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Lexia Moonstone

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Everything posted by Lexia Moonstone

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: I dont know who this seller is but Tegan says on p 1: I think I know the creator your talking about, and if you had read the ToS when you started with them, you would have know that what is happening to you is put forth very clearly in the Terms of Service. “IF” it is the same one then there is nothing you can do, you agreed to it, and it happened. As to the how, your products talk to a server outside of Second Life, and your products have been “turned off” at that server. If the terms say something like "we will disable your items if we damn well feel like it", then I guess that's that. Regardless of what the seller's ToS may say, advertisers on the marketplace surely aren't allowed to penalise customers because of bad reviews. It's a case of LL's marketplace rules and not a user to user problem that LL won't get involved in. I'd still report it as fraud. If everything is as the OP said, then it's actual theft, imo. I found the on line documentation for the item, it's linked to in their marketplace listing so if there's a TOS I would think it would be there, The only thing that looks like a TOS is a copy right notice, if any thing the creator will be in violation of their own policies if they don't restore the items or refund the OP, as all their items say "free life time updates" In which case it could all so be reported as not as advertised.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: Looks like the negative review has been removed, and the product is still listed. I'm wondering if the OP will now get their items turned back on, or a refund. If not it will be very disappointing to see LL let a merchant do something like this. I would still try an AR, the people at LL reviewing flagging on the marketplace might not be the same people reviewing ARs I never use the marketplace so I'm not familiar with all the ins and outs of it but, from what I've read over the years, I've understood that a seller can't remove a review, but s/he can unscrupulously take down an item that has attracted bad reviews, and immediately put it up for sale again. That way, the reviews will disappear because it's a new listing that hasn't had any. So... Does the item have any other reviews and, if so, were they posted before this problem came to light, or afterwards? Any one can flag a review, to have LL review & remove it from the marketplace if it's against the review guidelines, dosen't even have to be the merchant. It's got 11 reviews 8 of them on the same day that the OP started this post, but there are all so 2 older reviews so not sure if it was relisted, but looks very suspicious. The other thing I find disturbing is that this is not some small fly by night shop, it 's a long time seller that's at the top of their genera, with out a lot of competition,. Makes you wonder if this has happened before?
  3. Looks like the negative review has been removed, and the product is still listed. I'm wondering if the OP will now get their items turned back on, or a refund. If not it will be very disappointing to see LL let a merchant do something like this. I would still try an AR, the people at LL reviewing flagging on the marketplace might not be the same people reviewing ARs
  4. First off I have to say I think the way the creator reacted to your review is completely wrong, please IM me inworld and let me know who this is so I can avoid them. Not sure if LL will do any thing, but it's worth a try doing as others have suggested. One question for you, did you contact the creator first before writing the review to see if they would fix the problem? Not that doing so would have justified their response. I can see creators getting up set when people review a problem with an item with out ever reporting it, but this is way over the top. As for how they could just turn it off, any item scripted to communicates with a server could easily be turned off remotely.
  5. Tasish wrote: Most places are either completely empty, filled with a few bots or 1-3 people. Now when i think back there was a time when the search results spitted out 5¨pages of crowded places with flooding chat and people everywhere. So what happened? How did SL die? Is there a new similar chat program? With activities maybe? Or other reasons? Because of some of the major changes maybe? If you think of SL as a chat program, your missing the other 99% of what SL can be used for. Looking at the world map I see green dots all over the place, SL is far from dead.
  6. I have like 36 pages of favorites, I finally had to give up adding more instead I now have a book mark folder in my web browser for them and just save links to them organized by category's. This is all so a good way to do it if you have alts as I can get to all my favirates for all my alts now in one place.
  7. did you try searching your inventory using the items names, they might be lost/missplaced, but not gone.
  8. Wes Rewell wrote: Just played. You go out into a field to gather corn (to exchange for currency, then weapons). You need to avoid or kill 'griefers--if they gert you, you areI sent back to start. If you stop them you can continue filling your corn basket. It is set up okay, most of the time griefers can be seen or heard before you are attacked and (within a microsecond) sent back to start and lose all your corn but there is no way to fend off blind attacks--no visual or auditory signal that a griefer is near. This is not a feature; it is a bug and I find it makes the game nearly unplayable for me. Anyone have any different experience? Never stop running, buy armor at the store it helps a lot, get a shot gun so you can kill without getting as close. killing griefers (the red coins) is where you make the most corn bucks at not collecting corn, but you might have to collect corn until you have at lest some armor.
  9. There was a zebra avatar that use to host a game show in SL back around 2007 but haven't seen her around in years, good to see some one bringing them back it was a lot of fun.
  10. I've gone years with out land, and don't buy L$ I don't like relying of freebies for my avatar so I play linden realms about an hour day and make enough to rent or shop but not all ways both.
  11. Splatulated wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: Splatulated wrote: what is ARing ?? it's what will lead to you posting "why is my account suspended?" http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065 how is teleporting to strangers abuse ? i leave if they ask Doing any thing to push, move, block, animate, or teleport an other avatar with out their permission can be considered abuse, or griefing, not every one is going to as nice and just ask you to leave, depends a lot on who and where you do some thing to some one. If your in a RP sim that allows it your ok, if you try some thing like that at a club your likely to get instantly banned from the club and and might all so have an AR filed on you.
  12. Splatulated wrote: what is ARing ?? it's what will lead to you posting "why is my account suspended?" http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065
  13. Splatulated wrote: Eddy Cannonball wrote: Hi Splatulated, I am a Pirate captain in Antiquity. The ships you listed are all great ships, but they are live aboards. meaning static. I think one or tow of her ships might drive with what is considered a motor boat script. If you are looking for something that sails and battles with SL winds you need a ship that is "SPD" compatible. you can actually search by spd. It is what we use for our pirate ship battles. There are multiple builders and classes for purchase. Hope this Helps and good Luck. is this one any good ? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SSS-Hercules-pirate-battle-ship/4382246 does have any rooms can go below deck or anything ? I don't know I didn't bother to read the description or click on the "see item in second life" link to check it out inworld
  14. Sassy Romano wrote: Splatulated wrote: i dont even understand what that for or means D: I know... that's the best part :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  15. if you can log in to you SL account it's very easy to check on the web what email address you used. if you can't remember, if you didn't write it down, if you didn't have it forwarded to your master email account, your only option is to check all of your accounts until you find it.
  16. ZyklonBee wrote: Yup, its a play on words, Take something terrible and try to make it cute to destroy its original meaning you can't turn a death camp in to disneyland. If your still looking for land try nuremberg, I hear it's a great place to hang out.
  17. If you just accidentally bought 10,000 L$ with out first reading about spending $ in SL I can't wait to see how much $ you lose the first time you accidentally buy land , then accidentally abandoned it, because you didn't read about how land works in SL
  18. Syo Emerald wrote: Tex Monday wrote: I can not argue with your point, Syo. A true therapist is not a person who's shoulder you can cry on. But I disagree that it could not be offered in SL. Just as people who are attorneys, professors or medical professionals play SL..why couldn't someone who has the qualifications (legitimately) be playing as well? And why couldn't they set up a vitrual office in SL for their services? Seems like a possibility to me... again..just my two cents and I do wish the OP the best in their search. They could, of course. But how to you know they are RL professionals? Its so easy to fake anything in SL. Hell, if I try hard enough I could push up the knowledge I got from one year of psychology classes I had while studying and pretend to be a legitimate therapist....nobody who wasn't any knowledge about this sort of stuff would be fooled. RL professionals should give out RL contact information (that can be verified), if they are using SL for a RL business there is no reason to hind behind an ALT.
  19. You seem very new to SL, and from what you say about having a mom in SL, you might be playing a underage avatar? Have you read the TOS?
  20. Huge face lift for the portal looks really nice, but a bit laggy, I had to wait for the path signs to rez. Just one Linden Realm left :( but new Corn field game and other destinations.
  21. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Everyone knows the Blake Sea on Second Life Main Land. I will be using this sim as a example: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blake%20Sea%20-%20Baltic/128/128/2 Basically, put that link into your url box of your browser so that you can either join secondlife or login to visit it.. As shown in the picture. Now then, you see that human like figure on side, this being Google Maps.. Let's see the street view of a random place on the SL map? Drag it over to anywhere you like.. and look what you see.. Never dreamed of Blake Sea being so beautiful in real life.. Lemme know what you find, I can assure you it's different. lol. I understand SL is awesome and all, but is this signs of the new SL. Virtual 3D Enviroments such as this? Makes you wonder what country we are in, in the actual google maps server or this was just thrown in and no one knows about? I do not know.. That's really strange! I had to minimise the destination guide picks to see the street view person icon. I tried it in several location and got the same street view at all of them. The street view shows the photographers name, looks like he lives in the US but travels a lot around the world. I have no idea where it's from or why it's here in SL.
  22. Phoebe Avro wrote: It was not a Holliday when i emailed LL and it was not the day after get a life its not all about Americans! But why would expect an American company not to take off an American holiday, if they were a German company would you be mad they took off a German Holiday?
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