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  1. Thank you for all the information JSeesaw, that's good to hear that there is a way to do it. Questions if you don't mind: * Does that mean the creator just sends you raw screenshots, price, category, perms (I do use a photoshop template for my ads) and then you put it together, create text and post it till review? * Paying is done either as a monthly sum payment(guessing for big creators), by items ($/$L per item ?) or % of sale (the 10% fee)? Just trying to get a grasp on it, sometimes I make 1 item per week, sometimes it's 3 or 4 depending on what I'm working on but mostly during winter months but who knows with a manager, I could make more during the year. I would also love to hear other points of view and experiences. Thank you
  2. I love to create models and have a bit over 150 items but hate making the ads (screenshots, text etc, the models and textures are in SL at that point). I'm always behind and it often becomes the reason why I stop posting/making new models (it's been over a year now and still have a few in my inv I haven't posted). I know it may seem strange but I just wanted to know if anyone else uses a listing poster and if so, how do you do it, what setup do you have, how much do you pay, is it safe ? Thank you for any help. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/179004
  3. Thank you! Crazy that SL wouldn't make it possible to set a pivot point in game or use the original mesh pivot point, but am new to working with SL so it works for now. Thank you very much for your help!
  4. Thank you for the reply, this is what I thought, I did read about creating a different state and then animating them with alpha but that would mean way too many tris and much higher LI hehe. Can you set the rotation point in SL ? for now I have the rotation axel set to the right spot in blender, just wondering if this matters once in game.
  5. I am trying to understand animation for meshes. Say if I export a simple box from blender which is one object with 2 materials, this will create 2 faces on my box in SL (one for the top, and one for the rest of the box) that I can texture separately. Can I animate that top to open up like a door/ or do I have to have export it from blender as 2 object selected together (linked once imported to SL). Thank you for the help
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