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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. This is interesting. I just checked the OP's profile to see if she'd returned to see our answers... only to find that her only other post contained exactly the same text for a different skin query, back in July 2018: She didn't come back to thank people for the answers to that one, either.
  2. Got to love it when you log on to four consecutive furious long IMs from someone who is telling you to REMOVE YOUR HOUSE FROM 20M BECAUSE IT'S RUINING MY HOME YOU SHOULD HAVE MORE RESPECT I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR LONGER THAN YOU (she hasn't) AND YOU'RE THE WORST IN SECOND LIFE... when you don't have anything rezzed at 20m. And you realise the silly bint doesn't live anywhere near you, and that she has examined a house that you created and sold to someone else, and that someone else is the person who should've been getting those IMs. I hope she enjoys sitting on that new hole...
  3. I'm someone who loves to customise my avatar and I spend a lot of time (and L$) doing so, as well as taking photos of it and blogging about it. I tend to listen to a lot of high-energy trance music (or pop such as Lady Gaga) while doing so. I also just finished my second re-read of Michio Kaku's Hyperspace, and spent last night - after I'd been out for a meal and drinks with some good friends - on that final chapter while listening to Brian Eno's Before and After Science. What that tells me about myself as a person is that I'm interested in doing one thing in Second Life and another thing in Real Life. It also tells me I'm a reasonably well-rounded human being who has eclectic tastes that I indulge as and when I feel the desire to.
  4. That looks a bit like a DeeTaleZ skin to me...
  5. Exploring Uvivok with Daros. Two more behind the spoiler tag, because I love how these all came out.
  6. No, you didn't actually say those words. But you heavily implied them. When someone makes a statement about what others are doing or saying and finishes their statement with "Hmmm..." it implies that they are pondering something fishy about those others' actions and words; that there is something else behind them. When that statement also includes the subtly-sarcastic use of phrases such as "their unique creation" and "their handcrafted texture" then scare quotes are not necessary.
  7. The bright HMMM signal illuminates the sky. Upon seeing it, one man - The Hmmm Translator - leaps into action! He grabs the text, scans it, picks up his megaphone, and announces to the anxiously-gathering citizens of Gothmmm City the true, hidden meaning that they might have missed behind the words: "The people who are yelling about this are putting s**tty self-made textures on their stuff, and they know it." He puts down the megaphone and goes back to bed, muttering, "Jeez, if you people ever decide to just say what you're actually thinking, or that forum's censor ever stops working, then I'm gonna be out of a bloody job!"
  8. That's a shame. It's always worth contacting the creator, to ask if they will do that. Or even if they will put it out for sale, maybe?
  9. I can't answer for LAQ, since I don't use that brand, but the above is not an ability that's been lost with Bento mesh heads. I can confirm that it's possible to do with at least one major brand. Try looking to see if there's a pack of additional gestures included in the head's folder, perhaps? If not, then there may be some info at that store, in the support group, or on the brand's website.
  10. @seanmb419 Mills From the Community Guidelines: This is not the 'Wanted' sub-forum, so it's not the place to promote your own store. While others in here have offered suggestions for multiple stores the OP could try, it's... well, it's a bit tacky at best to jump in and self-promote.
  11. Indeed. And when you've seen a young woman - working Saturdays behind a checkout to pay her way through higher education - reduced to tears because some up-themselves customer starts in with the abuse and insults because they can't use an out-of-date coupon, or because the till simply is not programmed to put credit back onto an old gift card, it can be very very hard to bite one's tongue, smile politely, and wish them a pleasant day.
  12. Anyone who has ever worked retail IRL will answer a resounding "Hell no" to that
  13. No, I don't. And it's not really relevant: I'm responding to your arguments here, rather than to your own business practices. I'm in no position to critique the latter, because I don't know what they are. To be fair, Scylla, you rather did assume knowledge of how Blush sets permissions on their products when you responded to them with the following: Quite probably not. And that's fine: I wouldn't support that kind of boycott myself. I do, when it makes sense to do so, buy no mod items. But, again . . . why aren't you listening to the voices here, instead of dismissing them offhand as moaners and malcontents? Why not leverage this market? Because it's not going away either. And you, and other creators, can take advantage of that, instead of (sorry) "moaning and complaining" that people are expressing their dissatisfaction with no mod goods. That's how it read to me, at least.
  14. Given the OP's other thread, wherein they ask for the easiest body to work with, and state they have had trouble matching their mesh head to their body - - I would NOT recommend Niramyth Aesthetic to them. While Niramyth has recently added a special neck fix to their bodies, there are very few stores that create skins for the combination of Aesthetic bodies and other brands of mesh head. And - while I wouldn't put clothing support for Aesthetic anywhere near Gianni and Jake right now - there is also the consideration of body type. If the OP doesn't want the musculature of Aesthetic (nor the task of working with the sliders to reduce that musculature to something less extreme) then they're better off looking toward Signature or Belleza.
  15. You say you already have a body and head but can't get the skins to match. Could you please let us know which body and which head you have? If they're from separate creators then you won't be able to get an exact skin match using the built-in skins on each, but it's perfectly possible to match skins between, say, a Catwa head and Signature body, or a Lelutka head and Slink body, as long as you use a head applier and body applier from the same skin store in the same skintone and a relatively bright Windlight setting. If we know which Bento mesh head and mesh body you currently have, we can give better advice (and possibly save you from having to buy a whole new body!) If you don't want to give that information out, or you don't like working with your current mesh body and just want a new one, then answers to the following questions will be helpful: Which Bento head do you want to match the body to? From what you say here, you already have a male Bento head, so knowing which brand that is will assist us in tailoring more specific advice for you. As Marianne asked - how many outfits do you want to have? Any particular looks you want to be able to wear? Is there any specific reason why you don't want separate hands and feet? They will match perfectly as long as they come from the same creator (eg. Signature Gianni, which comes with three parts: body, hands, and feet). In another thread created today in this forum you ask for the male mesh body that has the most clothing created for it. Right now your choices for that would be Signature 'Gianni' and Belleza 'Jake'. Almost all menswear stores (with the exception of the specialist ones who rig only for the very muscular Aesthetic, to give an example) will rig for at least Gianni, and usually Jake as well. However, here you're asking for the EASIEST body. Again, it's a toss-up between Gianni and Jake, but if you don't want separate hands and feet then your choice is narrowed down to one: Jake. That said, you will need a Bento AO (animation overrider) with Jake, if you want to avoid the splayed out fingers that tend to happen with that body. If you opt for Jake, and your current Bento head is by Catwa, then you'll be glad to know that the Jake body comes with a matching Catwa head applier in several skintones that match the Jake body skin defaults. (Note, though, that this head applier does not come with browless options.) All that said, I strongly advise picking up demos of both Gianni and Jake (and also possibly Signature Geralt, which is a newer body but still has quite a bit of clothing made for it) and trying them out before you decide on a purchase. Gianni is a stocky, muscular body that requires a lot of shape slider work if you want to tone down the musculature, and Jake has muscle definition built into the mesh (so if you don't want a deep inguinal crease, for example, you'll need to focus on non-muscular skin appliers).
  16. Standerwick's incredible remix of a song that's been on heavy rotation in my house this past few weeks:
  17. Welcome. Glad it worked! I'm curious about the fact that it's now only working on one layer (underwear) when it was fine on the tattoo layer before. Does the same issue happen on the clothing layer? Does it happen with other underlying skins? With any other bodies (if you have different ones to try it on)? If it is to do with EEP then it might be worth doing some testing to see if it requires further investigation by LL.
  18. I'm gonna stand right here and wait for your voice... (AKA: "Mum, he's mucking* around with filters again!" ) *Censored version. The original sorta... rhymes?
  19. It's a long shot, but try putting the tattoo on the underwear layer, then setting both the tattoo and clothing layers to mask. Failing that, try a redelivery of the body and seeing if it works on a fresh copy. It is possible for a body to become permanently glitched due to an applier (I have one Omega skin applier that ruins the torso of my Slink body, making the underlying layer semi-transparent as soon as I apply any other skin after I wear it, so I keep one copy of the body in the skin folder with that Omega skin applier permanently on). If the issue happens on a fresh body, and with the mask/blend/mask options set on tattoo/underwear/clothing, then it's time to check other tattoos. Same problem? Time to check settings, GPU driver, etc.
  20. I see that someone has taken up the noble work of one whom I suspect might have been the inspiration behind the subject of this thread. Carry on, brave soul! (I'll come back in another 10 pages to see if they're still going )
  21. Are you really a wolf? And do you live in a shanty?
  22. A couple of things: You've posted this in the Forums Feedback section, which is a sub-forum dedicated to giving feedback about the forum itself, about the Second Life KnowledgeBase, and about the Second Life Answers section. You'd be better off asking this in the Scripting sub-forum. You can report your own post and ask a moderator to move it. It's never a good idea to randomly click a link in someone's profile. It's a very common tactic for griefers and smartasses to use these to deform or change other peoples' avatars. That is both advice to you not to click random links on other people's profiles as well as a warning that having your tipjar in your profile rather than rezzed next to you while you're doing whatever it is that you do to earn tips might mean that fewer people will use it to tip you, being wary themselves of clicking random profile links that say they're a tipjar but might easily not be.
  23. Where did Alyona mention the actual cash value? I don't see it. Are you talking about the EFFORT and RISK that she questioned the worth of? 'Worth' has more than just a 'cash value' meaning. Is it worth the effort of my time replying to your post? I'm certainly not getting paid for it, nor am I under any delusion that I should be. But the time that I take to do so is worth taking. Carry on belittling people and showing potential customers how you might treat them if they came to you about an issue with your products. You're doing a very good job of it. I've already looked up your store and made a mental note never to shop there or promote it.
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