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Madeline Blackbart

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Everything posted by Madeline Blackbart

  1. Orca Flotta wrote: I once used an Asus lappy with very similar specs and it ran SL quite well ... until it fried the ATI card. :smileysurprised: But that's a different thing. Your problem may be caused by outdated drivers, as we all know how badly AMD/ATI are programming those. :smileysad: But while Vista was indeed a rather crappy Windows version it didn't have any probs running SL and can be ruled out as the problematic part of your setup. It may be the problematic part in your setup tho. Vista is a very fragile **bleep** piece of software and needs permanent maintenance (anti-virus, registry cleaner, defragging ...) and may not give you the same performance like when it came fresh out of the box. Particularly Vista is famous for eating all your resources and blocking itself with heaps of unwanted crap. Nevertheless I can only recommend switching to a simple and clever Linux distro (Mint Debian is the best for n00bs) and be done with all the proprietary chit. On Linux you won't need to bother with antivirus or defragging stuff, you might even get away without a firewall. Further up your RAM to 8 GB, which will work wonders, don't use WiFi and for future purchases stay away from Alienware. Do a proper CLEAN install of your viewer. Firestorm and Singularity (for old people) come highly recommended. No offense but switch to linux is a TERRIBLE SOLUTION TO ANYTHING! While it's great for programmers it's a bit complex to run for people who aren't computer savy and pratically NOTHING is compatible with it natively. Making it very difficult for people to run things under. I mean there's a LOT of using the terminal when using linux and most noobie users would panic at the mear SIGHT of someone typing sudo -apt get ( *cough* moo *cough*i do love the moo...that cow!) Want the latest photohsop? not compatible. Like most games? not compatible. And even simple things like setting up a printer ( an issue I had with linux and was never able to solve even though I had the needed drivers) is almost prohibitively complex for beganner computer users. I would NEVER suggest this to someone who doesn't know a lot about computers and not because linux is bad per se because it's not it's a good OS that's open source which is great don't get me wrong. I mean just upgrading withing the same OS can sometimes leave unexpected results let alone switching to an OS you don't know. Also I have attempted to upgrade a dell (which an alienware essentially is) and it would not take linuxs kernal in fact it would not take any operating system it was not originally installed with (not sure why but I assume by deisgn). While vista is a peice of crap. It is not the issue are I have personally run second life under vista on a VERY under powered computer. Can anyone say 2 gigs of ram +vista+second life running = lag city? so I doubt it's the operating system TBH. Also there's nothing wrong with alienware though it is just an over expensive Dell. That said if you get dell's extended warrenty there service is very good. They will replace parts next business day (I know I had to have my mother board replaced as I got lucky and got a faulty one) and do so for you which is GREAT for someone who doesn't know much about computer repair (something I will admit I don't know much about).
  2. Suspiria Finucane wrote: LepreKhaun wrote: A lot I was attempting to reply to Madeline Blackbart in a continuation, hence -3 and not -51 My bad for clicking the wrong post at 3 AM. I deffinatly do not deserve random down votes. The gest of my post is fact. My main point is 1. artist deserve to be paid for the hard work and I fail to see how this is not a fact. and 2. That copyright exists and that the OP is trying to break it. I fail to see how these two main points aren't fact. I just do. You can call me childish and immature all you want but you can't change those two things I'm sorry. Edit for further clarification: I also fail tos ee how I originally deserved a down vote for pointing out the fact one can be sued for this and that artist want to be paid for there work. These two things are also FACTS not opinions. It's not "childish" to point out the fact that artists spend years developing a skill and want to be paid for it. I suppose you could arguable call it an opinion that they deserve to be paid for but then it's a bit twisted to do so as no one is expect other people like scientists and mathamaticions to work for free. I still fail to see how it's then expect that ARTISTS who spend equal to OR MORE time developing a skill should be expect to work for free. BUt I suppose that is just an "opinion". One that I'm sure many would back me up on. But also apperantly the desire to make a living on ones skill is just a "childish opinion".
  3. Maybe askt he creater for a custom skin for your baby? IT might cost slightly more but if they know there's a market for such a thing they may be willing to make it.
  4. Christin73 wrote: With the right furniture or house, its amazing what you can do with only a few prims. Lean by expirimenting with things to find out how to use less prims. very true. I find a smaller hour or a house made to be real life sized greatly helps with this as you need less furnature to fill it those less prims.
  5. Is till suggest a nice hand made card done by you. You could make it in MS paint or Gimp (free and like photoshop) and maybe put a gift card in the contents. It's made by you personally and more personal. It hink she might really like that. I know when I got a handmade card I was really happy.
  6. I agree with the other poster this is going to get very cost prohibitive for you. I think a simple I careabout you/love you is a more realistic option. Maybe leave a flower and a home made card for her? or something of the sort? It'll be cheaper and show that you care WAAAAYYY more then some overly expesensive moon catching animation.
  7. Arwen Serpente wrote: On June 26, 2013, Order #1325108523 was delivered to a customer. I received the confirmation email and the corresponding transaction appears in the Marketplace transaction History and Reports/Orders. HOWEVER, my account was not credited. The transaction does not appear on my Dashboard at all (I searched all history for the past 3 years). I have alerted support and was told to file a bug report. The bug report is filed. Just a head's up to Merchants that with this changeover of the payment system, there may be failures that are occurring (maybe I'm just the only unlucky Merchant that this has happened to - who knows.) Make sure to check all your records to be sure you are being paid (Dashboard, email confirmations, MP Transaction History, Reports/Orders). Pffft who wanted to be PAID for there work anyway? AMIRIGHT!? no seriousally though this a HUGE fail on LL part.
  8. Dresden Ceriano wrote: as to suggest to you another course of action, consider reproducing the favorite pictures that your customers have taken in SL. That way, there are no legal questions and, depending on the customer, you may be able to inject more of your own aesthetic into the piece... just a thought. ...Dres This is exactly what I've been suggesting this whole time. I mean how cool would it be if someone painted second life landscapes? Or portraits of Second Life avatars? And I'm sure the community would desire it more... find it more valuable then just a simply copied work.
  9. So am I to assume that then using other people pictures without permission is then just my "opinion". Or that people have ther right to earn money off there hard work also just an "opinion"? Is this why I deserve random downvotes?
  10. LepreKhaun wrote: Madeline Blackbart wrote: Candii9 wrote: -1 I'm sorry you feel the facts deserve a minus point. -2 for now claiming your opinion is a "fact". So your saying that copyright laws are not fact? So they don't exist? Pretty sure they are infact fact. And that taking someone else work without permission is in fact against the law. Unless you would like to prove to me that this "opinion" is some how NOT a fact? I'd also like to give YOU a -50 for not know about copyright laws.
  11. SLtesterL2 wrote: Thank you everyone for taking the time to post on this thread. So this raises up a few more questions that I thought up of. One being what are examples of public domain pictures and the other is more on the copy right issue of things. I constantly see icons and symbols from major companies, as someone stated, Disney. I can go to the market place and find several shirts with Mickey Mouse on them. Same thing with hello kitty or spongebob squarepants. I see shirts or toys from the exact same picture I can located through google images and still these merchants are able to sell their product regardless of copyright issues and such and im pretty sure they didnt get the rights from disney. So,my question is what allows them to do that when they are clearly just taking the image and slapping it on a mesh shirt or any object for that matter or even advertisement. By no means am I saying that the people that say that I can't infringe work are wrong, I just don't see what the people who are selling those products are doing where I can't just by having some fun and copying and image I like or an image a friend or client may like and recreating it through paint. Also, it's true I don't mind the lindens but I would also sell the paintings as kind of a small Time hobby and not a huge corporation. I would love to make someone's day by painting them a picture but I'm not going to lie and pretend like I'm a saint an do of for free unless they're a close friend. Also one last question, if this idea is scrapped, can I at least display what I infringed in my SL house and not sell it but just display it? Thanks again so much for all of your help. honestly those people are doing something illegal and just haven't been caught. It's like shop lifting just because you weren't caught doesn't make it any less wrong. You could probably get away with displaying it in your house and not sell it as most likely you won't get caught. I still stick by my suggestion of offering to paint a portrait of there avatar itself and sell that. I think people would like that service a lot to be honest as they could use it in the profiles and houses and so one. And you could charge per avatar int he picture.
  12. Vegro Solari wrote: Now Madeline, don't be such a scaremonger! Nobody's going sue anyone in a court of law for doing commissioned SL paintings or replicas. The reason's that lawyers are greedy, and there's basically no money in SL paintings whatsoever. Don't kid yourself that supposedly by "understanding the law" you're safe from being sued. Not so! Sad reality - the lawmakers themselves don't even understand all the laws, and that means everyone is guilty of something. The only way to be really safe from being sued is to not have any money that enemy lawyers could grab. Then no one cares about sueing you! So you can wind that all-deafening legal siren right down and maybe re-read what I said, as a human being to other human beings. If the inherent intellectual freedom to do whatever you want with your skills and tools is placed on one side of the scale, and getting paid regular artist wages is on the other, a person of minimal forsight chooses the freedom, every single time. The sneaky trade here proposed is just too unequal. Rather they would work in the ketchup factory for money, than just agree that what they, artists, get to do artistically or intellectually is now going to be legally or "ethically" delimited by a caste of "intellectual capitalists" (rights-owners). Whenever you see the formula "it's forbidden because not -specifically- permitted to you by our law to do it", you should learn to perk up, someone fancies you are their unthinking slave. Unless you proudly give them the middle finger, they might consider your silence legally binding consent for all time. so what your telling me is that no one has ever suied anyone of rights being voilated on sites that the person themselves were not making or making low amounts of money? You have heard of napstar right? And no one has been sued for file sharing when they weren't making money off of it? If your telling me that then your niave at best. There's no way to be safe from being sued even if you aren't turning a profit. The only real way to be safe is not to obviousally rip off people work by sharing files (or in this case) selling there item in plain view. As one human being to another I think you should try to understand that some people make a living on there ability to create art. A person with minimal forsight is going to choose the ability to LIVE off there skill set. What your saying is that art should have no inherant value? It's funny that people don't have this Ideal about people who are scientist or mathameticians. Should those people also give away there hard work for free as well? Should a scientist be expected to work for free as well? How about a doctor? Why are those people more deserving of being paid then an artist? Should not scientific theory be free as well? I'm sorry but earning livable wages for a skill set that has taken years to aquire is only a logical desire. Most people (I'm sure when push comes to shove yourself as well) wouldnot choose to work at a ketchup factory whent hey could be earning more for something they have taken years of there lives to develop. I'm sorry but this "freedom to do whatever" flower hippy love crap is just that CRAP. You can all give me down votes all you want but realisitically a person has to live and expecting to get paid for your hard work is not wrong.
  13. Candii9 wrote: -1 I'm sorry you feel the facts deserve a minus point.
  14. Studio09 wrote: Mariah, Hi welcome. I'm new (just starting on my second week) and I had the same problem. You actually can change how you view your avi to front or side but it makes walking very difficult if you do. I have problems walking in a straight line as it is. When changing your avi's appearance or for capturing pictures in game then deffinitely use the camera controlls mentioned. I will be reading that help info also since right now I'm using the little camera button on the bottom of the screen to get into camera mode. Learning to use the keys instead will remove that interface from the screen for a better view. So thanks Suspiria, Amethyst and Kelli cause you helped those of us you were not brave enough to ask as well. there's nothing wrong with using the UI for the camera controls. I know about the keyboard shortcuts but I still prefer the UI. I find it easier to visualize where the camera is going to move to.
  15. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: claudiasoftcloud wrote: hee, i hope to see you all on sl , so if you see a small white or red fox with the name "little claudia" that would be me! Wait.. I thought furries were anthros. Was i told wrong? I thought there was a huge difference between animals and furries. pretty sure she meant an little anthro fox. You gotta stop over anaylzing her sentances MAN...lol
  16. but no graphic designers needed? To keep a consistant and proffesional lookf or your magazine?
  17. Vegro Solari wrote: Super relevant advice: Sleep happy at night, knowing that you gave your originals honest credit, do your paintings and make people in SL happy. I invite you to free yourself from convoluted rules and adopt a strong, contemptuous attitude for all this mass-hysteria over "intellectual capitalism" and all its twisted, distorted pseudo-ethics.. Intellectual capitalism is quite incompatible with art, the purpose of which is, simply understood, just making people happy. Not making "rights owners" money. And don't let the law or anyone tell you what you can and can't do with your intellect and tools, as a human being, especially if you're minding your own business and making your SL "clients" day by giving them the exact painting they wanted to play with, in your own original intepretation. Listening to some of todays's biggest copyright advocates usually leaves a bad taste in everyone's ear for a very good reason: they'd like you to accept a draconian legal system in which whatever is not explicitly permitted, is forbidden. This is actually a classic political formula for oppressive Law as applied to a population of slaves. WHile I understand your distane for the current system this is terrible advice. You could get suied for all your worth if you follow this advice. Aside from this the OP isn't just doing it to make someones day they're clearly doing it for the money. Which isn't wrong. I think thinking it's wrong to make money from your art (aka your time and skill) is a little bit twisted in itself. While the current system is convoluted at best expecting to be paid for your work like you would any other job isn't wrong. You shouldn't have to be ashamed to expect to be paid and have your rights to your work protected. It takes hours of time and years of skill to create a work of art. If I designed youa webpage right now I would want to be compensated as it would take me months to do and took me years to develop skills in. Are you to tell me that expecting compensation is wrong? now to OP what about painting pictures of there avatars themselves instead of random pictures on the web? Anyone can just upload the pick themselves but a picture done of the avatar and hand painted just for them is something you couldn't do on your own and would be worth the money.
  18. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: I am guessing you have not scaled mesh items up or down before and are not aware of how much difference in Land Impact it really makes. Yea, that must be it...not... Not everyone is financially challenged; therefore size and land impact aren't issues for them. Wow what a rude way to put it. I also would like to see someone who doesn't make lindens in sl who has the money for a large amount of prims. I mean what does a private island go for now several hundred a month? And what everyone or most have that? I'd say it's far to say that for the MAJORITY or users size and land impact ARE infact and issue. How are you defining financially challenged anyway? A lot of people who are middle class can't and really never could afford that much of an expense for a game even before the financial meltdown were in now. Or is anyone who is middle class or lower "financially challenged"?
  19. well it took about a year or two for people to move away fromt he teeth showing thing in the sims 2 community but then again SL fashion moves very quickly so who knows...
  20. Coby Foden wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: So, what I'm getting here is that since prim used specular textures in the past, this is just allowing a user to create with their own instead of the basic ones previously supplied. Is that right? What is new in the material system is that - on prims and mesh - in addition to Diffuse map (i.e. the normal texture what we have been using so far) we will have two new texture types: Normal map and Specular map. All these three textures are created by the designer and are applied on prim or mesh. Here is a simple sample (ordinary prim sphere). Textures applied to the prim sphere: • Diffuse map (the normal texture we've been using so far) • Normal map (gives the bumpiness effect) • Specular map (gives higlight effect, the highlights are not static, they move as the lighting moves) On the left is how the sphere looks in non-materials viewer. On the right how it looks in materials enabled viewer. The picture on left shows also how it looks to everybody if only diffuse map was applied to the prim. to be fair the one on the right will only be seen by someone with I think mid to ultra graphics... Anylower and it shuts off advanced lighting. With that off you can't see materials. so people on low end computers witht he graphics on low will see no diffrence when materials comes along. That said i'm excited tos ee what people do with it.
  21. most dungeons I see are bdsm dungeons but I'm thinking you mean more like video game style dungeons which I have not seen in sl tbh. but I hope I'm wrong here
  22. Hi sounds like fun. I'd love to do it! Ummm I like black, blood red, and sky blue. Although if you don't except black as a color (since technically its not) I also like deep purple.
  23. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: jwenting wrote: payments to LL are like property taxes. Payments to a rental agent are like rent. Of course a lot of people (especially younger ones) think that everything is free and anyone who wants money for services rendered is just greedy and making 100% profit, but that's simply not the case. Then again, a lot of those kids never had to pay a dime for anything in their life, everything being provided by that big magic thing called Daddy, Mommy, or the State and never wondering where the goodies all come from. Your argument would have been much less condescending if you had stopped at Daddy and Mommy.. There are plenty of people that can't find work and have to live scrape by on the pittance the state gives out. Yes and some of those people are disabled. But then again lets be fair there are a LOT of people who are taking advantage of the system. I can't tell you the number of people who have bought a sheet cake with food stamps. I mean...my parents had JOBS and couldn't afford that. I think a lot of those people are also drug dealers though and not the type playing SL. lolz Also why is it especially the younger ones? I'm not on welfare I work two jobs every single day of the week and live on next to nothing. I can't afford to buy things in sl but I'm certianly don't feel entitled either. I'm only 25 by the way. let's not be agiest.
  24. If you still need help I can try and trouble shoot it in world with you just IM me
  25. ow a little butthurt? We were only trying to help. since that's the typical reason you can't agree is because you don't realize you have to scroll. How are we supposed to know that's not it? you didn't say it wasn't loading. Sorry we can't read minds.
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