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Lexia Moonstone

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Everything posted by Lexia Moonstone

  1. It's a fricking holiday in the US what makes you think their going to give you a quick response on short notice when no one is at the office today, can't you take a day of from bitching at LL, may be you should translate an apology in to other languages for helping to causing the panic over this.
  2. I use it all the time to find interesting places and things to do, but very rarely for shopping.
  3. why not just play linden realms you can make 30 to 100 L$ an hour. And your admitting your gaming the system and wonder what happened. Who's being greedy here? The laziness of people that want free things amazes me.
  4. seangold wrote: who cares right: I'm not sure how any one could care, you have every one so confused, I don't think we have the full story on any thing your saying, sorry about your friend. The kindest thing I could say would be to walk way from this post, your just setting your self up to be a punching bag. SL can be a great place but there are many kinds of people here, you just need to find some like minded people to hang out with.
  5. seangold wrote: i am sorry apologise to the owner? you are kidding we are the punters we keep them in business, they have to endure our idiosyncrancies without the punters they die No I'm not kidding, I work retail in RL my idea of heaven is working some place I can punch, kick, and tare limbs off the rude customers and not get fired. Respect is a 2 way thing, not some thing you get from spending $. Don't bother replying, I can now see why your got banned.
  6. seangold wrote: what if newbies expect second life to be like heaven? I think they would be disappointed not too many dead people floating around here, except for some vampires.
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Let me be Clear about Why SL started to Decline, and why it is a direct result of the search engine. I don't know what you are measuring when you say "Decline." Certainly Merchants gave us a lot of added value content such as Malls anchoring Clubs. But shopping is certainly not the end all experience in Second Life. We could certainly point to when the Real Estate Bubble burst in SL. Then there were the age play scandals and the negative publicity which we still continue to hear about. If I recall correctly LL didn't have a public relations Guru at the time and with the person who was hired Omertà descended on the Lab. Then we lost Linden's being In World and interacting with us. Then add in what many felt was mis-management by Klingon. How about the Tier increase and the removal of the Non Profit Discount? It's a long shopping list of things. We could add to that the decline in expendable income coupled with more entertainment choices. But if you think shopping for animations at your store was the end all experience for me you seriously need to guess again. eta:shpellling you could add to that list: SL now has competition, and many of the educators, big business like IBM, and the military now use private open sims. the rise of the freebie hunts. freebie on the marketplace. inworld freebie stores din't have a big negative impact on sales, with an inworld store items are not shown next to some one else free items. the opensim/homesead price change. from 75$ a month to where ever it is now. the anti camping rules indirectly took away a source of L$ for people who din't want to spend real $ in SL specially important for new residents. we now have linden realms for that, but ther was a few years inbetween. Mesh is much harder to build and in greater demand then prim work and sculptmaps, and few have the skills to do it well, other then retexturing full perm clothes, mesh has caused a lot of small time builder to lose sales or go out of business, the same type of small time builder who spent all of the L$ in SL renting land and buying other peoples goods, and don't cash out. The marketplace it's self have a big impact on inworld sales and more so then xstreet because of how LL promoted and link to the marketplace. Simply the size of the marketplace has made it harder for all but the top sellers to be sceen.
  8. seangold wrote: Appears you have to be very careful what you say in SL. If you are in a club, argue with someone, and an individual takes umbridge, they report you to the club and you are banned for life. Specially if you have a difference with a host or hostess. Appears worse than RL because you are not allowed to argue, My point is surely the owners of the clubs should ask for a transcript or evidence before they ban people. Lets face it some people have some drinks while listening to the music, why ban people for life if they get a bit annoying? The clubs are losing customers, and could be fairer like RL, don't ban for life unless the punters are a repeat annoyance I As you pointed out clubs are losing customers, likely form annoying people showing up, which is why club owners give some of their employees rights to ban people. Drinking isen't a free pass to be annoying. Being both new to SL and acting annoying they may have thought you were a griefer, a very quick way to get banned anywhere. Griefers continually have to make new avatars because they get banned from SL all the time, because of that people are a bit suspicious of all new accounts. Talk to the owner, apologise to the hot or hostess to see if they will let you back in, if not learn your lesson and find a new club to hang out at.
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: You're right. It really is getting painful. Why? because you refuse to look at the irrefutable proof that is there in plain sight. If you looked at it, you would know for an absolute certainty that you've been mistaken about the pre-GSA search. The Torley video was about the new (at that time) GSA. I don't know what more I can say. I've given you irrefutable proof about the pre-GSA search system ranking places solely on traffic. I can't do any more about that. If you refuse to look, your misuderstanding is of your own making. You think that the Torley video is about the pre-GSA search system but it is not. It's the GSA. What else can I say? ETA: You wrote:- "That is the search engine we had, and you can not say that it isn't" Oh yes I can say that it isn't the search engine we had. We didn't have it. It was in the RC viewer at the time, and not yet on the grid. That's exactly what the video said. The search we had then was the pre-GSA system that I keep asking you to look at - to categorically prove that what I've been saying is right, and that you've been mistaken.. I'm hoping the new SL is not backwards compatible with all the augments in this forum lol
  10. LaskyaClaren wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: LL is not a government it's a corporation Ebbe using the tax word was not best word to use it's a business expense. Actually, it hadn't occurred to me, but that is a rather interesting choice of expression. Does LL now see itself as a kind of government"? As regards Medhue's faith in the wealth-generating potential of a virtual free marketplace . . . I'm still waiting for the wealth that should have been generated by all of the hair and clothing I've bought on the SL MP, which has, to date, mostly left me feeling impoverished rather than the other. ;-) There is governor linden, I have to wonder what kind of government LL considers it's self? Before my time in SL it sounds like LL use to have more voting from the residents on issues and changes. I certanly feel your shopping woes, I too spend a fare amount more then I should here, and like it lol
  11. Medhue Simoni wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: IMHO, the secret is obvious, but not if you have a socialist mindset. Let's not forget that LL employees mostly live in San Fran. So, I don't expect the secret to be obvious to them. LL makes tons of $ of course the secret is obvious to them. Funny that some one who seams against socialist is complaining about a corporation making $. I'm not complaining about them making money, I'm talking about how the best ways to do that is. I'm not against a monthly listing fee for products on the Marketplace. What I'm saying is that just taxing is a lazy solution, and always is. It's the lack of a real solution. To tax is a socialist solution, not a free market voluntary solution, that produces wealth between all involved. kind of like toll roads vs gas tax? I'd rather pay at the pump much more convenient for me, and saves me time getting from point a to point b with out stopping to pay all the time, and wasting more gas as you sit in the toll line, great free market solution. LL is not a government it's a corporation Ebbe using the tax word was not best word to use it's a business expense. Selling on the market place is not mandatory, you could just sell inworld for free, or on an other platform, or even on the internet from your own web page. If any one is being lazy it's some one who has a marketplace store and lets LL run and maintain the system while they just sit back and collect $ from sales. How is a listing fee lass lazy then a % of slaes ? it take the same amount of effort on LLs part once the system in place. LL charges a set up fee/tax and a monthly tire charge/tax for land dose' that make them lazy too? Really sounds like your hung up on some republican/tea party talking points, and name calling, why is every one you disagree with politicly lazy? You sound like a broken record how lazy is that... Could LL do things better sure, but it's not because their lazy socialist from San Fransisco. Wright brothers may have made the first airplane to fly, but it sure din't meet all the requirements for a usefull airplane, must have been because they were lazy soicialist from Ohio, that they din't get it right the first time.
  12. Medhue Simoni wrote: IMHO, the secret is obvious, but not if you have a socialist mindset. Let's not forget that LL employees mostly live in San Fran. So, I don't expect the secret to be obvious to them. LL makes tons of $ of course the secret is obvious to them. Funny that some one who seams against socialist is complaining about a corporation making $.
  13. yes Iv'e experienced griefing, I've all so experienced filing an AR. griefers go the their lonely rooms in RL to grief people because they don't have friends in RL because their @$40!35. griefers all so go to orientation island a lot because they have to keep making new avatars every time they get banned. lately griefers all so get to go to the store to buy new graphics cards, apparently some one decided to get revenge on grievers by making a version of several of the most poplar grefeing tools and mod them to overload the griefers graphic card instead of the intended victims.
  14. you need to set a target in the particle script, and some way to get the target attachment key. PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, target_key PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, < 0.00, 0.00, -0.2>, //this controls how particle path is offset by region coordinates, you can use this to make the particle cord/hose hang down between the source and target. I haven't tried this with ribbon particles, if that works it could greatly reduce the particle count needed to make this effect work, currently I use a small dot for the particle stream between the source and target. the particle laboratory has some target examples in world
  15. don't blame your hair color http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/06/140601-blond-hair-color-gene-mutation-science/ I like to blame my shoes being too tight
  16. I don't see why any financial institution the USA should be trusted.
  17. First thing I would do before even replying to an job add for a host would be to check out the club, I can't even find your club or event area. Ok lol I'm standing in it, I woulden't be excited to work in a patch of grass in the middle of a mall. Most job's in SL pay so little, for me it would have to be some place that made me want to be a part of it just because it's a cool place, some place that made me say I wish I had a job here, even when I wasen't looking for a job. I all so think keeping it simple might help, your job description ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/LOOKING-FOR-A-JOB-and-PEOPLE-SEEKING-FOR-BLOGGERS-Click-for-more/m-p/2745728#M17044 ) are very wordy and make the job looks harder then it might be, it's all so hard to tell where one job description ends, and the next starts, with out reading the whole thing it loos like one long description, it would scare me away just by looking at the length of it. How the manager gets payed is even more complicated then I would want to deal with, and has no guarantee of ever getting payed, I think booking 10 events a week would be a huge amount of work.
  18. BloodyKitty230 wrote: @Lexia Moonstone - I should try that, because like the dumb little person I am I never thought it was worth trying. That's actually a good idea to do, despite it taking a little bit. I don't mind doing it if I get something in the end, ya know? 700L is a lot to me! Whoa. I agree, it could use some work but that's up to LL on whether to fix some things on it or not. Whether it's the search, or the little boxes you can tick or whatever. Thanks or the advice. Linden realms is very simple, you just run to collect crystals, but to get good at it first you have to learn where all the crystals are. The hard part with that is LL turns some areas off at random, some times for weeks, and each realm may have different areas turned off. learn the regeneration cycles. Avoid other people as much as possible. I like linden realms more then hunts, I actually get to buy things I want
  19. One game I like to play with my self is to go get some L$ from playing linden realms, then see what I can get for that amount on the marketplace if I don't find any thing at that price I go get some more L$ from linden realms, and search again with my new total. I haven't been in much of a shopping mood lately so I've managed to save up over 700L$ in the last 3 weeks. The marketplace could be a lot better, but there's still over 3,000,000 items listed, and a 3rd of that is just clothing, so searching is going to take some effort, I like to use keyword, plus category filters, plus filer price to your price range.
  20. I've all ways wondered how many surveys in LS have ended up being abandoned or came to the conclusion that people in SL are rude, and because of the negative responses how many people doing surveys ever come back to SL. People doing RL education and surveys in SL is a great way to get them over the never logging in a second time thing that happens with some many new people in SL. May be there would be more people in SL if we welcomed them instead of posting lots of negative comments.
  21. every one that rezzes a new box is a creator in sl thats one of the thtings that makes SL a great place. here's what ticks me off about creators in SL ( all thou they don't really tick me off that much, except for #4.) 1: not cleaning up in a public sand box and then logging out for hours. 2: over lapping textures that flicker, they are distracting and can cause eye strain. 3: building giant box to hide in on the ground on the main land, at that point why not just use a sky box. 4: and most of all people that think like this: CadenzaInVivace wrote: - People who refuse to provide customer service. Yes it's fine if you're too busy drawing lines in Illustrator to spend answering customer queries, at least hiring a part time CSR which will cost you like what, a few hundred L a day tops? Common sense dictates that you'll lose much more than a few hundred L a day if you piss off a truckload of customers by ignoring every single one of their queries. If you can't even afford to hire a part-time CSR, then you're either doing your business very wrong or you're just cheap, both meaning you should change careers and be a shopper instead No I'm not writing this because I just got pissed off by someone, I don't even sign into SL that much these days, pre-occupied with another game lol. Just a rant thread because I'm bored.
  22. I checked out your profile inworld here's what it said about you: " " Trying filling out the about section of your profile, an interesting profile can go a long way helping to meet people, and let them know your looking for firends. If you were at a book store would you want to read a book with a blank cover or the one with an interesting image, tile, and description. A lot of people in SL will read your profile first before deciding to talk to you. Go anywhere crowded in SL and look at peoples profiles and you find some that really stand out, thats what you want. It all so helps to talk to people first before asking to be their friend, random friends request is a go way to get ignored.
  23. Linden realms is a great way to get some extra L$ It takes some time to find your way aound and learn where the crystals are but after that you can easly make 40 to 60L$ per hour
  24. Hope Pelliot wrote: So its 7am, I've been up all night, and decided to finnally try linden realms... It tells me to collect crystals, but.. I've wandered around this sim for over an hour, and not a single crystal? Am I silly? Or..? I think LL forgets there's still people who are just playing Linden Realms for the first time. Many of the areas with crystals or even a whole sim has the crystal rezzers turned off, and it varies from realm to realm which Area are turned on/off you can use ( crtl alt t ) to see where the rezzers are if you don't see any crystals in about 5 minutes around the rezzers then the area is likely turned off. All so try the other realms and teleport from the large map in your viewer to get around with in a realm.
  25. Eboshi wrote: i have had this issue too. sadly the few that are left people with high speed get before me. between the reduce of spawning the adding of monsters and so many people that go to the realms it makes it near impossible now for people like me that lag to get any gems whatsoever. I don't have lag problems like you do but still my rule # 1 for linden realms is avoid other people, use the large map once your in any of the realms to see which one has the least people and go there. Time of day that you play can all so have a big impact on how many people are there. I don't see many people cheating any more now that LL posted the rules, but it is ok to run ( ctrl r ) [Rules for Linden Realms gameplay : * Use of any object, devices, HUDs, scripting, etc to enhance speed, movement and award collection rates is not permitted.] Linden realms runs realy well, spare time is over 19.000ms so may be looking into what you can to cut down on viewer/client lag.
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