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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. Yes of course, this is just another "tell". I mean in reality for the paranoid drama-loving people who this bothers so much, they'll go straight to a scripted tool to stalk your online/offline habits. No question about it.
  2. At least we can start a new game...Who's posts disappear-est the most-est! The more innocuous your post, the more points you get!
  3. If you turn off someone's ability to see you online via the friends list, you drop off the list of friends listed on the secondlife.com web site until you turn it back on and so people can deduce what you have done that way.
  4. This may be difficult to believe but I have never to my knowledge ever been banned from a club. So either I am going to all the right places or I manage to deduce on the first visit which clubs are the wrong places to return to a second time.
  5. No but I will admit to dressing up last year in that demon costume you saw me in at one of the sales, pretending to be part of the halloween exhibit in one of the Bellisseria parks and frightening people who didn't know I wasn't a bot. The devilry of it was a sheer delight.
  6. I feel embarrassed on behalf of the idiots who do this and who ought to be deeply ashamed about their behaviour.
  7. Without a doubt there have been some fantastic creepy/horror/post-apocalyptic even creepy sci-fi regions that I have loved and there still are some or was last time I looked. Those seem so very far from the present day concept of Halloween to me though which seems focused on cutesy stuff to a large degree. The vampire clans are interesting for sure but that isn't really my type of vampire thing and there is a lot of drama.
  8. No you were thinking of me and are correct. I'm definitely a vamp. The Halloween holiday is just so crass and cheesy (in my opinion) that it makes me cringe. There really isn't anything redeemable about it in my mind. Some of those vamp sims ended up being crass and cheesy too. There were some good ones though.
  9. I think that's the thing that LL is trying to address here though with the ALM proposal, that everyone should see as closely as possible the same thing for a more shared experience.
  10. It's best just to call billing and sort it out with them. Any answers you get here are not official, we are just residents like you. What LL might do could vary depending on a variety of factors we have no knowledge of.
  11. If people hate ban lines they ain't gonna be feeling well disposed to people putting up pay lines and subsequently unlikely to pay up I would think.
  12. You might want to read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anecdotal_evidence Excerpts: "Anecdotal evidence is evidence based only on personal observation" "When compared to other types of evidence, anecdotal evidence is generally regarded as limited in value"
  13. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/most Most, majority => the difference if there is one isn't one to quibble about.
  14. I got into planes because I would see them being flown around by others or parked at airports and thought I wouldn't mind having a go at flying one of those. So I started with a freebie and went from there. As others have said, flying a plane (or any other flying vehicle) can be rewarding and I find it so. There is still some skill at becoming a proficient flyer but I like that it isn't very realistic, it keeps it accessible to anyone and makes casual flying more enjoyable. It's a great way to travel in SL and so much better these days than it ever was due to the vast areas of flyable regions available. I like it that much I even made my own tiny airstrip which is open to the public. You can find it on my profile picks.
  15. I completely agree with this and it sucks for anyone who cannot afford to buy another computer but those devices are living on borrowed time anyway. You could well ask "What would happen if their laptop died tomorrow?". Nothing lasts forever.
  16. On one hand I hate the idea of anyone being blocked from using SL as things move forward but on the other what is a reasonable amount of time to expect a computer to be able to run something like SL? The Core 2 Duo example from earlier in the topic is a good thing for people think about. Is a low-spec 11 years old laptop really still reasonable? 11 years is a good run. 11 years ago iOS was on v4.2.1 and Android on v2.3 (Gingerbread) and I would place a bet that very few phones/tablets from that time are still in use today. So people are generally OK with moving forward on phones, etc. Why should laptops be different?
  17. I agree with this, as was stated previously, only LL has the numbers on this and really know. To be fair to @Paul Hexem though the person he was responding to was also falling into the trap of thinking they know what the majority use-case is.
  18. I'm grateful for many things both in RL and SL but if I have to pick one and make it about SL it would be that I am very grateful for TPVs and particularly the Firestorm viewer.
  19. I've always have media turned off since it was introduced. Seems I was right to do so. I don't feel as though I've missed out on anything crucial.
  20. I must admit to liking that Bellisseria is one place in SL that cannot have tipjars. It's one place where it clearly works due to it's popularity. I'm not generally against people being paid though, quite the opposite. However, in the case of DJ's for example, I've found myself over the years disliking more and more the seemingly ever-increasing frequency of the calls for people to show their L$ appreciation that happens at so many other events on the grid. There are plenty enough of places to go and get paid via tips in my opinion. I'd be fine with the idea of paying for someone's services if I hosted an event and needed those services to make it work but that would be my choice to fund it and I wouldn't expect my guests to necessarily even be aware of the arrangement or to try to recoup that fee from my guests in any way. I think Bellisseria should be predominately about being fun for all involved and not primarily about getting paid, if someone does not want to do it for the fun because they can only see it as a job, I'd be fine with that too.
  21. Yes, this is what I was getting at too. Everything can more easily be kept in theme and there is no churn to venues coming and going.
  22. Posted to hopefully make you smile rather than annoy.
  23. All I see in what you quoted is someone saying that hardware is designed to run at 100% 24/7 to make a point and not that they actually were running it that way. Thanks, we good then?
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