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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. Well, there you go then. Since I don't see Zalificents solution happening any time soon (and she readily admits so themselves) so it doesn't seem like a very well thought out solution to me. --- Here's what I'd do, if I were to engineer a solution into SecondLife with the aim to add a simpler way to shop/demo items whilst keeping existing method possible. Since clothes shopping is the most common kind of shopping, I'd start with tackling clothes shopping first. But a solution would later need to be created for rezzables. Viewer Managed Marketplace Changes 'Demo item' will become an object property that creators can set on individual objects in listings from their viewer managed marketplace. Marketplace Changes If a listing contains 1 or more 'demo items' then the results page will contain a new 'demo' button. Depending on the number of demo items in the listing, one of two things will happen:- One demo object - It just attaches to your avatar in-world, just like that. Two or more - Presents you with a menu to choose which demo objects to attach. Viewer Changes? Later down the line I think it would be really great if we could shop from our viewer, using native viewer UI. This gets rid of the 'logging in twice' chore, where you have to log in once to viewer, and once to website. It also means you can multi-task eg by shopping and talking to a friend at the same time. It's also a lot easier to flick through say shoes if say we could just have a row along the bottom of the screen we can be scrolling through and trying on. Such a UI would obviously take a lot of consideration to design but I think it would ultimately be worth it.
  2. No, you try again. Look at you. You've just presented another problem, but you haven't dared to imagine a solution to include new residents who don't understand all this complexity at all. If anything, it makes you look like you have low IQ. Present us an actually good solution. Changing nothing doesn't solve the existing problem. Putting your fingers in your ears and going lalalalala can't hear you doesn't work either. Go on. Try.
  3. I'm not against complexity personally. What I am against is enforced complexity for what amounts to basically elitism. Eg "Oh hurr you're not smart enough to be allowed to play. You have to be +x IQ". Most people don't want to compile their own OS, make their own shoes, bake their own bread. They would just be upset if they didn't have the option to do so. Forcing everything to be complex makes people just as unhappy as forcing things to be simple. What we need is a platform that can serve everybody and give people options in terms of complexity and involvement.
  4. You're not searching for a solution, you're searching for a problem. You could easily have proposed to Arielle that the feature also retains backwards compatibility, or expressed that the old marketplace is kept for people who need more flexibility. Instead chose to solely turn the matter negative and try to insult the intelligence of anyone who is so daring as to think differently to you. Trust me, I don't think I'd like any new residents to be made to experience you. I'm quite happy for you to stay in your parcel away from the rest of SL as you so enjoy telling us you like to do.
  5. I really appreciate that people like Arielle are looking to other platforms to find SecondLife's weaknesses and talk about change. No matter how much some of SecondLife's older residents like to snarl and try to push them out of the discussion The resistance to change i'm afraid is only going to get stronger the older SecondLife's residents get. They're only going to get older, crankier and less prepared to accept new realities. The platform will only get more brittle and unable to support itself unless there is new blood. I think it's really important that those who really want SecondLife to be around in the long term start to push back against the crankiness and start saying actually yes we do want to improve and experiment and get out of managed decline. Eventually there will come a point where there is enough new blood that there is less resistance to change and more people on the platform with a modern understanding of technology and how people of today use it, rather than people of yesterday. That's not to say I've got a vendetta against oldbies. After all, I am one myself. But I don't want SecondLife to die with the previous generation, consider me selfish if you must
  6. SecondLife's problem in a nutshell:- Resident 1: "Wouldn't it be nice if we had a feature that makes SecondLife easier to use?" *Happens to mention other platform* Resident 2: *somehow assumes it will destroy the platform, makes a doompost, accuses resident 1 of trying to turn SecondLife into other platform. Tells Resident 1 to move to other platform* ... Meanwhile Resident 3 in another thread: "Why is SecondLife less welcoming than other platforms?" .... Meanwhile Resident 4 in yet another thread: "SecondLife seems to be dieing. How shall we prepare for its death?"
  7. The real question that should be asked IMO is how does SL plan to succeed? One of our weaknesses I think is actually ourselves. SecondLifes direction is largely influenced by its existing residents. Most of us are old blood who aren't looking to make a great deal of new friends, but rather want somewhere comfy to spend with familiar people we've already met, and maybe if you're a creator, new building tools. Many residents are so old that the platform changing to get with the times just isn't appealing to them because they're so invested in how SL works now.
  8. The last thing we need is more managed decline. I'd rather see LL spend time making plans for success than plan for failure. I also don't particularly want my creations shared to some random grid either. I entrusted LL to manage the rights to that content, nobody else.
  9. Judge me how you will, I don't like having to ignore things, no matter how tiny. It takes cognitive effort to focus somewhere else when something pops up on your screen uninvited. It's like Ads. It's a mental work to keep your eyes on the article when there are other distractions on the screen.
  10. Actually I might play devils advocate and side with OP. Why? I think there are less extroverts in SecondLife than there were in the past. The problem is that SecondLife now has competitors like VRChat. In these VR Games, Socialization is the main activity. With VR, Voice and Engagement are not just an option it's practically a requirement. So what I feel is happening is that the people that are extroverts have started to move over to VRChat, they love it because they can constantly talk over voice and be socially engaged. Of course, the introverts hate that about VR Chat because being forced to be socially engaged all the time is basically a form of torture and a massive battery drain. Just my opinion ofc. I don't have anything to back that up, just based on my own observations.
  11. Yes not claiming my way is simple, just wanted to provide a fail-safe way to read many notecards at once, and also even avoid the 0.1s initial delay when the notecard is already cached
  12. Disclaimer, I haven't tested this, at all. Don't know if it even compiles just a draft, but here's what I'm thinking would be a way to load many notecards simultaneously as fast as possible in the new paradigm once llGetNotecardLineSync exists key myNotecardRequest1; key myNotecardRequest2; key myNotecardRequest3; /* To kick off a notecard read, call this function with your notecard name, Pass -1 to line, NULL_KEY to req_id and "" to text. The function will repeatedly call itself during the process. */ read_notecard_to_end(string notecard, integer line, key req_id, string text) { @next; if (line >= 0) { if (text == EOF) { // Do whatever you want to do after the whole notecard is read here. // <YOUR CODE HERE> return; } else { // This is a valid line. `text` here is the text on `line` in `notecard`. // <YOUR CODE HERE> } } ++line; text = llGetNotecardLineSync(notecard, line); if (text != NAK) jump next; key dataserver_req = llGetNotecardLine(notecard, line); llLinksetDataWrite("DSR_" + dataserver_req, llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [ "n", notecard, "l", line, "r", req_id ])); } default { state_entry() { llLinksetDataDeleteFound("^DSR_*", ""); // Delete any leftover garbage. } touch_start(integer num_detected) { myNotecardRequest1 = llGenerateKey(); myNotecardRequest2 = llGenerateKey(); myNotecardRequest3 = llGenerateKey(); read_notecard_to_end("Notecard 1", -1, myNotecardRequest1, ""); read_notecard_to_end("Notecard 2", -1, myNotecardRequest2, ""); read_notecard_to_end("Notecard 3", -1, myNotecardRequest3, ""); } dataserver(key queryid, string data) { string jreq = llLinksetDataRead("DSR_" + (string)queryid); string notecard = llJsonGetValue(jreq, ["n"]) integer line = (integer)llJsonGetValue(jreq, ["l"]); key req_id = llJsonGetValue(jreq, ["r"]) read_notecard_to_end(notecard, line, req_id, data); llLinksetDataDelete("DSR_" + (string)queryid); } }
  13. It'll be interesting to see what ends up filling all the other spots that are currently unused. I had a read of the sign-up form (and signed up myself) - But I note that the form asks for a group/landmark - Which seems a bit square peg round hole for community, given a lot of communities are not really one sim but a whole sub-culture that can be found in SecondLife. They also say you can only link to one location. So for example I wanted to do an 'anime in secondlife' exhibit with a friend but there isn't really a central location or group we're all in, lots of small groups that overlap yes but no big one.
  14. I'm aware of very high LI vehicles, but most of those are enthusiast things with the engine modelled and everything else, more of a decoration than anything else. I think region owners will need to set some limit to stop people taking the cake.
  15. Yes, need to figure out if driven vehicles count towards LI, it would be a pretty good outcome for land owners if they had the facility to provide residents with parking without worrying about LI
  16. Or better yet let the region owner decide the max LI if they've opted into the park and explore feature. For example, in the open ocean where not much else is competing for prims it might be acceptable for a 100LI boat to be parked whilst the agent walks around on it. But in a shop parcel with limited LI, you probably want to put a tougher limit.
  17. If it's the case that llVehicles are not LI limited, one solution would be to simply put an LI cap on the park and explore feature. Say something like 32LI, which seems to be around the top end of where mesh vehicles hover these days.
  18. In my defense, you do seem to go out of your way to make yourself very difficult to listen to.
  19. It is actually possible, it's just not well known, and not for the feint of heart. SecondLife has a seldom used animation constraints system. What this means is that you can actually constrain one hand to the other, so that regardless of your shape it will follow the other hand. Many of SL's original animations were made using the constraint system. Unfortunately, popular tools like Avastar don't seem to support the secondlife constraint system, instead solely using Forward Kinematics. People have come to understand that you simply can't do IK stuff in SL, which isn't true, it's just not very easy or well documented. I did at one point create a tool that lets you manually edit .anim files and add constraints. I don't know of any dedicated tools for producing full animations from scratch that support this system sadly.
  20. Yes.. vehicles setting their type back to none after you stand does complicate things. Using Vehicle Type had an advantage because you can't set objects with very high LI to be a vehicle, the system doesn't let you. This would prevent people driving 5 million LI monsters onto your parcel. We could make it just work for physics scripted objects, but this feels more open to abuse/misuse to me. Another option is that as long as the thing you sat on was an llVehicle at some point when you were sat on it. Then the sim considers it a vehicle for this purpose. But perhaps also add a validation that the object remains at or below max vehicle LI? So that you couldn't drive your car onto the parcel then link a lag bomb to it or something?
  21. So where I'm at so far in terms of implementation:- New parcel setting, "Vehicle Abandonment Radius" which is in meters The sim remembers the last vehicle you sat in. You can wander within the parcel owner's set distance of your last vehicle for as long as you like without it being returned When set to 0, your vehicle immediately becomes subject to auto-return when you stand up (i.e. no different to how it works currently in SecondLife) It would default to 0 on all parcels, except public rights of way such as roads and waterways, where it would be say 32 meters. This effectively makes the ability to park and explore an opt-in feature for land owners, giving land owners more control over how guests can visit, rather than less. It also means that choosing to buy land next to a mainland road has meaning, as you are now more likely to get customers from drivers who are now free to leave their vehicle and visit your roadside attraction/shop etc. Preventing Griefing / Low LI issues The thread presented two main concerns 1. There's the concern with object entry allowing vehicles into regions where the agent is banned, creating an unwanted griefing possibility. 2. There's also the concern that too many people might park in a parcel that has the setting on and cause LI issues. Therefor, I think these two additional behaviors would be good:- We make it so that vehicles that enter regions the agent is not allowed to enter are immediately returned, regardless of Vehicle Abandonment Radius setting If the parcel is low on prims, (Say, less than 200?) any vehicles that have been parked with their owner nearby will become subject to auto-return, regardless of Vehicle Abandonment Radius setting. An additional, separate feature request? I think it would be good for parcel owners to be able to turn off vehicle entry. This would purely be for the banline area <50m, and not affect flight. Purely for keeping cars off lawns. Miscellaneous There were suggestions about making this feature work cross-sim, but I think that is quite a large job requiring cross-sim communication etc. Complicated, maybe possible later, baby steps for now. It would be possible to add it later if the feature proved popular. "Vehicle Abandonment Radius" is a working name. I just haven't come up with anything better yet. 'Park and Ride' is a commonly understood term. Maybe "Park and Explore distance"? It's just a proposal Don't lose your minds 😉I'm trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. If you think I've missed something, I am open ears. I'm trying my best!
  22. I don't want to circle around on the same points too much, but I will mention that people have already brought up reasons why Linden regions have previously had long auto-return times, and then later reduced it to 1 minute. So yes, existing systems exist, they're just not very effective at limiting abuse and end up being turned off because of the limitations of relying on timers.
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