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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I wish I'd seen this with more than just two minutes to hammer out a quick reply before I need to leg it out the door for work. All I can give you in that limited time is that the head in both your last two images is most likely (based on the jaw shape) Lelutka's "Guy" Bento head, the hair in at least the last image (and possibly the other) will be by Modulus (very recognisable styles from them). As to Bakes on Mesh skins of high quality: Stray Dog's next release should - I believe - include BOM layers, but also check out Birth for skins that are already partially updated for BOM. That's all I have time for right now. Gotta run!
  2. That's so sweet! Thanks for letting me know Quick fix for that: look in the top-right of the Master HUD for these symbols to resize it:
  3. I'm so glad that Skell's Syd persona is happy to wear colour, because I'd never get Skell himself into something this bright, not for love nor money
  4. In addition to animesh hair (which is still fairly new) there's also the older bento hair. While some creators used the term 'bento hair' to indicate that the hair was rigged for specific bento heads, most of them used it to denote longer mesh hair that was rigged to either the hind legs or tail bone of the avatar skeleton. Bento hair tends to sway from side to side as a result of that.
  5. Catwa will be releasing it very shortly. It's intended to work with her Bento heads, and it's great fun.
  6. Upcoming Catwa release. This one's going to come in very handy https://i.gyazo.com/a0fd98d54faa7c79d488e738f1baaca2.mp4
  7. Better still if it's 80% (absolute minimum) and contains a smattering of sea salt.
  8. I'm sure Ms Parton won't mind my teensy little edit
  9. You're welcome I only found out about it because - years ago - I took part in one of those 'progression of your avatar' image suggestions on Flickr, and I needed my old Goth Male avi from 2007. I spent ages searching, then came across an old forum post mentioning they were all archived there.
  10. All of those avatars - including the one you want - are in a box put together by Torley Linden at the Stillman Free Bazaar. Go here and pick up the 'Old Library Content' box that I've arrowed in the below image: The avatar that you want is the 'Clothing > Nightclub Male' one inside that box: For reference, this is everything inside that Old Library Content box, in case anyone wants an outfit for a Noob Party in future:
  11. Two things that have not yet been suggested: The first is to power-cycle your router. I don't mean just switch it off and on again or hit the reset button on it; I mean actually remove it from its power source. Unplug it from the socket, pull out the power cable; whatever you need to do to completely disconnect it and have it switched off with no power going into it. After at least one minute has passed, plug it back in and let it restart, then - when you log back in - make sure you do so directly to the Hippo Hollow region. You can set this on the viewer's loading page, where you normally have the choice of Home, Last Location, or <Type Region Name>. If power-cycling the router and logging directly in at Hippo Hollow don't fix it, then you need more drastic measures. You say that the issue started after a crash, and those can completely mess up your viewer's settings files. The drastic measure needed to fix that is a full clean reinstall of your viewer. Assuming that you're using Firestorm, follow the instructions in this video, and follow them to the letter.
  12. Thank you! I just needed to take a step back for a while. (Sorry, I'm replying a bit piecemeal today, for some reason.)
  13. Aww, now there's a warm welcome back! I feel gently toasted and delightfully singed around the edges now. Thankee!
  14. Thank you both Matty: the hair is 'Selene' by Exile. For today's look I dropped a rather shocking sum of money at Mainframe event over the last couple of days, so this one is a somewhat abrupt volte-face from my previous image, especially once I'd run it through a couple of filters and it ended up looking alarmingly real:
  15. All equally blessed. Mostly (maybe; I guess it depends) back, after an equilibrium-restoring two-month break from the forum.
  16. Several Lindens have said in this forum that the JIRA is also for suggestions, not just for bug reports. When you file your suggestion, add it to BUG > New Feature Request:
  17. This is a resident-to-resident forum. If you want to make a suggestion to Linden Lab then you need to file a JIRA.
  18. Nor do I care to know her. Why does it bother you what someone else does? If it bothers you then you are - as Alyona points out in her reply - seeing it as a competition. Your friend is gaming the system as it stands - in her own way - and you are not. You then ask how you can make your photos dominate your followers' Flickr feeds, which - in its turn - is gaming the system. And so you start to move toward being like her. In your initial post you asked if Flickr keeps your votes low because you're a free account. No, it does not do that. You asked if you need a pro account on Flickr in order to be 'treated fairly'. I have had a pro account on Flickr for 11 years and there is absolutely no difference in 'fairness' between votes/faves for pro or free accounts. The primary differences are that pro accounts have unlimited uploads whereas free accounts do not, and pro accounts don't see (or have for others to see) adverts on their pages. As for her images having "nothing to do anymore with normal photography" you should see what the actual photography community thinks of all the Second Life content on Flickr... I don't make any such rules that need to be obeyed. 'Everyone gets a cookie for taking part' is fine to encourage newbies to keep going, but for an old hand which of these means more: a Flickr fave because everyone gets a fave (with no indication if the person favouriting it actually likes it), or a Flickr fave because you've produced an image that someone really loves?
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