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Bebe Bunny

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Everything posted by Bebe Bunny

  1. I don't think you'll be able to do all of that on your land. Even if you create very simple skyboxes and make the breedables 1 prim each. I'd tell you to buy a land bigger than that one, there are several real estate agencies around SL offering that kind of service.
  2. 1) Yep, might have to adjust it depending on the shape of the body you get (some bodies add more curves like muscles and some body fat). a)/b)/c)/d) Both will work but if you're going to be mesh I do think you can manage to make your look work with also mesh hair and tail, I have some bento tail myself and I even saw bento lion tail somewhere in marketplace. Bento ears are also cool and they animate as well. e) If you plan on buying a bento head, those usually come with tongue, and animations for it to "stick out" like yours does. 2) Yes 3) Animations work fine, your hand might be idle or in a weird position, but there are hand aos available. 4) Only prim clothing, no layers. Mesh body is applier or mesh only. 5) yes you can buy the body only and keep the head, but I seen some anthro full mesh that looks really good, you should give it a try. I'm a mesh defender
  3. Seems fun! Even thought I already do something similar in GTA indeed :9 Still worth the try
  4. Sadly the shades of green mixed with black will be there and the cutting off will be harsh if you simply use the background removal tool on photoshop. What you can do is a refine your edition around the hair, it might be a pain but maybe this tutorial helps:
  5. I wish I could handle SL shadows without so much lag because it makes the world so pretty D:
  6. TIL whenever I think I'm finally satisfied with my avatar looks, I change it. *guilty exhaling*
  7. Sure, if you wear prim/mesh eyes you can do that. There are even eyes that offer you a wide range of options from color to bright.
  8. If you want something simple there's a place called 60L rentals, they offer several different apartments that wou can change any time you want (they're called multiscenes) but you ahve little privacy and people can cam you inside your box if you're on the same parcel (as far as I experienced it). If you want total control I'd tell you to rent your own land and rez your home and furnishings which would be more expensive tan simply renting a premade place, but more personal and you can have total control (you don't need premium membership in a lot of places to own the land). So it's up to what you actually need. Currently I live in a community and I do love the experience so far.
  9. This has more to do with the limits between the head and the body (where they meet) and the fact that SL Default lighting make every shade weird. if you pay attention, the lighting on the bottom of the neck over the line (still on the head) is different from the shade on the neck, like there are 2 different light spots when it's actually only one. It's really because of being 2 different objects rather than skin issue. You could fix it a bit using this light settings to hide weird shadows and not using advanced lighting:
  10. https://www.flickr.com/people/sylvannas/ flickrurrrrr
  11. You could go at AEG clubs and get yourself an application, it's a big group of clubs with music 24/7. The landmarks: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambrosia Dance Club/193746/287617/701 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REZ/194127/287608/701 These are the biggest ones, always full, there are others with less activity. Any staff can give you an application.
  12. They do sell, specially if they are well done "mesh looking" prims, but I get really annoyed when I place a decoration in my land that is like 13 prims when I could buy a mesh equivalent that would be 1LI. So I think if you can balance the amount of prims used in your builds, might have luck with selling stuff.
  13. I'm finally home ~hugs her avatar and never let it go~
  14. Good day! So I got a very special outfit on the Cosplay Fair and I decided to go full look for this one. So the hair I'm looking for is this one: Any directions?
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