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Madeline Blackbart

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Everything posted by Madeline Blackbart

  1. TWISTMY Gears wrote: I figure its worth a shot since I've dug every hair store I could think of. I would love to know where to get this hair. I sent a NC to the store owner and left a message on her blog but to no avail If anyone has seen it I'd love to hear from you.. thank you for your time https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vassnia-The-Mean-Weasel/581656 You're probably not going to find that hair I hate to tell you. you may find similar styles but that particular hair is SOOO heavily photoshoped I doubt the original was even mildly like that.
  2. TishaRogue wrote: This is a common problem at any sales event. firstly the sims are full ... in this case all of them side by side putting a lot of strain not only on the servers but your computer as well. As for people that dress to look good at these things.. you dont have to be hairless in your panties to have a low rez weight and scripts. Unfortunatly lots of people dont know how to reduce these levels. Often the hairs shoes and accessories are high in scripts due to the sizers or colour pickers. the huds dont need to stay on screen once the colour is picked and most updated sizer scripts have a delete button in the menues. (always make a copy first). the rez weights of clothing without prims can be the same if we are in a bikini or jeans and a tank top. the only differences in the painted on cloths may be in the rezolution and texture size the cloths were made from. Any avi can right click themselves and look for the script info choice in the menues that come up. if you use the pie menu youll need to hit more once or twice to get to it. for an event like the hair show you deffo dont need to be up in the hundreds for this. treat it like the exploration and rp sims where they request a max of 50 scripts and preferably less. my every day script count is usly under 20 unless i have a new item on that i have forgotten to delete the sizers, so it is possible to have a full avi look and still be low script and lag. as for the character test. if you have ever turned on the rez weight numbers that float over the avis heads and compare the numbers between the default avis the library avis and some of the nicely designed avis that residents make themselves youll find the default and library avis to have a very high rezweight. the labs spared no expense in rezcosts when designing the starter stuff. so when you see an avi that looks great they may well have a lower rez and script weight than a default avi in its panties. chances are they are less since if their avi looks great they may know one or two of the things i have listed above. good luck at the fair and hopefully some shoppers will try some of these tips. The problem is outfits that have HUGE textures will still cause lag and there's no way to tell what the resolution of the textures on an outfit is. Unless someone knows how I'd be interested to know. It's better still to go in full alpha to these events.There's really no reason to look pretty at all anyway It's not like your there to go BF/GF hunting your there to shop.
  3. Shania Adder wrote: Ok..since SSB was launched i noticed that my outfit was not changing when i do change. I mean, how long will we have to suffer til the LL head office geniuses decide we had enough? If it ain't broke don't fix it and if it work well don't change anything, for god sake! seriously, it's annoying as heck especially since we all knew how to fix baking issues when our viewers were doing it. A word to LL, your servers need roling restart to keep going and you expect them to do baking for all avies in SL? Genius Plan. Flexi only skirts worked well. Why change that by intrudcing mesh and sculpties!? Why update anything EVER. We should go back to how SL was in the beganing. Updates? Who needs that? Why advance technology in anyway EVER as long as it's still working. GENIUS! You sound like those old people shouting get off my lawn at young kids. Things change the current baking system was terrible and they updated it. It's better to chance it and fail then never try and just leave things to stagnate and die. The fact that anytime theres any kind of update people like you show up frustrates me. This is part of the reason why this game (and don't get me started on the SL isn't a game crap that's a whole other psycholgical discussion) isn't anywhere near as advanced as it could be. You can't throw a fit everytime someone wants to try to make things better it's ridiculous. At this rate nothing will ever improve. of course to be fair people like you are only part of the problem...the other part SL isn't as good as it could be is LL....because LL is LL 'nough said. Edit for typos
  4. I'm a little unclear on what your asking here. which face? Do you mean what skin is that? or what shape is that? Because both those things contribute to create the over all look of the face. Do you want just the feel of it or the actual exact look?
  5. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: ??? Here's what was said TO ME in one exchange, Melita. It took place during a discussion about gay rights, specifically about the lack of workplace protections for LGBTQ persons. Direct quotes: "just kill yourself now _____, or whatever your gay moniker is...nobody cares anymore" "lol, I thought I told you to go kill yourself..lol..isnt there some electrical cord in a garage you can use to end your misery?..ours too?...eat the crud you shovel loser....hope you dont get fired next week because of your sexuality...lol" Please explain to me how that's comparable to "oh go jump in the lake" or "ooh I'm so mad I want to kill you". I can see your point of view here as those things aren't comparable in the sense that the two sets people have diffrent mindsets. One actually meaning to do harm and saying it with sincerity and the other not meaning it with senserity and more jokingly. The issue is that the two set can have the same result. When things are said over the internet especially (probably more so) there's an issue of misinterpratations which obviousally happen (as shown with my response to melita who then took my misunderstanding quite badly) these can lead to situations where the person whose reading it can take it the wrong way. So in that sense the can end up tragically comparable in results. I'm not saying you can never say those things. I'm also not saying I've never said those things. I'm saying you should be careful when doing so especially on the net. The attitude well I never killed myself over it can be considered somewhat flippant in the sense that some people have even over the jokes. Basically while I don't think being overly politically correct is the answer I think that common sense and sensitivity toward others (aka a gray area between saying whatever and over political correctness) is what we need to strive for.
  6. Melita Magic wrote: Madeline Blackbart wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech". Oh come on. At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant. Except that wasn't what I said Madeline. Way to emotionally load things. I'm sorry but his saying thos things did NOT bother him when I was talking about cases in which people WERE bullied into suicide is a bit narcissistic. And you're turning it around on me to claim I'm the one who said saying those things is nothing? Isn't he the one who implied so? I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant. It's not emotionally loaded it's the truth. Sorry I miss read what you said. No reason to get so defensive. A simple you've miss understood would have sufficed. Rereading everything I wouldn't say he's being flippant per se he's just going by his own experiences. It's not flippant so much as ignorance. And I mean that in the least insulting way possible. It seems as though he perhaps has a hard time putting himself in the shoes of others thus a comment like that. But perhaps I am reading that wrong as well.
  7. Melita Magic wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech". Oh come on. At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant.
  8. I would suggest messaging Framswl. He posts on this forum a lot and that's one of the services he offers. He recently posted his rates and there quite reasonable. I've seen his mesh work and It's really REALLY good so the guy knows what he's doing. Plus he's very friendly and patient.
  9. Nova Convair wrote: Prim or mesh eyes are attached to the eyballs and therefore don't need any script to move. They move in the same way than the avatar eyes. You don't need an alpha except the size doesn't match or your face doesnt' match or you are not able to do the very fine adjustments for a perfect fit. Better textures? Nonsense. If you look at an avatar - what do you think how many pixels are spend on an eye? 10x10? 20x20? even if you zoom in on someones face you will barely go over 100x100 for a single eye on your screen - ok more on your mega 30" monitor No need to waste everyones texture memory by using 1024 textures though or in case of mesh its even possible to use multiple 1024 textures. ( I hope there is no wannabe creator that dares to do this. ) Prims can add a little glow which make eyes look more lifely than the standard eyes. I agree there no need for huge textures for something that small. Unless you like lag. In which case more to you I geuss. Only REALLY HUGE advantage to prim eyes is that you can have on pair do many things including two color eyes at once. I find you always need teh eye alpha. It's just to difficult to make it match up to cover the whole eye underneath. Much like shoes with defualt feet. It's possible to do without an alpha IMO just to difficult.
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: Darren Scorpio wrote: http://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/linden-lab-makers-of-second-life-buys-out-desura.2147 What are your thoughts? After reading the first comment on that page I'm not sure if my thoughts would be printable. "So maybe this will help Desura improve their service, I have been hearing complaints from quite a few developers on the time it takes them to get things done." What Universe does that writer live on? The same universe where they probably haven't played SL or delt with LL customer service in any shape or form. That Universe. lolz
  11. Also don't forget that you should only pay rent for a few weeks at a time max lest the land owner not pay and you lose months worth of rent money.
  12. perhaps coolvl? I think that runs on mac I could be wrong though.
  13. Ibet there's someone who does this but I can't imagine it's all to common.
  14. Sephina Frostbite wrote: As someone who has bought merchandise with out reading the fine print.. I tend to skim a lot when I read, (bad habbit I know.) I never take it out on the Seller if when I go back and see they have stated it correctly. However I dont tend to complain. Only one time I did because honestly it was the sellers fault. I was nice about it to. He harrassed me for a year. Threatend me if I didnt remove it.. Yeah it was a hard year. So please dont be that seller that attacks people when they leave shoty reviews. Just makes you look worse. probably the best thing to do if you think the review is unfair is in the explanation calmly and polite explain why the review is unfair. I know I tend to read those replies and if the seller calmly explained why the origonal review was wrong I'll tend to mentally side with the seller. If the seller sounds like an a whole I assume it's best not to buy from them.
  15. Syo Emerald wrote: I haven't brought many skins in the past, because my taste doesn't seem to fit the mainstream. I like my skin pale, but not like a vampire. Sadly I often just get the choice between all shades of tanned skin. The perfect skin for me also doesn't have any make-up, especially not around the eyes. I love my make-up and tattoos and doesn't want to be tied to what the creator thinks is pretty. Also quite a lot skins either tend to be for fishface ponyriders or for drama-diva-queens who spend their time dressing up for ballrooms. Both not my style. you say that like you don't WANT to look like snookie!? HOW CAN THAT BE!?
  16. They don't need scripts to move because there attached directly to the defualt eyes. The move in the same way your braclets move on your arms except this time attached to eyes.
  17. Herkimer Highmist wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: There needs to be incentive applied to treat the Marketplace with a professional attitude and work ethic. That incentive can only come from above. That means the Team Leader and/or the Team Leader's boss. To my knowledge those people are Brooke and Rodvik respectively. I mentioned this issue to some friends last night, and they weren't concerned in the least, since they were still able to purchase things on their side without having any painful issues. Between this and the commissions that LL is still making on MP sales, I can't see why anyone at LL has any incentive to change their current approach. I'm wondering if a SOPA-blackout style protest where MP store owners put all their items in inactive status for a day or two isn't in order? I talked to someone the other day who recieved an item and was never charged. She was very concerned and wanted to send the merchant the money. So I think that people are simply not seeing said cash even leave there account sometimes. Let's be honest what's the nicentive for them to contact the seller to give them the cash. They just got something for nothing and most people in sl are only about that.
  18. yeah it looks like they need to be resized. When you resize them you may need to move them further back in your head. did it come with a alpha layer to hide your LL eyes? you may need to wear that because it could be there the correct size but the LL eyes are hiding the prim ones.
  19. you'd have to have the original .obj/.dae/.wav etc file to do it. You could then save it as a .dae and import it. You couldn't do it from the sculpt map that i know of unless there's a program that can read and convert them to .obj file but I don't think there is. Edit: you'd also have to rig the skirt for it to behave diffrently then the sculpty. That's a WHOLE other can of worms that involves waiting it as well.
  20. Richardus Raymaker wrote: I get white pages to, sometimes. especially the slfeed and my secondlife is failing. But i refuse to disable or remove ad-block. if webpage developers cant make right webp[ages (ad-free) then you need to block crap. ad-block plus is also nice extra security layer for virusses. So linden Labs have hugh problem. More people need to block ad's Now only need to figure out a safe way to get things working. ANd non intruisive ad's is enabled default so thats fine. Linden Labs did something terrible wrong. running a webpage costs a lot of money. It also costs a lot of money to hire a proper webdeveloper. having ads doesn't make there webpage not a "right webpage". It's not a crime to try and recouperate money of profit off your page. yes there annoying sometimes but there not "wrong". I hate how everyone feels entitled to a freebie around here.
  21. I think the only advantages are tehy can have a shine,glow and be animated also you can wear two diffrent color eyes at once. Although the fate onces are nice because you can color them yourself using there hud and come with TONS and TONS of textures which mean TONS of options. But if your only going to wear one color all the time and don't need two diffrent colors, the ability to change on a whim while still wearing them, shine, glow, or animations then there pointless.
  22. [1] WELCOME MESSAGE - When you enter a club the host should welcome you... a) at once! The see my name pop up on radar and should show me they watch for new arrivals (also means you are often greeted by your original SL name as the one you chose later isn't shown on most radars). b) when I come into view, closer to the stage. c) don't mind if they don't say "hi" all that soon but at some point it'd be nice. (always nice to get a hey how are you but no need for it to be impersonal or pushy d) think DILLIGAF (do I look like a give a f...) [2] GESTURES a) I hate gestures! ( I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE GESTURES! They are loud spam my view area. They used to scare the crap out of me as a noob so much so if I saw a club with them zip I was gone.) b) Some gestures are OK but I'm bored seeing the same gestures all the time and everywhere. c) Some gestures are OK and I don't mind if the same ones recur. d) I love gestures, can't get enough of it! [3] CAPITAL LETTERS a) Oh my god, stop the shouting! It's totally impersonal and I don't read that stuff. Also makes notices harder to read. (I can't see a world in which SHOUTING AT ME MAKES THE NNOTICE MORE UNDERSTANDABLE!) b) I hate it in chat but it makes notices more readable. c) For general announcements everyone in the club should see they are ok. But not for normal talk. d) I don't wanna miss anything the host is saying and caps are really helpful. [4] WOW WORDS (e.g. wow, omg, sexy, awesome) a) I'm so damn bored by it... is really every DJ awesome and every host sexy? Be more creative in notices and chat! (WOW come see this super sexy host and super hot strippers and super awesome dj in club 5000 and 1 so diffrent from allt he others I'm sure! I really just want to know what kind of music the dj plays. Nice would be a NC with the general playlist? I'm sure your dj's awesome but really come on now.) b) Hey, sometimes it's just true, no need to hide that. But don't overuse it! c) It totally energizes me when hosts do mood upping shouts! [5] TIP SHOUTS (hosts asking patrons to tip the DJ, DJ's asking on mic to tip the host) a) If a DJ/host is good they'll get tipped. No need to beg for it. b) Once in an hour is ok. Sometimes you get lost in talk but actually wanted to tip. c) Once every 30 minutes is ok. It doesn't hurt to friendly remind people that someone is working for their entertainment.( I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for tips. While being to beggy does make your poor patrons feel bad asking isn't a crime as I know your doing a job and would like to be paid something in return.) d) People should be reminded often that there are people on stage doing a show. [6] NOTICES a) I prefer a quick overview (DJ, Host, When, Where, What), preferably in caps. b) I prefer a quick overview (DJ, Host, When, Where, What), preferably WITHOUT caps. c) Most of them look all the same, I want a more creative touch so it's actually fun reading them. d) I usually ignore them because they don't say anything of interest to me. When I wanna know when a specific person hosts or DJs I ask them. (honestly if a friend is hosting DJing is the only time I care who DJs and usually I know about it because they've told me so that info is pointless. I just wanna know when where theme and type of music being played. like I said earlier a NC with a general playlist might be a nice touch.)
  23. albritha wrote: i need a job Unrelated to this topic also this is what the help wanted forums are for.
  24. what he means by feeding is he will be taking some of your characters "blood or lumen" from it. Basically in there database you have only so much blood/lumen before you turn into a vampire yourself. If he were really serious about the game he probably would have bought you a hud himself so you would know that. If you lose no more blood you will reamin human in the bloodlines database. if you do you can drink cider (which he should buy IMO as he's the one benifiting from you) to regain humanity. You of course are not forced to play and being in limbo will do nothing to you in SL of consquence other then makeing you in limbo when you are scanned by other bloodlines players. It's not perminant and those players may try to help you out of limbo in order to get your soul added to the soul count (basically the game levels you up based on your soul count) but you of course don't have to do that either. Basically nothing will happen. As a human in a bloodlines clan I can tell you that if you get in a decent clan the other players can be very friendly and inviting. If you remain a human you don't have to pay into it either really and most won't force you to do so. But again it's all up to you nothing will happen if you don't play along.
  25. you're not going to want to use pheonix viewer for long. on the ninth it's not going to be able to view things anymore. Not sure how this will effect what your doing but I hear that singularity might do what you need and has ssb . If I am correct.
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