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Drayke Newall

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Everything posted by Drayke Newall

  1. Not sure if you were responding to what I said. Probably weren't but oh well, ill respond anyway. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be able to share inventory items across accounts and that is why I didn't mention that aspect in my post. It would be good for SL as well and is different in what the OP is implying. I am not, in favor of a once off paid transfer of inventory as the OP suggests. What the OP suggests will cause a backlash as LL will be enforcing aspects of their ToS to implement a chargeable service for profit which, despite the op's suggestion, is not what the ToS areas he quoted represent or imply. What he suggest will hurt monetisation due to creators leaving. A sharable account (linked alt) bound inventory would I would dare say be favourable to creators as well. As far as marketplace tax generating more than land revenue, you are probably correct, but the minor fees that LL have proposed I think are not so much a profit move but more a move to resolve ongoing abuse issues. Will it give them extra profit, yes but not enough to remove reliance on Tier of which it will be interesting to see the uptake on super premium and whether that finally breaks the reliance.
  2. I have this problem all the time, have for a while if I am reading what happens to you correct when you log in or go somewhere items are invisible but technically still there. I find this happens to me if I teleport to numerous sims one after the other and then after a while the objects don't rez. That said to fix this issue of items not showing, rather than clicking individual objects you are better off going into wireframe (Ctrl+Shift+R) and then back out of wireframe again. This, at least for me, seems to refresh the entire scene and load all the missing objects.
  3. And yet, those 'Freeloaders' have more power to get LL to bend the knee than the premium members because those freeloaders are the ones that prop up the SL economy more. There is a reason why, when there was an outcry over group numbers being reduced and more given to premium, Tilia etc, etc, LL reversed their policies. Also if you think there wont be flow on effects from inworld revenue systems LL introduce your are kidding yourself. Event Calendar fee changes will see more venues taking those fees from dancers/staff and performers tips. MP items will see a rise in costs to absorb the extra fee (already happening with creators stating they have already done this) which also happened with the last hike. Even the increase in the Linden processing fee saw people who would regularly buy lindens weekly change to buying lindens monthly and the mesh upload fee moved many more creators to uploading to the beta grid first and then once to the main grid. There is no way these minor fee increases are going to remove LL reliance on land based revenue. As for transference of inventory to other alts or mains, never going to happen as it will impact on the economy as well as retention of content creators who will be up in arms about it.
  4. No. The only way you can have someone take one of your objects for good from a sandbox is if you rez it as a no-copy and transferable item and tick the for sale box in the build menu.
  5. Cool, don't think anyone would have thought of that... 🙄 Now please explain how to remove, shrink etc. a LL made wall in the house seeing as your a pro at changing the set Linden Home Floor Plan. But I know why you wouldn't care, you think the Linden Homes are the bees knees.
  6. Motion sickness is not just related to what your eyes perceive it is a myriad of factors mainly involving brain processing within miliseconds as well as the inner ear and muscle movement and the signals they are telling your brain. For AR it would be very rare to get motion sickness to the extent of VR as your body visualises the real world which is a fixed environment so 90% of the world is moving at the correct speed and correct FoV. You don't get motion sickness watching (not moving your head) a fixed spot on the wall and then see a large spider crawl across your view and vice versa with watching the spider (moving your head) with the fixed spot moving across your view. This is what AR is in theory and practically and therefore doesn't cause motion sickness. Motion sickness is caused by the perceived effect of your brain not being able to calculate why your body is still but the scene is moving or why your moving but your surrounding environment isn't moving at the speed it should be. In a car for instance your body is still but your environment is moving and therefore your inner ear, muscles, eyes and brain have a conflict and therefore cause the sickness. Or if you have your eyes looking at your feet in the car your inner ear tells the brain that you are moving at X speed when your eyes are telling the brain that your looking at a static view and your legs aren't moving. The brain then cant process in some people why you have the feeling of moving from the ear when all other sensory systems are telling it that the body is not moving. The reason why VR gives motion sickness is due to it being a closed system whereby 100% of the (generated virtual) environment needs to move precisely at the speed in which the eyes cannot determine the disconnect of your inner ear telling your brain your head is moving at X speed. Therefore using the before mentioned analogy it would mean that the wall, spider and the spot (including any other object in the FoV) ALL need to move at the same speed as your head does otherwise your brain can tell there is an issue due to your inner ear that senses the head moving at x speed saying to your brain that your eyes are lying. Also keep in mind that field of view also comes into play with motion sickness as the eyes have a field of view of over 180 degrees where as VR goggles have 100. Factor also into this that the quality of the scene pixel wise and that the brain processes an image within 13 miliseconds and this is therefore where the desired min. 60fps and 1080p comes into it. This has also been looked into by researchers and they have found that AR and motion sickness is much rarer and the only effect noticed in test subjects as being slight discomfort. https://cris.vtt.fi/en/publications/simulator-sickness-in-augmented-reality-training-using-the-micros
  7. Yep, AR all the way. I can far more foresee a time when people have glasses on (not that terrible google glass) and walk down the street customising their world rather than being tethered to a computer and consequently a 4sqm room. In Australia more and more primary schools are teaching AR instead of VR as it has far more benefits. Going down to the park with friends to play (physical activity) a virtual FPS zombie game where the real world environment (tree's, rocks etc.) are used by the AR system as the cover. Building a building whereby the glasses show faults errors etc. Having an operation where an overlay of an MRI scan is placed on the body so the surgeon can accurately find and fix the issue in real time/vision rather than looking at an image and guessing its location. Sure, VR probably has its place in closed off games etc., but it is more suited to a bygone era and book that has proven time and again since the 80's to not be wanted and makes people sick.
  8. Think this movie beats Beauty and the Beast tv series by say 40 odd years (but do admit he was a little more fluffy on the body): As to the cats movie, think this image sums up what not only what the furry reaction to the terrible CGI would be but also the world reaction:
  9. No that is not how things work, you simply would pay off what your total costs would be and nothing more and would have also wasted 1 years worth of potential improvement of SL that would benefit everyone and not a minority. There are plenty of people in this thread that were in favour and wanting to buy a username change who have stated that they wont now. All to be called whiners. Also what would sell more, "hey all you old residents pay $40 + premium sub and you can get a last name or pay $99 premium sub and you get one for free" or "hey new members signup to SL Premium today and for an extra once off payment of $10 USD on top of your 1 month premium you can get your own unique username" I can tell you now the latter would not only INCREASE their premium signup and potential premium retention but also will make SUBSTANTIAL more profit for them. It all comes down to how they market and implement it as well as how much they charge.
  10. Your post just answers why it is a bad business model. If, as you say, they did this only for those members that want to fix a bad name choice on sign up, then they have spent over a year of resources probably totaling many tens of thousands of dollars implementing a system for a minority without looking at a method in which it could benefit both the majority of users and their profits. If that is the case then, yes, a very bad business model and decision indeed.
  11. Well I and @Jaylinbridges must have one really bugged viewer then as when I search for events using filters (just tried then) I don't get any sex spam and find the events I am looking for quite easily and quickly. Do I get duplicates of the same event for each hour? Yes, but those events all use the same title generally so are easy to distinguish/ignore and an increase in fees will not reduce those duplicates if the venue operators can afford the increase. To reduce duplicates, a better way of handling it than increasing fees would be to alter the UI and just limit the amount of events a club can advertise in a day or make it so they can only advertise their club once and have to show in their one listing the timings they are live. Then have the system search that one entry for those multiple times and show it at those times relevant. But hey, LL need to get money from somewhere so this is a perfect excuse and also their new way of getting people to use premium nothing more. It simply comes down to the UI not being implemented properly.
  12. The entire SL program needs a new UI update. Rumours are it might be getting one in 5 years.
  13. I'm surprised people even think an increase such as this would stop the spam. Just goes to show how out of the loop LL are as far as these things are when they advertise the fee increase reason as a resolution to the spam. Like usual they hurt the genuine people that use it correctly and have no impact on those that don't. Where LL should be updating the whole Event UI they go the simplest non effective route instead. The other issue is SL users seem to be all too lazy to use filters, then think it is acceptable to complain about spam.
  14. No, I still think the forum poll would be better as then that can tie in with the link to Jira. I just mentioned the viewer method as an alternative if a wider non forum user subsection of the userbase was wanted. Who knows to be honest and feel the same way. I fully understand things take time and effort to put in place, however there seems to be a really big disconnect in what LL thinks the user wants and what the userbase wants/needs. Your always going to have those people that love SL as it is and I am glad they are happy with it, but those people wont bring in the new members to keep SL alive especially if competition starts ramping up for virtual worlds as it looks like it may.
  15. Wouldn't know but yes these forums are a minority of residents. That said if there was a poll system and LL created a poll it would be easy enough for an announcement section to be added to the SL login page on the viewer highlighting there is a feature vote in place and click this link to go to it to vote. Or just have the voting system on the viewer login page itself the latter being the better option as it reaches all residents not just those that go to the forums or follow a link. There are countless ways they could implement a feature poll system or highlight upcoming feature discussions all within the viewer login page. Will we see such a thing? I highly doubt it. As you state nothing new for LL. They always go halfway with a new system and never develop it for the start or into something better. I mean its not like its hard for them to make the search page search for display name, they just either cant be bothered or lack the foresight. Windlight is the current prime example of LL implementing a system half way and taking 12 years to do anything meaningful with it. As far as forums go, twitter manage just fine with the username in light grey @username and the display name in bolder black text, so why cant LL do the same in the forums. It already has the @username function built into the posting system.
  16. If they were not intending on allowing new users to use the last name feature from the start they would have been better off adding the name change as a free perk to a higher subscription model to entice them over to it at a later date. This is another mistake on their behalf. There is a better way for them to obtain such information. Move the feature request section to the forums or at least have a feature request on the forums and link it to then post on Jira automatically as well. The first place people go to for any sort of information or to make requests are these forums, only to be told no you have to post it somewhere else on a system designed for bug reports and very complicated for a new (and sometimes older) user to use. This results in either the feature request not being submitted or, if it is, no person from these forums or the userbase itself goes over to Jira to vote on it. By having a feature request section in the forums it will allow users a chance to give their input on a topic much better than Jira that most people only see as a bug report system. These forums also don't, from what I can see, have the usual poll function users can add to their thread.If one was introduced, many of the topics that discussed the username change feature would have been able to add a poll "will you change usernames if last names come back" Yes or No to their thread. This would allow LL to grasp very quickly (with no effort on their behalf other than looking at the forums) how the user consensus is regarding matters rather than having to read through multiple posts and threads or relying on feedback at a VERY small representation of their userbase at in-world meetings. There were plenty of threads within these forums that showed the same result, very few people wanted it and if it was going to be introduced they wanted it to be a reasonable price even giving their own opinion on how much they would be willing to pay. It was ignored. But, as you say we can only wait and see what happens. I'm not convinced though that there will be a large uptake of it as most people now are use to display names and clicking that hide username button in options. Most people, I would dare say, will continue to use display names as if they RP in different RP sims they may change their name to different names regularly of which a $40 fee would make it to restrictive. Usernames and display names are not a new thing and have been around well before LL introduced them. People are quite aware that a username generally results in a random series of letters and they use the display name. They just hide the username. It would be better if at sign up Linden Lab have it so you create your username and also choose a display name from the same page explaining the difference and how they are seen. And yet, I have NEVER seen any evidence in articles or from new users saying they left SL because they don't have a last name or, that long term users are leaving second life 'cause they don't have a last name. Even those people demanding the last name change up till now are still around and stuck around for over 9 years since their removal. Because of this small vocal group LL took over 1 year of resources to put into place a system that has had no evidenced effect on user retention and consequently areas that do effect user retention such as the viewer complexity, land price, mainland emptiness, optimisation, destination guide, lack of inworld mesh creation etc. are put to the side to gather dust to appease a minority. LL have no one else to blame but themselves for any backlash or lack of uptake of a feature if they go with a vocal group and not evidenced based fact of user retention statistics.
  17. And over inflating those prices for no particular reason and against your clients expectations locks out potential customers from spending that money and increasing your profits. Its the same reason why the adage old saying of get 3 quotes still exists. If I create a program perk like the username change and my total cost for production including all overheads is $1000 and when it goes live it is fully automated needing no more additional cost to maintain and I price that perk at $40 I lock out many of my userbase due to the high cost meaning the uptake of it will be low. Sure it will pay for the production cost fast but it will not provide any substantial long term profit. If however, I charge $10 for the same item, sure it will take me longer to pay off my production cost, however due to there being no extra cost after I pay off my costs it will also mean that I engage a much larger segment of my userbase with the possibility of repeat purchases from the same user and consequently have a much higher profit turnover long term as more can afford it and more will use it. There is nothing wrong with increasing prices, but increasing prices beyond what your customer base expects, you will end up with a large backlash as has been the case with this price leak. I have no idea how LL came up with this figure and all I can think of is it is high for security reasons due to how the system doesn't add the username back into the pool. That said, with the amount of threads since the announcement of the project they should have had enough data from those only to gauge how much their userbase were willing to spend on such a thing (most posts were $10 - 20) and they missed the mark tremendously. Business's don't go out of business because they didn't increase their prices, businesses go out of business because they overprice something outside of consumer expectations or willingness to buy or, they charge too little for those prices and cant cover their overheads because they have to charge a lower price to sell them due to customer expectations and/or competition. Whilst yes LL have overheads and do need to increase their products every now and then, this perk is a create and forget system that is fully automated once implemented and therefore charging $40 for it is expensive and unnecessary. Unless it seriously is a person changing each username and the $40 is his wage.
  18. Something about abnormally large mall rats possibly being the cause of malls closing across America and now have also inundated into SL causing issues for Virtual Malls as well.
  19. Quite true and is why I'm more in favor of regular bonus payments as they wont have such a dramatic effect on the market than a weekly increase. That said, there are always viable money sinks available for LL to introduce to offset any potential issues that may come about such as increasing the partner listing from its low L$20 (if I remember correct) or as I previously mentioned removing the time restriction on display name changing and make that a L$ payment instead. If only banks that were removed from SL were replaced instead by one LL managed in world and governed by them as well as far as interest and fees go. Would add a new dynamic into SL as well as allow for some method of increasing the strip-end and L$ for basic users through interest without necessarily impacting on the market due to the fees that can be put in place. But I am also aware they were removed for a reason.
  20. LOL I didn't derail the thread. If you want to blame someone blame Chel Boxon, then ChinRey for replying, then Jaylinbridges, etc, etc. Also you are wrong I don't need to start a new thread to say (or debate) this person is wrong in their statement of justification for increased fees to the events calendar because of x,y,z please read that thread first then come to my new thread to say whether you believe it to be as well. It is part of the evolution of a forum debate a person argues they think something is justified due to x and another person says it isn't because your evidence is wrong. I can just picture it now Ancient rome: Senator Maximus proposes an event tax increase to cover romes ever increasing cost of living using evidence provided by Senator Aurelius that "this here parchment shows we pay more rent than Pompeii". Senator Lucius, rightfully so stands up and shows his parchment that clearly says Pompeii is actually #1. Senator Maximus is furious at this "this is no place for proving me wrong about our reasons for increasing our events tax, go argue in the marketplace as you are derailing my speech". But hey, if it helps I will bow out of the thread even though I did nothing wrong.
  21. Still is, they were saying that they didn't mind the charge as SF is so expensive therefore any increase in fees LL propose is justifiable. I provided evidence to the contrary. EDIT: ie I debated in a forum. You mean to say this isn't what a forums is for? Tell the romans quick they made a mistake in their language.
  22. Try again https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/worlds-most-expensive-cities-2019/index.html SF sits comfortably at number 25 whereas NY is 7. But thing with expensive city reports is one says one thing another says different. I find it hard to believe that a city jumped from 25 to 1 in 1 year. Maybe in land price it could be but certainly not cost of living.
  23. A good idea in theory however, how big a space will this museum take up or are we talking a very basic display showing the unreliable LOD SL upload system and a couple of objects that look near identical? I mean a prim cube textured looks no different to a mesh one. The Ivory tower is rather small and tall but not only does it show what prims are but also shows how to use the basic prim system and create something. A mesh one though would have to be insanely big if it was to be the same as the ivory tower or offer any valuable optimisation information. For example, which software are you going to showcase as part of this tutorial in the museum? Wouldn't this then bias against those that don't know that program. How are you going to showcase the correct way to optimise mesh? Will you show how to correctly UV map or Texture create accordingly? Which you will also have the issue of which program do you use as the tutorial etc. Don't get me wrong I like the idea and think something is needed in world to explain mesh in relation to SL, but I think it would be better if a substantial chunk of the museum was about how to create optimised content which isn't just LOD or here is a nice cube. This brings its own issues regarding software etc. Script one sounds good to as I would love to learn LSL.
  24. To be honest I am so glad Amazon really hasn't taken off in Australia to the point it has in America. I'm sure it will eventually but as it stands we still have shopping malls everywhere here, of which are regularly crowded though stores in them do close regularly due to high rent. EDIT: I don't think a mall has ever closed down anywhere near me or in the entire state I live.
  25. That's all well and good but once again the Premium Plus package will more than likely be geared towards a generic existing userbase. All it will be is some extra bonuses to long term existing members and nothing for the new user to bite their teeth into. If the package they offer already isn't enough with basic users outnumbering premium by a large amount then I highly doubt a more expensive premium will entice more people to become premium unless there are some major benefits like shared inventory across accounts or the ability to buy a homestead without a full region. The yearly steps you showed in your example are way to far apart for any type of reason to stay on premium for that long. They would be better off with a increasing bonus reward that is rewarded at a x2 monthly rate e.g. $1000L at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc months with possibly increasing the bonus amount at those intervals as well. The name change was a good way for them to entice people onto the current premium if it was offered for a reasonable price but at $40 that wont entice many onto a subscription at all especially new users. They would have been better off creating the name change as part of a newer higher cost premium package as opposed to an additional cost on top (which will always be a hard sell) or having it as a separate non premium required item which even if they left it at $40 would offer far more potential income to a larger userbase whilst also giving the current basic users a "hey we appreciate you so you can name change too" tone over trying to market a premium package and then additional cost on top of that. They also need to break the subscription model into sections providing for the new user, merchant, creator, sim owner, ultimate user. This means that the new user can get into the subscription model at a low cost with what they need to encourage them to stay in SL and make it value for money which it isn't at the moment (as I showed in my post above). Then, because the subscription model is tiered it will allow the basic premium to be upgraded by the new user to whatever that user has found they like about second life, that being either creating, making money, socialising through sim creation, a combination of all or stay on the basic premium if they just want to socialise. I would gladly go onto premium again if they offered the strip-end and house for $5 without all the other bonuses (which I would never use or need) as then I wouldn't be able to get a parcel of land (irrespective of prim allowance) and the strip end cheaper. What is the point of a premium package if you can get the main items at the same cost as the price for a sub. Sandboxes these days are also pointless as with the need to upload mesh from outside of SL any creator that wants to fiddle with LI and LOD will go to the beta grid first as it is cheaper. If mesh creation was in world then sure sandboxes would be full again with people building like they did when there was no mesh, but as it stands sandboxes are primarily used by residents to socialise whilst having the ability to rez stuff while they do. This shows how out of touch LL are with their userbase if they think having a sandbox will be used for creation.
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