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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Catwa CSR here. Catwa has now listed the gift on Marketplace. NOTE: CLOSING DATE FOR FREE GIFT IS 24th MAY 2020. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-HEAD-Freya-GIFT/19516951 @Marianne Little Would you please be so kind as to edit your original post to include the Marketplace link and its closing date? People might not scroll down far enough to see my post here. Thank you.
  2. Oh, those have already been let rip behind the monitor, believe me. I know when my patience and temper are wearing thin, and that's when I always step back. Every now and then a little sliver of irritation might gleam through a crack in the facade, but I haven't truly blown my top at anyone since I was in my 20s.
  3. As long as it needs to be. We have no set end date for it. You have plenty of time ETA: If I do get an end date I'll let you know. It could be several days, it could be a week, it could be longer. I honestly don't know. Catwa's words on her FB post were: "Do not worry. I will not end the offer until you all get the chance to grab the head." What I do know is that all the people going utterly, frantically bonkers Don't. Need. To. If anything, they might force Catwa to remove the gift early, and I know she doesn't want to do that, but if this carries on then she may have no choice.
  4. It's been pretty... stressful. That's all I'll say. I'll log back in for another round of it after I've slept for about, ooh, 12 hours or something.
  5. Todays pet peeve: stupid selfish, uncaring... people. (God, I just bit my tongue so hard there.) See those two regions flanking the Catwa store regions, with void water regions separating them? Those are residential regions. People live there. And because we've had to restrict access to both stores to just 20 people per region (as well as auto-restart each region to clear out all avatars every hour, because both stores are under incredibly heavy load right now with hundreds of TP hammers aimed at them) those stupid, selfish, uncaring... *grits teeth* people are teleporting into other people's home areas to stand on the edge like it's a cam-region. The people living in those regions have sent IMs to several of us to beg us to do something. We've put notice after notice into group chat, imploring people NOT to do that. Do they care? Do they %S$!. I'm exhausted, after more than six hours of dealing with hundreds and hundreds of people whining, complaining, and trolling - answering the same two or three questions hundreds and hundreds of times - after a night of insomnia in which I got zero sleep. Leave the chat running for 30 minutes to grab some food, come back to almost 500 messages. I'm running on fumes, and I eventually had to just log out, because otherwise I may have let rip with some good old Anglo-Saxon words. Stupid, selfish, uncaring... ARGH! I am so so so damn well DONE today.
  6. Maybe if he says it enough times he might actually grow one... Meanwhile, I'm playing whack-a-mole with the report button
  7. Oh trust me, I was freebie-gathering myself! Once I'd managed to get in I had no intention of going back, so it was 'grab everything you want and then skedaddle'
  8. Cracked Actor... From the creator of the amazing Billy Porter-esque 'tux dress' comes this unisex Victorian suit. I adore having a challenge like this to rise to Full credits here.
  9. I will pay L$1 or L$2 for a demo (although I side-eye anyone who charges L$2, and the item in question would need to be something I really wanted to try before I'll pay L$2). I once tried an incredible-looking hairstyle that demanded L$10 for the demo. I dithered for some time over getting it, but I really wanted to try it and and I figured in the end, "Eh, you know what, L$10 is nothing compared to how much I spend in SL, and this looks so good." When I tried that demo on I realised why it wasn't free. It was so bad that it only 'worked' in specific static poses. There is no way it would have looked good on an avatar in motion. Trying the demo was an instant "Oh hell no; in the trash with you" moment, so I guess at least the creator got some money out of everyone who took a chance on the demo.
  10. Try the viewer menu: Avatar > Avatar Health > Stop Avatar Animations & Revoke Permissions.
  11. After hundreds of TP attempts to no avail last night, I finally got into FaMESHed a little while ago. Found out there were a load of freebies set out for their 8th anniversary, so no wonder I couldn't get in last night; the freebie-hunters had packed out all three regions. I logged on especially during early afternoon my time and managed to get in, then I got to play the thrilling "Ooh, I wonder which bits are going to rez at this stall?!" game. Sometimes it was just the tent, sometimes it was only the fatpack purchase prim, sometimes the ad image floated solo, sometimes it was only the gift box sitting on a blank patch of grass. At a few stalls the entire thing (GASP!) rezzed. An example: this lovely hairstyle by Lamb. Really cute! *cough* Anyway, I got the Hotdog boots (unisex platform heels!) I was after, and was pleasantly surprised to see ContraptioN also had some fantastic boots there. I did grab all the freebies while I cammed my way around, and there are a lot of things I could use (mainly the home & garden stuff and the multitudes of earrings) so now I'm logging off and carrying on with RL stuff.
  12. Shocked? Shocked? My dear, either you don't understand irony, or the word 'amusing' actually means 'shocking' to you, or... you're deliberately twisting my words from several pages back so that they suit your agenda (because of course people will probably have forgotten exactly what I said by now, so you can paraphrase my words to mean whatever you want them to). I'm quite sure that you wouldn't deliberately twist my words, though, right? Because that would be trollish behaviour - which is what your post up there ^ accuses me of engaging in when I pointed out to the OP that - as they insisted very rudely to us - yes they are perfectly entitled to their opinion, but so is everyone else, and that is what constitutes a discussion. I also said that since they clearly refused to listen to anyone else's opinion and repeatedly called everyone who disagreed with them "loud mouth trolls" they were not actually interested in discussion, and their post was merely an unbudging complaint. What part of "it's always amusing to me" in my actual words - quoted correctly below - tells you that I'm shocked? Anyone would think you had a very specific agenda here. Just like the OP.
  13. I'm with you 'til the end of the line... Vendetta for Uber and KiB Designs for Aenigma. Full credits here.
  14. You are wearing a clothing item that no longer exists - or can't be found - in the database. What then happens is that the system creates a 'new [system clothing item]' wearable in an attempt to replace the item. This can happen with very very old system layers, or when SL is experiencing technical issues. I had the exact same thing happen during an SL hiccup last week, when about 15 'new shirts' were created in my Lost & Found because of issues that meant no system items were loading. To check this, I would suggest completely changing your avatar, especially all system items you're wearing. The new pants could be replacing anything, not just a pants system layer. Start by just changing any system clothing you're wearing. Try to put on newer stuff and not really old things that may have been created a long time ago. See how you get on with that for a few days. If the problem persists after doing that then make a new shape, copy across the slider numbers from your original shape and wear that new shape, wear a different system skin, system eyes, etc. Assuming you're wearing a mesh head and body (and not using Bakes on Mesh to 'bake' those system layers onto your mesh body parts) then it won't matter what you're wearing underneath. Try doing the above for a week - a fully different avatar - and see if the new pants item keeps recreating itself. If you've changed every single item then it shouldn't do, and you'll be able to check which item is causing the problem by adding each of your older items one at a time, waiting for a while and seeing if the 'new pants' appear after you've worn that item. If the above suggestions don't fix the issue then I suggest putting in a support ticket to Linden Lab. They can take a look at your avatar and its inventory and find out what's causing it. ETA: Since you say this is only happening intermittently, it's most likely a clothing object rather than your shape, and it's probably included only in certain outfits that you're wearing, so another thing to try is to look at which outfit(s) you're wearing when the issue occurs. Note that the item being replaced will not be shown in the 'worn' tab of your inventory, so you'll need to check your Outfits folder instead to see what's not showing as worn.
  15. Indeed. I've done the same thing: checking Marketplace and scouring Flickr to try and find out the creator of a specific thing that I like. I'm maxed on groups (the full premium 70 total) and really don't have any now that I'm willing to drop - even temporarily - just to get a notecard every week. If they don't want my money, then that's on them, but it bugs the life out of me when I see something on their gallery that I do want, and I have to spend ages sleuthing out who made it.
  16. Keep an eye on the curated Flickr gallery for Legacy male clothing. That will be your best bet for finding clothing rigged to it. Other than that, just visit each of the monthly menswear events in SL and look at the logos on each ad board to see which bodies each item is rigged for. The current main male events are The Men's Department, Men Only Monthly, Man Cave, and The Men & Women Jail, as well as the Manly Weekend sales every Saturday and Sunday. You can find galleries for all the events at these events on Seraphim's Just For Men page. (Note that Manly Weekend expects you to join their group in order to find out the teleport links for the items, which I'll admit I find very annoying, especially as I have no groups free.)
  17. As Rolig suggested, the necklace is most likely a rigged one. To confirm this, when you grab the edit arrows to try and move the necklace do the arrows themselves move while the necklace does not? If so, that is expected behaviour for a rigged mesh item. Think of rigging as the object being 'pinned' to you in various places. This is so that it fits the avatar it's rigged for perfectly, it moves when that avatar moves, and it also changes with shape slider changes. Example: Your necklace might be rigged for the Maitreya 'Lara' body, but you might be wearing the Belleza 'Freya' body. While the necklace would sit perfectly on 'Lara', and if you were to make any shape slider changes while wearing that body the necklace would change with it (e.g. if you made your neck size thicker, the necklace would get bigger as well) it will not sit perfectly on the neck and shoulders of 'Freya', because that body is shaped differently. Check your viewer menu to ensure that you've not enabled Select Only My Objects:
  18. Opus... Krankhaus for Engine Room, and an inventory deep-dive that had me shrieking with delight. This look is called "Taking 'less is more', setting it on fire, and defenestrating it", and I am desperately in love with it. Full credits here.
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