mostly a social gaming platform. So may be people are less tolerant of students, because this is just their social space and they don't like feeling like they are being studied.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: Are we suppose to be able to read profiles of deleted accounts? I deleted an account back in 2007 and just found and read my old profile, I was hopping that it was gone. The Linden viewer will find deleted accounts but not open them, one of the TPV will all so open them. Is this some thing that should be reported? Linden Lab should change the word from "Deleted" to "Cancelled," because the reality is that the accounts do not get deleted.** Otherwise you could never reactivate. **What I was told but have no documentation is that in the early days of SL they discovered a problem. Because of the way content is associated with the creator, deleting the account also deleted the creations. So they would archive these accounts. But I have also heard but again no documentation that there have been occasions when LL has deleted cancelled accounts from the Data Base. If my above statement was true, these deleted accounts must have been accounts with no associated creations. For instance, someone registered but never logged in. But this is all hear say on my part. If LL has ever actually said anything I am unaware of it. ETA, the reason you can see them in TPV's and not the official viewer is the TPV's rely on the old Legacy Profiles. The Official Viewer opens the Web Profiles. They must be handled in separate but inseparable ways by the Server. I was wondering if it was even intended by the TPV, it only happening in a search field not used for general searches. I remember back in 2007 people were still panicking about deleting accounts because of content disappearing, but I think LL had just stopped removing the content around that time. Back in 2007 I think the reactivate time was limited. Which might be why I was surprised to find my old account, because that was the rule back then. Today I see there are no limits to reactivation time. Likely because of the need to keep content around as you pointed out, may be for tax records too?
  9. Thanks Amethyst, I don't know that about calling cards working for that too, I never knew my alt lol so don't have a calling card from them. I was finding deleted accounts in search which I thought was odd, but the LL viewer wont open them.
  10. Are we suppose to be able to read profiles of deleted accounts? I deleted an account back in 2007 and just found and read my old profile, I was hopping that it was gone. The Linden viewer will find deleted accounts but not open them, one of the TPV will all so open them. Is this some thing that should be reported?
  11. Dillon Levenque wrote: I believe (don't know for certain but I thought I remembered reading this) that one thing that is actually not allowed is having a Display name that matches an existing avatar's account name. See if you can find out if that's true and if so, double check the profile and AR. Display names can only be changed once per week, if I'm not mistaken, so your griefer's stuck with the one he has for at least a few days while you AR. There's a Torley video and he gives an example of it being ok to have the same display name as he is using. I think the problem is intentional impersonation which this case sounds like.
  12. When I first read your title I thought you were talking about open sim grids, not second life main land. I took a quick look around inworld, on Heterocera it seems about one rez one ever other sim or so, they are easy to spot they have a little turn off where you can rez, all so marked with a rez zone sign under the route sign. on Zindura I've only found one so far, just marked with a sign with some one building a block on it. just found a a list of maps that have all the LDPW rez zones, some maps are better then others: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Road_Network_Directory
  13. Ayrie20 wrote: Hi I'm a newbie. I started playing gold hunt and then fish hunt. A small pop up window will say I gained linden dollars. The last pop up window says I gained 60 linden dollars and exp, rakings, etc. But on the upper right side of my screen, it still shows zero linden dollars. I've check my account and it is still showing 0. Why is that? Is this a technical issue? Thanks in advance. just wondering how long did it take you to make 60 L$
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: But that said, $50k a year is not even enough to pay real-life bills... Maybe if you live in Manhatten. Where I live $50K a year gets you a nice house and car as well as a comfortable life. You even get to go on vacation to nice places. Come to think of it, its probably why we have so many people from NYC moving here now. California. $50k a year - I would be choosing between rent and food. I just did a Cost of Living comparison between San Francisco and where I live on Numbeo. The differences are scary. Consumer Prices in San Francisco, CA are 32.12% higher than where I live. Consumer Prices Including Rent in San Francisco, CA are 89.14% higher Rent Prices in San Francisco, CA are 247.65% higher Restaurant Prices in San Francisco, CA are 54.41% higher Groceries Prices in San Francisco, CA are 34.38% higher Local Purchasing Power in San Francisco, CA is 25.00% higher I wounder how that effects the cost of running Linden Lab and SL, Land in SL might be cheaper if LL moved to Numbeo, or all most any where other then San Fransisco. Would all so decrease the chance of SL being destroyed by an earth quake. "Unscheduled Server Maintence, SL is down until the city is rebuilt"
  15. "Fight fire with fire!" You might want to change that to "Fight fire by poring gasoline on your self" because that is what you will be doing to your self, if you try to fight back. griefers will only stop when they get bored. If you want to fight back you might as well put floating text over your head that says "please grief me" and get a target as an avatar. If you really want a nasty hud for dealing with griefers, I'd be happy to sell you a hud that you push a big red button when attacked, and then the hud will cuss at you, as it tell you to "block, mute, AR, and never respond to a griefer" Most the tools you need to protect your self are right in your viewer, block, mute, derender, AR, ground sit, turn off particles, undeformer, stop animation, identify where spoofed chat is coming from, and the super useful teleport. ( I use firestorm not sure about other viewers.) So may be you can fight fire with firestorm lol
  16. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Bobbie Faulds wrote: Scion chickens actually started the breedables though Meeroos are cuter Scion chickens started it. But it went nuts all over SL and not just a smaller group with Meeroos. - That's the key. Not to invent the thing, but to make it a fad. If you want to play the "who came first" game, Ozimals was massive before Meeroos were even a thought, much less popular. Ozimals is also stillquite popular among the breedables, far more popular than meeroos in reputation alone, but that probably depends on who you ask. That's just the thing though. Ozimals might have been popular with people who were into breedables. But Meeroos got people who could care less about the concept, or even disliked it, to start collecting them. Ozimals - however big they might be among the hardcore, just didn't have multiple multi-sim malls, linden labs changing its advertizing programs, and stacks of blogs outside the breedables community talking it up. But this is all a side topic. The point I wanted to make here, is that to make 'real life bill paying' money in SL, you need to be THE FAD, the trendsetter. Or you might as well just consider it a hobby. But that said, $50k a year is not even enough to pay real-life bills... Must be the cost of living where you live, I made less the $12,000 in 2014 and still managed to save 45% of my income.
  17. chrismignon McDonnell wrote: Are you sure this is dollards? and not Linden L$ I'm pretty sure they meant Dollars, 50,000 L$ a year is only about 962 L$ a week, I've made that much just playing linden realms 2 hours a day.
  18. my mistake, I never actually been in one. (corrected my original post.)
  19. This got me looking at some family trees for music styles, and got me wondering at what point will the number of new styles of music out grow the number of new bands?
  20. lotusmortality wrote: Hey there! Ive just come back from being on hiatus and I've realized that i'm flat broke! I really enjoy decorating and was wondering if anybody could give me pointers I'd really like to rent out some furnished homes, how do I get started there? Things I can decorate: Clubs, Homes, Apartments, Offices Welcome back not sure how long you have been gone, so can't tell what might have changed for your or not. First there's no reason for any one to be broke in SL just play linden realms, you can make anywhere from 30 to 100 L$ per hour, that might help you to start saving up for the land and shopping you'll need to do to start renting, and gives you time to research the market. LL has announced they are working on a next generation platform still a year or so away, my thought is that buying lots of land in SL is a bit risky now, but it's a great time to rent. By the way LL is not closing down SL when the new platform is released, I didn't want to cause more panic over this. Some thing else to keep in mind if your looking to rent small homes out LL gives free (small) home to every one with a premium account. You can still rent to people with out a premium account or aim for the upgrade market for people that want more then their linden home has. The linden homes are not on adult land so that's an other market that might be good too.
  21. Lilyphilia wrote: Does anyone knowiftheres a Trap communityinSL? Maybe a club that plays it or events. If not perhaps you guys know of some good Hip Hop clubs? Thanks so much There are many Gor and BDSM communities that use lots of RLV traps, some how I don't think that's what you meant. Looked it up and figured out what your talking about, if you search for Trap inworld or other places in SL make sure to include music in the search terms to avoid all the RLV trap related things that will likely other wise top the search placement. RLV traps can all so be hard to get out of, but haven't seen any one writing songs about it yet, maybe some Dom will force some one too.
  22. kalliopi Ziplon wrote: Many of my costumers ask me if the mesh clothes I have ( I have pay for the mesh clothes and I am putting fabric on them ) fits the mesh body they have , some told me there is a free one and others that one is selling mesh body. I told them to wear the demos and the told me that they do not fit , when they wear the mesh body many of the clothes do not fit is like they do not wear them or something like that . I will start learning how to make mesh clothes by the new year and I am thinking about those mesh body they say – I do not have one- if I use avastar or my body to blender will the clothes fit to a mesh body ? I mostly buy mesh from Meli , if costumers told me they do not fit in their mesh bodies then that’s why I am asking . Do we have to make mesh clothes in a new way now? Thank you for helping me out understand . I'll send you a LM inworld there's a really good mesh body you can get for free, and semi adjustable with the built in shape tool, it all so has an upgrade you can buy so you can apply system layer style clothes. So there's a lot of naked people running around looking for mesh clothes for this, because to upgrade to get the clothing layers cost form 2500 to 5000 L$ it's ether called "the mesh project" or "the shops" inworld very confusing store you need a hud to shop.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Hmm, read through this thread, and I'm also interested in finding out the seller's name (and/or product) If someone can either PM me here on the forum, or IM me inworld with the info, that'd be great. (Isn't relisting a marketplace item in order to erase a bad review against the marketplace rules? ) I asked earlier also but so far got no response. And yes, relisting to get rid of bad reviews is a no-no. But that doesn't sound like what was done because the OP says there are still reviews, just all the negative ones are gone. I asked when this first got posted and have the link so I just sent it to you. But I do have to say I was COMPLETELY shocked when I saw your profile pic
  24. Personally I think this all could have been avoided if the OP had just contacted the merchant first before posting a review, but even so the merchants response is way out of line in my opinion.
  25. JayWaters wrote: The creator went through and unlisted and relisted ALL his items that had any negative reviews to skew his star ranking on them, I noticed that yesterday. He didn't unlist, just your review was removed by LL. Your review was on the 23rd and there are 2 older reviews, but it dose look odd that there are 8 other reviews right after yours on the 23rd.
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