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  1. There's only so much time in the day and despite likely having numerous employees, managing business on multiple platforms is exhausting. I had a clothing and accessories store in Gor back when it was enormous that in a good month did 1mm lindens and I'm sure Blueberry does exponentially more. Keeping up with new products, various vendors, partnerships, events etc. was totally exhausting. I ended up pitching the whole business. While I doubt she's doing that, I am sure she's mulling over the best use of her precious time. It sounds like it's a personal issue (use of the word reflect), but could just as well be taking time to take stock of the breadth of the brand's activities and make some decisions about how to grow or where to focus. I sincerely doubt the SL economy will take any sort of hit. While a very large and successful store, Blueberry is overall just a drop in the bucket in terms of clothing. I've not shopped there in years (just a matter of taste) nor seen them prominently at events and there are a zillion other quality clothes makers out there.
  2. Is SL addictive, whether it's a "game" or not? To some people, obviously, yes. I know plenty of people who have struggled with SL addiction and have a few friends who still struggle with it. And by struggle I mean "spend an excessive amount of time in SL to the point where it adversely impacts their RL". But people struggle with all sorts of different addictions to various behaviors aside from the obvious endorphin producing triggers like drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. Because some people are addicted to SL does not mean that SL is fundamentally addictive. And from what I've seen, different people become addicted to SL for different reasons.
  3. What a long strange trip it's been... @ 2006-7 and today:
  4. I've been back to this installation several times and it's pretty mind-blowing. Well worth a visit. Crix is underselling it by calling it a "live particle show". It's way more than that.
  5. I'm not sure how you see either of these utilities being "alternatives" to either Substance or Instamat. They are pretty limited in comparison and really nothing more than utilities.
  6. I can't really help except to say that relying on SL to downsize images larger than 1024 yields poorer results than sizing them to 1024 beforehand in Photoshop or similar. You might also try clearing your cache. I've had instances in the past where a texture would just not (apparently) upload correctly. After clearly my cache it appear correctly (and had evidently uploaded correctly to begin with). What I'm not clear on is the difference between your two photos of the texture on the shorts. Both of them appear to be in-world snapshots of the texture on the shorts object. Is the clearer one the local texture preview on the object WHILE the edit texture window is open?
  7. You could use Area Search, with your view set to say 400, search on you as owner, and look in the list for objects that have no group listed or the wrong group.
  8. I personally dislike buildings with baked lighting unless it is extremely subtle and confined to AO details. The reason is that I'm a bit of a lighting freak and like to have control over all aspects of it through EEP local and ambient light. And given that advanced lighting is going to be the default in viewers going forward, with PBR, that baked lighting is potentially rendered redundant or even counter-productive. While efficiency is a laudable goal, I believe that buildings are one type of object that get a bit more of a pass than other objects. I have a pair of hair pins from a well regarded creator in SL and was horrified to learn that each one uses four 1024 textures...for a total of 8 between the two of them. Not to say that poor craftsmanship on smaller objects excuses lack of efficiency on larger ones, but at least you're working on an object where 1024 textures can make a significant difference in visual quality.
  9. What kind of help can anyone here possibly give you? It's not a technical glitch. The only person that can help you is the person who's profile you were looking at. If you're certain they copied it, ask them why. Better yet, completely ignore them and go about your day.
  10. I think it's quite lovely. For the sake of offering some useful criticism, however unnecessary it may be: Naturalness in landscapes is heightened by paying attention to the smoothness or coherence of transitions between types of terrain and materials. Think of how those appear in nature, and often some intervening "transition" material is required. When making cliffs and large expanses of rocks, pay attention to the "grain" of the rock. If you start rotating pieces in an attempt to achieve a certain shape you often end up with rock striations that don't make sense from a geological perspective, and the viewer's brain will notice that. Either change the shape of the rock or rotate the textures to get a more natural look. Large expanses of any one material tend to look artificial. In the case of the rock face, consider breaking it up visually with vines, moss, etc so it's not so monolithic. In the case of grass, adding some prim grass and just slightly altering the hue of each patch can make it look more natural.
  11. A) You were confused and actually looking at your own profile. B) You copy/pasted some popular quote that they were also using. C) Too many drugs.
  12. FYI, if you join the Seraphim group in-world, these kinds of questions usually get a lightning-fast answer. The group is populated with shopaholics and fashionistas who seem to know everything. It's great.
  13. Oh that's true, but BilliJo is deciding on principle, rejecting a technology that is neither good nor bad in and of itself. And there's a long history of this in SL, where users reject a development because for whatever reason they don't approve of it. There are sims where users have rejected mesh and continue to do so. What's curious is that it's basically Luddite behavior and the irony of that pretty strong in a virtual world. BilliJo, my pleasure https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Continental/182/210/35
  14. So you decline based on principle instead of on practicality and the quality of your experience. All the wonderful things you've missed by doing that. That seems sad to me. I use experiences liberally in my sim to enhance the experience. It's what the elevator teleporter uses to move people from floor to floor of the main feature building. It changes the EPP based on where you are in the sim (I have 10 different EEPs running). It's what powers lots of elements of the build in my sim, providing a more seamless and immersive experience for visitors. I don't force users in my sim to accept, but if they don't, there's not really much they can do there other than walk around at ground level.
  15. I would have thought you just divide the neck tattoo graphic between the head and torso textures. Tattoo providers as far as I know separate out neck and face layers because some people want the neck part but not the face part.
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