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Lexia Moonstone

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Everything posted by Lexia Moonstone

  1. default { state_entry() { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION & perm) { llStartAnimation(express_laugh | express_laugh_emote ); llSay("laughs until I die"); llSetTimerEvent(5); } } timer() { llStartAnimation(dead); llDie(); ] }
  2. I've never even payed attention to gachas as a shopper or merchant, until recently when I started noticing lots of item spam on the MP from resellers with multiple listings for the same item, like we really need an other way to messing up MP search. If I were to use gachas to sell my items I think I would sell my items both ways so people could buy them how ever they want, but I don't like the idea of competing against my own creations on the MP.
  3. I all so don't see the keyword "aviator sunglasses" in any of the listing I"ve checked, including looking at the page source code. Did you originally flag these because of your search results, or did you actually find the keywords in the listing or source code? It's pointless to keep flaging some thing for keyword spam if you can't find the keyword, LL will just ignore your flags. With out findings the keywords it looks more like a marketplace issue, I would instead put in a support ticket, or bug report.
  4. MissTeriMahn wrote: I think it is obvious that it will not be possible for you. Teri ((Try working up to it from Hello World.)) I must admit I admire Splatulated's enthusiasm for second life, but Splat's approach may be a bit annoying to some. This might be a good starter script: //usefullinks //http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Main_Page //http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Tutorials //https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Answers/qac-p/Answers //https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting default { state_entry() { while((integer) "read any of the help links I have been given" == FALSE) { if((integer) "read instructions" == FALSE) if((integer)"searched the internet for help" == FALSE) if((integer)"read the wiki" == FALSE) if((integer)"searched the correct forum" == FALSE) if((integer)"post in correct forum" == FALSE) llSay(0, "Hello world help please!"); else llSay(0, "Hello world help please!"); } state response; } } state response { state_entry() { if ((integer) "if listen to advice, and took time to do some homework" == TRUE) llSay(0, "we would be glad to help"); else llSay(0, "I got better things to do with my time"); } }
  5. Lankarion Lock wrote: 6 buttons, one small script in each. Do you mean one script total should be able to manage all 6 buttons? Yes, especially if your using llDialog where each would need a listener, but even if your using prims, or face touches for the buttons, one script should be all you need for all the buttons. If your main script is the only other script you have then it might be possible to just combine them all in to one script, depending on what the main scrip dose.
  6. Lankarion Lock wrote: It just occured to me to have one of my button scripts listen for the message Out of curiosity how many button scripts do you have? One script should be all you need to manage all the buttons.
  7. Whirly, any idea if this is a more recent problem, reason I ask this is because I just check my calling cards and all most every one had a duplicate. Then going to a much older alt with a larger friends list, I was dreading having to select all the duplicates to delete, but was surprised to find only a few.
  8. Zsigmond Alcott wrote: .......and now we know why she didn't want her neighbors looking in. :matte-motes-big-grin: With 3 sets of pillows I suspect there's an other pose ball hiding some where
  9. If you have 2 groups of friends you want to keep separate then don't start over just get an alt or 2 or 3. I find it's nice to have an alt with no friends at all for times when I need to get some work done or just want to do want ever with out interruptions. It all so sounds like you added people to your friends list that you din't really want on it, This isn't facebook just tell people you only accept friend request from people you have known for a while. It's not uncommon to see people even state that in their profiles. I suspect that the people you say are trying to change your avatar or spend your $ are likely just trying to help you get over looking like a noob especially if your into adult activities. The mesh stater avatar are hard to shop for (require mesh clothes designed to fit them) and many new people in SL have some pretty over sized avatars, not sure if LL fixed it but the SL viewer use to read avatar height incorrectly to the scale of inworld objects so many of the old freebie shapes are giant or people would make their own not realizing their all ready over 7 feet tall. http://pennycow.blogspot.com/2011/07/matter-of-scale.html An other tip for getting over the noob stage is to fill out your profile and join some groups, you currently have a completely blank profile, not only dose this make you look like a noob, but all so you could be mistaken as a griefer, because griefers tend to get banned frequently and have to make new avatars all the time so tend to have blank profiles. Having a good interesting profile all so helps finding friends like minded people. A lot of people you their profile picks to let other people know information about their RP limits in SL or if they don't want to share RL info. Some people here have said not to spend $ in SL because LL is working on a new platform, that's kind of like saying don't spend $ on a smart phone because apple is working on the iphone8. Even when the iphone8 comes out, it will not make all other phones stop working.
  10. had she been smart she would have used an alt to build it. to pay for the fines may be she could turn it in to an add farm lol
  11. For some reason I was thinking you meant that one was the only one with out, my bad. I would file a support ticket. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ A lot of the land listing on the marketplace say some thing about what you will receive when you buy the free listing, that might help protect you from shoppers that think their suppose to get some thing more. Freebie shopper tend to complain the most.
  12. I'm pretty sure all marketplace listing have to have an associated item. are you actually able to list it with out one? I've never seen a land listing with out at least a notecard and or land mark.
  13. Try In firestorm try recreating your LSL bridge, under, avatar, avatar health, recreate LSL bridge. I would all so try from the same menu stop animation & revoke permissions, because your your getting a permissions error. All so because of the permissions error I wonder if it has anything to do with experience keys, which I don't know much about, I think you need a project viewer to try to leave an experience.
  14. if you don't want to change your land to go with the shape of the mesh beaches there is a tool that lets you create sculpt maps of your land that you can texture any way you like, (works well if you don't have sharp angles in your land.) I've used both depending on what I'm trying to do. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LandMap-Change-your-ground-texture-without-land-powers/236734
  15. GingerHenderson wrote: I am not a scriptor, just an see and tweek them here and there to do what I need but this one maybe it cannot be done. Is it possinle to use the fuctions llGetRegionTimeDilation and llGetRegionFPS like in this example.. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetRegionTimeDilation and be able to see by setting a variable to point to a specific sim and not the one currently on? First line of the wiki link you posted answers your question. Function: float llGetRegionTimeDilation( ); There's noting listed in between the ( ); so there are no variables to tweak. If you can leave the object in the sim you want to check, then it would be possible to have it send a message to you with the info, even if your not in the sim or inworld with llInstantMessage.
  16. Velk Kerang wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: Velk Kerang wrote: I gotta be honest if it was adults it'd be one thing. I'd say wear what you wanna wear. Kids are a different story. Ya go to school to learn not for a fashion show. I'd have to say I am with the school on this one. Wouldn't be my girls. The coversation would be something like this. Dad: Go change. Daughter: But Dad... Dad: Shut up ya know why. lmao End of conversation. lmao School is not about just class room learning, it's all so about learning social interaction. The fashion show can be an importation part of that, and all so for developing self identity, sadly more and more schools are just truing into sheep factory's, or in the the case of Harvard exceptional sheep factory's. In high school I had a Mohawk, hung out with crazy looking kids, never drank or did drugs. My brother was student council president, dressed and hung out with normal looking kids, and drank so much he blacked out most weekends in high school. The biggest lesson I got from this growing up was to never judge people by there looks. On that note, our high schools valedictorian over dosed and died first year in collage. The kids the rebel the most or often the one's controlled the most. Like I even tell my boys you like hanging out with the girls shaking that money maker? Then EARN it. Because in THIS country you don't get the girl by being broke. You get a free bed in a homeless shelder. by the way not all women have price tags on them, in THIS country.
  17. ZoeTick wrote: Lexia Moonstone wrote: In high school I had a Mohawk, hung out with crazy looking kids, never drank or did drugs, FIFY! and obviously didn't listen in English class. Actually I made $ in English class, My teachers submitted several of my stories, and speaches to contests, and they came back with a grade, and a pay check. How's that for monkey grunts I still make $ from writing in SL today, but I coulden't care less about spelling, typos, or grammer in the forums, or chat.
  18. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Giving "premium members" more viewer related perks does nothing but drive a wedge between them and the non-premium members. The only real wedge between premium and non premium, are the premium only regions. I actually like that wedge in the premium only sandbox where it keeps the grieffers out. I certainly don't judge other people by how many groups they can join or not.
  19. Velk Kerang wrote: I gotta be honest if it was adults it'd be one thing. I'd say wear what you wanna wear. Kids are a different story. Ya go to school to learn not for a fashion show. I'd have to say I am with the school on this one. Wouldn't be my girls. The coversation would be something like this. Dad: Go change. Daughter: But Dad... Dad: Shut up ya know why. lmao End of conversation. lmao School is not about just class room learning, it's all so about learning social interaction. The fashion show can be an importation part of that, and all so for developing self identity, sadly more and more schools are just truing into sheep factory's, or in the the case of Harvard exceptional sheep factory's. In high school I had a Mohawk, hung out with crazy looking kids, never drank or did drugs. My brother was student council president, dressed and hung out with normal looking kids, and drank so much he blacked out most weekends in high school. The biggest lesson I got from this growing up was to never judge people by there looks. On that note, our high schools valedictorian over dosed and died first year in collage. The kids the rebel the most or often the one's controlled the most.
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: For premium members only... I really don't understand why they think premium members are the ones that spend the most in SL. From what i have been hearing in various groups, the bigger desire is more Picks, not groups. aside from the usual, less lag, better sim crossings, better performance and the like. Most of which can be fixed by us with better systems and bandwidth... I don't think it has any thing to do with who spends the most $ (premium or not) my guess it's all about new benefits to encourage people to get a premium membership. Sansar in got going to have the same land economy as SL dose I'd expect to see even more service related benefits like this for premium members over there. The last 2 new premium perks were both service related. I think LL is trying to get away from people thinking of premium memberships are just for land owners. Fixing group chat and increasing the number of groups has been one of the top request for a long time. I've only heard a few people asking for more picks in the forums, I only have a few not ever sure what the limits is, but if they gave us more I woulden't complain, but I expect they would all so be a new premium perk. Watch the TPV meeting with LL it's the best way to keep up with what LL is working on or not. They have been working on fixing groups for some time, so not to surprised they are now able to increase the number of groups. I lot of the speculation on what people think LL is doing would go away if more people watched those meeting. If you know a lot of people that want more picks, have them request it here, it's the best way to get read by LL. https://support.secondlife.com/suggestions/ I wonder if instead of more picks if it would be better to have 2 tabs of picks one for places, and the other for extra information you see in picks like store policy's, RP limits, etc that don't need to have teleport link in exchange for more word space.
  21. Isabeau Baragula wrote: Well that was even more stupid than i thought, but as you can see i didnt use crazy words, the banned word in my description is the "18Li" it needs a space between the 18 and Li. I hope that can help someone else, with numbers 10+ you can't attach the Li to it, cause i had the same error on another item again i had 14Li attached and that was the error. And i wonder why i hate to put stuff on marketplace. When dealing with banned MP text, knowing to think compleatly unreasonably is half the battle, Now that you know the secret it will be easier to deal with next time.
  22. LL dosen't share their stupid/crazy bad word list , try testing just half you description at a time to narrow it down, then half of that half etc. Whats the title on the item, or keywords, that might just be a generic warning for any of the text not just description. My guess it's the words table and or chair, as I've seen both used in adult clubs in SL. Joking aside there are some pretty crazy words that should not be on the list, but are there because of guilt by association, or they just rhyme with something else.
  23. One of my alts would say make a livable RL income from SL An other alt would just like to be left alone to get some work done, or may be just go exploring to see what's new in SL. But I'm the alt that 's built to have fun, so I hang out at sex sims, and nude beaches a lot, I tend to get what I REALLY want most nights.
  24. I'd try looking for scifi and cyberpunk sims, the Neurolab shop building is an interesting futuristic design. With the cost of land in SL I don't think there is a lot of large scale high LI architecture just for the sake of architecture. Most things exist in SL because there is a need or want for them in SL. So I think it might help to look for what would be likely places that would want to use the type architecture (both style and use of) your looking for.
  25. Have you tried contacting the creator about the issue first. If there's something wrong with an item, the part of a review I'm most interested in is how/if the creator deals with the issue. In your case I'm wondering if it's some thing like the photo of the item use advance lighting. If that's the case then knowing that using advance lighting is needed to make them look good would be an important part of a review, and all so the item description. This may not apply to your review, but since I'm on the subject of reviews. For clothing demos I think it's silly for people to give something a bad review for not fitting them, that's the whole point of a demo. At that point, why not give it 5 stars for saving you L$ or just don't review it. Really the only time I think a demo should get a bad review is when it fails to demo well.
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